Jul 15th 2011, 7:53:31
I couldn't get this to work earlier, so I made a game journal. For my strategy, I was just following the tutorial advice at the top of each page as close as possible.
"Work is moving slowly!
Consider building more construction sites to increase the number of buildings you can build each turn!"
I should build more CS.
"Build your acres!
Your land is empty and construction crews await your orders. Creating buildings will increase your country's production and networth."
I should build up all of my acres as CS.
Mixing strategies (constructing many types of buildings) is generally not efficient. Without specialization, it is more difficult to fully take advantage of government bonuses and technological improvements. In addition, the production of some types of buildings is dependent on what percentage of our land is filled with them. We should pick a strategy and use the public and private markets to get any goods that we don't directly produce."
It would be unwise to build any buildings other than CS. I will buy whatever I need from the market. Perhaps I should also specialize my government? I'll switch to Theocracy for the bonus to CS; that should complement my strategy perfectly.
"Indy production
With our limited number of industrial complexes, typical indy production would be 100% spies. We would then use income from our other buildings to get other types of military from the public and private market. Producing spies is important because they cannot be bought from the public or private market"
I will switch my Industry to 100% spies.
"Gain more acres
Without an empty acre we cannot construct buildings. We need to gain more acres or to destroy less useful buildings before building more."
Maybe I'll see what exploring will do for me.
"Watch food and cash
Our explorers stop working if we experience a food or cash shortage. Be certain that we have enough food and cash to fund any exploring that we attempt."
Good point, I need food. As my strategy is to focus on CS, I should buy the food off the market.
"Consider making an order
Standing orders allow our country to conveniently purchase goods even when we aren't logged in. If we put up an order for Q quantity at price $P of good G, then our country will buy purchase up to Q units of G for all prices less than or equal to $P."
I need to order food. Waiting for activation: Purchase up to 3,000 Bushels at $35 or less. Good.
"Standing orders may take up to 1 minute to come into effect."
Waits a minute...
0.5 mins ago
You purchased 3000 Bushels at $35 for $111,300 via standing order. No more Bushels remain in your order.
Back to exploring it is! 10 million acres please.
"Exploration was halted. Your people demand you build on your existing land before exploring further. You are not allowed more to explore with more than 50% of your lands barren."
"Build your acres!"
Builds more CS. I'm not making a lot of cash though, maybe I should get more by cashing.
"Think long term
Cashing provides extra income for one turn but does not help our long term growth. Given the time remaining the round, perhaps we should spend turns increasing long term productivitity by gaining land or constructing buildings."
Oh okay. I'll keep building CS then.
"We can use our turns more efficiently
The marginal benefit of research labs rises with the percentage of our total acreage that are labs. Therefore, we should only tech turns when the majority of our land is covered with labs."
Oh, I've already started my CS strategy, so building labs would be silly.
"Look for allies!
We still have alliance slots empty. In some situations, this is a good thing. For example, if we don't do many standard strikes then we shouldn't get offensive allies. However, if we wish to find more allies, one way to do so is to message a few of the countries similar to us and ask them if they wish to ally up."
I'm not sure how I get allies exactly, but I'll look through all of the links to find out more! Ah, Relations.
"Ally expenses
The maximum cost of a pact is 0.2% of your networth per turn. However, if you get defensive allies with two countries your size, you get a 50% defense boost for the price of 0.4% of your networth. Don't let ally costs prevent you from forming alliances!"
Great, I would love to have allies. I'll just type numbers for my allies.
"Your defensive alliance offer to (#xx) was declined because that country already has the maximum number of pacts for that type."
Try again.
"Your defensive alliance offer to (#xxx) was declined because that country does not exist!"
Try again. Okay, pending alliances, perfect. I'm sure they'll want me as an ally since I'm following all of the written advice and I have a specialized strategy. Maybe I'll go to my Main Menu and check out my awesome country.
Oh I didn't notice that link before.
"Global Defense Initiative
This server has a special form of GDI that prevents special attacks in some cases."
Cool, the whole globe will help defend me in a special way. My mom always said I was special. :D
"Thank you for being a member of the GDI.
Your GDI expenses of $2475 are shown within your alliance expenses"
"Gain more acres
We currently don't have enough empty land to construct a full bpt worth of buildings. Unless we are building cs, we should acquire more land from exploring or attacking before constructing additional buildings."
I'm building CS, so I guess I don't need to worry about that.
"We have no tanks!
We are very vulnerable to artillery barrages which can be very devastating to our income and long term growth. Our generals suggest that we purchase tanks immediately."
Oh no! I will buy them immediately, so I will not wait for a standing order this time. Price is no object. I wonder how many I will need? I will buy as many as I can.
"You purchased xx Tanks, for $xxx.
Some of these goods were purchased for a better price on your private market."
There we go, safe and sound.
"Our explore rate will drop
Once we reach 1925 acres, our explore rate will drop by one acre. A common exploring strategy is to get close to this point, then to explore many turns at once. If we explore in this fashion we will gain many more acres than exploring turn by turn!"
I should be careful, I'm only 1400 acres away from there!
"We have no troops!
We are very vulnerable to guerilla strikes. Our generals suggest that we purchase troops if we have a lot of food or civilians to protect."
I have more than 10,000 population, are those civilians? Will I turn them into troops? I thought my GDI was going to defend me? :(
"You purchased xx Troops, for $xxx.
Some of these goods were purchased for a better price on your private market."
Looks like I can buy more than my population afterall!
"We have no turrets!
We are very vulnerable to standard strikes, planned strikes, and bombing runs. Our generals suggest that we purchase or produce turrets immediately."
Oh no, I need turrets immediately too! I wish I had saved more of my money. I should run more turns on CS to produce some.
"You purchased xx Turrets, for $xxx."
Well, I'm out of turns for today, but I'll continue to update as I play, thanks to everyone for looking at my thread.
"Work is moving slowly!
Consider building more construction sites to increase the number of buildings you can build each turn!"
I should build more CS.
"Build your acres!
Your land is empty and construction crews await your orders. Creating buildings will increase your country's production and networth."
I should build up all of my acres as CS.
Mixing strategies (constructing many types of buildings) is generally not efficient. Without specialization, it is more difficult to fully take advantage of government bonuses and technological improvements. In addition, the production of some types of buildings is dependent on what percentage of our land is filled with them. We should pick a strategy and use the public and private markets to get any goods that we don't directly produce."
It would be unwise to build any buildings other than CS. I will buy whatever I need from the market. Perhaps I should also specialize my government? I'll switch to Theocracy for the bonus to CS; that should complement my strategy perfectly.
"Indy production
With our limited number of industrial complexes, typical indy production would be 100% spies. We would then use income from our other buildings to get other types of military from the public and private market. Producing spies is important because they cannot be bought from the public or private market"
I will switch my Industry to 100% spies.
"Gain more acres
Without an empty acre we cannot construct buildings. We need to gain more acres or to destroy less useful buildings before building more."
Maybe I'll see what exploring will do for me.
"Watch food and cash
Our explorers stop working if we experience a food or cash shortage. Be certain that we have enough food and cash to fund any exploring that we attempt."
Good point, I need food. As my strategy is to focus on CS, I should buy the food off the market.
"Consider making an order
Standing orders allow our country to conveniently purchase goods even when we aren't logged in. If we put up an order for Q quantity at price $P of good G, then our country will buy purchase up to Q units of G for all prices less than or equal to $P."
I need to order food. Waiting for activation: Purchase up to 3,000 Bushels at $35 or less. Good.
"Standing orders may take up to 1 minute to come into effect."
Waits a minute...
0.5 mins ago
You purchased 3000 Bushels at $35 for $111,300 via standing order. No more Bushels remain in your order.
Back to exploring it is! 10 million acres please.
"Exploration was halted. Your people demand you build on your existing land before exploring further. You are not allowed more to explore with more than 50% of your lands barren."
"Build your acres!"
Builds more CS. I'm not making a lot of cash though, maybe I should get more by cashing.
"Think long term
Cashing provides extra income for one turn but does not help our long term growth. Given the time remaining the round, perhaps we should spend turns increasing long term productivitity by gaining land or constructing buildings."
Oh okay. I'll keep building CS then.
"We can use our turns more efficiently
The marginal benefit of research labs rises with the percentage of our total acreage that are labs. Therefore, we should only tech turns when the majority of our land is covered with labs."
Oh, I've already started my CS strategy, so building labs would be silly.
"Look for allies!
We still have alliance slots empty. In some situations, this is a good thing. For example, if we don't do many standard strikes then we shouldn't get offensive allies. However, if we wish to find more allies, one way to do so is to message a few of the countries similar to us and ask them if they wish to ally up."
I'm not sure how I get allies exactly, but I'll look through all of the links to find out more! Ah, Relations.
"Ally expenses
The maximum cost of a pact is 0.2% of your networth per turn. However, if you get defensive allies with two countries your size, you get a 50% defense boost for the price of 0.4% of your networth. Don't let ally costs prevent you from forming alliances!"
Great, I would love to have allies. I'll just type numbers for my allies.
"Your defensive alliance offer to (#xx) was declined because that country already has the maximum number of pacts for that type."
Try again.
"Your defensive alliance offer to (#xxx) was declined because that country does not exist!"
Try again. Okay, pending alliances, perfect. I'm sure they'll want me as an ally since I'm following all of the written advice and I have a specialized strategy. Maybe I'll go to my Main Menu and check out my awesome country.
Oh I didn't notice that link before.
"Global Defense Initiative
This server has a special form of GDI that prevents special attacks in some cases."
Cool, the whole globe will help defend me in a special way. My mom always said I was special. :D
"Thank you for being a member of the GDI.
Your GDI expenses of $2475 are shown within your alliance expenses"
"Gain more acres
We currently don't have enough empty land to construct a full bpt worth of buildings. Unless we are building cs, we should acquire more land from exploring or attacking before constructing additional buildings."
I'm building CS, so I guess I don't need to worry about that.
"We have no tanks!
We are very vulnerable to artillery barrages which can be very devastating to our income and long term growth. Our generals suggest that we purchase tanks immediately."
Oh no! I will buy them immediately, so I will not wait for a standing order this time. Price is no object. I wonder how many I will need? I will buy as many as I can.
"You purchased xx Tanks, for $xxx.
Some of these goods were purchased for a better price on your private market."
There we go, safe and sound.
"Our explore rate will drop
Once we reach 1925 acres, our explore rate will drop by one acre. A common exploring strategy is to get close to this point, then to explore many turns at once. If we explore in this fashion we will gain many more acres than exploring turn by turn!"
I should be careful, I'm only 1400 acres away from there!
"We have no troops!
We are very vulnerable to guerilla strikes. Our generals suggest that we purchase troops if we have a lot of food or civilians to protect."
I have more than 10,000 population, are those civilians? Will I turn them into troops? I thought my GDI was going to defend me? :(
"You purchased xx Troops, for $xxx.
Some of these goods were purchased for a better price on your private market."
Looks like I can buy more than my population afterall!
"We have no turrets!
We are very vulnerable to standard strikes, planned strikes, and bombing runs. Our generals suggest that we purchase or produce turrets immediately."
Oh no, I need turrets immediately too! I wish I had saved more of my money. I should run more turns on CS to produce some.
"You purchased xx Turrets, for $xxx."
Well, I'm out of turns for today, but I'll continue to update as I play, thanks to everyone for looking at my thread.