
Over The Hill Game profile


Apr 13th 2015, 2:06:55


Over The Hill Game profile


Apr 8th 2015, 3:34:11

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I think the evo guy is oden


18 Oden (#109) 89,520 $229,547,899 C EvoAzN

Over The Hill Game profile


Apr 6th 2015, 17:55:03

Originally posted by Cash:

Who retals a retal? I guess only a poor sported hypocrite.....

I'll give you my thoughts're nothing but a schitthead....plain and simple

I realize this is primary and not the alliance server and thus has it's own set of rules however the acceptable window for retals is still 48-72 hrs.

You were grabbed early in the reset on March 16 when you had 3951 acres and #144 had 6679 acres.

You waited 2 1/2 weeks until #144 grew to 32,315 acres to your 15,152 before your grossly topfeeding grab on him. #144 didn't retal a retal

So don't come onto the AT boards crying about Retals on Retals, hyprocites, and trying to be a victim here.

your nothing but a little schitthead punk as far as I can see.

now don't get me wrong....theres nothing wrong with being a little fluffthead punk, there's more than enough of them in this game and there was nothing wrong with your topfeed grab on #144......just don't come on to the AT boards bragging about what you did to him

you got what you managed to bait a GDI country into grabbing you twice go out and drop all your missiles on him

Edited By: Over The Hill on Apr 6th 2015, 19:27:31

Over The Hill Game profile


Apr 5th 2015, 4:01:35

Originally posted by braden:
for example, 87 games into the season, who will the nationals third baseman be? ..

Ian Stewart

any other team/position/player you would like to know?

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 30th 2015, 1:10:38

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
The question is why would anyone be farming at the very end of the set.... isn't that considered distespectful?


Since Mar 27 00:16 to Mar 29 23:53 forty-one(41) countries (#469,499,496,6,479,67,241,490,314,498,87,281,552,406,153,160,286,416,192,484,1,282,8,479,240,393,127,513,522,26,561,111,557,127,49,240,84,549,128,514,524) have made farming grabs

it's all part of the game

Edited By: Over The Hill on Mar 30th 2015, 1:13:02
See Original Post

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 29th 2015, 22:29:55

Originally posted by archaic:
I was obviously tagging over from Sparta back to Paradigm.

I don't see anything obvious here at all

You were untagged a full 12 hrs and 55 mins before #8 grabbed you

Next time, make sure you get the clan tag/password before detagging yourself :)

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 23rd 2015, 2:53:14


Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 23rd 2015, 0:30:35


Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 19th 2015, 14:35:41

Originally posted by Gay Pride 101:
i see no more 2025 haha its been awhile so which are the top netting clans and which are the top warring clans?

according to your post history you've been posting to these boards and playing on at least one of these servers since June/2014

so why try to deceive us in thinking that you haven't played since the old earth2025 days and have just found this game?

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 16th 2015, 1:34:02


Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 5:16:05

I'm just going to give you a couple more examples of the babbling nonsense you sprewed in this thread

Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny that a couple members of Rival hide behind GDI. Are you serious? Just sayin hahahahahahaha

The two countries you are talking about #330 and #93 were in G.D.I since Feb 8 and Feb 9(2 and 3 days into the reset). It would be safe to say their G.D.I has nothing to do with trying to hide from imag LMFAO.....besides GDI adds no protection at all(a country only has to declare war on a GDI country to attack it)
in fact GDI is quite the opposite than what you are trying to apply......GDI hinders a country from attacking other countries as a GDI country can only declare war on only one country at a time to attack a much larger or smaller country.

again...another fluffed up comment coming from you.

Leaders lead by example....idiots come on to AT and trash talk
breeze.... you need to do more leading and less talking

Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by danzigrules:
Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny all the GS on me and a untagged suicider gets the kill. Awesome hahahahahaha

Kinda like how that same untagged guy killed #40......

Oh wait, I'm supposed to go hahahahahahahahaha

And you guys let him kill #40. Had we known that we would have killed #40 after we restarted the other day. But he was way to small. We had eyes on another target even if we just restarted. Good thing you guys killed us again, cause to be honest I spied on a lot of your countries after I restarted and we knew who we were going after. But its all good.

I particularly liked the comment you made that.... had you known an untagged would kill off #40 you would have done it but that #40 was too small LMFAO

and the reality was that 4 out of 5 imag countries did try to kill off #40 with 146 attacks in a 24 period only to fall short by 23 attacks for which the untagged suicider picked up your slack and finished it off

I back up everything I say with facts and evidence......all you do breeze is sprew garbage comments

It may appear that I write things repetitively and that's only because you seem to not get it.

Please don't embarrass yourself any further by responding......just let this thread die

Edited By: Over The Hill on Mar 12th 2015, 12:02:06

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 5:00:55

Originally posted by breeze:
I never ordered a KR and my guys hit. So shut up and what do you care anyway? Why don't you go crawl back in your hole and mind your own business. Has it affected you no.'re the one that shot his big mouth off with these comments and laughed about it in an effort to belittle Rival:

Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny all the GS on me and a untagged suicider gets the kill. Awesome hahahahahaha

Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

therefore the country that you must have been playing was Headbangersland #482

you're just too stupid to realize that the situation you found so funny was also reversed. 4 out of the 5 Imag countries (including Headbangersland #482 the country you own ) ran over 146 hits on #40, failing to get the kill only to find that an untagged suicider got the kill a mere 8 minutes after imag gave up hitting #40

You really need to think before shooting off your big mouth.

Originally posted by breeze:
I never ordered a KR and my guys hit

with a comment like that,you're trying to leave us with the impression that your guys did the hitting.
Whether you ordered a kill run or not is irrelevant.....the bottom line is that 4 out of 5 imag countries making 146 hits in a 24hr period against #40 is a killrun attempt. AND YOU WERE ONE OF THE PLAYERS DOING THE HITTING!!!

You certainly took a page out of iscode's playbook. Like you, iscode too had a problem of shooting off his big mouth, even when he was wrong and he always had to get the last word in even if it was babbling nonsense like you're sprewing out in this thread.

Edited By: Over The Hill on Mar 12th 2015, 11:20:47
See Original Post

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 11th 2015, 22:54:36


you are a complete imbecile breeze!!!!!!!

did iscode leave you his "stupid" book for you to read

listed below are just a few of the KR attacks imag made on #40. For a complete list of attacks imag made on him bring up the country on boxcar.
Imag countries #478,480,482,486 all made attacks on #40 during this KR

you try and tell us that #40 was too small to kill off yet the untagged country managed to kill it off using only 23 attacks a mere 8 minutes after...I repeat...a mere 8 minutes after Imag country #480 spent 26 attacks trying to kill #40 really need to read the news on these countries before you open up you big mouth and insert your foot in it.

Mar 10/15 2:30:10 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 9 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:41 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:40 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:38 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:36 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:35 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:33 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:31 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:29 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:15 PM CM Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 25 C/24 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:07 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:05 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:04 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:02 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:01 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:58 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:57 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:55 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:54 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:53 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:52 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:50 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:21 PM CM Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 38 C/26 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:57 PM CM Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 63 C/27 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:49 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:48 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:47 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:46 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:45 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:45 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:44 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:41 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:37 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:36 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:35 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:35 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:34 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:34 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:33 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:33 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:32 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:31 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:31 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:30 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:29 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:29 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:28 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:26 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 13 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:25 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 13 C/2 B

Edited By: Over The Hill on Mar 12th 2015, 1:03:54
See Original Post

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 11th 2015, 22:28:32

Actually it's most costly to maintain a "Tyranny" gov't than it is to maintain a "Monarchy" gov't.

A "Tyranny" gov't doesn't get the 20% attack bonus on special attacks....only on SS & PS attacks

A "Tyranny" gov't spends more turns to re-gain it's readiness than a "Monarchy" does. In reality a "Monarchy" gov't can make the same number (if not a tad more) attacks and regain 100% readiness the same as a "Tyranny" can.

A "Tyranny" gov't has an advantage over a "Monarchy" gov't only if it has a huge amount of missiles to fire off and if it doesn't have missiles than a "Monarchy" gov't may have a slight advantage over a "Tyranny" gov't as a warring country.

Take this country for example...Suicidal#466

This is a "Tyranny" gov't with greater upkeep costs than if it was a "Monarchy" and has only fired off 2 missiles. This country would have been able to make the same number of attacks if it was a "Monarchy" and spending less money to do it.

Perhaps this country was bitten by the noob bug :)

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 11th 2015, 14:17:38

Originally posted by Player Z:
I'll stay just for you, 133tz. <3

Whatever happened to you getting LaF to kill me for retalling you, anyway?

Originally posted by Player Z:
Originally posted by 133tz:
I never mentioned LaF would kill you. When did I state LaF was going to do anything.

your words were "looks like I'll need to get you killed". I'm happy to post up a screenshot of the message, but given how pissy you were when I figured out which country was yours, I'm guessing you don't want me publicly posting a message with your country number on it here. ;)

Player're too much of a drama queen. Quit playing games with "words".

you mentioned that 133tz used the words :quote: "looks like I'll need to get you killed" and that you would be happy to post up a screenshot of the message.
there's no mention in that phrase that 133tz said that Laf would kill why would you make that comment in the above post?

enhsula seems to know who you are

Originally posted by enshula:

i think i know who you are and have mentioned insite but i guess ill just send you a pm here since you seem to be enjoying playing AT a bit

Player Z.....why are you hiding behind New Member status?

You come across as just being another dime-a-dozen schitt disturber that is common to this game.

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 11th 2015, 13:40:12

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by danzigrules:
Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny all the GS on me and a untagged suicider gets the kill. Awesome hahahahahaha

Kinda like how that same untagged guy killed #40......

Oh wait, I'm supposed to go hahahahahahahahaha

And you guys let him kill #40. Had we known that we would have killed #40 after we restarted the other day. But he was way to small. We had eyes on another target even if we just restarted. Good thing you guys killed us again, cause to be honest I spied on a lot of your countries after I restarted and we knew who we were going after. But its all good.

Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

breeze finds it funny that Rival beats him down and an untagged gets the kill but when the situation is reversed and imag beats down #40 and an untagged gets that kill it's okay. LMFAO
Great work imag. Finish the KR if your going to start one

breeze..... you are a complete make no sense at all

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 10th 2015, 8:17:15

Choose option 1 and suck it up Buttercup

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 9th 2015, 12:08:31


Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 2nd 2015, 1:25:20


Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 23rd 2015, 13:37:49've sadly mistaken the term "KR" for "HAVING A HISSY FIT"

You're decision to quit makes for one less idiot this game has to tend with now

Don't let the door hit you on the way out :)

Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 23rd 2015, 4:26:09


Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 18th 2015, 19:04:02

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
shut up Fazer


Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 16th 2015, 3:43:34


Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 9th 2015, 13:18:11


Over The Hill Game profile


Feb 2nd 2015, 14:29:12


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 26th 2015, 11:56:21


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 26th 2015, 11:55:57


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 23rd 2015, 1:45:36

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Duna:
Hm, whats the difference between preparation to Rival and to "other" clan?

Big difference with attack types.

When you Blindside First Strike an alliance that was netting and totally unprepared for war, "attack types" really is no excuse have a warped misconception on what this game is all about

You would be doing imag a favor by pulling off an iscode and running away.

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 19th 2015, 4:27:58


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 15th 2015, 23:52:51

I see imag still can't win a war despite blindsiding, First Striking a netting clan LMFAO

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 21:30:53


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 21:56:38

you can make as many official announcements as you want juice but they don't mean fluff

SoL/ICN concentrated most of their FS on SOF countries and those kill stats will always be acknowledged in this SoL/ICN vs. RAGE/SOF war

Quit your whining, be thankful that ICN graciously dropped out of the war

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 5th 2015, 3:17:10


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 23:22:39

Originally posted by Home Turf:
Ive said all along there is no such thing as a topfeed, because there is no such thing as a topfeed.

Until you realize the fact that almost every alliance on this server has a definition on what a topfeed is in their retal policy posted to wiki you're posting nothing but pure garbage.

Originally posted by Home Turf:
If you are a large country and you don't have enuff defense to protect your land. You don't deserve it.

Please do tell us how much defence is enough?
The rules of the game is set up in such away that puts the defender in an almost impossible position to defend.
The defending country only has 2 defence allies while the attacking country has 3 offence allies and a 50% attack strength in a PS.

Originally posted by Home Turf:
Don't know how many countries I had killed due to making massive retals or massive landgrabs. They couldn't play honestly and recoup their land, in a single retal, like quality players can do.

wrong again!!!

The rules of the game are set up in such a way that when Country A (tyranny, maxed out military strategy tech, 14 Million networth, 5000 acres) attacks Country B (tyranny, maxed out military strategy tech, 14 Million networth, 15000 acres) and Country B retals that attack then the % of acres captured in the land grab and the following retal are equal to one another.
So tell me something sweet cheeks, how does a quality player like Country B get all his land back in a single retal? Please don't insult me by telling me that Ghost Acres will make up the difference.

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 13:59:18

Originally posted by Schilling:
Shut up, fazar. You know the rules.


Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:50:10

Originally posted by MountainYeti:

Again justify what you want farmer in the end its just a game so big deal but this was clearly an overreaction imo and im not the only 1 that views it this way

yes you are

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 2nd 2015, 3:26:51

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
^we were basically identical nw when i launched my attack so it definately was not a top feed.
I wouldve had no issues with more land grabs but a coordinated kill run by a clan that was the 1st to attack over a single ss(that was not a topfeed) is a little ridiculous

hey NOOB!!!

networth has nothing to do with topfeeds.
it's the difference in acres between your country and the country you attacked

your country had 10603 acres and the other country had 19436 acres
thats a blantant 183% topfeed.

now if you were a member of an would know these rules and definitions.

and it's like farmer said.... you cross country retalled(again against all alliance rules) EVO, OMEGA, TDK.
It was just a matter of time before you got killled off

Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 13:34:27


Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 13:15:33

Originally posted by Marshal:
DANGERs ain't multies, if they were they would be bigger than that what they currently are and would get purpled.

Not really

You play one country from your home IP address

You play one country from your iPhone with satellite connection

You play one country from your work computer

That's 3 countries that can play undetected with little effort at all

And the list goes on and on....

The donut shop wifi connection where you take your daily coffee break

Etc. etc.

Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 11:18:02

Danger is nothing but a single player multie trying to hide under an "Alliance" designation.

I have no idea why it was included in the EWPP in the first place

Outside of occasionally posting up what a few Earth players may find as entertaining posts...he serves no useful purpose in this game

Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 0:28:37


Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 11:18:37


Over The Hill Game profile


Dec 14th 2014, 15:47:45
