Feb 18th 2012, 15:56:51
First, the notion that the President can just do anything (stop war on drugs) is juvenile. Like someone else mentioned, this is just something that politicians say to get out their stance. To think it will really happen is silly. Everything is a delicate balance of left and right moves. For example, Healthcare....Obama got his bill passed and signed into law. Now because he has pissed off the right and right leaning moderates the majority of what he has been doing is trying to get those moderates back. If he doesn't do this than there was no reason to pass the bill to begin with because he won't be reelected and the next person will just overturn it. If he gets those moderates back and is elected again the law will be in full swing and even the next GOP president will likely not be able to overturn it. He can't screw that balance up with taking on something else like war on drugs to drive those moderates away.
Second, everyone complains about the two party system...and oh wouldn't it be great to have more parties..blah blah blah. We have just as many parties as they have in England, we just cut out of the jockeying and pick alliances before we are elected. Just off the top of my head you have Tea Party, Evangelicals, and other right leaning groups under the GOP...they all really CARE about different things. On the Democrats side there are Blue Dog Democrats, Green Party, and other left leaning groups who are all really interested in different things. Each side makes their coalitions before elections and they don't change each election (lib dems and conservatives working together in GB....seems silly to me)
Lastly, Ron Paul is scary, not a statesmen. He is heartless and raised his kids to be the same kind of crazy. If it were up to him people who were even just underinsured would just be SOL. He will never be elected because in the end his values do not match up with either side enough to matter. His movement is less impressive than the tea party movement and will fade faster. He is just a silly old man who has become some kind of fetish for young voters and libertarians.
Disclaimer: All the above views are the opinions of me and do not reflect the views of my alliance. Considering most of them are Europeans or Canadians their opinions don't matter much in this election anyway ;)