
Duna Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 15:04:46

Duna Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 13:48:57

I just understood it now (yes, im fast). If i use script to wall, i dont need to relogin at other device.

Duna Game profile


Aug 22nd 2013, 9:09:56

qz, i asked you to add no-chahe header long ago. Is that so hard?

Duna Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 17:28:23

I just wonder, does this reset changes was discussed with someone over crying SoL?

Duna Game profile


Aug 21st 2013, 12:29:05


Duna Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 7:16:00

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Or you can do a slower kill run ...

... and meet your target online.
Sry, i had to say it:)

Duna Game profile


Aug 19th 2013, 2:35:50

Yeah, ruin game more;) Its not bugged enough.

Duna Game profile


Aug 18th 2013, 5:45:09

Originally posted by Pang:
and @ duna -> game improvements are required to attract and, more importantly, retain players. :)

How much new players you got from all this mechanic changes?

You are confusing cause and effect. First you need to get new players and only then you need to retain them.

Duna Game profile


Aug 18th 2013, 2:19:03

Updated with LaF:)

Duna Game profile


Aug 17th 2013, 15:39:52

leave the fluffing mechanic alone and start working on getting more ppl in game.

Duna Game profile


Aug 16th 2013, 18:33:28

updated with RIVAL.

Duna Game profile


Aug 16th 2013, 7:20:33

wasnt is kinda obvious, since 2 GS at minimum = 1 BR at minimum and most of hits in fast runs is at minimum?

Duna Game profile


Aug 15th 2013, 5:22:14

Well, im not sure, since its 113 vs 74 atm. Too big difference to tell what exactly made it.

Duna Game profile


Aug 12th 2013, 12:43:14

lol, no way its good.

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 21:25:33

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Duna:
gj qzjul with new changes. OOP FSes now in action:)

I don't understand the above statement. I am fairly certain this oop FS was planned well before those changes were announced...

Actually, I think the changes are making the OOP FS look much worse than before.

Thank you! lol... at least I'm not the only one who is seeing that...

At least im not the only one who is seeing OOP FS:)

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 12:41:04

will have the biggest impact on what?

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 9:13:17

It applies only for blindFS. When SoF told they will war with SoL, there will be no unprepared countries (or they will be kinda low active).

At time of FS, it was about 250-300 turns (depends on bonuses and such things). Ofc you can make 100K troops on commie in 250 turns. But alot of ppl are mono with like 500-2K farms or even labs and so on. They are low break and will be low break for a few next days. At turn 700 even if you find some low def countries, they will buy up 500K asap. And well, when i told 500K, i was telling about average break, not max.

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 8:34:57

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
I'm saying it would probably have been better to wait 1 week more and then FS. Killing 10 countries then would be a bigger setback to SoF than killing 10 countries now.

As it is, all SoF has lost is 10 countries x 200 turns, compared to 10 countries x 700 turns next week.

But the problem is that in a week it would be max 3-7 countries (depends on how active target they pick).

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
It is all comparative, breaks and walling scale up with country growth, so comparing 10k breaks now with 100k breaks next week doesn't even make sense, because in the next week, all countries probably makes 10x as much goods anyway.

And thats again kinda wrong. After 700 turns its not hard to get 500K troops & 500K turrets. Lets be realistic and say nw will give about 10% extra to break. And as break always alot of oversend lets say you need 1M min total to break 500K. +10% = 1.1M. Also, lets say you make 100M/day (maybe a bit less, but i want round numbers). So, 100K extra troops is about 13M cash (+oil) and its about 15% daily production.
OOP production is about 5M/day. If break is 10K, than you need about 20K to break and hence 2K extra, wich is like 260K cash, wich is just 5% of daily production.
And the longer you wait, the more money will drain this change (and i have to say, the more will be nw difference and hence this 10% extra will be like 20-50% extra).

Edited By: Duna on Aug 11th 2013, 8:38:43
See Original Post

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 6:53:06

Hm. So, you are confirm my words and not agreeing with me??? I dont understand it. The only point you are giving is 553 turns to kill 200-300 turn taken country. Yes, thats true, its stupid to kill under 500 turns taken countries, but ONLY if you have other choices. If all countries are 200-300 turns, its ok to kill such countries. At this point you are not rly waste turns, because you are making turns and get some profit instead of no profit on restarts (200 turns taken restarts a kinda same as pure starters). Average grow will be better.

Also, i forgot to tell, its alot harder to wall at this point, because you cant buy even 100K troops/turrets in case of attacks. And rebreak 10K instead of 100K also brings us to 1b with its loses.

Duna Game profile


Aug 11th 2013, 6:32:05

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Duna:
gj qzjul with new changes. OOP FSes now in action:)

I don't understand the above statement. I am fairly certain this oop FS was planned well before those changes were announced...

Actually, I think the changes are making the OOP FS look much worse than before.

Kinda easy answer.
1a: at turn 200 you have about 10-30K pop. Its just about 250 hits to fast kill, wich is just a bit more than it was before. In term of hits its alot better to kill with 50 hits more than 300 hits more.
1b: also, in terms of loses, its alot better to lose 1.1K instead of 1K than 11K instead of 10K.

Both this changes makes it better to declare war right OOP than waiting longer to increase numbers.

Originally posted by martian:
Part of the rational behind some of these changes was to discourage oop fs.

Sry, you failed. All this changes makes OOP FS alot better than waiting.

Duna Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 16:58:25

SoL is ranked too high!

Duna Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 13:32:24

I love you yoo anoniem:)

Duna Game profile


Aug 10th 2013, 13:25:35

Edited By: Duna on Sep 20th 2013, 16:46:38
See Original Post

Duna Game profile


Aug 9th 2013, 17:40:33

qzjul, its alot better to lower multiplier than time, i.e. leave 60 seconds, but lower to like 0.5-0.6%.

And we still dont know, how 236 pure hits transformed to 600 hits with timeDR....

Duna Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 21:52:52

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
A test made by a clan member said that when perfectly NW matched, a tyranny kills 4.8% population (4.0% + 20% extra being a Tyranny) on a GS.
Never knew tyrannies did more damage... I thought that was just land gains.

Not damage, they have +20% to gains. For GS/BR gains is civ dead.

Duna Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 19:22:47

qzjul, its aproximation. Every attack is max of 3.6% pop and 5. This gives near to 236 hits from 260K population. Then i add 0.7% reduce as 1*0.007, 0.993*0.007, 0,986049*0.007 and so on. Seems correct for me. I can try it on alpha, but i cant see programm part and see if it made correctly. Idk, maybe you made it 6 sec instead of 60. It could give around 600 attacks i think. Also, i have problem with alpha - its kinda hard to count attack numbers for me, because i cant make queries to DB.

I know Xinhuan, i just made aproximation to see numbers. Atm im not trying to get exact info, i just want to see numbers.

Duna Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 18:14:48

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Duna:
This is a bit low number. In a real KR alot of countries has big NW difference, so should be more than 250 hits.
And well, anyways. I want to see your math. 260K pop in 238 hits is about 3,6% per attack. With 3.6% per attack 260K pop with 0.7% reduce needs about 800 hits to kill. How it happened you killed in 615 hits? Something is wrong math then.

This is on actual KR's in alphaffa

Then something is wrong with programm part. Are you understand what real results do not correspond with theoretical part?

Duna Game profile


Aug 8th 2013, 12:24:21

Originally posted by qzjul:
Yea, I ran one on the 260k pop with the fast-DR turned off, and got 238 hits

This is a bit low number. In a real KR alot of countries has big NW difference, so should be more than 250 hits.
And well, anyways. I want to see your math. 260K pop in 238 hits is about 3,6% per attack. With 3.6% per attack 260K pop with 0.7% reduce needs about 800 hits to kill. How it happened you killed in 615 hits? Something is wrong math then.t

Duna Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 12:17:02

Hm. Players who login every day isnt the one, who will try to come online fast to not die. They login, play turns and forget about country till tomorrow:) By this defenition almost all players active.

Duna Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 11:27:54

Active players dont need phone call. They have their own alerts:)

And well, if you are sitting at comp, you need about 10 sec to wall.

Duna Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 7:47:20

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
The announcements said it affects all specials, and the damages of all special attacks, so it would be 200.

Well, dont take it as offend, but Id like to hear answers from qzjul. It says special attacks, but not anything about how it counts. Also, very interesting, what if SS? 100 SS + 100 GS = 200 or 100 multiplier?

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Also, 20 seconds isn't the time an active player needs to login. He first needs to be contacted first (say someone in an IRC channel sees the Kill run, takes 15 seconds to pick up the phone and dial the correct number. Then the phone needs to be picked up. Add another 5-10 seconds. Then a few seconds of conversation. Then the user needs to alt-tab to a browser, and hope that his login process is not interrupted by another incoming phone call.

All that adds up to over a minute on average. You can't wall something in under 20 seconds unless you are already at a computer and didn't need to be contacted to begin with because IRC is beeping at you.

You can set alert on PC, Android, iOS. It covers almost all cases. I belive you can buy Android phone for like 50$ or even cheaper. So active player for sure can come online in 20-30 sec. Or well, if he is dedicated enough, he should watch all warchats with browser opened:)

Duna Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 5:26:16

Ok, Xinhuan, so also add nights wake up to the list of contactable. Some ppl like to sleep. Dedicated is very common word. Some ppl may be dedicated, but not crazy. Well, almost all, who still plays this game is dedicated. But this dedicated ppl still will die, it will just take more hits to kill them, as Sov said.

Sov, 300+ attacks in 10-15 sec = 600+ attacks in 20-30 sec. 20 sec is time wich need active player to login. So, it will be pain in ass to rush someone. Because you will need first to drop his population to like 10K pop and just then rush. And i really recommend to play with numbers. Big republic with res tech will be alot more attacks, may be over 1000 and even over 1500.

And yes, i agree with Sov also. Smaller alliances are now cant kill big countries, because they simply dont have as much turns. That also will enforce coalition wars.

Its so funny qzjul just ignoring my questions:)

-------------------- QUESTION TO QZJUL -------------------
Btw, i just wonder, does this apply to missile attacks? CM rushes is also needs to be 3 min?
Also, does this apply to mix of GS/BR, like 100 GS/100 BR? What will be multiplier? 100 or 200?

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 19:28:00

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
I don't know what's with you Duna, but last set, I only had to wall twice, and I spent less than 5-10 minutes per day on my country. The 2 times I had to wall, I simply logged in, bought units and waited a bit, maybe 10 minutes max.

In this case, winning has nothing to do with my online time, but more with my willingness to _remain contactable_ for walling.

how about night? Was it at night? Does everyone needs to wake up at night? Thats all very personal. Yes, its more or less depends on desires of someone, but still takes more time than needed.

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 17:37:41

Xinhuan, able = will. Almost all ppl who i know, can wall now or wont wall at all. There is not much ppl, who will benefit from this change.
All this "strategy" is good, when you have about same alliances in a war. As soon as you see 24/7 no life SoL on other side, you will just think about "meh, ill call in all allies i can to kill them and just move on".
Its very stupid to balance KR, when most ppl coming time is different.
Oh yes, about cripple. As i see, this will apply to AB also, so you will need about 300-400 attack to cripple Dragon also (or break him alot of times with high tank amount).

I dont want to play in game, where your online time decides if you are wining or losing.

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 14:33:17

Originally posted by tellarion:
This was the case before the change. Now, more normal players can have a chance as well.

Normal players will still have no chance. KR still will be fast enough to not let normal ppl come online. Only 24/7 ppl will benefit from this change.
On other hand - we killed Dragons original in 1 KR. It took alot of organization, but we was fast enough. Now you need 600 or even more (wallers now should pay more attention to residental tech lol) hits to kill him. And its kinda impossible to make as much hits as fast. It will need like 50 ppl hitting same time:)

Originally posted by tellarion:
h2o, there were many KRs that went from 10-30 seconds or so. Unless you are on your pc/phone at the time, that's pretty damn tough to wall...This gives the average player a better chance to actually wall and have fun.

Average player comes from time to time and play turns. He will not even be interested in walling. I want to hear some average player, who are not trying to wall now, but will try to wall in hypothetically 5 min KR? Someone?

-------------------- QUESTION TO QZJUL -------------------
Btw, i just wonder, does this apply to missile attacks? CM rushes is also needs to be 3 min?
Also, does this apply to mix of GS/BR, like 100 GS/100 BR? What will be multiplier? 100 or 200?

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 12:24:13

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Currently, very few people can wall within 30 seconds and this gives too much advantage to a select few people.

So, qz want to give them even more advantage?

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Target selection is more important now, watching when the target is usually online, etc. This also adds more focus on crippling countries over killing, also another desired outcome.

Ok, give me 10 best wallers and welcome to "target selection" club. I wonder, how you will watch usually online, when we will show up in 30 seconds after you start KR. Now, having 24/7 nolife ppl is important. And no target selection will help you.
And yes, with this nolife ppl you will need to cripple them, because you basically cant kill them.

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 9:21:09

Originally posted by locket:
It is their game. My goal or your goal arent overly important if we are not a huge majority.

Is it true that it takes 600 hits to do a 1minute kill though now?

Ofc majority decides, but well, if they want to play this game alone, its not hard to achive - just close access and thats all.

Well, my table is open by link
You can try it yorself. Idk if it will be 600 attacks or not, only game will show. But as i see the current game state - yes, you need 600 attack to kill in less than 1 min. And well, if it will be high pop republic, you will need even more attacks to kill. Maybe more than 1K, who knows?

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 9:02:24

Yep, its red for me also. As i know my country is alive, its not big problem for me. But could be nice if you can fix it fast.

Duna Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 8:58:50

qzjul, did you made some math before doing this stupid changes?

Just a simple math. I start with avg 3.3% civ loses per attack (since most KRs is about 200-250 attacks).
With same 3.3% we now add this new thing. Now you need about 600 attacks to kill country in under 1 min. What it means? Everyone, who can come online with less than 1 min is now unkillable (in 1 warchat, you will need 2-3, maybe even 4 to get him). Are you trying to make ppl have no life? Sorry, but this wont work. Almost all ppl will leave if you will try to push them to spend all time in this game. You will stay with 50 idiots, who will try to kill eachother:)
I really recommend you to rollback this change and stay with old rules (ramp up) or old old rules (just simple percent).
The ramping damage was a cool idea and i dont know why you dont like it.
Quick google drive prove link (you can play yourself with it if you want) -

Also, 1b is also fluff change. Why should attacker lose more? Hardly more! I dont like this change at all, but with this numbers it just stupid.

Spy & building cost changes is ok.

And 20% tech seems a bit much for me. 10% seems better.

And here i want again to bring attention to organisation problems. You are telling us "desired goals to the degree that we'd hoped". Where i can read this desired goals? You never told us what you want to make. And why. There is no discussion about your goals and our goals. Maybe our goals is different and we dont want your goals? Should you make some polls about changes? Or something?

Ok, and now just a idea for you. As i told infinite times, 2013 is far from 1999. You really need new aproach today. If you really want to improve killruns, implement defence orders (i.e. buy 100K troops if pop less than 10K) and block countires from doing anything, if they was attacked less than 1 minute. This will everyone feel in same position. It will be just mind games. Not current "ah! you cant login faster than 1 min - DIE fluffER!!!". Even thought i can login faster than 1 min, i still feel this as discrimination.

Duna Game profile


Aug 5th 2013, 12:54:10

Funny i get captcha almost everyday. And atm i just playing from one device:) I have no idea how much time ill need to enter captcha in hard days:)))

Duna Game profile


Aug 4th 2013, 17:01:50

I may suggest to show captcha only once per device.

Duna Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 14:08:17

Obvious, we can also add graphic here. And i see alot of graphic we can add.

As for IRC - i saw IRC link at travian:)

And i dont see any pushing to solo servers in this thread.

Actually, i tryed to recruite few resets ago - alot of ppl joining (most of them are like "i played 10 years ago and want try again"), but the game is hostile to them.

And again. The main idea is not to improve the game itself, but improve attitude.

I can change a bit question. Pick any game you know for more than 5 years. And ask "would this game be so popular if it would do nothing for 5 years?". No game can be popular if it do nothing.

Duna Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 7:09:27

Well, topic says it all. I see the wrong links parsing in my signature. Could be nice to fix it:)

Duna Game profile


Jul 31st 2013, 7:04:18

Its so funny to see how SoL/LCN/DK killing so much small/inactive countries just to increase kill counters. Rly guys, find someone, who knows how to pick targets:)