
Imperial Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:37:02

what Heston said =)

haven't seen you in awhile SW

Imperial Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:55:36

This is no grudge... I actually asked rage leaders if they would like to squash the war... they said no and they wanted the war. Ask your fellow Rage leaders for confirmation.

Imperial Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 18:38:26


<3 Tan00b and Fordy

Imperial Game profile


Dec 18th 2010, 23:23:25

^^ i guess that beats the 100 or so posts I would do over the course of 2 sets :P

Imperial Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:52:54

silly Tan00b... tricks are for kids!

Imperial Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 5:03:03

Imperial <<== I recognize him!

Imperial Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 3:06:03

Imperial is not around.... ok j/k I am (doubt many ppl care :P)

anyways most of TIE is in LCN =)

Havoc and SMz! What's good guys... where are you monkers hiding... you guys should join LCN :P Is Reanimedeer (sp?) still around?

Vin! come back and play! tell Sepher TIE (LCN) needs to borrow you for a few minutes every day! Hope everything's good =)

Imperial Game profile


Oct 25th 2010, 3:07:08

i bet it is delicious... i mean.. it has my name in it how can it be bad.

Imperial Game profile


Oct 25th 2010, 3:06:35

resolved :P

Imperial Game profile


Oct 25th 2010, 2:37:42

blah I dont use MSN for Earth contacts usually but I'll make an exception for you

Imperial Game profile


Oct 24th 2010, 18:30:25

I'm at work but I'll be around in about 7 hours.

Imperial 1 - LCN VP

Acheron I got you and Tan00B on ICQ already I believe but if not


Imperial Game profile


Oct 19th 2010, 5:14:41

Mehul is ranked 1-9.
OMAC is ranked 10th. (I've got omac'ed quite a number of times they deserve rank 10)
LCN is ranked 11th.
All other alliances are 12th onwards.

That is all.

Imperial Game profile


Oct 19th 2010, 5:12:20

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
TIE is a netting clan.

not sure if you realised, but netting clans are dissapearing aswell

TIE netted as well as warred it was 50/50...

...although while I was VP/HFA I did tend to avoid wars as I was lazy and liked to hug trees :P

Imperial Game profile


Sep 29th 2010, 4:52:08

sorry SS i was away for the last few days! things have been sorted though it seems =)

Imperial Game profile


Sep 14th 2010, 20:46:04

Originally posted by Ravi:
There has been some talk that Zen and Imperial laid down the foundation for all these wars. If LCNostra Policing Inc benefits from that so be it.

Correct. Zen and Myself are the root causes for all wars going on right now.

That is all.

Yes this thread is 4 days old but I was not here to respond so I felt like pushing this to the top as I have nothing better to do.

Imperial Game profile


Sep 5th 2010, 23:29:26

weird.. I just checked again (I was logged in before).. but now AT time is same as boxcar time.

If that's the case then yes your hits were before the post was made.

I dunno wtf is going on lol.

Imperial Game profile


Sep 5th 2010, 21:28:13

no maki. he will not find you on icq. Ravi does not talk to fluffs.

that is all.

Imperial 1 - LCN Vice Ghall
Head of making decisions for Ravi
Supreme Ghall LCNostra Policing Inc which is > than CEO and Chairman position.

Imperial Game profile


Sep 5th 2010, 21:15:49

AT post was made ~5:20AM. boxcar time.

Those hits were done at 6:38AM boxcar time.

They will be policed.

Imperial Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:34:44

I missed this thread somehow.

LCN Policing INC is available to both sides should you need the policing.

All posts above mine lack merit. Therefore I'm the only one in before Ravi but that's ok because I represent the same corporation.

That is all.

Imperial 1 - LCN Vice Ghall
AT Supreme Head Ghall
Head of too many people and too tired to list names.

Imperial Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 6:36:10

no pact for NA now lol

Imperial Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:17:05

no, havoc loves me.

if he states otherwise he's just about an hour away from me.. I'll fix him good =)

Imperial Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:15:28

Purposeful's comment is denied as it lacks merit.

that is all.

Ravi why do you get all the fun :(

Imperial Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:14:08

of course maki had to be diff and get someone else to police for them! :P

Imperial Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 19:54:55

I have the largest E-Peni of them all.

Imperial Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 19:16:11

I hereby confirm what Trife confirmed that LCN will be policing for SoF while they are at war.

Imperial1 - LCN Vice Ghall
AT Supreme Head Ghall
Head of Martian
Head of Makinso
Head of Marshal
Head of Tan00b
Head of Failadin
Head of Galleri

Imperial Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 3:42:12

I dont think they are admitting defeat... LCN just wants land from anyone who tries to grab them ;)

Imperial Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 3:03:04

Confirmed. We will be policing for LaF

All your land will belong to us.

That is all.

Imperial 1 - LCN Vice Ghall
AT Supreme Head Ghall
Head of Martian
Head of Makinso
Head of Marshal
Head of Tan00b
Head of Failadin
Head of Galleri

Imperial Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 6:28:00

Originally posted by augur:
and Imperial is clearly "AT Supreme Ghall" material, just not sure he's earned the "1" yet though.

Imperial 1 > Purposeful 1

Purposeful 2 however... that's another story

Imperial Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:36:54

Originally posted by locket:
2nd... I should be trying harder it seems

Ranking ahead of Orkin in that category is quite a feat in itself! You should give yourself a pat on the back!

Imperial Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:35:28

Originally posted by A-Rod:
Originally posted by Akula:
*passes DL a cold bear* :D

akula shouldn't you be off winning a spelling bee somewhere or something?

This actually made me lol.

Akula! <3

Imperial Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:19:31

The one word that strikes fear in your heart
1. Ghall
2. fluff
3. ???

**Ghall should have it's own colour when typed on these boards... just like fluff!!!

Imperial Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 21:07:58

Tan00b's ranking lacks merit

Imperial Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 20:24:44

Confirmed. What Maki said. everyone should cower before this great Canadian Supreme Ghall (Yes now that I'm in LCN I'm now "Supreme Ghall!")

Also, What Purp said. Ravi Assassin Theseus and Japri all lead LCN. So does Alana because she's Canadian.

I am Alliance Talk Supreme Ghall. Therefore, you are all my puppets. No one will be around to confirm as Supreme Ghall > fluff > Martian > Makinso > Marshal > Galleri > Everyone else.

That is all.

Imperial 1
LCN Vice Ghall
AT Supreme Ghall

Imperial Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 21:06:12

We have already signed pacts with individual clans mentioned in the aforementioned coalition... I guess this only applies to clans that have NOT pacted any of the above clans.

Imperial Game profile


Aug 8th 2010, 23:05:24

First started when I was 13... Now I'm 24 (although I haven't played earth straight between the ages of 13 to 24)

Bru still plays.. he's the oldest I know of in this game at 63 or so.

Imperial Game profile


Aug 8th 2010, 23:02:21

those SLIT wars were by far the most fun wars I've ever been in. The activity we had within TIE was ridiculous...everyone was like hyped up to go against the backstabbers from IX + SoL lol. There was probably no less than 40 active people in our warroom at all times. (Of course we were like 120-160 members at that time though lol)

I miss those days =(

Imperial Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 4:32:34

GALLERI!!!! well..Rogue played in TIE before and it was fun times... TIE is now in LCN.... you roguers should come join TIE in LCN for some more fun!

I'll make it worth your while galleri! ;)

Imperial Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 4:55:33

TIE had 30+ countries with no leadership available to put in the time/effort in to lead them.

That now changes with a very active leadership in LCN.

It's not a case of wanting to kick all the small clans... TIE for the most part has been netting these past few sets. TIE has historically always netted and warred so nothing new there. LCN does the same as well.

This merge was about finding the right fit for TIE, and LCN happened to be that clan.

Imperial Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 4:37:59

I'm also in Toronto... martian you fluff! organize something!

Imperial Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 4:36:53

why would it fall apart? TIE and LCN have been very close allies for quite some time, not to mention we have warred alongside each other and have got along really well.

I doubt it'd fall apart, and if we did de-merge, it would be because TIE is stable enough to stand on its own two feet again.

Imperial Game profile


Jul 26th 2010, 21:02:51

Martian! Yes I am playing again! :P

Imperial Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 3:23:45

lol Slagpit

Imperial Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 3:08:04


This is a great move for TIE and will make both TIE and LCN stronger in the future.

Thanks again LCN!

Imperial Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 7:46:13

When i used to work at Future Shop (equivalent to Best Buy for you americans), During the TIE/PDM vs IX/SoL wars there'd be countless times where I'd be helping a customer, then I'd be getting the phone calls/text messages and I'd tell the customer I'd be right back then rush over to the computer department to login and wall lol.

One time I think it was Prankster leading the warchat and he went for my country and I walled. My shift ended 5 minutes later... 5 minutes after my shift ends Prankster decides to run a KR on me AGAIN... I had left the store already and was driving down the street when I got the calls... I made a U-Turn and went straight back into the store to wall again lmao.

Imperial Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 7:40:06

These bushel prices are insane.. I'm still stocking lol

Imperial Game profile


Jul 17th 2010, 7:11:41

*waves to martian*

Imperial Game profile


Jul 6th 2010, 4:35:23

There were a number of clans missing on that tree.. I had made a post on the old jolt forums about it but never followed up lol

SX and KoTG are two I can think of off the top of my head.

Imperial Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 18:35:10

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Imperial:
This is biased to alliances that net.

Alliances that war I guess are not considered top alliances anymore (SoF).

Omega should also be up there.

So should Monsters since this is so biased towards netting.

No, it's NOT biased towards alliances that net--it's biased towards those that make top TNW, ANW, and membership--the 3 measurements on alliances in the game itself. Just because alliances that do so are those that happen to primarily be netters doesn't mean that those that don't net all the time can't be up there as well. They just have to be consistent.

Also, I agree that Omega should have a place up there, maybe as an honorable mention or something. They've always been on the heels of LaF and Evo in their rankings, and we've always had to keep an eye on them when the end of the set got close. I might do an edit on that sometime.

2 of those 3 measures are related to netting. You don't get TNW and ANW by warring. How would war clans who net once in a blue moon achieve top spots for ANW and TNW??? Because of that they are rated as not being a top alliance? lol.

If SoF for example decided to mop the floor with EVO or NA set after set and NA/EVO no longer hit TNW/ANW/Membership highs I guess that means they are no longer a top rated clan right?

Imperial Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 17:32:14

pffft! The light blue/purple/orange squares are the best! It was always fun to have someone pass GO to collect $200 only to then land on my light blue and cough the money + more back to me :D

OK now back to your regularly scheduled program about EE rankings.

Imperial Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 17:05:17

This is biased to alliances that net.

Alliances that war I guess are not considered top alliances anymore (SoF).

Omega should also be up there.

So should Monsters since this is so biased towards netting.