


Aug 25th 2023, 22:47:23

Until last round I hadn't run turns anywhere in over 3 years. You guys been having fun in the IMP tag without me and without me even knowing the past couple years? Jerks

Originally posted by Kill4Free:

...but literally every fight that Imp was involved with in the last couple years, it was them jumping someone who wasn't expecting it.

Edited By: Prime on Aug 25th 2023, 22:50:26



Aug 25th 2023, 16:26:23

Still <3 you whooze



Aug 23rd 2023, 3:56:50

I did? Is that you calling me late every night and hanging up?



Aug 18th 2023, 17:21:22



Jul 20th 2023, 21:52:14

I vote we call it one's Safe Space



Apr 27th 2023, 13:56:32

Originally posted by Tertius:
so it's not really paranoia, it's just the usual fluffery in this game that causes people to leave (and maybe come back a few years later).

Or days/weeks by my observations in most cases, if they ever actually stop at all.



Apr 14th 2023, 4:18:00

I see you didn't get beyond the first sentence.

Random question: Were you one of those children that had to receive a gift of your own during another kid's birthday party?



Apr 13th 2023, 21:34:23

Try just for a moment to assume that you might be incorrect here. I know that may be hard for you to grasp but just take a moment and entertain the idea of the possibility.

Originally posted by TheStupid:


There is absolutely nothing that a small country can do to protect itself or retaliate.

This is completely false. I think what you're trying to say is there is absolutely nothing you can do right that second to fulfill the urge for revenge. But it actually doesn't take that long if you will take the time to read the advice that others have already stated (and I'm sure stated more than once when you brought this up the last time). It's clear that you did not take their advice and are still looking for an actual change in the game coding to appease what you want to do in that exact moment rather than just learning how to respond in these situations yourself armed with a bit of knowledge from more experienced players.

Humanitarian rules allow smaller countries not to be killed if they did not declare war of attacked many times. But, humanitarian rules are so protective of large countries that you cannot even send attacked to either get some land back or destroy some land as retal.

Humanitarian rules in the game benefit both sides equally in my opinion. I don't see how they lean one side over another when everyone has to play by those rules and everyone has the opportunity to place themselves on either side of that coin each round. In most situations like this, i'm guessing any attack you would be able to send if humanitarians allowed you would result in DH, so getting your land back the moment you login and see the hits is unlikely. That means you're looking for access to harmful spyops and missiles, which only reinforces the suggestion you're seeking change to support a more lazy play style rather than putting in the effort and being patient enough to do what many others already do - sell stockpiles, buy military to get in range, unleash.

Not asking for specials rules only for small, but at least to be able to stop large countries to farm on smaller ones and escape out of reach.

But you are asking for special rules to appease you and maybe a couple others that are either too lazy to do the work to achieve the same outcome, or too stubborn to allow someone to teach you how to play better.

Have been attacked many times by countries that are just on the edge of being 4 times larger. They reduced their NW, attacked and then bought enough military or techs to be again out of reach.

Can you blame them? You ignored the advice you were given the last time and still haven't learned how to counter. Why wouldn't they keep doing it?

Originally posted by TheStupid:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Basically he needs to learn how to play better to prevent this kind of manipulation of the game mechanics.

Buy warfare, build more IC set to 100% spies and stock cash until you can jump in NW and missile/spy dump on them.

You only have to get into 4x range.

Edit: sorry SF I didn't read your post but same idea!

This exactly the answer I was expecting. You are absolutely not getting my point. Not always possible. Please read and try to understand the underlying problem of the rules instead of simply thinking that the game does not need improvements.

I'm sure Requiem read your post and understood it just fine. You're just not willing to accept an alternative other than being catered to. He gave you good advice. Try to consider the possibility that maybe the opportunity for improvement might need to start on your end. People keep telling you the same thing - maybe there's a decent reason



Apr 13th 2023, 13:40:40

Originally posted by Doug:
.. . Apparently someone thought I had a “high approval rating” ...

Someone lied to you.



Apr 12th 2023, 23:18:22

Originally posted by Requiem:
Basically he needs to learn how to play better to prevent this kind of manipulation of the game mechanics.

Buy warfare, build more IC set to 100% spies and stock cash until you can jump in NW and missile/spy dump on them.

You only have to get into 4x range.

Edit: sorry SF I didn't read your post but same idea!

This takes a small amount of time and what I think he's hoping for is an immediate solution to his knee-jerk reaction after logging in.



Oct 20th 2022, 3:53:56

The game has the bots now tag as Live Operational Computer (LOC) in FFA



Sep 23rd 2022, 3:22:09

Originally posted by Ratski:
Oh so now we have a real war game, you have to buy or build a defense, or get smacked.

I can't think of anything within the game itself that prevents anyone from doing this.



Jun 24th 2022, 21:21:52

8 players, 256 countries



May 17th 2022, 0:10:02

So you're wanting to remove ads...the only small source of income this free game has... but you want to remove them without paying for Premium to remove them?



May 13th 2022, 17:07:47

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
forum mod? as in he will with bias silence people that don’t agree with him or go against him but he will be unable to delete / sanction / ban countries in game?

Someone deleted my post on alliance last night. That may have been his first duty (hehe) as forum nazi

He has yet to do any action. So you have 10 other people to choose from.

We have 10 mods and for what reason do we need an 11th free speech Nazi?

Who claimed you had free speech in the first place?



May 11th 2022, 5:23:33

Originally posted by bayrock:
What happens in 10 years when the people here start dying off in real life? You are only one generation and you have all failed to bring on others from the generations below us - tell me which playerbase is left after our generation is gone? There is none you have not invited ANY OTHERS to come and play this wonderful 25+ year old game.

Is there something happening in 2032 I'm not aware of yet? Why am I dying?



Apr 6th 2022, 21:07:49

Originally posted by mdevol:
lmao. CC owned the server while it was in existence and we literally changed the way politics and wars were done.

You guys still cry so much about Donny/Billy. The differences in those wars was not donny/billy. The differences were Akula, Ford, bsnake, MissyV, myself, maki, victor, RB, asing, aponic, heston. We had an entire group of active killers with a 100% restart rate and elite target selection.

My favorite part of this story is the final chapter.



Apr 1st 2022, 18:46:46

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
ironx you guys had your hands full with just Donnie and myself. If the both of us ran two strings at the same time, you and your buddies would be biting the curb.

If? You both did run two.



Jan 30th 2022, 0:41:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Message from Tyri (#22) sent on Jan 27, 20:14
Report this message
Why dont you attack nipc countries?

My reply:
Why did you break GDI? I only did one grab on you to see the returns and you went ape sh1t stupid on me with 11 hits, you had your land back and some on a single retal, sorry you're stupid, now you have 10,300 empty acres....


Not allowed! GRIEFER!!! Everyone huck squirrels at him and call him names!



Jan 22nd 2022, 5:11:20

Originally posted by Celphi:
I bought the credits but I dont see the credits in my account.

Would be nice if there were a message describing the delay. Though, I'm also confused as to why there would be a delay.

You have to send payment directly to me for immediate credits. We'll add this to the future tutorial



Dec 22nd 2021, 16:48:48

Originally posted by galleri:

Correct. Wondering why you mentioned it here that he was smashing things in alliance and team?

But did he get their expressed written permission to enter their ingame safe-space?



Dec 14th 2021, 4:32:16

Originally posted by Gerdler:

So in any case sanctions are applied you should, in order to do less work. make a closed thead and post: "this player has been sanctioned, Here is a link to his profile, so you can look up on eestats what he has been up to. Have a good day, play well"

But can we put them in the stockade and hurl moldy vegetables at them?



Jun 18th 2021, 22:47:24

Dried corn cobs were once used as a form of toilet paper



Jun 13th 2021, 1:43:57

Raz has always been a middle-tier player on his best day. Go ahead and offer him an even shot at this duel you're proposing and just make it 2 vs 1 lol



Jun 4th 2021, 14:58:04

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh no. You hit me every set. I dont think theres an actual reason. I just think it's funny your tag seems to want to provide one.


Originally posted by DerrickICN:

I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing out facts bro. You dont have an excuse, though the people you play with seem keen on providing one which is funny to me,...

Ok, I'll bite. You don't actually believe this, right? I cant speak for the who, what, and why with IMP and crew after my departure but since we're talking about really old stuff still here (your favorite), I felt it necessary to swing in and call your bullfluff.

I feel like you know better and this is just your usual M.O. of spreading propaganda and misinformation for the boards and the poor souls that take the time to read your drivel. Maybe stick to the present situation so I dont have to keep typing the same thing about hostilities from a year ago just to appease your attention requirement for the week.

Edited By: Prime on Jun 5th 2021, 2:16:55



May 28th 2021, 22:38:03

Originally posted by Bug:
Originally posted by Peaceful_Protester:
If it isn't 30 vs 5 then loc ain't fighting period

What about the make up of LoC countries makes you think we wanted to war you morons?

Skynet: Did you not ask permission before engaging in war with another clan? I'm telling

Edited By: Prime on May 29th 2021, 3:20:41



May 13th 2021, 22:18:37

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
...while politics may contribute to motives, too many of us are on the edge of the cliff too much of the time. Even if you did take the guns away, people would find the cutlery. We're far too mentally ill to be a peaceful people.




Apr 8th 2021, 0:37:24

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Bug: don't even play..

Would you say the same thing to me if I said I supported it?

In all fairness, he could have been referring to about 4 or 5 different people in this thread.



Apr 8th 2021, 0:20:39

And somehow you still miss the point, Derrick.



Apr 6th 2021, 22:13:26

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Change is scary but I hope players are willing to give it a chance. The current state of the game seems to be that you can't attack player countries on 5/6 servers without someone claiming a PS ruined their entire round. That's not a good state to be in.

Fixed it for you.

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
If I'm gonna get hit by someone its gonna be a human. I'll be back to getting my land I think from casual players.

If us wardogs have any sense we will farm the netters and kill them if they retal. Because honestly the risk is the same but the reward is way better land returns, and our countries will be better equipped to kill a netting tag with no kill team.

I'm going full on 2007 LaF bully on this one.

Perhaps initially but history in this game has shown us a few times that this sort of play style is not very sustainable long-term. Eventually people tend to somehow gravitate to being reasonable and adapting in order to move forward.

Imaging clans forming reasonable retal policies again that suit their needs but also contribute to generating land in the game. Imagine attacking real players again without being considered a suicider or some other fabricated word created in an entirely different game. Imagine clan leaders engaging in real diplomacy with each other to establish appropriate policies and alliances/pacts that actually matter. Craziness!

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Sorry to rain on the parade of y'all having no foresight but as a player that is the natural conclusion I have. Netters are frankly always softer and fatter than bots and if they both might missile me, which should I hit? Seems obvious.

I'm merely pointing out what is the efficient thing to do to win. And winners will do it.

The entire purpose of the bots is to not make that a fact. If you make it a fact again, people will do it. If you want me to wait for someone else to do it to win first because I mentioned it, I'll play ball. I bet it happens IMMEDIATELY haha

Do you really think this is foresight? Is your ego so large that for some reason you think you were the only, or one of the few people, that have thought of the type of playstyle you're threatening? When you're done patting yourself on the back for an accomplishment that you invented, come back down to earth and consider that you may not have had a unique thought. Perhaps the opposition you're seeing is for a different reason.

Edited By: Prime on Apr 6th 2021, 22:46:28



Apr 6th 2021, 17:47:57

I support bots retalling in FFA



Mar 11th 2021, 19:06:41

Originally posted by Requiem:
Weren’t there also tornadoes in the past? I think they were removed!

Yeah, players whould be able to cash, buy, stock and repeat with no variance or obstacles. Earthquakes are just as bad as players hitting real players ingame. The land players get from bots is rightfully yours and nobody should have the right to challenge that - and the game should not be allowed to remove hard earned buildings, regardless of event ratio affecting all players equally. ITS MINE!
If anyone disagrees then you dont play to win and break records and you're a griefer.



Feb 16th 2021, 4:08:54

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Bots have no concept of silly human constructs like 1:1, land:land, or no missile retals.

If you thought the earthquake complaints were numerous, just wait until Fuzzy Wardrobe and Captain Jack Silverblade start not only retaliating, but also tossing nukes for retals on PS :-D

I support.



Feb 13th 2021, 21:48:10

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What percent for success do you personally associate with a "High" chance of success? As in, how often would you expect to fail?

I did run a quick test and I'm able to see "Chance of success: Low" show up.

I feel like some people expect to fail almost never *shrug*. I guess its important if you're tech stealing.



Feb 7th 2021, 6:39:08

I see a bit of opportunity here for tag switch exploitation for both users and non-users of this function if joins and departs are not restricted. If they are restricted, it introduces it's own separate issues



Feb 6th 2021, 3:02:34

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Prime:
Countries in tags that select that option for the round could also have the "War Room" replaced with "Crops Room" or "The Barn". Similar setup but comes with Planters, tractors, Cultivators, Combines.

LOL and when you want to take land from others you use bulldozers and peasants?

Taking anything from other players is not allowed and you should be publicly shamed. Perhaps a new list in the Leaderboards section to identify all the players that interact ingame with other players without asking their permission first. I have a Mehul-given right to my land, sir.



Feb 6th 2021, 1:55:42

Countries in tags that select that option for the round could also have the "War Room" replaced with "Crops Room" or "The Barn". Similar setup but comes with Planters, tractors, Cultivators, Combines.



Jan 18th 2021, 4:41:12

But after a player joins their safe space will I still be able to visit their farm and comment on their crops?



Jan 18th 2021, 2:06:38

This thread caught fire quickly. Smores, anyone?



Jan 17th 2021, 23:42:23

This game interacts with other players, which includes being attacked.



Jan 11th 2021, 1:59:25

You're a few weeks late



Jan 10th 2021, 6:14:27

Originally posted by raz:

FWIW - I dont read Derricks posts anymore ...

That club is growing fast



Dec 20th 2020, 4:39:27

I haven't missed watering my crops all week and not one "friend" has commented on my farm.