
Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 18:44:02

Originally posted by Coalie:
Yeah I’m sure trade pacts with sol’s enemy during war and spying on sol while they’re at war had nothing to do with it.

Cath stop playing the victim.

As for spying, 100%. Guilty as charged. I did a non-harmful spy op on Suicidal and he had an aneurysm.

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 18:41:07

Originally posted by Coalie:
Yeah I’m sure trade pacts with sol’s enemy during war and spying on sol while they’re at war had nothing to do with it.

Cath stop playing the victim.

Garbage. What proof do you have of that?

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 18:40:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
Dude, rasp was trolling, LoL.

I'm tired of seeing JW and Cath post now. If anyone commits to hunting them down at turn 100, send me a join request. You can have my turns to prevent them from playing on Alliance.

So don’t read the posts.

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 18:37:50

Originally posted by Coalie:
Josey we didn’t kill you because you’re “new blood”. Don’t play the victim, you started all of this. Nobody used to mess with you when you were untagged or had a small group until you started flicking cath’s bean.

We killed your because you’re a toxic POS liar griefer/suicider that is untrustworthy.”bleh bleh bleh we demand reps”, stfu.


Look, it doesn’t make any difference to me. I’m just an observer at this point. It’s like watch a lab rat experiment.

You killed me because you’re paranoid. As mentioned earlier, you assumed. Then you acted on your assumptions. You said non-harmful spy ops were ok, but obviously they weren’t. Lol.

No big deal. I’m not upset about it. You guys are just psychopaths that ultimately have been able to control how this game runs. There are the rules. Then there are the rules.

New players don’t stand a chance. So why should they waste their time? All the tweaked policies/rules favor larger, top heavy inbred clans like sol.

Can any of you, with any certainty, confirm that EE has had any significant increase in new players? Please… thrill me with some good news.

Even the PhDs in sol surely see the end of the line.

When was the last time you guys had more than 5 players sign up?

So yeah…. New Blood is in short supply.

It’s disappointing because EE is a cool game just steadily becoming unplayable. It is what it is.

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 9:40:04

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
This game is definitely not for walk-ins off the street. They’d never be allowed to have any missiles. They’d get spied, then killed.

EE has become too inbred cliquey clanny. Build a country that the deliverance inbreds in sol doesn’t like and their girlfriends will kill you. There is no room for new players. Laughably indisputable.

Why have so many players dumped and left this game? It used to have so many players. Now it has a few very shallow gene pools like sol.

I think I recall a player, a few sets ago, post something like: “See ya losers.”

Great game, but definitely circling the drain due to the fact that small/ new countries can’t compete. Can’t compete against 8 fingered banjo players. Too many drooling Gabagools. Do anything that the spooks the backwoods and their teeth go sideways. So why even play. I’m wondering if there is another, similar game out there that doesn’t put a straight jacket on players.

Sounds like you are a little butt hurt..... If you're going to be dumb, you got to be tough.


It’s all perspective. It’s just the way it is. The rules of this game have been tweaked to the point of no return which cater to inbreds. Common knowledge.

You’ve obviously heard the term “new blood.”

Well, there is no “new blood” here and no “new blood” coming because “new blood” can’t compete because the inbreds like sol make sure of that.

And therefore, you’re left with a shallow gene pool that slowly dries up until one day…. poof! And Jackie Paper comes no more.

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 9:18:09


Happy Pride. I’ve got gay family members, gay friends, and attended one of the first gay weddings in the nation. There was a drummer in a band that I loved that was a man who dressed like a woman. One of the best f*ing drummers I’ve ever seen play. He was a great guy/girl and I couldn’t have cared less how he dressed or what his sexual orientations were. All I saw was a talented drummer who was also an awesome person. Super nice he was.

In general, and imo, Americans don’t give a shyt if someone is lgbtq. Its not the climate of the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or even the 80s. By the 90s… whatever you wanted to be- gay, straight…whatever. The once troubling stigma of someone being gay seemed to have become a relic of an intolerant portion of our nation’s past.

So by 2010-2016 you have an American population that had sociologically and intellectually progressed and evolved to a point where a person was a person, judged by the content of his/her character. Could anyone here really give a shyt about someone being gay? I’ve known most of you a $$ holes long enough on this forum to say that, no… no you don’t because you’re all good people.

Sadly, all of this progress has nearly been wiped out by the politics of our Nations current nightmare. Sadly, politicians have viciously twisted and weaponized numerous aspects of our Nations social mores and the result has been utter divisiveness and turmoil. And that division has been used by politicians to further their own ends.

In the case of the LGTBQ community, politicians have done an exceptionally effective job. Half the country’s political ideology has worked in lockstep, especially over the last three years, to convince the LGBTQ community that they are “under attack” (that’s a direct quote.”

Are they insane? Under attack from what? From whom?

Here is the play book:

By constant refrain, I will convince you that you are under attack and that the only way for you to not be under attack is to vote for me. Not only that, but I will hijack and weaponize Pride Month to create and sow division in order to further my ends.

It’s despicable.

The trailblazers and pioneers of Gay Rights like Bayard Rustin would be rolling over in their graves if they knew about the current state of affairs.

If any of you are on Twitter, you know that their is a brutal Civil War going on in the LGBTQ Community, literally second by second and as I write these very words. It rages and makes EE look like Candy Land. I would encourage all of you to go on Twitter and witness it for yourself. Very informative. Very insightful.

So to wrap it up, I wish anyone Happy Pride if it makes that person feel good. But I do wonder… is pride month even necessary? These days… I don’t know. I do know this though: We’re all Americans.

Shouldn’t that be enough?

Josey Wales


Jun 9th 2024, 8:04:18

This game is definitely not for walk-ins off the street. They’d never be allowed to have any missiles. They’d get spied, then killed.

EE has become too inbred cliquey clanny. Build a country that the deliverance inbreds in sol doesn’t like and their girlfriends will kill you. There is no room for new players. Laughably indisputable.

Why have so many players dumped and left this game? It used to have so many players. Now it has a few very shallow gene pools like sol.

I think I recall a player, a few sets ago, post something like: “See ya losers.”

Great game, but definitely circling the drain due to the fact that small/ new countries can’t compete. Can’t compete against 8 fingered banjo players. Too many drooling Gabagools. Do anything that the spooks the backwoods and their teeth go sideways. So why even play. I’m wondering if there is another, similar game out there that doesn’t put a straight jacket on players.

Josey Wales


Jun 7th 2024, 17:35:06

How many of you grubs did you need to take me down?

From the news, it looks like you needed your whole Intrusion.

Josey Wales


Jun 7th 2024, 9:00:09

Who the F- Cares at this point.

426 is all of you.

ee inbreds.

Josey Wales


Jun 7th 2024, 8:32:11

Originally posted by Aphrodite777:
Dont waste your breathe with these clowns they arent worth it. They live for drama and breaking pacts. Its okay. SoL is fine with putting your group down like dogs set after set. Euthanize the disease

Good to know. You paranoid fluffroaches attacked us. You accuse us of all this shyt, and where’s the proof you freighter class low iQ idiot?

You guys are pretty funny. You couldn’t take M4D on your own, so you had to gang up like a pack of gutter rats to even remotely compete. LMAO. The good thing is that now we all know who the scumbag clans on the server are for the remaining amount of time this game has left in existence.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 17:59:34

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I only just started talking about it. I dont see you posting about those things, why you worried?

Worried about what?

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:32:09

Originally posted by Coalie:
You’re not warring anyone

Only thing you are doing is clicking on “lead your people” button as you log in each day.

I had a really good country going. Heading towards Top 10. Then you guys wrecked everything.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:26:45

Originally posted by Doug:
You now love him better than me???

Besides I doubt Drow would FA you to hit any of our Allie’s silly man lol 😘

Drow should pony up. It’s the least he could do.

We’re thinking of signing up with PDM before the end of the set. For old times sake. We would only hit a few countries and then relax for the last 3 or 4 days.

I can promise you this:

We would depose Drow then send him packing. Then reinstate you as the rightful Leader of PDM.

After he sends me FA, we can also kill his country as a bonus. Not saying we’d enjoy it, but he might.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:16:00

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Suicidal wins this post.

Maybe. But when I spied him he was deathly low on tanks, in my opinion. He didn’t want to hear it though. Thought he knew what was best.

I said: O-kaaaay

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:13:56

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
We did not attack anyone. That was the deal. We left the Aristocrats in Evo alone. Asked them for a little money and they responded with cookies.

Then you guys ruthlessly attacked us because you THINK we did something.

Sure. We had about 100 missiles but so what?

Are you going to attack someone because they have 200 missiles on hand?

We can’t Net peacefully and also have 300 missiles on hand?

We’re only supposed net Peacefully and have half a missile in stock?

Where does it say in the rules that a player can’t grow and bonzai 400 missiles and admire the artistry in the privacy of his own land?

How did you cretins even know that we had a lot of missiles?

Oh… right. Because you spied us incessantly with the help of 426.

But we can’t spy you?

Suicidal couldn’t even take one spy op over the bow. Totally ruffled his feathers and ruined his day. I told him not to be so grumpy. That must have put him over the edge.

Let me guess… did he go running to management to lodge some formal complaints?

And then everyone became paranoid and lost control of their emotions?

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

And all goalie or conzo (I can’t remember which) can say is: “get f x cked”

Total projection.

I AM the Management you idiot.......The Godfather!

See…. Suis..suis…sudio is still pi $$ed off.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:12:51

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
I read all these and all i see is a bunch of keyboard warriors yelling at each other. Sad really.

You’re lapping it up. You’re a one man wrecking crew on the keyboard Emps. A regular Key Board Jockey. Go outside and get some fresh air.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 16:10:12

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Do we really need everyone's D***S, religions, sexual preferences, eating habits, political leanings shoved down all our throats all day everyday?

Shouldnt you put that fluff in the proper forums where we're not trying to just play a fluffing game?
For fluffs sake, stfu.

If you’d stop talking about it Empy we could move on.

Otherwise you’re going to get us all in trouble. So govern yourself accordingly.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:52:57

By the way, Drow… I need a solid.

What’s your country number?

Need to send you an FA pact.

I’ll need some money in order to get back up and running to inflict as much damage as possible before the end of the set.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:49:52

Originally posted by TCO_NBK:
*grabs popcorn*

I missed this drama for the past 10 years :-)

So…. What you’re saying is that you like the Hawaiian Floor Show and you approve

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:25:47

We did not attack anyone. That was the deal. We left the Aristocrats in Evo alone. Asked them for a little money and they responded with cookies.

Then you guys ruthlessly attacked us because you THINK we did something.

Sure. We had about 100 missiles but so what?

Are you going to attack someone because they have 200 missiles on hand?

We can’t Net peacefully and also have 300 missiles on hand?

We’re only supposed net Peacefully and have half a missile in stock?

Where does it say in the rules that a player can’t grow and bonzai 400 missiles and admire the artistry in the privacy of his own land?

How did you cretins even know that we had a lot of missiles?

Oh… right. Because you spied us incessantly with the help of 426.

But we can’t spy you?

Suicidal couldn’t even take one spy op over the bow. Totally ruffled his feathers and ruined his day. I told him not to be so grumpy. That must have put him over the edge.

Let me guess… did he go running to management to lodge some formal complaints?

And then everyone became paranoid and lost control of their emotions?

Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

And all goalie or conzo (I can’t remember which) can say is: “get f x cked”

Total projection.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:05:01


Before we all wind up in the EE Gulag…

This is a family game.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 14:02:57

How long does it take to get out of protection? I’ve got scores to settle.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 11:20:52

Once I’m out of protection….. man… I’m telling you right now…

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 11:18:37

Originally posted by Suicidal:
You got a purty mouth boy

lol. That movie was crazy.

Josey Wales


Jun 6th 2024, 9:25:57

This game is chock full of inbred deliverance style clans that are long in the tooth and think they own the game and set policy.

Whoever owns it should sell it soon. You’re not going to get any new players with the way the inbreds of this game have formed their own lord of the flies rules.

No new player will have a chance.

When was the last time a new player signed up for this game?

Pull the rip cord and Sell it off for scrap. While you can.

Or you could sell it off as a psychological experiment to some university where they study mice.

If you put it on a microscope slide it would be like looking at a bunch of vicious geriatrics in a knitting club.

This once great game is now circling the drain.

Josey Wales


Jun 5th 2024, 23:33:18

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Just to clarify.
You are acknowledging that a trade pact betwixt Jwalesco leadership and M4D was formed?
This occurred during a war with SoL vs M4D?
When this pact was formed you had agreed to peaceful terms with SoL.

You are assuming that. Like you assumed that FA was sent. Like you assumed that we were going to attack Evo. Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each. Like you assumed that we were going to use those missiles. Like you assumed that because we did Non-Harmful Spy Ops, that that somehow meant we were going to attack. You are the ones that said non-harmful spy ops were ok. So we tested that theory. I non-harmful spy opped Suicidal. He asked me if I was out of my mind. Clearly he had an issue with NH-spy ops. Spied Evo to tease them a little bit. Then you kill us.

Turns out, non-harmful spy ops are only ok when you guys do them. So your word is garbage.

You fell for the bait and couldn’t control your emotions. Your sincerity is about as thin as pi$$ on a rock.

Let’s not even mention 426. We’ll find out who he is in a couple of weeks. We’ll find out who his associates are.

No problem though and nothing personal Gonzo.

Total War.

Josey Wales


Jun 5th 2024, 21:53:09

Originally posted by Coalie:
I just don’t get it.. of all the m4d guys he could’ve FAed, he picked the worst 2 guys.

If I was to FA m4d from the sidelines I’d look for the real killers like Vic, Llarr or Leto.

Just don’t make sense to me but then again cath is a certified idiot so it doesn’t surprise me there.

You’re assuming FA was sent.

Josey Wales


Jun 5th 2024, 19:38:18

Aggression prompted by paranoia.

Josey Wales


Jun 5th 2024, 7:53:40

Total War. Forever.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 22:43:00

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Coalie paid me $20 to war Josey and Cath OOP next set.

I will send you a chocolate chip cookie recipe.

That is acceptable.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 17:34:10

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by TAN:
Evo just do everyone in Alliance a favor and send Josey reps with the understanding that these reps are a bribe to buy josey's silence so he can shut the fluff up. I'll chip in.

$5 from me let me know where to send it to

Meager…. But it all adds up in the kitty.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 17:32:35

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by TAN:
Evo just do everyone in Alliance a favor and send Josey reps with the understanding that these reps are a bribe to buy josey's silence so he can shut the fluff up. I'll chip in.

I'll donate one dollar.


Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 14:46:03

Originally posted by TAN:
Evo just do everyone in Alliance a favor and send Josey reps with the understanding that these reps are a bribe to buy josey's silence so he can shut the fluff up. I'll chip in.

$15 Billion.

In order to continue our peaceful efforts to Mitigate Climate Change in EE.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 14:41:53

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Josey, war is over bud. Take your peace and go enjoy it.

we havent messed with anyone since you and Josey cut whatever deal you came to. The issue isn’t our side. It’s shady business to cut a deal and then still send your guys to backdoor us.

Jousters Quest (#550)

kammerjaeger (#555)

Defamation of Character.

Stomping around screaming at the sky about betrayal of a peace treaty and being peaceful netters. All during a war when you are allied and providing aid to their enemy?
You word is garbage. Nobody trusted you. And rightly so.


Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 14:02:37

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Josey, war is over bud. Take your peace and go enjoy it.

we havent messed with anyone since you and Josey cut whatever deal you came to. The issue isn’t our side. It’s shady business to cut a deal and then still send your guys to backdoor us.

Jousters Quest (#550)

kammerjaeger (#555)

Defamation of Character.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 13:49:36

426 advises that he has taken the role of:

EE Shyt Sheriff.

Advises that he is working on behalf of a coalition of miscreants to threaten and disrupt our Peaceful Netting efforts and bait us into War, which, as you all know, is the very last thing on our minds.

I pray that peace will prevail.

In 16 days, all will be revealed.

Do not force us to unleash the Kraken.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 13:39:43


We demand reparations.

You are sitting on a powder keg money.

Payable to: The Josey Wales Oil Co.

As of yet, we have seen no deposits.

Josey Wales


Jun 4th 2024, 13:34:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.


FS him!


Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 15:37:49

You’ve got the money.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 15:31:39


We demand reparations.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 14:57:10

In any case, we’re peaceful Netters. That is, until we’re not.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 14:55:36

Lighten up Francis.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 14:51:45

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Cath, u r full of shiat

49 mins ago
Rick (#512) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14634 enemy spies.

49 mins ago
Rick (#512) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 14933 enemy spies.

49.1 mins ago
Rick (#512) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 15238 enemy spies.

Even sent rick a message asking him if he lost his mind

What’s wrong with looking?

Rick says that everyone says non-harmful spy ops is no big deal.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 13:07:13

My trigger finger is getting itchy.

Josey Wales


Jun 3rd 2024, 13:06:30

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I am #476, you are more than welcome to kill me if you can.

To be honest at this point I suspect that multiple people are doing harmful ops on you. Complaining about it on AT only makes you more likely to be a victim of it.

I can assure everyone that it ain’t me but I am excited to see who it is at end if set.

You all better expose the perpetrators at end of set!

For once, I believe you.

Josey Wales


Jun 2nd 2024, 14:46:52

No big deal. I will continue to try and figure it out.

Josey Wales


Jun 2nd 2024, 14:36:44

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I am #476, you are more than welcome to kill me if you can.

To be honest at this point I suspect that multiple people are doing harmful ops on you. Complaining about it on AT only makes you more likely to be a victim of it.

Not really complaining about it any longer.

Following Superfly’s advice and just waiting until the end of the set.

In the meantime… speculating.

Are you 476 or 426?

Josey Wales


Jun 2nd 2024, 14:29:50

Originally posted by galleri:
I will let you know this Josey:
Don't let a friend join in a KR here.
No no rule ;)

I don’t think I’ve invited anyone on a kill run here in Express.

It’s impossible to retaliate in Express anyway. Doesn’t matter if you’re in GDI or not.

You can’t retal after you’ve been attacked so what’s the use?

Maybe I’m missing something here but aren’t you supposed to be able to retal after someone attacks you?

Can you only retal during a new moon, on your grandmother’s birthday, during a leap year?

Good luck to any new player trying to play and figure Express. He’ll have to have a protractor and cosine calculator at the ready with back up from ChatGPT.

Josey Wales


Jun 2nd 2024, 14:20:10

GDI authority will not let you attack this opponent!

Can’t retal if you’re in GDI.

Can’t retal if you’re not in GDI.

Just can’t retal in this game.

Maybe I’m missing something.

What is the point of Express?

Josey Wales


Jun 2nd 2024, 2:33:20

Over / Under on who harmful spy ops guy #426 is, including associations.

House Baseline: 10

Josey Wales: Evo @ 12
(Whiskey please)