
Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Nov 19th 2013, 12:30:52

I am.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Nov 13th 2013, 13:07:02

Most Children go to bed wearing Superman Pajamas. superman goes to bed wearing Chuck Norris Pajamas.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Oct 28th 2013, 12:54:18

So yet again one of my countries (armed with only turrets) has been killed off by UNC/Xidiots. I understand that this is you guys trying to police the server (typical american mentality) but this is getting out of hand.

GDI should have similar rules to express in order to protect countries from bully clans.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Oct 25th 2013, 4:32:24

Scooter what gives.... not sure why you took out USA..

Haven't even grabbed anyone yet this set and was killed off. You guys are a bunch of terrorists.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Oct 13th 2013, 4:10:51

So because I don't post on the forums i'm new at this? Excellent detective work sir.

I'm just on here to burn some time, and have some fun on a simple browser based game. Some people just like to cry about getting grabbed a few times and then chant about his retals while banging ones chest like an inflatable gorilla on top of a used car dealership.

Congratulations sir, you are an excellent EE player. I applaud your epic military strategy.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Oct 12th 2013, 18:10:19

Actually, this is probably the best server for playing like a moron... Seeing as the set only lasts a few days.

In a few days this will be long forgotten.

PS. Thanks for bombing the jets and reducing my military costs.

Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Sep 6th 2013, 22:48:49


Jubrown84 Game profile

New Member

Aug 27th 2013, 12:12:27

So it seems you're screwed either way.

If your in a clan, your always at war and you can be killed any moment.

If your not in a clan, Cowardly MD members 8 times your size will farm you 8 times a day without provocation. I'm GDI protected, but 2 MD members have declared War on me.

Is there a good clan out there that is not so big that they think they are invincible and attack everything multiple times just because they can... but not so small that they are insignificant and continually fall victim to farming?