
Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 11th 2014, 19:52:46

I am producing my own oil now. I hope you parsimonious oil barons are happy.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 11th 2014, 18:24:34

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 11th 2014, 16:26:32

No oil? BOO.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 11th 2014, 5:28:20

You are all conspiring against me like desiree washington. Are you so desperate to see me in prison? Put your money into my might and we shall both exude ludicrous power. No fluff ho pretenders will stand in our path.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 11th 2014, 0:08:52

I like early tech. Buy mine and I will buy yours.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 10th 2014, 17:26:34

How do you expect to get in the ring with the champ if you have no military? Buy stuff chumps!

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 10th 2014, 13:49:55

Originally posted by silentwolf:
Awesome mike's too awesome for GDI right :)

While my superhuman skills are impressive and irreplicable... I learned that lesson.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 8th 2014, 22:52:11

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 8th 2014, 22:51:35

Thank you mrford for recognizing that I am a great dancer in and out of the ring!

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 8th 2014, 22:47:59

You cannot comprehend my incredible gifts. Your stylistic inadequacies will leave you gasping for air and grasping for excuses. It is Iron Mike time again, and the rest of you can wonder in awe at how you might enter my realm.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 5:33:08

Jack Johnson is an idol of mine. He blazed a path for me to follow, knocking people out and fornicating with their women. And although I probably have a vocabulary of like 20,000 words, I don't get the pun. Explain it before I bite your ear off.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 5:30:58

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 5:24:02

We could use my messenger pigeons.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 4:45:41

Someone create a Ric Flair persona so we can have a good smack off. Or bring back Greg/big poppa pump, he had his moments.

In the meantime, none of you are worthy to enter my realm.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 4:43:39

Originally posted by Furious999:
Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
... if you wanna rumble, let me test your plan by hitting you back.


Haha that was good. I just meant that everyone has a plan... Til I hit em in the mouf.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 4:08:36

Nice job man, next time we can work on stomping on the testicles of your enemies' children so they can feel your pain.

Iron Mike Tyson


Sep 1st 2014, 4:07:15

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
Cable, building an efficient country isn't how you show you're a good player. It is just the first prerequisite. Learning how to keep it is next. Good luck with step two. It would help if you whined less. Everyone is going to keep using my strategy - fluff you til you love me - as long as you keep being hilarious in your but hurt about it.

Defending from DR abuse is near impossible if the player isnt dumb, nor is defending your land from jetters. We've been here before and myself as well as others warred people week in and week out till players smartend up. A few players stuck it out and now its time to do it again. I swldom ever play to win, but time to time it goes well.

I'll be back next week but I wont be playing to win I'll be playing to adjust others play styles.

Thirdly you complain when a guy suicides you then don't tell me not to post about others doing it to me.

Let me see if I have got this straight... A guy who actually suicides (that is, self deletes) is the same as someone who doesn't, a land grab is the same as 100+ attacks and spy ops, and me saying "y'all are right, I should have joined gdi, I wish he hadn't deleted so I could hit him back" is the same as you saying "1 landgrab ruined my sure thing win?" Seems legit.

"Playing to adjust others [sic] play styles" how has that worked out for you? Seems the vast majority just want you to shut your pie hole.

Don't worry, I will be back in two weeks, you will know who I am, you can "adjust my playing style" then.

Sure seems like your super l33t country with the mad stocks should've beaten me though. Or even my first try two weeks ago when I missed about 300 turns.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 20:28:31

Which one is me?

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 20:25:37

Cable, building an efficient country isn't how you show you're a good player. It is just the first prerequisite. Learning how to keep it is next. Good luck with step two. It would help if you whined less. Everyone is going to keep using my strategy - fluff you til you love me - as long as you keep being hilarious in your but hurt about it.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 16:39:50

I am petty sure he is just trying to be funny. Is anyone here for a reason other than entertainment?

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 15:51:25

Everyone knows who you are now, because you whined about it. Everyone knew who I was before all that.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 15:42:42

Post your country number, post your country number!

Ok, I think I did that a little bit wrong but everyone got the idea.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 15:08:59

He is insinuating that cable is overstating his production.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 14:45:27

Furious, I like your style. It is impetuous.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 3:10:45

For the record I have been spending turns, just (disgustedly) stocking on my current acres. Not a pretty picture at this point.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 3:09:47

You don't want to come in the ring with me chump! I will devastate your face with my discombobulating array of powerful punches!

...wanna war the rst of the set ford?

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 1:34:29

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 1:34:01

Well I am already over this set and plotting for the next one. I will be playing every other week, and I promise you will all know who I am every time, so feel free to keep coming at the champ. Just let me do what I do if you wanna rumble, let me test your plan by hitting you back.

Edited By: Iron Mike Tyson on Aug 31st 2014, 1:37:05. Reason: Clarity
See Original Post

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 1:31:34

Celphi, if I haven't made it clear, I already agree with you and think warster is a) totally wrong b) being a snot about it and c) need to stop chiming in as a mod if he isn't gonna act as a mod.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 31st 2014, 1:27:10

Originally posted by Furious999:
If your hopes of a win depend on no-one making a hit on you they seem rather precarious hopes.

But wishful thinking is very consoling.

Now if you could overcome the setback maybe your country would show that, unlike your hopes, it is not built on sand.

Shots fired. We're gonna need a burn specialist here.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 23:34:04

Oh, reverse order, got it.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 23:33:13

Wait, how did you get so far into DR already?

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 22:10:26

Right, coward, that's what you call someone who makes a ballsy attack on a big country in a game. OK, makes sense, sure.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 22:03:10

So you should grab him and not get retalled? Ok...

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 20:58:48

Everything is selling.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 16:01:17

Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
I had the second most land on the server before the nukes, must not have been *that* inefficient.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 15:33:55

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 14:41:53

And yes, it was all built

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 14:41:39

I had the second most land on the server before the nukes, must not have been *that* inefficient.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 14:28:41

Originally posted by Cable:
its not bug, you double tapped intentionally. No one does single SSes.

Except for all the other hits I did singly? Get a clue.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 13:38:45

Originally posted by ebert00:
I play only from my phone and have noticed this bug many places. Somehow double tapped someone. Cost be rebuilding 1000 acres. Also noticed it when building or knocking down buildings. Many times it told me I did not have enough acres to do that. Cannot double click from my freaking phone LOL.

On my ipad, I frequently think my "click" didn't go through, as the device isn't "working," so I click again. Apparently this has led to me double tapping.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 13:37:20

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
I multitapped once, on a guy with zero military. How is that grabbing like a db?

You double tapped 4 ppl

So you read that post, but not the one directly above you?

Originally posted by Iron Mike Tyson:
Just checked my new too. There are some doubles there I didn't mean to send, but I def tripled pee pee, and only see two in the news.

So - either the double tap bug is real, or there is a news bug, or both.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:42:24

I see I double posted above. I think I blame the device I am using. Just checked my new too. There are some doubles there I didn't mean to send, but I def tripled pee pee, and only see two in the news.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:41:24

Right, it takes a setup punch for the devastating ferocity of my uppercuts to knock their heads off.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:39:40

Originally posted by Warster:
you are all talking about someone getting grabbed a heap of times putting you into DR and then you are protected when you retal and get fat,

This is not what celphi did, what he did was provoke someone into doing heaps of GS's on him with the sole purpose of going on a grabbing spree where people couldn't retal him straight away for decent gains and then also got the side effect of protection from random grabs and having the option to run low defense for 360 turns and then jump in defense.

This type of play is abusing a flaw in the game and shouldn't be encouraged, the admins should fix the issue but this is express not alliance so nothing will get done anytime soon.

This is why i don't do in-game stuff anymore, express players fluff and moan about issues, you put rules in place to solve the issue and then you all complain if they are enforced. i remember when JJ23 was doing such things and you all fluffed and wanted his country removed from the records

Wow, what a load of crap. Self aggrandizing and self righteous crap at that. Now celphi's actions are constituted as making the decision for a different player? Come off it dude, you have been called out thoroughly and effectively, stop making yourself look worse.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:25:52

Who are you? Thought I only multi tapped pee pee in your coke. That was the only person I did on purpose anyway.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:25:47

Who are you? Thought I only multi tapped pee pee in your coke. That was the only person I did on purpose anyway.

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 12:15:46

I multitapped once, on a guy with zero military. How is that grabbing like a db?

Iron Mike Tyson


Aug 30th 2014, 4:47:03

Humor is the point. I am not gonna stop. Years in jail for a false rape conviction couldn't break me, some little fluff punk here can't either!