Mar 19th 2013, 11:36:44
I am getting sick and tired hearing all the whining about SoF accepting FA, or the explaination that SoF has the intellect to choose a proper war strategy (who believes that...) as the reason for their sudden networth advantage over MD.
The reality of the matter is that there is only one reason, MD is letting SoF win so they will finally stop their goddamn whining. We have just gotten so sick of the constant posts on AT that we decided we might as well throw them this bone and let em win for once.
It's like when the retard kid plays along in a sports game, sometimes you let him believe he actually beat you so they would feel better about themselves.
And now you know the real reason, so you can stop with the lame ass posts about SoF accepting FA, and SoF can continue to believe they are winning because they are better. And for the soffers reading this, disregard this post.. you are really winning because you are better, honest to god.