
EyesofEmber Game profile

New Member

Jun 5th 2015, 13:11:09

Thanks everyone for your kind words and "welcomes back"; I can honestly say that it feels good to be back. I'm doing reasonably well in the tournament C server (I've been hovering around the lower teens for most of it) so it hasn't been embarrassing like I thought it might be lol.

To answer your question Raging Budda I'm not entirely sure whether I'd rather net or war. Both are appealing so I guess what I really would like is to be able to switch between them every reset or something like that. That might be asking to much though. Which servers am I looking at? Any of them. I just want the best experience here I can get so whatever has that is where I'd like to be.

Honestly, what I really want out of a clan is an active community that can help me improve. I enjoy discussing strategies and trying out new things. And more than anything I want to join a clan that will allow me to become a valuable member of their ranks where I can not only accept advice but, eventually, give it.

Edited By: EyesofEmber on Jun 5th 2015, 13:17:49
See Original Post

EyesofEmber Game profile

New Member

Jun 3rd 2015, 13:39:51

Hi all,

I'm an old player of Earth 2025 that hasn't played in years. After reminiscing with a friend of mine about the "good Ol' days" of playing this game I decided to try and see if there was any remnants of the game I loved still around. Needless to say I was pretty excited when I found this website with the game still intact in all of its' glory.

Anyway, after I found this place a week or two ago I decided to wait until the tournament server reset to jump back into the fray (it was reset, rather conveniently, two days after my wedding). So, now that I'm back in the game I'm really wanting to make a go of it and improve as quickly as I can. I've read some of the wiki strategy guides but what I really need is real help from real people.

So, my questions are:
-Where is a good place to discus strategy and tactics?
-Is there any source available to help with starting a country? Like help for the early game?
-How do go about finding and joining a clan? And by extension is there any clan out there that's interested in me :P

Any help is appreciated so thanks in advance.

EyesofEmber Game profile

New Member

Jun 3rd 2015, 13:17:12

And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.