
EE Watcher

New Member

Jul 2nd 2013, 13:03:56

Should every alliance who demands a pact, then doesn't get one, suicide on Day 5 as a result?

This disgusting attitude is why the game is rotten. Holding the threat of a suicide first strike (with friends no less) if you don't get a pact is ridiculous.

The only reason RD/Rival are on top in networth in this war is the gutless first strike. Don't fool yourself pal - you're both getting outhit by SOL alone.

EE Watcher

New Member

Jul 2nd 2013, 12:38:27

Wow. Is anyone else sick of the absolute dribble coming out of RD?

At what point does a war become so ridiculous, so pointless, so meaningless in outcome that claiming victory is stupid.

Well let me hazard a guess..

When you start using the moral defense of 'we knew you were going to hit us so we hit you first>!#$ - therefore YOU GUYS ARE THE BADDIES!! ner ner ner'

When you pervert the aims of the game of running a well prepared, well rounded country by running a whole alliance Commie/Indy strategy for the purpose of predetermined war.

When you get outhit and outkilled and out restarted but somehow grow from 50m NW to 200m NW after a week of fighting and claim the other side is 'getting equal FA if not moaar'

When you claim the other side got equal FA yet the alliance FAing you feels compelled to join in on a follow up first strike the reset after for ... what reason again??

When you again run said Commie/Indy strategy and perform another early first strike, use the old 'you were going to hit us' defense and come with 60% more members, then claim victory (lol).

Claim the war is 'even' after a 15 person alliance joins well after the early first strikes have already created a networth disparity of double.

RD you pull every trick in your dirty little book and still have the guts to come on here and tell bald faced lies. The problem is, apathy in this game is at all time levels. No one cares about your pathetic games and low tactics. People only remember the good wars. You know the ones that actually have meaning? Unfortunately you don't have the balls to participate in one.