

New Member

May 27th 2013, 21:35:19

oh, hi Martian. try taking some Viagra before you decide to Express your masculinity again. it might make it look bigger and get me to cower in fear of being emasculated. though I'd just write it off as a normal sized Canadian fluff.
too slow blondie. grow some tits.


New Member

May 27th 2013, 21:32:09

i feel sorry for you in 2 weeks when i send 500,000 new bot members down on your head simple because you are a blonde Canadian that doesn't understand their position. May the CIA grant you an exemption for being stooooooopid.
too slow blondie. grow some tits.


New Member

May 27th 2013, 21:29:16

i have a new account you psychotic fluff. and i did it without your permission. fluff.
too slow blondie. grow some tits.