
Meep Game profile

New Member

Aug 12th 2011, 12:40:40


Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 23rd 2011, 16:02:09

Much of their rhetoric is about cutting the benefits actually.

Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 23rd 2011, 15:55:01

If you're a restart, do it as oiler? :P

Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 17th 2011, 13:57:24

Min sales? If you are trying to sell less than 5k military units or 10 tech it gives that message too.

Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 17th 2011, 1:07:54

Start all countries in GDI by default, with the option to leave it (and not rejoin) when they try special attacks/double tapping, and a warning about doing so.

Saves all the bullfluff about new people not knowing and getting killed in ignorance.

Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 12th 2011, 1:00:56

Or you could simply farm "since there's no such thing as topfeed" the countries that land trade. IF they had no easy way to avoid giving good gains due to being in DRs.

But of course, that's hardly as simple as agitating for rules change.

Meep Game profile

New Member

Jul 11th 2011, 23:30:25

This may be a somewhat slanted way to approach the perceived problem, but has anyone considered simply removing DR effect for all non-land attacks?

i.e. GSes etc, whether failed or not, no longer causing a country to go into DR or removing it - only *successful* SSes/PSes/NMs *do*.

This would make high land a lot riskier, since you can no longer depend on GSing into DRs to kep the land, while at the same time making it more tempting to farm alliances at war, making policing function something more than "oooohh yummy free land"