
Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 3:20:43

Orkin. Just because I wouldn’t send you booty hole pics doesn’t mean we/me or us are racist.



Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 2:05:44

You can have more than 4? I’m always the last to know

Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 1:59:33

Orkin, I called you “torpedo dikk” 1 time after your relentless gay personal assaults for 2 years straight. This level of trolling is a bit much. I can deal with your snarky jokes and jabs, but attacking our members as a whole? Nah

Not sure what your problem is, but I’m sure the condition has a very long word associated with it. Get well soon.

Edited By: Doug on Apr 21st 2023, 2:01:59

Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 14:38:19

Awww hi Soviet :-)

Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 13:52:43

Originally posted by Requiem:
Knowledge is a form of awareness or familiarity. It is often understood as awareness of facts or as practical skills, and may also mean familiarity with objects or situations. Knowledge of facts, also called propositional knowledge, is often defined as true belief that is distinct from opinion or guesswork by virtue of justification. While there is wide agreement among philosophers that propositional knowledge is a form of true belief, many controversies in philosophy focus on justification: whether it is needed at all, how to understand it, and whether something else besides it is needed. These controversies intensified due to a series of thought experiments by Edmund Gettier and have provoked various alternative definitions. Some of them deny that justification is necessary and suggest alternative criteria while others accept that justification is an essential aspect and formulate additional requirements.

Knowledge can be produced in many different ways. The most important source of empirical knowledge is perception, which is the usage of the senses. Many theorists also include introspection as a source of knowledge, not of external physical objects, but of one's own mental states. Other sources often discussed include memory, rational intuition, inference, and testimony. According to foundationalism, some of these sources are basic in the sense that they can justify beliefs without depending on other mental states. This claim is rejected by coherentists, who contend that a sufficient degree of coherence among all the mental states of the believer is necessary for knowledge. According to infinitism, an infinite chain of beliefs is needed.

Many different aspects of knowledge are investigated, and it plays a role in various disciplines. It is the primary subject of the field of epistemology, which studies what someone knows, how they come to know it, and what it means to know something. The problem of the value of knowledge concerns the question of why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Philosophical skepticism is the thesis that humans lack any form of knowledge or that knowledge is impossible. Formal epistemology studies, among other things, the rules governing how knowledge and related states behave and in what relations they stand to each other. Science tries to acquire knowledge using the scientific method, which is based on repeatable experimentation, observation, and measurement. Many religions hold that humans should seek knowledge and that God or the divine is the source of knowledge.

This is where KoH says TL:DR

and they said MY 1 post was too long? lol Req beat me! Now what!

Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 2:12:49

That being said Coalie’s dirty little mind is a myth. I’ve tried using… whoaaaa wait… nm

Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 2:11:50

Originally posted by major:
this was funny

Was trying to be the good Will ambassador and lighten things up a bit. But thank you sir! :-)

Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 2:10:23

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
May all the heathens lead a hellish life :P

Sui's Abba song when he thinks of me

"I close my eyes
And my twilight images go by
All too soon
Like an angel passing through my room"

......... with a sammich

Every post on these forums shall now end with "with a sammich"

........with a sammich

Since it’s not mod abuse this set… SHUT UP LADY!!!!


Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 1:28:28

Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug’s fav drink is pineapple and I think I know why

Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with personality.


Doug Game profile


Apr 18th 2023, 1:27:50

Wait what?

Doug Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 22:11:04

“dancing queen…” lol

Wait.. I REALLY shouldn’t be the one singing that…

Edited By: Doug on Apr 17th 2023, 22:13:46

Doug Game profile


Apr 16th 2023, 6:42:37

Take your hats off I’m about to say the g*d damned prayer for fuxors sake!

And now a reading from the Book of Moron.

Dear god and/or (preferred belief)

Umm uhhh we walk through the valley of death we will feel no virgins, our staffs in our hands for 59 days and nights. Protect the degenerates amongst us.

Amen and all that other happy horse shxt

Doug Game profile


Apr 15th 2023, 23:43:09

KoH lol I did it 1 time! To break the tension after the set. I made 1 long post once in a set and now I’m branded like some cheap slxt.. wait… nm

Doug Game profile


Apr 15th 2023, 14:27:01

Oh please lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 22:44:33

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Backroom discussions, amongst the participants after the formal meeting, arrived at a conclusion that Doug and Blackhole will have their countries destroyed set-after-set until they stop writing long azz post.

Sui - I was giving 1 end of set summary of the leadership peace summit. You know I never post like that. Y’all missed all the fun of this. My apologies. lol

Nah he was joking too. I think you missed it. Lol

I know he was joking.... he knows I was's the game we agreed on.....our effort to keep the pot stirred

-giggles- 😏

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 20:44:23

I’m glad some of you enjoyed this, and it was like an old what are those called? Celebrity roast? But as the last day knowing full well the hostilities aren’t over felt we could laugh for a moment as I never post like that or spam a lot. So to those who were kind thanks. To those who didn’t get it? I don’t know how to help you. LOL


Good luck next set

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 19:28:49

Originally posted by Joe:
Official video of the leader of imag has been found

The mere fact you watched that makes me question your medications. lol :-)

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 14:15:00

Originally posted by Prime:
Originally posted by Doug:
.. . Apparently someone thought I had a “high approval rating” ...

Someone lied to you.

Sounds about right lol

The parts of your attendance at the peace talks were blacked out, redacted and restricted by the ICC. Hmmmm

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 10:59:01

Originally posted by Gerdler:
For those who can read, this is was funny as hell haha.

wr&wp doug! :)

Thanks Gerdler lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 10:58:29

Originally posted by Murf:
Long post but entertaining

I wanted to include all members of the war and be shorter. I never post like that but it was like a celebrity roast. My bad everyone. lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 10:36:48

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Backroom discussions, amongst the participants after the formal meeting, arrived at a conclusion that Doug and Blackhole will have their countries destroyed set-after-set until they stop writing long azz post.

Sui - I was giving 1 end of set summary of the leadership peace summit. You know I never post like that. Y’all missed all the fun of this. My apologies. lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 9:59:02

The EE High commissioner contacted me last month to inquire if I would hold top secret peace negotiations with all clans top leadership. Apparently someone thought I had a “high approval rating” another suggested my neutral “analysis” of subjects at hand were fair, honest and open minded. The EE high commissioner asked if I would host, arbitrate, negotiate and be the chief diplomat. We met at a secret location in Geneva.

Randomly I chose a new or old returning member pretending to be new LOL to give an opening speech. That person was BlackHole. He was advised he had 30 minutes for an opening statement. 17 hours later he concluded. All 37,000 pages were carefully transcribed by Link into a 1 page summary.

Many clans had supporters clash outside the security permitted maintained by Galleri. She knew the Hague was nearby and was ready to send anyone to the golouge.

We began with food and copious amounts of alcohol and I suggested leaders drink as much as possible. Gerdler was present, 16 file folders, spreadsheets, and laser pointers to which paramedics were called as he attempted to blind getafix. Getafix has been on hallucinogenic drugs all day in preparing for the summit the plan back fired and he kept saying “wild man, just wild”

Big P was sexually looking at the warm apple pie to be served for dessert, and kept repeating “those bastards” -

Dark Demon was present with symba, and tried to sneak coalie in with a carry on bag. Galleri as head of security with Martian quickly removed them to the protester area with a warning. (She was bribed by feet pics rather than be thrown in the Hague)

Superfly came down with a 14 day flu, which miraculous got better a few days sooner and he too was in the protester area.

Taker was brought in by Ratski - when Ratski wouldn’t leave the meeting after urinating on a 400 year old portrait of David now banned in the US - he too was swiftly removed.

Apocalypses leadership were the best behaved of the bunch and were a pleasure to have until all of a sudden alarms went off, search lights lit the summits castle location, galleri yelling at Martian “ZACKS HERE! He’s breeched the wall!!!l

The hounds and team of peacekeepers searched high and low as we sheltered in place. But Zack was nowhere to be found.

I then yield time to gerdler once again but due to his insomnia he didn’t blink! Ever! I again stopped the meeting for medical personnel to check him out. After he said “I’m fine goddamnittt get away from me” he without notice AB’d the peaceful protesters outside.

All parties were searched for weapons but his tank drivers were dressed as civilians, and drag queens (not from Florida)

After a brief 2 hour break wfuch we all slept, some TOGETHER, but I signed paperwork not allowing me to disclose who I slept with…. Or I mean who slept with whom. After the nap we woke up to see TMAC and Evo, dead. Rumors flew off corruption charges and something about bank accounts in the grand Cayman Islands.

We had dessert, but then realized it was that warm apple pie big p was looking at. Chaos, vomiting and the place was trashed.

QZ came in to inquire how well I handled the peace summit. But after looking at the bill for the castle damage, the glued on “penis” of David which some woke member removed, security prices and his bill for electricity, strippers, (which I disapproved of) and alcohol I was told I had 1 job… be a diplomat, not be the president of the AARP frat house.

There’s much more and people included but I figured I’d just give you the top sheet summary unless more was required. On this last day of the set, it was kept secret. The peace talks failed. Draw whatever conclusion you might from this breakdown of the peace talks for next set.

Ps. There were several arrests. Requiem, Superfly and Coalie for disorderly conduct and public nudity and attempts to do things to themselves that I do believe are physically impossible and I’m very familiar with the male anatomy.

Edited By: Doug on Apr 13th 2023, 10:06:32

Doug Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 9:30:31

Congrats duff. When they made me Secretary of State/VP I think Drow and Requiem both said “who the hell let Doug by that?!!!” At least you’re welcome up the top spot is a bit sweeter… Mr. President! Good luck!

Doug Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 1:09:31

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Coalie:

Yes dear?

I came here to say good analysis!

Stellar analysis

Doug Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 1:06:01

Originally posted by Coalie:

Yes dear?

Doug Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 1:00:56

I get called faxxot, butt f’r, poofta in private message all the time and I’ve not once reported Martian for doing it!! ROFL

I’ve never seen so many power bottoms in my life! That being said his comment was over the top? I guess that’s that mods call. (Which it is) It all depends on if some mods have had a bran muffin that morning.

If we don’t harass the mods they’d probably wouldn’t have reasons to flare up. But personally I don’t see that comment as over the top buiuuuuut again that’s a mods prerogative.

Edited By: Doug on Apr 12th 2023, 1:05:35

Doug Game profile


Apr 5th 2023, 22:59:35

LMAO - I’m already liking this guy

Doug Game profile


Apr 5th 2023, 22:15:55

He just called Big P pompous lol awwww poor P. LOL

But nonetheless welcome back. And if you’re talking about Grumpyoldmam, he’s played with pdm since the beginning, we took a long break and are back here. Hope you find a suitable home!

Doug Game profile


Apr 5th 2023, 20:34:34

Originally posted by Duff:
please stop the posts regarding my cancer lets just all enjoy playing the game its no big deal about the cancer and what LAF did it was a legit response and i have no hard feelings over it its been a privilege and an honour to play this game with yous all including retired players so i intend to keep playing un till the end :-)

Wow… Truly a classy response. Maybe others could take notes here. I don’t even know the guy really. #Respect

Doug Game profile


Apr 5th 2023, 18:52:34

Big old mean war lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 21:55:57

Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Buch:
Why is mine changed and who changed it?

One of them pus sy laf facks reporting me or what?

Don't leave us that didn't see it hanging...what was the name???

Also this....

Black Hole don't click on the link, too graphic for you.

It was eat my ass laf...

It was just a friendly invitation no harm meant.

-perks up-

Doug Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 19:46:43

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Doug:
For the record. After talking to Tmac, we thought a war dec would be funny coming from us on April fools day. I then realized the drama and palace intrigue around here lately would miss the “fun” of it and it would turn into a shxt show. So yes, I asked for it to be removed before someone came along and turned something fun into an argument or debate. And that’s what Tmac and I did not want to see happen. Also, we have a few folks that don’t speak English well, and I did not want someone from either side firing at one another missing the “prank” of April fools as not every culture celebrates it.

It's time to be honest with them dougster. Someone may have shared info regarding LaF and their treacherous and cowardly FS against tmac&friends. That someone is a caring and honest folk. The declaration of war was really a warning to Evo. If only to buy a little time prepping defense/walling. It looks like you are the last decent player this game has left. God bless and good luck

As I said, at first, I thought a war dec would be funny, or switching leadership for the day. Then I realized I have 3 languages in PDM. I didn’t want them misunderstanding and not understanding April fools. This was innocently done, and before drama unfolded with other clans. I felt the joke and fun of April fools would be missed and the focus would be on items we had nothing to do with.

Also for the record I was going to make the same April Fools joke to table4two and monsters but didn’t see him online.

The drama that unfolded after my April fools joke and the language barrier prompted me to ask the post be removed allowing PDM to remain neutral and friends with many players in many clans. As we have been and would like to continue to be.

Gonzo was that a compliment of a diss? lol

Edited By: Doug on Apr 3rd 2023, 20:00:21

Doug Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 19:13:09

Joe that was my first thought! Like oh hell someone will miss the joke and fire away! Then other drama unfolded and I just wanted to avoid any other issues. Tmac and I were thinking of changing leadership like me take over evo or him Pdm then we thought a funny war dec. But then a bunch of noise broke out and I didn’t want it to be a huge mess. But it was funny lol

Doug Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 18:46:35

For the record. After talking to Tmac, we thought a war dec would be funny coming from us on April fools day. I then realized the drama and palace intrigue around here lately would miss the “fun” of it and it would turn into a shxt show. So yes, I asked for it to be removed before someone came along and turned something fun into an argument or debate. And that’s what Tmac and I did not want to see happen. Also, we have a few folks that don’t speak English well, and I did not want someone from either side firing at one another missing the “prank” of April fools as not every culture celebrates it.

Doug Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:14:47

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:
Oh my….


Not to be confused with Anal Cist

Heh he said anal session!

Doug Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 6:42:31

Am I the only leader here in the dark hetr? Who or what is a Pat?

Edited By: Doug on Apr 2nd 2023, 6:52:50

Doug Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 5:12:22

Originally posted by BigP:
...and here I thought Doug wrote long posts lol

Hey now! Damn man, I thought I was good. He needs a book deal! Dude makes me look like the guy who writes the cliff notes version around here! I do admire his “watamolonous.” (Robin Williams Movie Quote)

Edited By: Doug on Apr 2nd 2023, 5:40:19

Doug Game profile


Apr 1st 2023, 22:13:14

Oh my….