
Ershow Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 23:53:26

Helmet is definatley not Maize. Maize revealed himself to me a few sets back. Turns out I had quite a few dealings with him in the past so I checked old icq logs and archived forum posts. I have no doubt whatsoever.

I'm only posting this because I don't think this "reveal" is fair on Helmet, or Maize for that matter!

Ershow Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 1:10:56

Good. I welcome this. Any serious hacking should be reported to the authorities, and the perpetrator should be made to squirm like a little fluff. This should have happened regardless. The person responsible for this fluff mess needs to be punished, and I hope they rot, so the people affected by this fluffstorm may feel aggrieved.

As for the personal threats, surely they are just stupid rants made by pissed off people. You pissed a lot of good people off with the mass deletions, myself included.

I do feel that you guys handled it poorly. I think if you had provided substantial, well collated and irrefutable proof in your initial post, and left out the circumstantial bullfluff, the aggrieved (clean players who got fluffed) would have probably reacted with more reservation instead of coming out swinging and standing up for our buddies. I still fail to see how the proof provided implicates all of RD leadership, or ties Silver to being an accessory to the crime, and as such, I will not pass judgement on them until such evidence is provided, or enough information is presented to convince me of their involvement.

Having access to member lists is irrelevant, loads of alliances gather that information by legitimate (if somewhat immoral) means, and if you think they don't, then you are being extremely naïve. I think it's unfair to speculate that the hacking is related to this gathering of information. It *might* be related, but I honestly don't think RD would have any need to obtain any of the information illegally, nor would a number of other alliances.

On reflection, I was out of order calling numerous people idiots or fluffheads or whatever, but that's just a natural reaction to the immense feelings of being wronged (either way someone had fluffed us). I honestly wouldn't take any threats seriously.

Anyway, that's enough from me on this matter. Apologies to anyone who took offence to my rage posts the other day (except anyone who really is an idiot).

Ershow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 7:39:19

So you are saying EE database that hanlong had access to does not contain personal information?

*face palm*

Ershow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 4:40:01

How is it "far worse" than what hanlong did. Please, someone explain.

Mr Copper isn't even in RD leadership. He hasn't even been active in RD for several resets.

I can't get my head around any of this nonsense. It annoys me how many misinformed idiots like bertz come running with pitchforks.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 4:26:02

No. Insanity and his cheator buddies were ousted in 2000, shortly after Rival was created. He made a few failed attempts to bring M4D back, but as far as I know he's been gone a looooong time.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 3:18:51

So Hanlong had access to EE database, just not the EE login details and therefore passwords.....ok.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 23:22:44

Mr Copper will be along shortly to rectify your problems.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 3:44:07

QZ: I'm still waiting to hear how this all traces back to RD leadership. Are you able to provide some proof? Can you 100% say for certain that RD leadership were responsible for any of the supposed hacking?

I'd also be interested to know if the compromised accounts had retarded passwords.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:52:59

Again, you are all jumping on a band wagon with absolutely no proof being provided. Burn the witch!

15:50 <Duna> LOL @ PANG
14:50 <Duna> Third IP ( belongs to google bot

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:41:42

I'm not building any case one way or the other you dumbass. All I'm saying is that if one or two people fluffed with boxcar, how in gods name does that equate to deletion of the entire tag of legit, rule abiding players on a completely different entity.

Ban us from boxcar. fluffhead.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:34:28

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by Ershow:
Still waiting for qz or martian to weigh in on this.

Also, how is Boxcar related to EE anyway? Are they not separate identities? If so, then the mass deletion in EE is unwarranted if there is no proof of rule violations.

I could understand Pang banning RD from boxcar, but the mass deletion of countries that REAL people put REAL time into is bullfluff.

Where you been? boxcar and ee are on the same server/box for a few months now.

BTW, did they do it this set to honor LC?

So a terms of use violation on boxcar automatically warrants deletion in EE. Nice one.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:33:12

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I'm not an admin, but I can guess that, since the same IPs tried the same sql injection on the game itself, that widened the scope a bit.

So everyone in the perpetrators tag should suffer being deleted for the actions of one or two (still unproven) geek boys.....righto.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:30:39

Originally posted by justtaint:
Ershow, if you don't like it, stop playing with an alliance led by cheaters.

I'm as anti cheat as you get in this game, and I have not ONCE seen anything suspicious or even slightly suspicious in my time here. Trust me, I have been looking.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:22:36

Still waiting for qz or martian to weigh in on this.

Also, how is Boxcar related to EE anyway? Are they not separate identities? If so, then the mass deletion in EE is unwarranted if there is no proof of rule violations.

I could understand Pang banning RD from boxcar, but the mass deletion of countries that REAL people put REAL time into is bullfluff.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 1:02:13

Do you have any idea how many good, legit people you are fluffing with this? Expose the individuals responsible (qz and martian please feel free to weigh in here), provide some proof to RD leadership who was NOT involved, reinstate everyone else, and we can all move on.

At least give those in the clear the opportunity to retag or regroup somewhere else while this fluffstorm is sorted.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:51:22

Originally posted by mdevol:
This is all those that were caught up in collateral damage

While you can be upset with the mods, ask serious questions to those responsible. Demand they tell the truth or get them gone.

Again, until substantial proof is provided, why the fluff should we lynch the accused based on something Pang has 'claimed' to have happened?

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:49:51

I still don't understand why you have to penalise the whole damn alliance, regardless of whether this is bullfl

Expose those who did this, provide proof, and ban then from the game. This hard arse mass delete is so fluffing wrong it's not funny.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:40:42

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by Ershow:
Originally posted by Taveren:
RD's members have a right to be angry but their anger is misplaced. The admin's decision is a harsh one but questions as to how and why this occurred should be directed at the responsible parties named in the original post.

I disagree. I believe it is up to the admins to provide proof. 100% undeniable proof.

TIL IP addresses aren't proof.

IP addresses provided by a butt hurt Pang. Congratulation numbnuts. You win one internet. I don't trust Pang one bit. We all know he hates RD. Did anyone else sight the suspicious activity coming from these IP's?

Where is the proof that these IP's link to the accused???

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:32:15


Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:31:30

Originally posted by Taveren:
RD's members have a right to be angry but their anger is misplaced. The admin's decision is a harsh one but questions as to how and why this occurred should be directed at the responsible parties named in the original post.

I disagree. I believe it is up to the admins to provide proof. 100% undeniable proof before taking such bold actions. [/quote]

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 30th 2013, 0:33:41
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:30:46


Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:29:01

Originally posted by Fuji:
Don't play for an alliance who is willing to unlawfully gain access to peoples passwords and personal information like cell phone numbers and emails?

Seems pretty simple to me.

Where's the proof Fuji you fluffwad? Until I see it I'll continue to play in RD, they are a great bunch of people.

Did Laf get mass deleted when Hanlong did his crap? NO. So pull your head out of your arse and reinstate our countries you stupid butt hurt little man.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 30th 2013, 0:24:16

I smell butt hurt.

Ban those involved (if it's not fabricated nonsense), not the whole damn tag.

I've played in RD for 3 resets now and haven't seen ONE SHREAD of evidence to suggest there is any cheating going on ingame.

What a fluffing douche.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 29th 2013, 20:22:08


Ershow Game profile


Oct 27th 2013, 20:09:46

LOL. Nice dec.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 24th 2013, 0:50:02


Ershow Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 19:53:38

Originally posted by Mr Emerald:
He named his kid "North West"... I'm done.



Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 7:56:15

Fair points Candy. I certainly don't begrudge you your win given the circumstances, and I don't begrudge the assistance Vic received in his bid to win for LC.

I agree you 'probably' had the edge, but I also think it would have been closer than you make out.

Bring on the new reset! :)

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 6:09:57

Would you still have farmed him if he didn't sell off his defensive units a few seconds before you hit? 1 jet PS's on a country holding stock and cash ftw.

The excessive retalling of that DK country was a nice push for you to. Who handled the FA for that case. LOL.

That being said, we'll never know if you were capable of winning on your own or not. But a win is a win, and this is an alliance server.

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 6th 2013, 6:18:17
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:48:30

Hi Tingly....I have no idea who you are though. ;)

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:31:16

Let the conjecture begin! Thanks Locket, I appreciate the appreciation.

Unfortunately we'll never know what the outcome would have been without the aid, over retalling, internal farming (stock and land) and suiciders. Frustrating really, but nothing new.

Loc, your country was looking pretty sweet. You probably would have been up there too. Kudos to you for the way you handled yourself in a fluff situation. I doubt I would have been able to restrain myself from going bat fluff crazy.

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 6th 2013, 1:36:12
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2013, 1:16:44

Congrats Candyman and Laf for taking #1. Well done. Enjoy your win.

See you next set for more dr camping fun!

PS. I was #55 and thoroughly enjoyed the ingame banter.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 1:05:26

OH, and how about making it work for the attacker too since mil losses are so fluff nowdays.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 1:04:40

Can you not somehow bring med tech back into the game? It's pointless right now and probably even more so with these changes. Perhaps include your med tech % in the formula somehow so that only those with decent med tech % actually benefit from the proposed changes.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 23:03:46

How about nerfing bomb structures some. It's way over powered.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 21:48:43

Oh and I'd say 175 - 185 mill for top 10 cutoff.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 21:43:51

Originally posted by Loc:
Technically I could suicide on your rank 1 dude, fluffer.

FYI: The #1 ranked dude vehemently opposed the aforementioned indiscretion!! Please don't suicide on him!!

Edited By: Ershow on Oct 3rd 2013, 21:46:33
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 0:52:53

Well, you didn't exactly set the bar high iScode.

Ershow Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 0:15:51

*checks date*

Dude, it's not the 1st of April for another seven months!

Ershow Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 0:05:25

wtf? Syko? Did you take your meds today bud!!

Ershow Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:11:04


Ershow Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:10:45


Sad news, I always enjoyed my dealings with LC.

Ershow Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 3:02:40


Edited By: Ershow on Sep 23rd 2013, 3:11:34
See Original Post

Ershow Game profile


Sep 22nd 2013, 23:04:34


Ershow Game profile


Sep 20th 2013, 4:30:13


*waves to locket*