
MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 16:41:44

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You're a little like the guy who gets checkmated and says "Yeah, sure but I still have 9 more pieces, you didn't get them all you just avoided them and attacked my king, coward!"

are you talking about Checkers? I don't play board games so I have no idea what you are trying to say .... but what you are saying about NW worth is : Yeah, sure but I still have 9 more pieces, you didn't get them all you just avoided them and attacked my king, coward .....

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 16:18:53

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Are you by any chance Clintonista? Because he is banned and has been found to attempt to cheat in order to take the land record in this server that I crushed him at over and over. I just feel like Clintonista would talk exactly like you do. :)

You should not "feel" so much .... I have no idea who your Clintonista is ... nor do I care. I don't think you have crushed much of anything except for a Twinky from time to time.

Winning in this game has always been about killing your opponents country .... there is no surrender button (although some of you ladies would surely hit it many times a set) .... there are NO other matrix .. WIN = KILL that's all ......

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 15:44:42

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Yep and I will :) prove me wrong

Prove you wrong? ok ....
The Country of HOPEFULLY BEATING Gerdler (#166) as of Jun 23rd

Still alive .... you are proved wrong ...... that was easy

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 15:38:07

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by MushSroomy:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
you see no difference in the ones who get to 20k acres in 30-40 hits with no spying in 900 turns and the ones who get to 20k acres one day later at turn 1300 after 100 hits and spying every bot?

Theres certainly skill, analytical skill. There is not much bravery, but also nothing you do in an online text based game takes bravery. If its showing your bravery you are after you are not spending your time wisely.

What I don't see Gerdler is you killing ANYTHING and that includes me in Primery .... This is a war game after all .... and in WAR you KILL

And the Doc said this would help me with PTSD .... well thats a load of fluff .....

I have killed lots and lots of countries in express team and alliance. I wont kill you in primary and you wont kill me so other metrics will decide the outcome of the war. You take your pick. :)



Jun 17th 2019, 20:23:33

"I will beat you no matter the rules, lol."

You said you could ... but you CAN"T ..... fluff talkers who can't back in up are ..... SNOWFLAKES!!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 15:34:57

Did you make it over from MARS2025?

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 15:30:27

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by MushSroomy:
Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Welcome to Earth Empires!

Earth Empires is a persistent browser based country simulation and strategy game.

You mean Welcome to Earth The Math Game? Can you add?? ... then you to can play this math game .....
Wish they wlda let me play this in math class ever

That is a fact my friend .... But I have not been in school for 35 years .... so no need for a math class .... but your point is a sound one.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 15:06:14

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Welcome to Earth Empires!

Earth Empires is a persistent browser based country simulation and strategy game.

You mean Welcome to Earth The Math Game? Can you add?? ... then you to can play this math game .....

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 14:53:41

Originally posted by Gerdler:
you see no difference in the ones who get to 20k acres in 30-40 hits with no spying in 900 turns and the ones who get to 20k acres one day later at turn 1300 after 100 hits and spying every bot?

Theres certainly skill, analytical skill. There is not much bravery, but also nothing you do in an online text based game takes bravery. If its showing your bravery you are after you are not spending your time wisely.

What I don't see Gerdler is you killing ANYTHING and that includes me in Primery .... This is a war game after all .... and in WAR you KILL

And the Doc said this would help me with PTSD .... well thats a load of fluff .....

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 23rd 2019, 14:13:32

So where is the challenge is raping with no retal? And why are you whining when you get ops pulled on you? There are like 5 people who have taken over this sever and are teching twits .... there is no skill .... BOT RAPING IS FOR COWARDS .....

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 23:59:07

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by MushSroomy:
Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by MushSroomy:
Your use of what? I will ....... when ever I good and well please .... Turd
If anyone here is a turd it would be you, good sir.

One of the finest TURDS from the finest HOLES you would ever have the pleasure of fighting with ...... but I'm sure ....Jayr..... that would offed your proper senses and melt your snow flake courage ..... diarrhea
I'll pp on u boy...

What? ... your sending me money on Pay Pal?

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 23:57:57

Originally posted by galleri:
Also, MushSroomy, to save all of us the trouble, please read the rules listed at the top of the express forum. I don't need an upset player that did not read the rules when I, Warster or Prime delete them. This tends to happen to returning players and new players. Enjoy the game!

I not sure if you know this ... but power hunger modes in a game kind of suck and are very lame .... just to point out that i have violated no rules and for you to even mention it is kind of a bush league move ... this game has changed .... not for the better I may add .... and I'm starting to see why ...... WAY TO GO CHAMP .... swing and a miss!!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 22:51:31

Originally posted by Jayr:
Originally posted by MushSroomy:
Your use of what? I will ....... when ever I good and well please .... Turd
If anyone here is a turd it would be you, good sir.

One of the finest TURDS from the finest HOLES you would ever have the pleasure of fighting with ...... but I'm sure ....Jayr..... that would offed your proper senses and melt your snow flake courage ..... diarrhea

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 22:45:31

ya know back in the 70's when I was a kid in grammar school (grades 1-5 for you new people) our gym teach called dodge ball ...."Smear The Queer" ... not one kid or parent complained. No body cared and no one got offended.... now I hear they are taking dodge ball out of school because of some fluff or the other .... Just because people push for change does not make it GOOD CHANGE!!! For the love of all that is holy ... GROW A SET AND TAKE THE HIT MAN!!!! IT WAR!!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 22:22:11

And there was Mars2025 ... DAMN RUSSIANS .... And before it was Earth2025 it was a military training tool or some crap like that ... I can't remember. But it has been the same basic code for the last 25 or so years .... I'll pay it the old way ..... and shame of the turds who wrote the pansy codes into it!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 22:07:40

If one steals enough tech and cares not if they get caught ... well then the 15 countries WILL retal and hence be open to a last hour ass kicking .... who will not retal a spy raping your tech?

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 21:52:50

Pimeval ..... This is and always has been a FIGHTING SERVER!! Turning this into a Pansy Ass tech server would just suck and all around be bad for EARTH ... The Whole Planet man. Well except Russia but Russia sucks anyways .... I have been asked to come back into the game and "MAKE KILLING GREAT AGAIN" As a Mod you should know that "good player-to-player interaction" in this WAR game is KILLING .... maybe you forgot THAT while you smelled the Pansy's and teched to your peace loving hearts desire .... but that will change!

Boltar .... that is a thought I had as well and will be looking into it.

Gerdler ..... name a server my friend ..... I may be old and rusty but it will be good practice seeing how you build .... then punching you right in the face!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 20:40:00

Your use of what? I will ....... when ever I good and well please .... Turd

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 20:34:00

ohhh thanks for the time table Mr Marshal!! 6 hours it is. And there is always a way to mess up a county if I can get a spy op on it ..... And I CAN get an op on anything.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 19:43:11

Thank you for the advice Mr Marshal. I will do that. But am still going to find 0ut when the cut off time is to attack GDI .... late raping of the Top Ten will happen .... I will figure out how.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 19:32:32

Back in the Day (late 90's early 2000's) you fought till the end. If you are not good enough to handle a full out attack with an hour left .... Go back to playing DIG DUG or GALAGA!!!! That is SO SOFT for sure. I get pleasure off of KILLING TURD COUNTRIES not teching .... and this was a WAR game last time I checks not a teching game for WEAK SOFT SNOW FLAKES!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 17:32:31

Are you kidding me? So what is the attack cut off time? WOW this game really has changed since I play. And your right Jayr .... Commie Pinkos .....

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 16:52:46

How come I could not declare war on a country in the closing hours of this last express set?

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 16th 2019, 1:28:41

OHHHHH .... thanks for the link ... i looked at it ..... let's go with .... What??? LOL

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 15th 2019, 20:58:05

that's a good idea with the 2b in cash

how can you identify a bot vs a non bot?

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 15th 2019, 20:14:10

OK ... BOTS? I thought they killed all the bots? Also in ADVISOR under Expense Breakdown the last one is Corruption. I can not find info on this. Could you please explain that? And thank you for your time.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 15th 2019, 15:01:17

Master Marshal; let me ask. Back in the day farming was 2 hits. If you hit 3 times it was war. I see A LOT of 3 hit farming .... Is this the new normal? Mind you if I get farmed 3 times ... I will find a way to wreck your set. Thats the way it was and i SEE NO REASON TO CHANGE THAT.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 14th 2019, 19:31:44

Thanks for the info. Last time i was on Earth was back in 1997-2001. Seems a lot of things have changed since then.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 14th 2019, 19:04:56

Thanks Marshal. It also explained why I had no idea what it was. However I am still going to blame those DAMN RUSSIANS!!!

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 14th 2019, 13:16:31

Ya ... I am not sure that is it my friend. Why is there no information on here about it? It's like the Russians made that crap up so I would ask stupid questions ..... DAMN RUSSIANS!!!!! LOL

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 13th 2019, 1:05:20

Bruins .... Game seven in bean town? That's a hard barn to win in given the circumstances.

MushSroomy Game profile


Jun 13th 2019, 0:47:02

As in: Dictatorship
+25% Military Strength
+30% Spy Effectiveness
-30% Construction Speed
+33% Ghost Acres