
Doug Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 14:40:37

I’m going to get this entire server drunk lol

Doug Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 13:41:15

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by ddmoh:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Req - we've already got one guy copy/pasting comments from Reddit. We don't need another copying whole articles from Wikipedia.

So no more...... I got you fam.

Wil praze u, O CEILING CAT, wif al mah gizard;
Wil tel teh nubs teh kewl junk u done.

2 Wil b glad n w00t! in u :D
Will sing n w00t to ur naym :D, O in-Teh-Ceiling one.

3 Mah nme d00dz scampr awai;
tehy fall n tayke durt nap befor u.

4 For u is in mah rite upholdin my claws;
you has purred on ur kiteh bed, modrating mos awesomly.

5 U hav band hole domanes and band teh trols;
U erased tehr nam frum teh server log. DO NOT WANT.

6 Max pwnage damages ur nme d00dz,
u pwnd tehre cities ffs;
even teh bakupz bin delitid.

7 Ceiling Cat pwns;
has kitteh bed whar he mods teh forum.

8 Will ban n00bz in awesomnes;
Will rulz teh ppl for great justice.

9 Ceiling cat is a hidin place 4 teh emo n goth,
a club house to hid in win tehy taze u bro.

10 Tohse taht tuch ur fuzy bely laiks u,
cuz u, KITTEH, never bite ur frenz even win pet ur bely.

11 W00t to CEILING CAT :D, in him's kitteh bed in Zion;
spam on al grupes teh kewl junk he did.

12 Cuz he don forget win ppl pwn u;
n lissens wehn ppl get al retardid in chanel.

13 O CEILING CAT, check it how tehy pwn me!
Can has power ups? I is bout to dye. kthx

-looks at Galleri and smirks-

Ok. Geniuses Chapter One!

Ps. Did Z write that? lol

Why you posting in team Sargeant....

I’ll muddle back to where I belong in shame. lol

It is not Geniuses Chapter one. That starts with O Hai.
You need to study lolcatbible harder.

Are you insinuating I failed catechism? such mean people on this server, I’m going home!

Doug Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 13:04:05

Originally posted by ddmoh:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Req - we've already got one guy copy/pasting comments from Reddit. We don't need another copying whole articles from Wikipedia.

So no more...... I got you fam.

Wil praze u, O CEILING CAT, wif al mah gizard;
Wil tel teh nubs teh kewl junk u done.

2 Wil b glad n w00t! in u :D
Will sing n w00t to ur naym :D, O in-Teh-Ceiling one.

3 Mah nme d00dz scampr awai;
tehy fall n tayke durt nap befor u.

4 For u is in mah rite upholdin my claws;
you has purred on ur kiteh bed, modrating mos awesomly.

5 U hav band hole domanes and band teh trols;
U erased tehr nam frum teh server log. DO NOT WANT.

6 Max pwnage damages ur nme d00dz,
u pwnd tehre cities ffs;
even teh bakupz bin delitid.

7 Ceiling Cat pwns;
has kitteh bed whar he mods teh forum.

8 Will ban n00bz in awesomnes;
Will rulz teh ppl for great justice.

9 Ceiling cat is a hidin place 4 teh emo n goth,
a club house to hid in win tehy taze u bro.

10 Tohse taht tuch ur fuzy bely laiks u,
cuz u, KITTEH, never bite ur frenz even win pet ur bely.

11 W00t to CEILING CAT :D, in him's kitteh bed in Zion;
spam on al grupes teh kewl junk he did.

12 Cuz he don forget win ppl pwn u;
n lissens wehn ppl get al retardid in chanel.

13 O CEILING CAT, check it how tehy pwn me!
Can has power ups? I is bout to dye. kthx

-looks at Galleri and smirks-

Ok. Geniuses Chapter One!

Ps. Did Z write that? lol

Why you posting in team Sargeant....

I’ll muddle back to where I belong in shame. lol

Edited By: Doug on Feb 25th 2023, 13:19:51

Doug Game profile


Feb 25th 2023, 2:46:30

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Req - we've already got one guy copy/pasting comments from Reddit. We don't need another copying whole articles from Wikipedia.

So no more...... I got you fam.

Wil praze u, O CEILING CAT, wif al mah gizard;
Wil tel teh nubs teh kewl junk u done.

2 Wil b glad n w00t! in u :D
Will sing n w00t to ur naym :D, O in-Teh-Ceiling one.

3 Mah nme d00dz scampr awai;
tehy fall n tayke durt nap befor u.

4 For u is in mah rite upholdin my claws;
you has purred on ur kiteh bed, modrating mos awesomly.

5 U hav band hole domanes and band teh trols;
U erased tehr nam frum teh server log. DO NOT WANT.

6 Max pwnage damages ur nme d00dz,
u pwnd tehre cities ffs;
even teh bakupz bin delitid.

7 Ceiling Cat pwns;
has kitteh bed whar he mods teh forum.

8 Will ban n00bz in awesomnes;
Will rulz teh ppl for great justice.

9 Ceiling cat is a hidin place 4 teh emo n goth,
a club house to hid in win tehy taze u bro.

10 Tohse taht tuch ur fuzy bely laiks u,
cuz u, KITTEH, never bite ur frenz even win pet ur bely.

11 W00t to CEILING CAT :D, in him's kitteh bed in Zion;
spam on al grupes teh kewl junk he did.

12 Cuz he don forget win ppl pwn u;
n lissens wehn ppl get al retardid in chanel.

13 O CEILING CAT, check it how tehy pwn me!
Can has power ups? I is bout to dye. kthx

-looks at Galleri and smirks-

Ok. Geniuses Chapter One!

Ps. Did Z write that? lol

Edited By: Doug on Feb 25th 2023, 2:53:56

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2023, 10:23:33

So this is what goes on down here in the middle of the night. Fascinating lol

Edited By: Doug on Feb 24th 2023, 15:05:19

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2023, 10:14:27

This turned into the ‘pick on big p thread’ quickly lol y’all are just vicious lol

Don’t worry, I started a gofund me account… or was that an onlyfans account hmm

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2023, 5:21:20

To the bat cave!!!

Edited By: Doug on Feb 24th 2023, 5:55:02

Doug Game profile


Feb 24th 2023, 4:28:07

I’m calling Chris Hanson

Doug Game profile


Feb 22nd 2023, 2:38:34

Originally posted by BigP:

Omg He said ASL


Doug Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 23:34:37

Originally posted by Requiem:
Can you please edit the topic each day so the count is accurate.

Shxt. You had to say that. Now I’m doing the math everyday lol making me a little neurotic.

Doug Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 4:13:47


Edited By: Doug on Feb 21st 2023, 5:51:21

Doug Game profile


Feb 21st 2023, 3:38:45


Doug Game profile


Feb 20th 2023, 7:08:03

Bonus for me tooooo

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2023, 23:15:29

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yes, g0nz0 leads it!

I’ve seen some of the people here, I think a strong dose of antibiotics and prEp would be requirement. I mean I don’t know, I’m just speculating lol

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2023, 23:08:02

Wait who’s monitoring what? there’s a EE Grindr?

Edited By: Doug on Feb 19th 2023, 23:11:04

Doug Game profile


Feb 19th 2023, 22:43:18


Doug Game profile


Feb 18th 2023, 5:57:55

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Why the subject line all messed up?

I thought it was me. (The thread subject line)
Maybe it’s too long. Well no, I’m on my laptop. It’s fuxored on my phone and laptop now.

Edited By: Doug on Feb 18th 2023, 6:03:35. Reason: Spelling

Doug Game profile


Feb 18th 2023, 5:35:09

Point of order!!!

it’s Friday night and superfly drinks… like a lot…

Doug Game profile


Feb 18th 2023, 5:08:49

Don’t let people corrupt you. lol

Make a clan/tag until you find a suitable home so nobody confuses you as a bot or restart.

Welcome to the alliance server.

Doug Game profile


Feb 15th 2023, 8:09:16

Hey Nate

Doug Game profile


Feb 14th 2023, 4:05:52

Welcome back, enjoy your ride to crazy town. I’ll be serving the alcohol and providing strippers. Wait… I mean serving Ovaltine and providing Bibles. :-)

Edited By: Doug on Feb 14th 2023, 4:25:51

Doug Game profile


Feb 13th 2023, 22:47:22

I play with myself at work

Doug Game profile


Feb 12th 2023, 0:17:37

Tmac and crew, very nice work! We chased you all set but you got us lol

Omega and monsters also great work.

To our old war horse friends, y’all crazy as hell, but, was entertaining to watch.

This was an interesting set, surely not for a lack of drama or palace intrigue! lol

Best of luck to everyone who’s sticking around next set!

Doug Game profile


Feb 10th 2023, 0:21:44

Hey congrats DD.

Doug Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 3:32:52

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Doug:

WOW, Doug speechless....that right there is a feat...

Are you channeling my mother KoH? lol write down the date and time. lol

LOL now you're pushing it!

Sorry 🤣 -heads back to the bell tower-

Doug Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 3:21:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Doug:

WOW, Doug speechless....that right there is a feat...

Are you channeling my mother KoH? lol write down the date and time. lol

Edited By: Doug on Feb 9th 2023, 3:29:57

Doug Game profile


Feb 9th 2023, 3:19:20

Originally posted by BigP:
Hi Doug

Hey Big P. You see the new customizable GMC’s? It’s auto show season! Someone stole a jeep grand Cherokee Hellcat valued at $109,000 and blew past cops at 217 mph lol supervisor called off the pursuit “screw that, we can’t catch that thing”

Edited By: Doug on Feb 9th 2023, 3:35:32

Doug Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 18:59:21

Originally posted by SuperFly:
No you dont. You need to FS them. Let the jets and the missiles fly!

Get Doug his helmet, guns and ammo ready

My helmets resting back on the shelf.

Doug Game profile


Feb 6th 2023, 18:34:33


Doug Game profile


Feb 4th 2023, 5:34:34

Letos my daddy