
Doug Game profile


Nov 15th 2022, 20:18:35

Same as Requiem. 11/13 Colin while I was at work Sunday, put up our first tree this past weekend as a married couple and in our new home this year!

We wanted a real tree in the other big living room as well but I don’t want a real one up with 4 dogs and a fireplace lol

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.

Edited By: Doug on Nov 15th 2022, 20:44:30

Doug Game profile


Nov 10th 2022, 20:05:41

F$ck pumpkin spice season

Doug Game profile


Nov 1st 2022, 9:13:24

Originally posted by allbymyself87:
Earth is dead!!!

What he said btw hi albs

Doug Game profile


Oct 30th 2022, 17:47:36

There once was a man from China, his wife had a large …. Ox cart yeah… ox cart

Doug Game profile


Oct 21st 2022, 10:14:56

Originally posted by Primeval:
I dont think creating countries is a problem unless it happened today given the Express server round started yesterday. You must mean accounts, which after testing does appear to be an issue at the moment. Anyone with an EE account should be fine unless they forgot their login.

And yes, I can often get word to the current admins directly with urgent issues... But it doesn't necessarily mean they have the time or ability for an immediate fix. I'll update as I'm able. Moving to B&S.

Thsbks Prime. I feel like a jerk. She’s 71 cancer survivor that i remember as I was like 13, her cancer has returned to her spine. So sorry if I was or sounded like a fluff.

Doug Game profile


Oct 21st 2022, 9:59:11

Thanks allbymyself snd suicidal you too are correct i did it know where to put it, sorry Prime, this lady is a 71 yer old cancer survivor that I remember vividly as a teen when i played when she was here. And the cab we returned to her spine now, and I wanted to help see her plsy what she called her last set after playing 23-24! Years ago. My apologies for jumping the gun, she’s just a sweet woman and I wanted to just do something not just “wish her luck” - again sorry Prime. Truly.

Bit also thanks again to allbymyself and suicidal, you both made solid points.

Edited By: Doug on Oct 21st 2022, 10:10:53

Doug Game profile


Oct 21st 2022, 5:22:01

This thread was completely different than the one regarding access or re-creation returning to the game for those for the reunion and also having them come back with their children that lives in separate countries part of that reunion this has nothing to do with it I am merely stating that there is no need for this as it was answered here it was not a duplicate post sir πŸ’”

Doug Game profile


Oct 21st 2022, 5:19:55

This women and the Brazilian group couldn’t create countries. And somehow my thread deleted. I never abuse the threads or forums. I’m confused. The one women played back on earthstats 23+ years ago. Apologies if i misplaced my request. Having 8-12 ppl return i thought was a good thing especially for a reunion.

Ps. Not only is she a 71 year old Cancer survivor that played 20+ Years ago, it’s returned to her spine, i remember her vividly from back then. So, I felt angry and wanted her to play.

My apologies Prime
And thanks suicidal and allbymyself again, you both made solid points. I just felt bad.

Edited By: Doug on Oct 21st 2022, 10:08:42

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 14:24:42

Originally posted by Tertius:
I didn't realize it impacted this, but my understanding is that emails from EE haven't worked for a while (so even for returning players, if they forgot their passwords, you don't get the reset email).

I think the mods have a "just-in-case" number to text for Pang or qz, and this may be warranted if it's ruining reunion plans (and I mean, it's almost 2025, so we should have something pretty spectacular for one of those sets, right?).

I've also seen qz on discord more recently as he's been keeping an eye on the bots which had an update to the underlying libraries which broke things. I know his life is extremely busy though, and I'm not sure who maintained the email service (I think it may have required a third party to do the mailing which may have cost money / been dropped).

Yeah Tertius, maybe something for 2025 would be cool. But yeah I meet with pacted Allies leaders once in awhile and it was more than 1 person and I believe you’re correct. I thought “we’ll just sign up with a new emailL but that too was a problem. I just talked to QZ then other day before this happened and yea he’s been busy - at that time I didn’t need to ask him but I’ll send him a quick msg ok ee discord or message him. Maybe someone will know. So far it impacted 6 returning folks for reunion and 4? new players brought on by their parents to play a round with them. Shrugs. Was just trying to get some help for the folks that were coming to alliance again. But thanks for the reply T πŸ€™πŸΌ

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 12:56:51

Originally posted by Requiem:
Need consumption to meet supply then people might buy more. Wait till some fat cashers are trying to stock.

Sent you a DM, errr private message. I forgot the term dm, text, im get me in trouble here from my Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat and til tok lol

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 12:37:03

Originally posted by Requiem:
I tried to get an old timer back who was a Earth 2025 player who never came to EE, and he couldn’t create an account. He said that after filling out the form, the screen went to a white page, and he never received an email.

RIP if people cannot even create a game account.

Exactly what I was just told last night from the clan that wanted a reunion set. Well damn….

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 12:35:44

Originally posted by Requiem:
Need consumption to meet supply then people might buy more. Wait till some fat cashers are trying to stock.

Sorry suicidal this part I typed to requiem was meant for you.

I think food and oil may be decent sellers with bots selling jets now like last set i assume they’re cheap. Military prob be cheap. Unless there’s an early war and tech will stay high a lot longer than usual I think.

But again thank you as well.

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 12:33:50

Originally posted by Requiem:
Need consumption to meet supply then people might buy more. Wait till some fat cashers are trying to stock.

Thanks requiem. I think food and oil may be decent sellers with bots selling jets now like last set i assume they’re cheap. Military prob be cheap. Unless there’s an early war and tech will stay high a lot longer than usual I think. But thanks for kinda making sense of that.

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 12:06:40

Dear mods, Qz or Pang. New and returning ppl cannot create a country or even make new ones. Again, it’s been talked about big folks are afraid to post serious questions for mods or QZ or Pang as all threads just get hijacked and nothing is done. Before anyone thinks I’m being rude, I’m not.

The 1 woman I remember vividly, she’s a 71 year old cancer survivor and it’s returned to her spine, she wanted to play 1 last set with one of us as she played 20+ years ago. I felt like i should help. So I’m sorry if I sound snotty.

Notice less players? Smaller clan numbers? I’m some instances? 2 clans that are medium size has a discord meeting yesterday with 4 clan reps present. 1 clan planned a small reunion, no not mine, but when they contacted old players that had to verify etc, they couldn’t. Two said they couldn’t create new countries period. It blew one of the clans reunion.

Was Zack being banned 7 ways til Tuesday create an issue? They didn’t need forum handles just countries and some said verifying still prevented new members and old vets from creating new countries that haven’t played in awhile or not at all.

Did something change? Is there a new process? Or if they changed emails in 10-15 years create an issue they couldn’t return? Some are folks many of you remember that simply gave up and couldn’t create a country.

Any idea or similar issues reported to any other leaders? Any suggestions we can use to help these guys return or come to the game? 1 clan recruited from another game for alliance and they couldn’t. Another clans reunion of guys from 5-15 years ago couldn’t either? Isn’t this counter productive and we’d like to see some of these old names return?

I say this respectfully and the mods that know me know me understand I mean no disrespect but some folks don’t post here fearing trolling hijacking the topic and that Qz, pang, mods are busy too and have lives to stop legit questions. So I’ll just stick my neck out as in the other thread as it doesn’t hurt my feelings. I’m not a gay little snowflake scared of big mean Middle aged men needing self adulation by rolling or even attacking ppl for legit questions.

Any help or other folks having problems as well? I can only speak to alliance. I know mods etc have lives and families and are busy and can’t police every thread and the off topic legit responses. But I’ll at least try. Sorry again and thank you very much.

Edited By: Doug on Oct 21st 2022, 10:03:39

Doug Game profile


Oct 20th 2022, 11:48:49

Edit: Questioned answered. Thanks suicidal and Req

Edited By: Doug on Oct 20th 2022, 13:11:57

Doug Game profile


Oct 1st 2022, 15:11:11

True. 😜

Edited By: Doug on Oct 1st 2022, 19:56:07

Doug Game profile


Sep 26th 2022, 20:04:50


Doug Game profile


Sep 20th 2022, 9:05:07

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Was up until almost 5am watching the funeral. She was without a doubt an incredible lady, no matter what she did or didn't do.

Agreed. Even with some dumb family members, which we all have, she was truly a tough lady, cared for her people even with some MPs and Prime ministers that were dumbaxxes. She in the earlier years had more say in policy, until those powers eventually were limited, I think (minus the trolls here) many of the approx 5 billion+ who watched were all a little British yesterday.

Doug Game profile


Sep 19th 2022, 1:57:50


Doug Game profile


Sep 9th 2022, 8:30:59

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at Balmoral Castle, confirmed by Buckingham Palace. The monarch served 70 years and 214 days. Prince Charles was swiftly sworn in as King Of England, and the commonwealth. Truly a sad day for our friends cross the pond.


Edited By: galleri on Sep 10th 2022, 0:04:51. Reason: Be optimistic

Doug Game profile


Sep 8th 2022, 2:30:45

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Belated grats!

Thanks Daspheebsie

Doug Game profile


Sep 7th 2022, 5:38:19

Is it just me or are bots tanks heavy this reset? Or am I just butxhing 2 days after being married? lol

Doug Game profile


Sep 6th 2022, 15:20:38

Originally posted by m0bzta:

Thanks you old war horse

Doug Game profile


Sep 6th 2022, 13:41:14

Thank you my friend Big P and Letlo and Ptepppic.

But I screamed “I want a divorce” this morning just to see how it felt lol

Edited By: Doug on Sep 6th 2022, 13:45:44

Doug Game profile


Sep 5th 2022, 20:51:57

Thanks Galleri, Gary, T42, Mac and everyone else. Yesterday was a million emotions even after 7 years together. Thanks all! Very kind.

Doug Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 21:52:07

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Toxic:

Thank you kindly. Now if I just don’t fuxor it up. lol

I'm pretty sure with his background, he could handle an attacker (even with a gun) at close range. Wait a minute... I think he may be doing this willingly! =P I think you two got this, congrats!

Hahahahhaha I literally read that to him. With my job with the city id taze him but his job he teaches martial arts and competes. Tae-kwon-do specifically. I’m proud of him, 2 nationally. Vegas was a $45,000 purse. This years tourney is $50k, for 1st. 25 for second and 2 10k prices for placing. But marrying a cop too he realizes there’s more testosterone around here than any other. But after 7 years Tertius, we know the marriage act could be over turned.. so we just said F it, doing on my moms bday tomorrow, have a reception and Halloween party on Oct 31, and be safe. Such an alpha marriage. Let’s hope life insurances are paid off!

But that cracked us the fuxor up!

Edited By: Doug on Sep 3rd 2022, 21:56:51

Doug Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 20:23:57

Originally posted by Toxic:

Thank you kindly. Now if I just don’t fuxor it up. lol

Doug Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 17:49:54

Originally posted by HH:

Thanks HH!

Doug Game profile


Sep 3rd 2022, 16:55:43

Will be married tomorrow (Sunday) - I had to threaten him at gunpoint but it’s happening! See y’all soon!

Doug Game profile


Aug 28th 2022, 0:57:53

Originally posted by HH:
Remember the Titans people

Yes. My lord.,

Doug Game profile


Aug 26th 2022, 20:34:28

Originally posted by Tertius:
When I was in PDM and land trading was new and curious, PDM partnered with RD for some interesting trial runs. Somehow I feel like the Detmer leadership days were a bit different than some of the other time periods (though the relaxed atmosphere and not taking yourself too seriously always seems to be there).

Thank you. It was a joke, relaxed and after 22 years, old vets thought it was fun. Glad someone around here get it. lol

Edited By: Doug on Aug 27th 2022, 2:46:51

Doug Game profile


Aug 26th 2022, 16:21:50

Originally posted by Requiem:
Doug were you RD? I find that hard to believe after our PDM history with RD cheats!

You of all people know me and you know that this was nothing simply put a joke a 22-year-old anniversary joke and just something to screw around with come on you know me

Doug Game profile


Aug 26th 2022, 10:47:31

Requiem and galleri this thread is funny is supposed to be a joke of all the colors in remembrance of how PDM fight against our D in the RD wars I never played anywhere else but I remember the already wars very very very very fondly it was a time where we had 100 some members that would fight and we continue to fight I do take this thread as a joke Galleri I would never take it is something that would be offensive hurtful towards me I was joking around with pang and Cousy the other day about it this is nothing more than just us joking around and remembering the hard fight war that we fight against Hardy and PDM was one of those leaders that fired already along with the entire alliance so no I do not take this seriously I’m just joking around and so is our members were making something fun out of it So we just made some thing fun out of it nothing more nothing to hurt anybody nothing to bring back memories but something to just bring back a theme to have some fun that’s all

Doug Game profile


Aug 25th 2022, 23:53:29

[quote poster=galleri; 51106; 999104]This thread was also supposed to be funny 🀣

Doug: you have to stop taking things so cereal [/quote

Will you stop to COLIN AGAIN?!?!?!

Doug Game profile


Aug 25th 2022, 17:46:46

Oops screwing up yo

Doug Game profile


Aug 25th 2022, 17:46:46


Edited By: Doug on Aug 25th 2022, 18:05:08