
Duna Game profile


Mar 2nd 2013, 6:45:55

100 kills by SoF. Nice, nice.

Duna Game profile


Feb 28th 2013, 6:13:33

Oh, give me price list, i want to play for $$$ also! ;)

Duna Game profile


Feb 27th 2013, 7:03:00

Gj SoF! Your stats seems to be good:) +bonus.

Duna Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 18:46:54

I played with LCN | Octavian and someone else from LCN once:)

Duna Game profile


Feb 21st 2013, 15:43:35

Heh:) You all too boring to answer you:) Just want to make note - i`m not Rival leader in any way. And you are too agressive NukEvil. And probably dont like LaF, because i have no idea how LaF related to this thread:)

Duna Game profile


Feb 20th 2013, 8:29:25

:) Haha! good site.
But should be more positive. I wanted discuss and we are at 70 and probably can hit 100:) I say its success:)

Duna Game profile


Feb 20th 2013, 7:37:50

Originally posted by locket:


But well, if you are euro/asian (african) and expecting answer from me at night/eartly morning, when you even worse:)

Actually, now its not assumption. Its kinda fact. Countries deleted - countries restored = mistake.

Duna Game profile


Feb 20th 2013, 6:44:39

Lol @ americans, you are so funny. Why the hell are you thinking i dont sleep at all?:) I bet everyone knows i`m a russian, so i sleep at american evening:)

So, i see all countries are alive now;) Its kinda funny. Would be interesting to see any comments from admins about their mistakes;) But i bet it will never happens.
I dont see any fail at taking ingame data, wich admins gives to us and discuss it (its like warstats). Now we see all this 5 countires are clean, so now i dont assume they are cheating.
I still like to watch deletions - its funny.

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 18:54:50

Originally posted by Taveren:
When the two MD countries are vindicated are we going to get a public apology for your slander?

Where you see slander? I told i assume all 5 countries belongs to one owner. Thats MY assumption. I dont force anyone to agree with me.
But well, if you want discuss in such way, what i`ll get if countries will stay deleted?
And also, you are welcome to comment MDs purple countries from last reset.

KoHeartsGPA, what are you talking about? RIVAL go no deletions for all time it exists. And if our countries will be deleted, ill be first to kick this member out.

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 18:23:43

Originally posted by M m i x X:
only 4 of them deleted at the same time... #729 got deleted 1 hour 40 minutes after...

Why you think so? My bot shows all deleted at same time.

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 17:45:59

I dont see any sense of playing top secret and not telling why this countries are deleted, but its ok:)

As for fact - fact is all 5 countries are deleted at same time. And this makes me think they have one owner unless someone will prove me other (ah, i`m so bad). I dont say everyone should agree with me, but for me it so.

Originally posted by Red X:
I am expecting a few of them to be reinstated to be honest.

TIE one probably?:) Or you care about MD/RD?

Ah Trife, you saw through me! All this multies belongs to me! Why i run in RD? Because RD has a long history of multies! I need to support history.

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 16:34:30

Originally posted by Kalick:
The owners of #729 and #824 are BF/GF. I'd guess they may not have signed up for safe list =(

All this countries deleted at same time, so i guess they are all have one owner (but i think you can ask admins if you want). Hence i say is some sort of "Ménage à trois" with 5 ppl. Or maybe it bf/gf + 2 their childs (parents) and their cat?

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 16:31:35

Ah:) So i`ll be "cheating announcer" then:) I saw deletion in MD last reset also.
Hey Pride, maybe you should kick some cheaters?:)

Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 16:12:51

Deleted for cheating:
Montlaur(#729) [MD75] / American Psycho is back(#95) [ResDogs] / Dash(#80) [ResDogs] / Bumblebee is my hero(#65) [Infernal] / Dennington(#824) [MD75]


Duna Game profile


Feb 19th 2013, 6:57:45

Originally posted by Akula:
Бог знает, что этот молодой человек делает в России!
*закатывает глаза*

I bet you wanted to say a bit different. So far it says like "God sent him to Russia, because God knows what he should do". And i bet you wanted to say "only god knows, what he is doing in Russia".
But dont worry, "за метеором забастовки" has no sense at all.

Oh, and also, next 2-3 days will probable show who will win:)

Edited By: Duna on Feb 19th 2013, 6:59:56
See Original Post

Duna Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 8:06:57

Duna Game profile


Feb 17th 2013, 6:16:04

qzjul - i told you 100500 times - captchas dont add anything to security. REMOVE IT at least for old accounts.

Duna Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 19:49:38

I dont heard about anyone from RIVAL injured.

btw, if it will be 1v1 war, its first time after my comeback to earth life, when i`m not sure about winner.

Duna Game profile


Feb 16th 2013, 5:36:36

Originally posted by Marshal:
he blames md, rage and rag on that meteor strike (which did nice fs, ~1k killed with 1 shot).

Just 1K injured and most of them are light (maim). So far i didnt heard about anyone died.

Duna Game profile


Feb 13th 2013, 6:25:43


Duna Game profile


Feb 4th 2013, 17:44:45

Hardy was playing last reset in RIVAL!

Join us!

Duna Game profile


Jan 31st 2013, 20:31:37

Originally posted by PG:
Duna stay off the board.

Duna Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 20:27:45

I dont even have idea, if someone in RIVAL except me playing Dota2, but i would play:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 30th 2013, 8:51:53

Originally posted by tellarion:
Yes, it did. We killed you and PG, didn't we?

But seriously, yes it did.

Its more because it was last day and i wasnt very interested to save my country:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 29th 2013, 17:47:55

Originally posted by tellarion:
You FSed us with 2 weeks left as well.. lol :P

And did warchat time change helped you?:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 18:51:58

Originally posted by tellarion:
If people keep walling your killruns, change your killrun times....Even changing the time by an hour or two, or setting up an extra KR in the off hours can mean another kill. We had to do that against you guys last set. You have to adapt.

Well, this is good idea, we used it against TIE, but i hardly doubt it would help against SoL wallers:) And also late wars is very fast, because dead countries cant be replaced fast. Even 1 failed KR will make difference.

Originally posted by tellarion:
And I find it hilarious to see you fluffing about people coming online so fast. I'm remembering one KR in particular where we went through 5 targets that all got online within 1 minute, and it was supposedly their 'offtime' :P

I`m not fluffing. I just telling SoL are best at walling:) And well, 5 targets online was just luck for us:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 12:55:10

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
You do know that fighting a war against a ready opponent is a little bit different from blindsiding two unprepared clans at the end of the reset? You think Evo had their phone lists up to date and members hanging out in IRC with alerts set to their countries? Most of them probably just quit once they died.

Yes, for a first day or two - yes. But after FS everyone will be prepared and all alerts will be on. And they had big wallers. Just not so much as SoL.

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
And there's a difference between "being online" and being online. I wouldn't be able to get news that my country is being hit and then be able to log into it on my phone in 30 seconds, would probably be at least a minute. And that's assuming I have an SMS bot (SOL probably does) or IRC/some alert system on my phone..

Thats kinda your fault if you are slow. KR on me was 68 sec. I got sms at like 30 sec, got PC lag for like 10-15 sec and still nmanaged to login at 600 civ. So, 30 sec is enough to login even if you are not ingame (well, mobile internet is slow in some places, but you never know). So, if you cant login in 30 sec, its your bad. Thats why i`m absolutely sure SoL are best wallers ingame. Because they have alot of members, who are active and know what they are doing. And they proved it alot of times.

Duna Game profile


Jan 28th 2013, 7:29:44

Originally posted by iScode:
wow Duna, i would refute your points, but well you obviously dont understand what I am trying to say.

Then try to explain it for idiots like Duna:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 27th 2013, 8:31:04

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
#1) you're a c. 60 member alliance, your kill runs should not be taking so long that your enemies can "come online in a few minutes"
#2) if they're coming online in 15-30 seconds, they were already online
#3) Scode's point was that your kill run timing was bad (so SOL easily had lots of members online during your runs) and that you weren't checking whether a member is/is likely to be online during your kill run (for instance using past playtimes)

1) Our avg killrun is kinda same as it was always.
2) LoL man;) Its year 2013. Internet is everywhere. So yes, everyone is online always.
3) If we have same killrun time as it was with evo/lcn and significant increase of stonewallers, i consider it as SoL advantage and not our fail.

Duna Game profile


Jan 26th 2013, 9:38:04

Originally posted by iScode:

thats crap, they have been better at target selection, HPM and restarting. Look at the stats, it clearly shows this...

Restart rate for first few days was almost same. Later restart rate based on lose/win. HPM yes, it comes from activity, its almost same as walling. I dont have a good way to judge about target selection. Some of SoL decisions was strange imo.

Originally posted by iScode:
Early on in the war rivals target selection was poor, hitting countries that had shown history of being on-line at that exact time before the war, If your already online its much easier to wall than having to race to the computer.

Again. Out of top30 SoL countries 25 come online in a few minutes (or even 15-30 sec). After you kill this 5, ALL targets are POOR, because they all are online.

Originally posted by iScode:
Sol's restart rate has been far superior to rivals, the countries that have died have been restarting straight away and getting oop while rivals have taken 2-3 days. Which is most likely caused by the newer members but understandable.

And its again comes from walling/activity. But well, for first 72h i dont think we had 2-3 days late restart. And well, i think our restarts did better for first 72h.

Originally posted by iScode:
IMO wars like this, late in the set and close in numbers are 80% of the time won in the first 72 hours. If you look at those stats, Sol's target selection, hpm, hpk and restart rate were better than rivals. Another thing i just noticed as that they grabbed more as well, 35 grabs to 5 and a total of 8k acers taken of rival which can make a big difference in close wars.

No. It never was and never will be. But i never saw one clan did well for first 72h and then fail after 72h. If clan doing well for 72h, he probably will do same after 72h. For hpm, hpk, rr look previous statement.

Originally posted by iScode:
Its been a great war, but Duna you can not say SOL has only been better at walling, that is not the case at all. If so the first 72 hour stats would be a lot closer.

72h stats was close enough. But well, if you dont like "walling" statement, i can change it to "activity". Its almost same. But we had better countries (land, avg land, nw, avg nw, stock). Also, btw, i did counted. Almost all extra hits from SoL side comes from SoF tagjumpers. So, without SoF tagjumpers it would be alot more interesting.

Duna Game profile


Jan 25th 2013, 12:50:22


Duna Game profile


Jan 25th 2013, 12:50:02


Duna Game profile


Jan 25th 2013, 5:05:00

Ah:) Thanks!

Duna Game profile


Jan 24th 2013, 19:37:03

morwen - you almost guessed:) We was learing ppl how to run warchats (if you are about 1307):)

Not all recruits are idiots, but some are. And if someone act like idiot, i say it to him/her (and if they are doing good, i telling it to them also):) So i guess, if someone will read my post, they wont find anything new here. But new players will do mistakes. Its why they are new:)

Of course our lose is my fault:) I just told i predicted it:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 23rd 2013, 6:45:48

Originally posted by Ershow:
We are losing because SoL has been better in all aspects. Period. I know it sounds gay, but a good arse whipping is probably just what Rival needed to highlight some rather sizable deficiencies that otherwise would have been ignored.

Actually, SoL only better at walling;) But they are so good at it, what its enough for win:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 20:04:35

Originally posted by Makinso:
Duna there's some petit lies in your statement.

I know for fact you've attracted some russian mars players to Rival. Russian mars players posses basic knowledge on country running and how the basic mechanics work (mind some formula / rule /policy differences). The basic game mechanics (warchats, country running etc) they do posses.

So saying that they're all flat out newbies .....

True, they know some mechanics. But somehow their skills is kinda bad. I dont know why, but avg EE player is better than avg mars. I still trying to teach them some basic principes, but its so hard:) And most EE players was recruited during TIE war, less than 10 players joined after TIE war (and actually we dont have alot of mars playes). So we still have more than 10 ppl, who never played EE before.

Originally posted by Makinso:
As for your statement about 4 month newbies. I can say for fact we have newer players (hate the term newbies) that manage playing the game. It has everything to do with setting them up with the proper people to help them and educate them on how the game works. If you can't do that for whatever it says something about your alliance as a whole.

They know how to build nice countries (breaker worthy the least) and know how to hit in warchats, maybe they haven't stonewalled but they've at least filed their contacts.

Well, of course we have "good" newbies, who comes to warchat, attack and even stonewall. But not everyone is "good".

And well, i just wont to note, that i didnt said we losing only because of newbies. I just pointed to morwen, that i was telling it for last few months.

Duna Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 12:24:17

Originally posted by morwen:
newbies of 4 months?
telling me to pay attention?


that must be it, yea...

Im not sure, is it my english so bad, or you just trying to play stupid. But again. I telling for 4 month, not newbies for 4 month. If you want exact numbers, only 27 members was in RIVAL at TIE war. All other joined after it. And about 35 has good experience. So, about 20-25 is newbies or pure newbies, who has some questions like "what should i do at war?". And btw, 4 month player is kinda newbie. I hardly doubt you can show me 10 newbies with 4 month experience, who is playing well:)

Originally posted by Pride:
Having new players isn't really an excuse. Like I said above, people only take friendlies if they think they can win them. So my guess would be you guys thought you'd win even with your "newbies"

It isnt excuse, it is reason. If new members will stay for year or so, then i think we will be able to give SoL a good fight:) And well, i told it will be one way war at december, when we just talked about possibilities. Not my fault some of RIVALers overestimate themself.

Duna Game profile


Jan 22nd 2013, 8:08:55

Originally posted by morwen:
somehow newbie reasons only ever show up after a few weeks and bad stats.

LoL:) I was telling we have a lot of newbies for like last 4 months:) I dont know who are you, but you should rly pay more attention before posting some random words:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 21st 2013, 8:10:48


Duna Game profile


Jan 18th 2013, 10:05:23

Originally posted by maverickmd:
^you throw around this "war" term so liberally :)

It was kinda joke:) But for real, i give you one more war with SoL wall rate over 500 hits:

Duna Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 15:11:08

LaF has 790 HPK in war with Sanct:P

Duna Game profile


Jan 17th 2013, 14:57:47

WOHOOOO. We found first SoL country wich dont came online in 2 min!!! It took him amazing 40 min to come.
Wonder, what happened with #346?

Duna Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 14:11:34

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Duna:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
wow, my initially prediction that SOL would suck based on them having countries without SDI was wrong :O

Why should they have no SDI?
they shouldn't but they did as demonstrated by the fact that Rival got a few really easy kills at the beginning of the war.

Nah, this countries had 80% SDI also.

Duna Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 11:06:00

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
wow, my initially prediction that SOL would suck based on them having countries without SDI was wrong :O

Why should they have no SDI?

Duna Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 8:02:57

Originally posted by prank:
Rival had way more land/production starting out but SOL had more stock. More stock + larger member activity for the win.

SoL had less stock also. They are winning on pure warring skill (mostly activity).

Btw, if Dragon are so good, why are he hiding his country number?:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 7:13:14

I just wonder, what interesting i can find on test server:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 12th 2013, 7:06:08

I forgot to change country name for alert:) I feel sorry for you about it. I had no plans to die at all:)

Duna Game profile


Jan 12th 2013, 1:21:04

Ok guys:) I won fail award.

Duna Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 8:51:08

Heh:) Your link showes 2 more hits from SoL. They are probably exactly at 19:00:00 and EG uses > instead of >= in time:)))
Seems funny for me;)
GJ SoL with timing:)