
Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 13:46:34

RD does not and will never have pacts

machwell weren't you part of mademen?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 13:24:26

ruth is still mine so none of you imag peeps get any wierd idea's
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 23:55:36

Originally posted by machwell:
The "Don't touch RD and they won't touch you" is also BS.

I didn't touch them once this set, yet still they sent me 60 missiles and a bunch of GSes, killing me while I was walling FBI, Rag and RD

(I went to take a dump and died :/ )

unlike most of the rest of you Rad has never had issues with us..infact when they nailed us a few times earlier this reset ashe got on icq, msg'd us and talked things out...

you all should takes notes from him on how to avoid being killed over a LG

anyways alot of us were in good moods although somewhat borred and saw rag having a bit of in the interest of strengthening inter tag/alliance friendships and spreading our cheer and goodwill around the server we shared toys with rag and they shared with us. and everybody was happy

well except you 5 but oh well can't please them all
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 20:10:30

we're being productive donny no longer infests this server =D
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 2nd 2010, 0:24:50

Crimson has said many times we'd be willing to play as 5 country teams

but when some of the same ppl talking trash about our 1:kill policy are still doing cross tag stuff wouldn't you say thats a bit hypocritical

before any of you expect us to play by "team server rules" you should all try that yourself you might be suprised by our response
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 20:42:06

Originally posted by W:
i am more than happy to fight a losing war set after set

well thats a start atleast some of you are begining to realize your always gonna be bottom of the pile.

but for just a second look around. DBD, sanct, rag, OG, teamwork/hunt, and FBI to name a few arn't having issues with us and are doing just fine.

hell LD nailed one of ours with 8 SS's and was warned off...we didn't kill him

we've even exchanged hits and killed a member or two of some of those teams and we still get along fine.

when are all you whiners gonna realize you only have yourselves to blame for the situation your over and over and over

RD didn't come here to specifically fight you. our first reset we had what 8 countries? 9 maybe? and you guys killed some of us...

ok that could have been worked out

but then you get on here and start the trash talking not realizing how many colors had come out of retirement to play with old friends and got beat down

it could have end'd there to...everybody could have walked away

then you talk more trash...and more trash...and right up until reset end'd more trash....this reset starts and you all hide in unknown tags

small hint if your gonna hide in unknown tags don't use the same frigging country names...totally ruined it for you

then you FS us ....and are still here talking fluff

for the last 2.5 resets you have all talked such a big game poking the dogs in the cage with your sticks...but suddenly when the cage doors open its our fault you got bit?

i hope non of you get the chance to repopulate...air is to precious to be wasted like that
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 12:52:07

and how is that...after looking at our kills this reset and last the only ones we're killing are the idiots that start fights with us first.

i don't see any true "new" players here on the board whining just the ones that try to push their own views of right and wrong on everybody else

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jul 31st 2010, 4:06:12

Originally posted by rpottage:
Originally posted by Mr.Xanadu:
well that would have really fluffed over your FS wouldn't it, snawdog? Hypocrit.

Sorry, I just thought that was hilarious.

I mean you guys implement a 1:kill policy, then attack various countries at random for land, kill those who retal that land, and you're calling someone else a hypocrite.

we do not kill countries over retals how many times must this be stated
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 18:53:10

we don't retaliate for hits on untag'd RD members if their not tag'd up its their own damn fault they got hit
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 16:36:31

buh bye
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 16:32:14

Originally posted by CKHustler:
huhuh, you can turn a blind eye while hidden countries from all over the server join them in killruns. Their 1:kill policy is ridiculous and should be implemented right back at them. Ive also seen a couple countries killed for retalling hits against them.

I guess they are just big and bad when they play on the 5 man team server and combine all their teams...whew, such tough guys.

wrong and wrong

we've had untagged countries AB'ing and hitting us since oop
i have yet to see some random untag'd join us on a kill run

no country has been killed for retalling any hits on us that were a ss or ps

if your talking about the sanct and NE countries...look back at their history. they lg'd us just after lords made their sad attempt at warring us. we might have been busy but we didn't forget about them. and yes we tried to take some acres off them before detah. simple luck that 2 of those countries managed retals before we got them. but retals or not they were going to die anyway

next time get all your facts straight before you try to paint us as the bad guys kk?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jul 16th 2010, 21:43:05

patty dig didn't found TGA that was cydonia and stars n stripes

Dig founded SoC winch merged with TAC and TGA under the tga name and he took over
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 3:46:03

throw some more ancient ones at me det =)
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 3:20:20

shoulda thrown out some really old ones

Mello Yellow
stars n stripe
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 3:18:52

Cerb was merc inc then started a diff alliance with what was left of TGA called Citadel

Gilbert was old Alorn council, then went to TGA durring digtek's reign and joined Cerb in Citadel
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 21:08:19

and yes i actually typed flu ffy
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 21:07:56

we are....crimson is really a fluffy little kitten.
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 3:16:44

plz contact me when you have a moment thank you

20654127 icq
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 20th 2010, 0:00:39

the exaggeration was in reference to eevil...despite the name only a few of them were enticed by my promises of candy and lollipops and came over. Most of eevil is actually pure sweet innocent gamers that have no idea i'm out to warp all their fragile little minds.

hopefully in a reset or two my influence will have them kicking granny on the curb rather then helping her across the street. well one could hope anyway.

maybe i'll offer punch and pie next reset.....

or i could hire a clown for opening day of the new reset..
have to think about this
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 18:41:42

Originally posted by archaic:

I have it from a pretty good source that a lot of RD are eevil players from EC, slumming down here with a few old RD vets.

here fixed for you

I have it from a pretty good source that a few members of RD are eevil players from EC, slumming down here with a lot old RD vets.

your source it turns out likes to exaggerate

Edited By: Mr. Lime on Jun 19th 2010, 18:43:02
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 18:29:12

just some huh?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 5:40:06

^^^ the results of over zealous landfarming the small peeps

now some poor laf country wouldn't be losing 10k acres if you gave my way a chance
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 23:49:02

shhhh your better off if we don't know your coming...the chest thumping really did wonders for these guys this reset ;)
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 20:35:10

is not part of RD if you all want to farm him have at it...

also please refer to my post on the tag thread..we are enforcing our 1:kill policy
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 21:49:26

ruth and the dark side *gasp* i had nothing to do with this i swear...

i knew she was always trying to warp my fragile little mind
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 22:28:22

i love you charcoal =D
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 23:59:50

wow you a little do gooder cult following you around...from rd jr. to head of the ethics've sure suprised me
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 22:10:42

i'm sorry but what is the spirit of this online game...for everybody to be equals? no i think not...its for ppl to do what they can when they can inside of the rules to get ahead of other alliances

market buyouts and FA'ing top countries are against your "spirit" and yet all i see is lip service

everybody here is so pro mouthing the phrases and yet those that follow that up with actual action are so far and few between

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 21:55:19

thomas I'm under no illusions that country most likely barring a miracle or server war will not make the top 100.... however i am taking the time to learn all i can about doing this call it trial and error or even research into the feasibility of this in the future

i never said i was going to stop.

and yes i was honest about the results and data collected so far.

i don't want ppl to think that i'm giving nike angry looks and poof magic ghost acres appear. i'm trying to explain how i was in fact paying for said acres in a way no explorer does..and that unlike an all explore strat my growth through this means actually puts cash from my food sales back into the market where all alliances including yours benefit from my purchases
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 20:45:47

gwagers... who you with? and who's not getting called out?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 19:34:01

very jealous

and nobody has contact'd me yet...

i was dead serious gather your facts bring them to the table and i'll be happy to talk about this with any one of you that doesn't start with "your a cheater". i'm not in NA..i'm in eevil
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 13:52:10

charles i have to ask how this is blatant abuse of ghost acres. i like ya to man and i'd like to have a genuine discussion about this without me being RD as a factor.

a rep can eplore for what 39 acres a turn at 8k land i believe? kk now 39 acres a turn with the possibility for more x 14 turns= 546 roughly possibly upwards of 580 acres if luck is with you

now i did 14 turns because that is how many me and nike were spending for each hit we did on eachother and we gained 200+ early on to 400 on the final hits...

now to explain where the 14 turns comes from rep attacking=2 turns rebuilding lost CS=2-4 turns rebuilding farms to maximize ghost acres 8-10 turns and yes some of those hits took me 16-17 turns to recover from.

add in the loss of food production durring this, building costs, cost of jets used and lost and cost of oil need'd to be bought....

i don't see how i abused jack sh1t...look at the numbers...not only did it not work like we had hoped i believe now we should have waited till 15k acres to try this..but our expenses were astronomically higher then a all explore rep.

i would totally agree with all of you if me and nike had farmed some untag's then pull'd this..we didn't we skip'd our tech phases, explored our butts off and decided to give this a try. and seeing as how we bought jets from other alliances, oil from other alliances, we helped you guys....we the only difference between what we did and exploring was we put money back into the market system

we have not once touch'd any other alliance

as for orkin locket and the rest. your statements seem to imply that pang and the game mods are inept and not doing their jobs. your accusations of me being a cheater are about 7 years to late. i've never denied what i did in those days. did i run multi's fluff yeah. did i spy in many alliances no doubt. have a cheated in earthempires? no. neither has any other member of RD that i'm aware of. how many times has my country been deleted? how many eevil countries have been deleted? how many NA countries were deleted? you are all barking up the wrong tree. i have not attack'd any of you or smack talk'd to you guys. so how about you mind your own buisness and i'll continue to mind mine

and like xto said its suprising that for all of this that has happened and yes we sat by and watch'd the last 2 resets and said and did nothing to condone or condem it...that suddenly AxA, who i thought was my ally suddenly finds himself a chance for the spotlight.

lets all be honest this wouldn't be causeing half the fuss it is if an RD member wasn't involved. i have no doubt that his misguided moral and ethical obligations were to overwhelming that he finally had to post about this subject. And the fact it was me, the one who voted in regen to stand behind collab in the final sets of earth2025, and a known RD member, was just icing on the cake for him.


so on that note i'd be more then willing to have an intelligent discussion about the pro's and con's of what i'm doing with anybody. and who knows you bring enough facts and good points to it and you might even get me to change my mind.

icq 20654127

those of you who blindly lash out at anything RD please just go right over to the team forum and you'll find your other groupies already there in full swing
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 5:01:00

AxA tell me again who told you i was a leader in eevil... would love to know wich idiot your listening to

edit: orkin i love you to *smooch*

Edited By: Mr. Lime on Jun 15th 2010, 5:01:42
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:58:38

Originally posted by kwmi:
Who cares, RD are cheaters, just bots and multies, everybody knows it.

wanna tell us how you don't talk sh*t one more time?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:55:36

Originally posted by kwmi:

This server has become exactly what I thought it would become - a playground for EC players to leverage their old alliances in a new format. Guess there is no room for any of the old 1A alliances in this server anymore.

so you say we leverage our old alliances...then say there is no room for old alliances?

please make up your mind

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:39:22

and they haven't have all of you can go on home and come back when i actually break a rule...
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:30:00

bull you even said on icq you knew about it

AXA collab ‎(6/14/2010 11:55 PM):
not pacted to neofed because of it

now please point out to me the thread you called them out in ...its ok i'll wait

Edited By: Mr. Lime on Jun 15th 2010, 4:31:22
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:17:15

fine then have the admins put in the rule that hitting another member of your alliance is a deletion lvl offence... i'm willing to put down money other alliances will lose more members then Eevil's 2

i just find it funny that out of everybody else that did this last reset AxA feels the need to call me out on it i feel the love
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:13:53

oh noes the moral police from omega have arrived...we're done for now!!!
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 4:02:35

wow didn't like my reply on icq so had to run here.

see this is why collab gets hit so often. gotta be nosy little b1tch's and interfere in another alliances internal affairs

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 18:31:15

blah blah blah all you ppl do is whine

waaaa xtag retals
waaaaa i hit rd and they killed me
waaaaaa i'll never be as good legit as half of RD so time for more waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and last but not least

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i just want some attention for once in my life

toying with you sorry fluffs was fun at first but damn if you don't get fluffing annoying quick as fluff
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 18:06:30

cry more?
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 22:37:39

i hear stones is looking for more ppl to die with them
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 22:27:59

don't hit us and our policy won't concern you

it really is that simple

you all are the ones wanting to cross that line in the sand after we simply stated leave us alone

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 22:25:18

really just comes down to

don't poke the sleeping animals

if your dumba2s decides to do it anyway

don't come to the boards whining about how you got bit your stupidity is not our fault talk to that whore of a mother that brought you into this world
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 22:21:19

very thin
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 2:44:09

not what walding and donny are running their mouths about ^^^

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


May 31st 2010, 22:46:42

does it matter? anybody thats been around know's who we are anyway..not like we're hiding fluff

atleast we make finding our countries really easy for the adoring masses

ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


May 31st 2010, 22:34:10

*humps patience* ok now that buisness is done on to the pleasure
ICQ: 20654127

Mr. Lime Game profile


May 30th 2010, 20:45:07

i'm sorry were you just talking to me? all i heard was

"blah blah blah i'm a little fluff"

speak up
ICQ: 20654127