
Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 5th 2015, 12:39:44

Originally posted by galleri:
I thought we were cool :)

you're right....we are

we butted heads for so long that it kind of over shadowed the fact that we did sit down and break bread together a while back :o)

Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 4th 2015, 13:36:07

I hope that's not sarcasm talking galleri and that I'm finally finding a place in your heart because truth be known....I really like you too =)

Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 3rd 2015, 14:21:36

considering all the stones' countries have numbers in the 700-800 range; it would be safe to say stones has been tag killed 2-3 times already

it would appear general that you're already down

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 30th 2015, 1:36:40


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 16:58:50

I'm flattered you took the time to read all my posts Vic, but don't be so gullible to think that the sarcastic reference I made to me being a newbie in the Aug 1/2012 post is any indication as to when I started playing this game =)

and fyi....

I do agree with you that bibigon is an embarrassment to humanity

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 15:04:27

2015-11-28 14:31:05 PS retal record (#34) BiBiGoN (#5) 1377A (1958A)

2015-11-28 07:46:19 PS BiBiGoN (#5) retal record (#34) 1493A (2136A)

hey Vic...maybe you should have waited the 11 days for BiBiGoN to grow larger because this retal is nothing to brag about
even with your Tyranny attack bonuses factored in

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 14:18:13

You miss Thanksgiving dinner with the family to attend a war chat

You set your alarm clock to get up in the middle of the night to attend a war chat

You and 7 others spend the next 2 hrs killing off a stonewalling player and within 30 seconds that stonewalling player creates a new restart country with 60% of it's resources that it had prior to getting killed.

Technically it goes down as a kill but when you actually think about it..... Did you really kill it?


Was it really worth it?

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 19:41:13

anyone can sit back and wait 11 days to respond to a grab and make a big retal

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 23rd 2015, 1:51:02


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 20th 2015, 17:40:56

so much fluffin drama

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 14:21:57

ChokeMout.....I think #5 was complaining more about being retalled by a country belonging to an Alliance that he had formal relations with

He grabbed you while you were should have retalled him while still untagged and before you tagged up SoF and all of this drama would have been avoided.

#5 is entitled to reps from SoF because of your actions

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 16th 2015, 12:34:13


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 15th 2015, 21:40:43

She bought into all the hollywood hype and stardom.

She should have been spending more time in the gym instead of making the rounds on late night talk shows and writing books about herself

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 8:44:30

Originally posted by breeze:
If you knew it was coming then you should have been prepared

Do you ever stop to think before opening up that stupid mouth of yours??

it would appear that Nov9 16:05:27 was the first contact made between stones and EVO.
That was a topfeed landgrab by stones on EVO#206

The first sign that trouble might be happening would have been on Nov 10 2:00:06 when stones ROR when they hit EVO#206 five times.

I'm going out on a limb here and say that there must have been some attempt on EVO's part to do some FA work to get this resolved.
Let's assume there was no FA talks and the clock starts ticking after stones made those 5 retals on a retal

stones' First Strike came on Nov 13 1:50:17.......just a tad under 72 hrs later

there's no way in hell in only 72 hrs a "13" member netting Alliance can "properly" prepare their countries for war against a "20" member warring Alliance (Spam tag or not) that has been prepping their countries since day one of the reset

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 5:26:48

Originally posted by breeze:
Imag has Declared war on LCN. Stones will police for Imag.

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
It would appear once again despite imag's FS they are well under way for another quick defeat and this war isn't even 24 hrs. old

Excellent counter strike LCN!!!

I'm just curious why 3 imag countries dropped 15 nuke missiles on #272 and then 1min 43 secs later after the last nuke was dropped commenced and succeeded in a quick kill run on that country.
This is a complete total waste of nukes that would have been better spent weakening a country that was still alive.
piss poor decision making such as this is one reason why imag sucks at this warring thing

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 4:46:38

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Weak asf. Partially the reason i stopped playing. Crap players, With crap countries, warring netting tags. Instead of joining the already war prepped countries.


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 4:35:44

Originally posted by AzNiZe:

We don't trades with fluffty built countries.

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
And theN Our fluffty countries FS'ed your asses

Well at least EVO and stones agree on one thing.......stones run fluffty countries

and that's old news

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 13th 2015, 0:29:58

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Trife:
are we still trying to define topfeeds after over a decade?

yes but we can't reach consensus.

This matter has been decided over a decade ago and a consensus was in fact reached.

According to Alliance retal policies posted to Wiki.....

LaF, Moral Decay, Evolution, Omega, Paradigm, The Pinoy Alliance have all posted a definition of what a topfeed is and the penalties greater than Land:Land associated with a topfeed

LCN and Rage don't specifically mention topfeeds but do have a Land:Land retal policy that quarenntees them to get all their land back

One Man's Army adopts the retal policy of attacker's clan

There is no mention of the retal policy at all from SoL and SoF

Imag is the only Alliance that posted that they don't recognize topfeeds

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 17:06:24

Originally posted by DruncK:
Topfeeding is the attacking country having 80% or higher military as jets. No other definition of "Topfeed" exists.

This is the most asinine comment I've ever read

It makes absolutely zero sense

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 3:47:28


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 13:32:23

Originally posted by Catchy:
lol, first time I've been accused of that for doing a retal... you'd think the person who did the original hit would have that label...

Countries detag all the time on this server. The Omega country that grabbed you at the time saw it as just that....A MD country that just detagged and didn't realize that the entire tag was detagged.
That country made only 1 grab on yourself admitted that you were surprised that it only made that 1 grab and not more.
So why would you label that person as being the a-hole

You on the other hand Catchy are the one that is playing the "stupid" defence here.

This isn't just about doing a retal as you would like to claim and believe because if it was then you would be 100% right in what you did.

You were tagged MD and still are tagged MD except for a brief 30 minutes or so. MD has formal relations with Omega.

Everyone with any common sense and I include you Catchy because even you aren't that stupid to realize the only reason you got grabbed was because you were untagged at the time.

We are not saying that you don't have the right to a retal.....we are saying that the FA depts from both Alliances should have been involved

Up until that grab on were an All-X with no saw a greedy opportunity to grab some large amount of land without getting MD's FA dept involved.

And for was a douchebag move on your part.

on a side note regarding douchebag moves.....
there are countries at the beginning of a reset belonging to an Alliance that purposely remain untagged until some large acre country grabs it a couple of times.
Then they immediately tag up to their Alliance and retal the fluff out of the guy.

Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 7th 2015, 1:02:12

Originally posted by Trife:
So the detag happened

Then 5 minutes later, #58 is landgrabbed.

Then, before this even hits AT, #58 retals the fark outta him.

I'm unsure of the pacting between Omega and MD, but I assume it's friendly... Kinda surprised given the circumstances that FAs weren't contacted and something worked out in terms of reps or whatever.


Over The Hill Game profile


Nov 2nd 2015, 14:15:24


Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 30th 2015, 15:03:13

It would appear once again despite imag's FS they are well under way for another quick defeat and this war isn't even 24 hrs. old

Excellent counter strike LCN!!!

I'm just curious why 3 imag countries dropped 15 nuke missiles on #272 and then 1min 43 secs later after the last nuke was dropped commenced and succeeded in a quick kill run on that country.
This is a complete total waste of nukes that would have been better spent weakening a country that was still alive.
piss poor decision making such as this is one reason why imag sucks at this warring thing

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 18:26:20

Originally posted by Cerberus:
I have figured out how Skiddmark was able to accomplish his nefarious deed.

Originally posted by mrford:

he is just a better player than you. that isnt a difficult concept.


Edited By: Over The Hill on Oct 28th 2015, 18:29:53
See Original Post

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 4:01:27

Originally posted by alexsiki:

-he drops his land to virtually nothing and immediately becomes a spy god with like over 250 spies per acre.

a country with a measly spal of 250 hardly qualifies as being a spy god LOL

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 27th 2015, 17:36:39

Come on've got the "talk the talk" part down pretty good now start to "walk the walk"

Fight back Goddam it!!!!!

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 26th 2015, 2:40:21


Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 25th 2015, 21:08:32

I can't believe I opened up a whole bag of popcorn for this:

2015-10-25 18:34:13 EM Warshrike DET (#71) berzerker (#10) DH
2015-10-25 18:34:03 CM Warshrike DET (#71) berzerker (#10) DH
2015-10-25 18:34:00 CM Warshrike DET (#71) berzerker (#10) DH
2015-10-25 18:33:48 EM Warshrike DET (#71) berzerker (#10) 78715MU

how disappointing :(

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 25th 2015, 16:25:33

geez Cerberus....are you sure skiddmark doesn't have your panties tied in a knot?

you're upset when he steals tech from you and your upset when he doesn't

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 23rd 2015, 15:52:00

wouldn't posting private messages to a public forum constitute that poster being a do you put it?....a douchebag

just sayin...

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 20th 2015, 23:52:27

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 20th 2015, 19:57:31

looking at the number of threads that you created devoted to this tech stealer, I would say he has succeeded in getting under your skin.

skiddmark appears to be laughing a lot harder than you Cerberus ;)

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 19th 2015, 13:17:36


Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 19th 2015, 0:25:33

Originally posted by zipper:
how do you know they are not reps?

Originally posted by Marshal:
reps from what?


Originally posted by Dissident:
we do not owe rep payments...

Originally posted by zipper:
jumping to conclusions.... the problem with many people, you are not alone.

I NEVER jump to conclusions...unlike most people...I ALWAYS do the research first before trolling

Edited By: Over The Hill on Oct 19th 2015, 0:28:39
See Original Post

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 18:46:38

Date/Time (Local) Type Attacker Defender Result A Result B
Oct/18/15 17:59:22 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 293 A 350 A
Oct/18/15 17:58:57 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 354 A 444 A
Oct/18/15 17:56:37 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 265 A 348 A
Oct/18/15 17:54:27 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) New York (#260) (ICN) 189 A 409 A
Oct/18/15 17:54:13 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) New York (#260) (ICN) 196 A 419 A
Oct/18/15 17:53:26 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) New York (#260) (ICN) 202 A 429 A
Oct/17/15 21:04:44 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 402 A 548 A
Oct/17/15 21:04:34 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 407 A 590 A
Oct/17/15 21:03:27 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 269 A 417 A
Oct/17/15 21:00:55 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) Canadian Siberia (#95) (ICN) 220 A 425 A
Oct/17/15 20:57:31 SS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) Fury (#89) (ICN) 160 A 334 A
Oct/16/15 22:03:07 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 371 A 502 A
Oct/16/15 22:02:44 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 397 A 527 A
Oct/16/15 22:01:56 PS Mr Carolina Blue (#366) (RD) ThunderHasRabies (#5) (ICN) 427 A 607 A

Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 12th 2015, 4:05:32


Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 12:07:07


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 11:22:08


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 26th 2015, 17:59:15

Originally posted by mrford:
To tell someone to just shake off a fluff move made after 50 days spent on a netting country that hasn't grabbed a single player is pretty stupid. Just because you don't care about your country or finish doesn't mean I lose the right to care about mine. That is idiotic, that is selfish, and that is why players leave.


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 24th 2015, 20:39:20

Originally posted by mrford:

a 12K acre country can not complain about being grabbed by a country 1.5mill NW bigger than them, and 3x their land. that is the opposite of a problem if you arnt lazy and worthless at this game.

I guess the imag country wasn't happy with the fact that once it was grabbed the LCN country immediately bought up double it's networth from 6.3M to 12.6M networth in order to outrun the retal

Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 21st 2015, 11:38:41


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 14th 2015, 11:20:58


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 7th 2015, 1:42:17


Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 12:19:01

I was going to add this to my original post but forgot.

The observations I made also included that breeze does have one ally. It would appear that he has entered into some kind of agreement with BladeEWG.
It appears BladeEWG will back up everything breeze says and breeze will back up everything BladeEWG.

Everyone knows that these two players are cut from the same cloth.

Yes, 36 people don't make up the earth're just like breeze, you don't get it either.

I'm only one of 36

Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 2:19:14

sorry ssewellusmc

I did have you written down on the list too.

I'll edit my post to add you

Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 2:12:26

Originally posted by breeze:
Why are you so interested in our business? Can you answer or just going to throw out another insult?

I'm not the only one interested in imag's business.
According to the below listed 7 random threads taken over the last 101 days:

there are 36 earth community members
( PaoLo, Buch, bstrong86, ssewellusmc, Kat, Schilling, Ninong, Untagged Hunter, Over The Hill, grimjown, spoonman, Trife, tellarion, KoHeartsGPA, mytanksgoboom, Rasp, archaic, drkprince, soy sauce, Atryn, Locket, Cerberus, Mrford, justtaint, Marshall, Warster, Vic, SAM_DANGER, Suncrusher, whoose, Getaflix, Hello, Ruthie, Symbolic, Donny, braden)

that have posted comments(multiple times I might add) regarding the asinine behavior by imag and it's leadership.

You alone tried your best to get the last word in on every single one of those posts.

I must say in your defense that fellow imaggers(elvesrus,itarl,duff) did however make a couple of posts trying to defend imag

You refuse to admit that just maybe those 36 members might be right and you alone are wrong.

You live in a delusional world breeze because you believe that your right and everyone else is wrong.

You need to grow up, put your warped sense of reality on the back burner and really listen to what these 36 members are trying to tell you.

Edited By: Over The Hill on Sep 3rd 2015, 2:20:52
See Original Post