
Nate Game profile


May 21st 2024, 0:42:09

please don't sully that name Josey

Nate Game profile


May 20th 2024, 23:40:19

is it really walling without a (very) long string of minimum returns?

Nate Game profile


May 20th 2024, 21:31:14

Originally posted by Ivan:
Wow, its like watching kindergarten trashtalking


You seem to think higher of the trash talk than I do

Nate Game profile


May 13th 2024, 0:51:56

Any ideas on Hermes hourly rate?

Nate Game profile


May 12th 2024, 17:34:19

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by martian:
Tans request has been sent to the central bureaucracy for pre-pre processing. Once the committee to oppose long sigs (circa 1995) has finished processing long sigs and inspected all necessary sweet biscuits, a sub committee will be created to determine if pre-pre processing can begin after a suitable name for thee sub committee is chosen. Such sub committee name choosing is done by the committee that bequeaths power through names and is currently processing request 23 of 23,302,943 aka the "suck it tan' variant.
We will keep you updated as the matter progresses.. should we required the correct authorization to do so in triplicate.

Any updates?

Probably got distracted hunting elves.

Nate Game profile


May 12th 2024, 17:26:59

ABs are lame.

8 hits to steal a kill is too many

I should play more and just help random people kill

TSO head of getting kills

Nate Game profile


May 9th 2024, 17:47:48

Originally posted by archaic:
What in the chicken fried fluff am I seeing here? TAN and Detmer and Drow and elvesrus . . . its as if the cast from Revenge of the Nerds escaped their nursing home and ended up at a small town B-grade comic-con.

I prefer to think of it as B-grade Bubba Ho-Tep

Nate Game profile


Feb 25th 2024, 11:59:56

me love you long time

Nate Game profile


Feb 21st 2024, 1:25:30

Always nice to see team drama that I had absolutely no involvement with.

Originally posted by Doug:
burn this bitxh to the ground.💰

That may have been attempted in the past, at least for one set ;)

Nate Game profile


Jun 6th 2023, 22:05:47


Nate Game profile


Jun 2nd 2023, 5:18:54

Originally posted by galleri:
We are also a mod-heavy clan.
We have players that do GMILFS.

you got walt?

Nate Game profile


May 24th 2023, 19:11:10

hooray! another account I can keep forgetting about. <3

Nate Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 5:16:23

Trife, it's always trife

Nate Game profile


May 6th 2023, 20:41:37

Nate Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 18:11:36

Originally posted by myerr21:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Tmac:
What are you talking about? Snake is an all x netting team that never hits anyone unless they hit them first. How'd a team of 5 that keeps to themselves upset you so bad? I'll make a country next set named Tmac just to give others a little more time to outgrow you =)

Oh Tmac, you're such a nice guy, but you're so confused.

1. A monkey smashing a keyboard could out grow us. Don't you know? We suck.
2. Evo is Darkness's netting clan, or so I've been told.
3. Mercs have a "LAF WILL NEVER NET AGAIN" philosophy. I'm just trying to learn from the best. I now have a 'Snake/Evo will never net again'.

You're wondering why?

Why the fvck not. Cause it's what everyone around here seems to want to do.

There is a way out of this, if you wanted. You can contact me directly if you ever want to chat.

Until then, I appreciate you not making it hard to find you. Although, I do enjoy a good hunt. So either way, let's have some fun.

Youre always so angry bro. We get that you think youre the main character, but we have seen hundreds of you come in here, talk big game then get crushed and leave 6 sets later. Stop being such an ass clown and make some friends or youre never going to enjoy your time here.

They need to get on my level or GTFO

Nate Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 2:32:24

someone do the low hanging fruit of mod wars ;)

Nate Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 0:59:24

Originally posted by ZEN:
For some reason I remember a Maz.

And since no one else will answer your question.

There is a debate about when this game died. Some people think it was when mehul closed it. This being a replica of earth2025. However, I believe it died well before that. We may have had more players, but the ratio of bots and multies to real players is probably the same as it is now.

So when did it die.....When most of us became adults, found real jobs, had sex for the first time, the multitude of online games came out, or when readily available porn became available? Who knows really. But from the looks of this forum, it was LaF's fault whatever it was.

Female Body Inspector

/me humps ZEN

<3 elves

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 23:36:16

You make me so wet
I'm always getting what I want
I've been waiting for you in the cave
You say I've been so bad
Maybe I should spank you, baby
Anyway, you're gonna be my slave
Heaven and hell's gonna turn over topsy-turvy
I know you wanna give it to me
Deeper and deeper and faster and faster delight
Your body is mine tonigh

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 21:31:21

Originally posted by galleri:

I actually appreciate this link. I see a name that needs changing.

Backstreet's back

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 18:05:15

what's the worst that can happen?

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 17:55:26

I blame QZ :P

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 15:54:54

queue Shaggy

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 15:53:57

I just wanted to cover my ass in case it wasn't an innocent mistake/mod fun. Need my country killed and all that :)

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 14:48:25

Originally posted by Don Forgo:
Originally posted by BigP:
Alright so dumb question, your just downloading the app on your phone?

You can just visit their website, ChatGPT works perfectly mobile browser.

Originally posted by Nate:
for me I can't get a verification code

Don't need any, just go to their website

I did. It was asking me for a phone number to send a verification code to sign up, something I would trust OpenAI with if I had one.

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 14:44:07

Seriously add an r to the tag in the url for fun times.

I'd guess unintended side effect of whatever, honestly who cares in the now how it happened, and EEstats is still picking up the right countries with the right tag, but would be nice to have fixed in the future just in case.

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 11:17:25

for me I can't get a verification code

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 10:24:02

sorry, no phone, but feel free to ask it why elves are jerks.

Nate Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 10:15:48

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Link:
just swap all the tags around haha

That is a good idea! Be back!

Did you add an r to the Darker tag and fluff it up in the in game clans?

Nate Game profile


Apr 25th 2023, 21:44:32

Nate Game profile


Apr 22nd 2023, 11:05:22

Is the come back and play with us email I got in 2007 still valid?

Nate Game profile


Apr 22nd 2023, 0:33:36

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:

If anyone is at fault it was me. I had mentioned earlier in the day that “gee Orkins been quiet, maybe we should do a welfare check” in the chat server for EE. Tagging him I knew he’d come and give me a rash of crap. Annnnnd everyone went bonkers.

The end.

I told you he was fine. You knew he would show up blazing.
I have said it before.... People disappear from the game because they want. If they want someone to know then they will let them know. No one in any game needs a "welfare or safety check" unless they screamed they were going to kill themselves or someone. Sorry, I know you have good intentions.... But that is how it is.

I think “welfare check” in todays term and again CONTEXT it was said means “they fell off the face of the earth” it’s a generation Z phrase. Next time I’ll put it in boomer form. My bad. The politically correct dictionary isn’t recognized here. lol I love and like a lot of you, but I’m not here to be the Urban Dictionary of EE for Gen Y and Gen Z. But I owned my comment Galleri as I always do. I did not mean it literally as it’s a common phrase as to “yo, he fell off the face of the earth”


You called me 57. Elves will be a long to confirm.

Do I have to do it as elves?

Nate Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 14:22:43

depends on the cutoff date which seems to vary depending on who you ask, so whatever you think 1983 belongs to.

Nate Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 7:51:30

party based politics are one of the greatest evils created by man

Nate Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 16:52:17

There would need to be a whole lot of red for Rohirrim to finish in the top 10

Nate Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 13:12:13

I haven't even done a spy op :p

Nate Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 4:39:57

Originally posted by Link:

can confirm

Nate Game profile


Apr 12th 2023, 1:42:46

I set up cameras in Meduseld just for that purpose

Nate Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 21:24:51

Originally posted by martian:
No mods with mod access to alliance server do. Because if I did the fs would last maybe 30 seconds and all your countries would be renamed to fluff1, fluff2.. ect.
or maybe I would just rename the entire server to fluff1,fluff2,fluff3.. etc.

and since we won't be doing that.. here is a great and easy peanut butter cookie recipe:
1 cup peanut butter

1 cup white sugar

1 egg

mix and baked at 350F for 10 minutes, cool and eat
and make sure you sing C IS FOR COOKIE while doing it..

I hope this settles the issue.. if you have any further questions, please file a form 293-QR in tripplicate and CC it to the GRAND POOBAH
and then pang will come and hit me with pies... mmmm pies.


How well does that recipe skip the oven?

dough > cookies like pie > cake

Nate Game profile


Mar 31st 2023, 20:13:51

Nate Game profile


Mar 31st 2023, 8:18:14

elvesrus was the worst. just terrible, and good riddance.

Nate Game profile


Mar 31st 2023, 1:09:33

Nate Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 17:14:08

Can you believe at least once a mod used Nazi Mod as a country name?

Nate Game profile


Mar 30th 2023, 12:59:49

wonder how long this will last on at this time before moving to general.

Nate Game profile


Mar 28th 2023, 16:42:19

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Captain Control:
Originally posted by HH:
There is like no info about what company runs EE and in what country its based in or anything like that.

Shhhhh! EE might be owned by the CCP lol

Will congress protect my data? (Tik tok hearing 😂)

Only tik tok data because we only care about privacy rights if china is violating them.

Nate Game profile


Mar 28th 2023, 16:34:20

Originally posted by Captain Control:
You animals! Leave the retirement home alone. They want to net in peace!

Honestly their countries first round of spy ops led to a lot of head scratching.

Nate Game profile


Mar 25th 2023, 17:10:20

I know there is one left. but FREEDOM has been dominated

and for taker

Nate Game profile


Mar 25th 2023, 10:39:05

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Captain Control:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I mean, when you're repeatedly accusing mods of stuff and told to stop it but continue, you're eventually going to be timed out, #childlife

Suppressing free speech... sounds like something North Korea would do.


In United States constitutional law, false statements of fact are assertions, which are ostensibly facts, that are false. Such statements are not always protected by the First Amendment. Often, this is due to laws against defamation, that is making statements that harm the reputation of another.

Representing the Law Firm of Dewey, Screwem, and Howl I must point out the facts in this particular case with regard to defamation:

You are assuming that Pat had a good reputation in the community to begin with.

You assume that Pat's mental state is anything beyond a "legend in his own mind".

You would have to assume that circumstances of this case go beyond that of being just a game.

Case Law from said game shows:

No one is banned for killing countries during war.
No war participants are banned for war crimes.
No one is banned for stealing land.

I move for a mistrial and demand reinstatement of our client and would sue for FA as a result of damage to our client.
That being said, we will drop our counter-claim of defamation to our client as he has only been doing things that have been done by many over the years, and some as recent as this set pointing to a personal abuse of power directed to our client.

We would also point out that the only game players that should ever be banned are those that forget this is just a game.
Free SuperFly, Free SuperFly now.

Wouldn't another assumption be actual knowledge of the facts? Maybe even actual malice? Pretty sure "legend in his own mind" doesn't count as public figure, but I would assume mod does. Sorry, no clue who is allegedly defaming who and I've read too much Popehat over the years.

Nate Game profile


Mar 24th 2023, 8:11:00

Nate Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 17:18:46

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Are we still with the notion of free speech???

Free speech goes both ways. You can say what you want, but a deletion/ban is saying they don't want to hear that.

Nate Game profile


Mar 23rd 2023, 14:28:33

You lost to a 3rd string mr irrelevant :p