
Prodde Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 0:04:01

The Buddies will policy for SoF as we wount need to use all divisions in the war.

Prodde Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 11:12:12

When i returned to the game and SoF 2 resets ago, it was a big chock and something i will never like, that we had SoL as allies. If i were in charge ill drop that pact and FS them faster then....:)

But ye main issue is that we need more players to get new powerhouses and that will result in more intresting politics aswell. Cant really be that hard can it? I can get 20 people to return without even really trying but that would meen thye end up in SoF again and thats not the best right now but im sure most of u can bring in atleast 1 person u know played before.

Prodde Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 12:07:10

Originally posted by highrock:
Originally posted by mrford:
Bottom line, at it's core my point is that this is an alliance server.

pretty much none of you can dispute that because a good number of you argue this when untag rights come up.

You use your alliance for:
allies, including teh leeching and what not
suicider protection
tag protection through pacts and dedicated retallers
FA teams that fight for reps if/when you are done wrong

All of these points help you in every imaginable way netting. This is an alliance server, correct? So there is nothing wrong with any of this.

Now that that is established, you are trying to put a limit on the level of an alliance server it is. You can use your alliance for EVERYTHING except FA packages and market buyouts?

Is it an alliance server or not? If it is a true alliance server, and it isn't against the set rules for the server, it should be allowed, correct?

Is there distinctions on the scores lists wether you were All-X? What about if you tech leeched? How about if you farmed untags and small clans relentesly and your clan killed that untag because he retalled in an "unacceptable maner" therefore eleminating the threat and you didn't have to waste a turn

there isn't, all of these scenarios help you increase your networth. You can run low defense countries all set long if you wanted to correct?

So why can't a clan put the extra effort into projecting a member or two into the top 10? Is it because you just don't like it? It sure isn't because it is against the rules, because it isn't. Farming untags to get 50k acres and not getting retalled because you have tag protection is pretty extreme as well, but it isn't against the rules either. I havnt seen anyone push for astrick next to those coutries.

So my question is, why do you get to look down on them, and call their finishes "unlegit" just because you don't agree with that style of play? What if they don't agree with hitting the same untag 30 times a day for a entire set? Do they get to call your finish unlegit?

All I'm trying to say is don't sit there and look down a these people for working together to put a country into the top 10 when you benefit greatly from your clan as well. The only difference is they used their ALLIANCE in an ALLIANCE server a little more extensively to finish up high. It isn't a single persons coutry at that point in time, it is a country with that alliances tag in the top 10 and everyone who helped that coutry get there was a part of that top 10

I really don't care either way, I am playing the devils advocate here and arguing against the grain because you all seem to be too stubborn to even attempt to see the other side. You will argue that it wasn't a solo effort. Well, it wasn't, but it was done on an alliance server, as an alliance wide effort

I see nothing wrong at all about that.

i've posted this before but i think the way you define alliance is not the right way. As long as any action you take benefits yourself and other alliance members without sacrificing the NW of other alliance members, then it should be legit. Otherwise it's not.

So the following should be legit:

-tech allies: mutually beneficial
-suicider protection: mutually beneficial
-tag protection: mutually beneficial
-FA teams that fight for reps: mutually beneficial
-bushel clearing: beneficial for most, not harmful for others

The following should not be considered legit:

-landfarming your own alliance: hurts one or more country for the sake of another country (an exception can possibly be made for countries that are about to leave/quit)
-buyouts: hurts countries doing the buyouts
-FA: countries sacrificing their finish for others
-GSing into DR: wasted turns for those GSing

So i assume LGing an untagged or a smaller alliance that are unable to retal should count as not legit as it only benefits one country then?

Prodde Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 23:22:26

I second both ViLSE and Loafers vote

Prodde Game profile


Dec 1st 2010, 21:19:13

Last time i checked this was still the alliance server, hence u work togehter with ur alliance to accomplish whatever u wanna accomplish.

For personal acchivements i suggest u take a look at Primary server.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 20:56:28

I never claimed it was a war that brought much trouble but if u think u run the same strat and startup when u plan to war as to when u plan to netgain it says more about ur skills rather then anything else.

On ur other point i cant comment cause i have not read any posts from any SoF members where they claimed to be badasses.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 20:39:40

Thomas u got short memory?
Yes SoF claimed to be able to snatch a few top 10 in a netting set but this set was a war set as u dont seem to remember.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 28th 2010, 20:26:21

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Murf:
seriously you don't like what sof did DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT or shut the fluff up

Great defense. Collab is only 1/2 your size, we should prolly FS you over this, ha? :rollseyes:

So what do u get out of crying about it then?
If u gonna whine atleast bring the cheese.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 11:36:37

ouch hit us where it hurt the most, our unselfishness and team play.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 9th 2010, 22:26:47

I never claimed either set as this is my first set back for perhaps 6-7 years. I just asked if u knew the difference. Simple question i would thought.

Prodde Game profile


Nov 9th 2010, 22:16:48

U do know there is a difference between netting and not ending up in a war right?

Prodde Game profile


Nov 4th 2010, 16:01:30

The reason SoF is a warring alliance is simply cause we find no challange in netting. So if we semi-bother i say we get 2-3 spots but if we acctually put some effort in 2 it i say we have a shot of atleast 5 spots ;)

Prodde Game profile


Nov 4th 2010, 13:17:30

SoF will now policy for Na. SoF claims all NA bases are belong to us and will retal any hits made on NA thats outside the SoF tag. Murf will soon come and confirm this statment.