
Rockman Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 5:55:25

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Prima, there have been MANNY who talk tough like you and very few who can back anything up. So, good luck with that. Your post is boring me so i wont post here any more.

Patience, bring it or not- but i am sick of all you wannabees who talk smack but couldn't back up a sink. So stop trash talking and bring some action or keep your mouth shut. Ruth, that goes for you too. Frankly i think you both just might need to find a man or something (maybe a dog)? You seem angry and bitter for no reason.

Says the guy who hides behind his alliance and picks on countries much smaller than his own.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 3:25:29

Originally posted by KeTcHuP:
TKO is running all Ty/Dict spy heavy landthin techers.

Tyr/Dict spy heavy landthin techers are for pansies. I'm redefining TMBR by running spy heavy tyranny MBRs for war.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 3:18:39

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
for your info i dont normally grab untaggeds. I dont get much land from them. The only exception is when an untagged goes all jetter to hurt fellow clan members- then i hurt them to protect my tag (as any good member would).

When your clan farms them first, maybe your clan's good members would be wise to not pick fights with countries that can go jet heavy and cause problems.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 2:16:44

Mercs Retal Policy

The first 4 attacks per 24 hours or 6 attacks per 48 hours by another alliance against us will all be retalled 1:1, regardless of whether or not a country attacks or is attacked multiple times.

Any hits beyond the first 4 in 24 hours, or the first 6 in 48 hours will be retalled 2:1. We will attempt to make FA contact before doing 2:1 retals.

We do not expect this policy to cause any problems. If an alliance hits us more than 4 times in 24 hours, or more than 6 times in 48 hours, they are looking for trouble, and are likely trying to provoke a war with us regardless of what our retal policy states.

We will conduct 1:1 retals in a 48 hour window, and we use a 48 hour window for RoRs. The retal window will be extended to 72 hours if a country is due more than 1 retal. We will do 2:1 retals on RoRs.

Any country from a tag with 8 or less countries, or any country that has been grabbed by its own alliance at any point during the set will be retalled land:land if they grab us. If a country is attacked by its own alliance in the 72 hours prior to grabbing us, or after grabbing us and before we finish our retals, then we will do land:land+buildings retals, and we reserve the right to choose any country from the offending alliance to get our land back from.

Edited By: Rockman on Jun 8th 2011, 4:17:59
See Original Post

Rockman Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 0:26:40

So what you're saying is that Mazooka and I need to tagkill TKO?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 30th 2011, 18:51:20

Originally posted by ponderer:
zyg: there is no land grab policy for the untagged in the game at the moment. All of the alliances, including the one you are joining next set will almost land kill the unlucky untagged countries in their humanitarian range in the name of low risk land acquisition. Just retal in anyway you see fit, and expect to be killed for it.

So the solution is to make farming an untagged no longer a low risk method of gaining land.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 22:04:13

Originally posted by vern:
i like big commies, easy to chem kill em

Yes, because their tech effectiveness bonus makes their SDI better which ..... makes it easier to kill them??

Rockman Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 19:21:59

On the other hand, they have an easier time getting all their war techs up to decent levels, and they can boost their SPAL from a pre-war 20-30 up to a difficult 80 to 120 far faster than any other strategy.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 23:37:30

because we all know that FDPs are meaningless unless you come up with a lame tag extension and have all the alliances at that to the end of their tag

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 23:10:03

Because I've been in 7 different tags this set.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 19:28:03

I'm curious as to the age demographic of the protesters.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 18:51:33

I'm too busy producing warfare tech instead.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 2:01:33

Netting is what people use in Africa to try and avoid getting Malaria.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 1:55:03

Nope, only one person has sabotaged my missiles, and he is currently a parking lot.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 20:16:39

Originally posted by Carousel:
Um bro dis is primary. whuchu on about with this alliance stuff?

Ah, so I get farmed to the ground in alliance and enjoy it, yet I would get physically angry any time someone attacks me in primary?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 20:13:29

Originally posted by Rockman:

I've been attacked thousands of times this set in alliance - literally. And I've not complained about it at all. I enjoy it, in fact.

And yet you say

Originally posted by Carousel:
I make fine countries, but I play to fight. You guys play to build the most epicest countray evar!! and when someone attacks you, you probably physically get angry, which is what I love. Cry and whine more kiddos

On the alliance server, my countries have been attacked:
264 times, 1113 times, 1395 times, 808 times, 300 times, and 187 times (my current country). And that's just for this set.

There are numerous alliances that would accept me if I decided I was tired of getting attacked. Yet I choose to play knowing I will get farmed to the ground.

And by farmed to the ground, I mean actually farmed. Not being hit once or twice like Alex's allies; I mean often getting hit hundreds of times in a day.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 14:56:33

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
"academia are clueless idiots"



When you keep changing your mind and then stating that your new theory is 100% bulletproof, at some point you have to realize that you're just guessing, that you don't know for sure.

Theoretical physicists tend to be the best at realizing the possibility that they are wrong. Physics theories about subatomic particles and quantum mechanics have been qualified with far more cautions about the possibility that they are wrong than have theories in other fields.

Mathematicians actually have the ability to be correct, since they deal with the abstract, rather than forming theories in response to data, and forming new theories every time they get unexpected data. The standard of proof for mathematicians is inherently different than that of all other fields.

Economists live in a fantasy world and don't rely much on data at all for their theories, thus they change their theories less often than most. They tend to be too idealistic, and theorize about what should happen, rather than attempting to properly integrate psychology into economics. To allude to Bertrand Russell's statement, economists often assume that man is rational, yet Russell wisely noted to have not yet seen proof of this assertion.

Biologists have vastly overstated their understanding of evolution and the strength of the evidence for evolution. There are still big holes in the completeness of both micro and macro evolution theories (especially macroevolution), but their response is to associate anyone who criticizes the incompleteness of these theories with being a creationist.

It is similar with those who question the completeness of the assumptions on global warming. They've had to rename their global warming scare into climate change, because they now believe that Europe's temperature will drop as a result of the melting of polar ice caps and the thawing of permafrost in Siberia. Scientists on both sides pick and choose their data to attempt to come to a conclusion, because the comprehensive use of data will show that we are still clueless.

I call them clueless idiots because they are unwilling to admit how little they know.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 7:07:00

Rockman is tagged Rockman

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 6:08:55

The biggest danger is fearmongers who don't care about truth at all, and spread fear just to make money. That applies to both scientists and media personalities.

The real truth is that the media and academia are both full of clueless idiots, and the only thing that saves them is that the public is also full of clueless idiots.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 6:05:44

Having played all-explore countries that get suicided without provocation, I can assure you that people suiciding & missiling without provocation is not a rare occurrence. You've just not built good enough all-explore countries to see this first hand.

This is partly a war game, but picking a fight with someone who isn't looking for a war and didn't provoke a war would be like a level 85 in World of Warcraft going around ganking lowbies. It is lame, cowardly, and takes no skill. If you have any decency, you'll pick a fight with someone who deserves it, or at least with someone who is looking for a fight.

Alex - your three points are completely invalid.
The first point is invalid because it is impossible to defend yourself adequately from an enemy who wants to destroy you. You cannot have sufficient turrets, tanks, and SDI to defend yourself against someone who is given the chance to stockpile and find and exploit your weak point.
The second point is invalid because I have never advocated a double standard. I have differentiated between doing something to benefit your own country and doing something just to harm someone else. I have never asked for a different standard to apply to me than I apply to others.
The third point is not valid because I know how often there is no provocation, and I am quite sure that dantzig's suicider was unprovoked. I know first hand that suiciding without provocation is quite common.

Lastly, I am a warmonger who has no interest in netting. However, I won't go around ruining people's countries without provocation. Such actions will lead to the demise of Earth Empires. However, if someone picks a fight with me, I will wreck them and/or their alliance.

I've been attacked thousands of times this set in alliance - literally. And I've not complained about it at all. I enjoy it, in fact.

The reason I called you guys idiots was that I clearly said in my posts that hitting someone without provocation was lame, and you chose to ignore that I had qualified my statements with the requirement that the actions were done without provocation. I have no qualms at all about grabbing/suiciding a person who has hit or farmed me. In fact, I don't even feel bad about grabbing and/or suiciding a person who is merely in the same alliance as someone who has farmed me. But I won't go around farming, missiling, or ABing people who have not provoked me AND are not hiding behind the tag protection of an alliance that has provoked me.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 3:31:55

P.S. does either of you idiots know what "without provocation" means?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 3:30:49

Originally posted by alexbajd:
If you landgrab your way up to 22K acres you run the risk of making enemies. And if you're foolish enough to do it without significant tanks or SDI, you run the risk of getting hit and hit hard.

All I'm getting from this thread is, "I like to attack other players in order to build my awesome country, but if someone hits me I'm going to take my ball and go home. Waaahhh!"

Too bad, so sad.

And yet it was none of those enemies that hit him. If it was someone he grabbed, your idea would be legit. But given how even all-explore countries will get missiled without provocation, your post shows how clueless you are.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 20:14:44

Attacking someone to benefit yourself is very different from attacking someone to your own detriment and without provocation just to be a douchebag.

Its sad that you fail to see this difference.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 19:50:15

Originally posted by Carousel:
It's hilarious that you guys whine about this on a war game.

To some people it is a war game, to other people it is an economic game. Ruining someone else's experience without provocation or benefit to your own experience is something that should be complained about.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 26th 2011, 16:12:11

Originally posted by Desperado:
sounds like TF is looking for a fight

Any good retal policy will give that impression. You don't want people to be encouraged to grab your alliance, you want people to think that grabbing your alliance might start a war.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 23:18:07

Originally posted by Twain:
Seems like a good marriage based on the fact that you guys probably gave NBK their best run since the AoDT/NBK wars.

Good luck, ladies and gents of Cerevisi.

Don't call it a marriage, call it a civil union. Marriage between two gay alliances is not legal yet.

P.S. if you're not gay, why does your 'marriage' announcement focus so much on hairy men?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 23:13:06

Is it worth grabbing someone 3x if you know they'll start a war with you over it?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:58:40

Originally posted by ibujke:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by WH:
i would just like to point out that this has turned into a beat down. 17 kills for imag and 2 kills for NA.

Picking on a netting alliance that has already started dropping their stockpiles, what else would it be?

With 100% restart countries.

And with how long you had to grow your restarts, thats still not a challenge.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:53:08

Just call him what I call him - The Arrogant Noob.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:49:38

Mmmmm Beer

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:25:12

Originally posted by WH:
i would just like to point out that this has turned into a beat down. 17 kills for imag and 2 kills for NA.

Picking on a netting alliance that has already started dropping their stockpiles, what else would it be?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 22:14:46

Bobby - stop using logic and start drinking the kool-aid

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 21:15:15

I don't want to get involved in other people's personal grudges. I don't know enough of the political climate here to know which alliance to join.

I wish to either net in peace this set, or to war/suicide against an alliance that picks a fight with me. I don't wish to go around picking fights or fighting other people's fights. As much as I dislike some alliances on the alliance server, I wish to keep the servers separate and to not let anything carry over. I wish to start off from a blank slate and I will pact anyone that wishes to pact me.

Contact me through personal messaging here, or on the EarthEmpires IRC channel.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 19:28:51

Originally posted by dantzig:
Too late. I deleted my countries in Primary and Tourney A. I've decided that the frustration that I experience whenever this happens outweighs the enjoyment. It took me 25 days to build my country and less than 3 minutes for an idiot to destroy it without provocation and with zero skill required.

Thats why I don't try netting anymore. But warring can still be fun.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 18:43:06

If they nuke over single taps, they'd be in trouble with their own FA for breaking their retal policy :-)

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 16:32:41

I really thought a tyranny techer with 4% warfare tech would deter people from multi-tapping a bit more than it has. Especially if said country is heavy on tanks.

Are people just not looking at a person's warfare tech anymore when they grab them?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 25th 2011, 16:29:39

I like the concept of nukes as retaliation for double taps and above.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 21:15:35

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Rockman:
You picked a fight with an alliance when you had no intention of winning that war, your only goal was to screw them over as much as possible.

Are you saying that the lack of a survival instinct makes one courageous? There's nothing courageous about picking a fight that you intend to lose.

If they felt they had just cause to war SoL, then why shouldn't they? It's better than being fluffes and taking their beatings because they're smaller than them. If they set out to hit SoL just to ruin any chances they had at a good war, or did the same to a netting alliance so that the alliance couldn't net, that would be a different story. It all really comes down to the true reason that they hit SoL.

Their reasons may or may not have been valid, but they were not courageous in choosing to fight a fight they knew they would lose.

I disagree. If their reasons for war were valid then it was courageous. Instead of being chicken fluffs and letting them bully them, they warred them knowing they wouldn't "win" the war.

You'd rather they avoided war because the odds were stacked against them? I don't really understand that line of reasoning. You shouldn't war someone unless you're absolutely certain you can win?

If they had a real reason to war and decided not to because they thought they would lose, then they're cowards and would be treated as such. Either way, according to you, there wasn't anything they could do. They're not courageous for warring when they know they couldn't win. Cowards for not warring despite the odds.

They are only courageous if they had something to lose. They put nothing at risk. They had nothing to lose. They did not lose the opportunity to be the pests they take pride in being, they did not suffer harm to their reputation, and they did not suffer from decreased enjoyment of Earth Empires since they have made it so clear that they do not mind getting beaten in war. If you claim they are courageous, what exactly were they putting at risk?

They probably did the right thing by going to war, but doing the right thing doesn't always take courage. Fighting a war you know you'll lose, when the consequences of losing are meaningless, does not make one courageous.

The flaw in your reasoning is that you assume that everyone is either courageous or cowards. Imag is neither one.

If being willing to fight a fight that you'll lose, and being willing to be killed over and over makes one courageous, then I'm one of the most courageous players this set. And I assure you, that is not the case.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 20:23:35

Originally posted by Thomas:
Originally posted by Rockman:
You picked a fight with an alliance when you had no intention of winning that war, your only goal was to screw them over as much as possible.

Are you saying that the lack of a survival instinct makes one courageous? There's nothing courageous about picking a fight that you intend to lose.

If they felt they had just cause to war SoL, then why shouldn't they? It's better than being fluffes and taking their beatings because they're smaller than them. If they set out to hit SoL just to ruin any chances they had at a good war, or did the same to a netting alliance so that the alliance couldn't net, that would be a different story. It all really comes down to the true reason that they hit SoL.

Their reasons may or may not have been valid, but they were not courageous in choosing to fight a fight they knew they would lose.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 20:22:44

Originally posted by iXenomorph:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by warlorde:
yes this server need more random acts.... but it also needs less cowardly acts. bottom line iMag is butt hurt from the war with SoL and figured there was no point in netting. then they picked on a netting alliance that lost 65% of its members base since the start of EE.

thats not random

So 34 member iMag FSing 70 member SOL is cowardly? If anything, things like this need to go on more often, to keep clans like SOL on their toes and not always pulling the strings. As for being butthurt, #1 stop stealing my word, #2 iMag did what we planned to do, which was catch SOL off guard and screw their countries for the set (and their late set war). Mission Accomplished. Oh, and netting sucks.

As for NA, losing 65% of the membership since the start of EE should say more about their internal problems (and im not talking about the 1k inactive members list they always cry about) than what iMag is doing. So no, it's not random, it's probably just been a long time coming.

You picked a fight with an alliance when you had no intention of winning that war, your only goal was to screw them over as much as possible.

Are you saying that the lack of a survival instinct makes one courageous? There's nothing courageous about picking a fight that you intend to lose.

That's like saying raping King Leonidas in his sleep with a big black dildo knowing he can SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you is not courageous.


No it doesn't. It doesn't take any courage to get killed over and over in this game.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 20:08:00

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by warlorde:
yes this server need more random acts.... but it also needs less cowardly acts. bottom line iMag is butt hurt from the war with SoL and figured there was no point in netting. then they picked on a netting alliance that lost 65% of its members base since the start of EE.

thats not random

So 34 member iMag FSing 70 member SOL is cowardly? If anything, things like this need to go on more often, to keep clans like SOL on their toes and not always pulling the strings. As for being butthurt, #1 stop stealing my word, #2 iMag did what we planned to do, which was catch SOL off guard and screw their countries for the set (and their late set war). Mission Accomplished. Oh, and netting sucks.

As for NA, losing 65% of the membership since the start of EE should say more about their internal problems (and im not talking about the 1k inactive members list they always cry about) than what iMag is doing. So no, it's not random, it's probably just been a long time coming.

You picked a fight with an alliance when you had no intention of winning that war, your only goal was to screw them over as much as possible.

Are you saying that the lack of a survival instinct makes one courageous? There's nothing courageous about picking a fight that you intend to lose.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 3:14:19

TAN - this is the internet. The internet is almost the fountain of youth - it makes everyone act like they are young. It just doesn't actually make them young.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 6:12:53

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Rockman:
I don't give a damn whether or not its a topfeed. What use is a retal policy if it doesn't punish someone for attacking me? A retal policy should deter hits.

Yes and no. On the one hand, you want to discourage hits to a certain degree -- but you don't want to kill the game at the same time by being douches about it.

And why is grabbing someone who can retal you a necessary part of the game?

Because there is effectively no one else to grab anymore.

And why should grabs be part of the game? Yet stealing tech from countries isn't part of the game (outside of war), and neither is missile retals or AB/BR/GS attacks (outside of war).

And pre-arranged attacks between countries isn't part of the game (unless you are RD). The one alliance trying to make it part of the game has made enemies merely by attacking themselves and not harming anyone else.

Interesting that attacking a target who is a willing victim is not acceptable, yet attacking a target who is an unwilling victim is considered acceptable.

And while untaggeds can be farmed, they are not allowed to attack any alliance back to generate more land.

Logic does not dictate why our current rules are the way they are. They are merely the whims of bullies, which are in no way linked towards fairness or what is best for the game.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 5:49:53

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Rockman:
I don't give a damn whether or not its a topfeed. What use is a retal policy if it doesn't punish someone for attacking me? A retal policy should deter hits.

Yes and no. On the one hand, you want to discourage hits to a certain degree -- but you don't want to kill the game at the same time by being douches about it.

And why is grabbing someone who can retal you a necessary part of the game?

Rockman Game profile


Jan 23rd 2011, 5:31:58

I don't give a damn whether or not its a topfeed. What use is a retal policy if it doesn't punish someone for attacking me? A retal policy should deter hits.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 20:35:36

Originally posted by Steeps:
Originally posted by Prima:

149 SS + 1 Nuke by 5 countries hitting simultaneously between 1/21/2011 0:18 and 1/21/2011 0:40... does this really look like standard untagged farming behavior to you?

if your member is going to be throwing derogatory remarks my way while representing your alliance and making it appear like he has the full backing of leadership then yes i will call the alliance out.

So you have 150 defends + the original ~60 from SoL, making 210 hits in total... you've made 3 attacks.

Who made the other ~290 attacks on your country? Why were none of them even attempted to be retalled? You accepted being a landfarm for the other clans, you retalled only SoL, SoLers just took it back, or should we have just killed you after farming to make this a whole lot easier?

If you wanted to address just SoL, you'd have posted on the SoL forums, but you chose to air your dirty laundry in trashtalk central where you will get troll posters. You wanted the posts which is why you did it. I don't support the actions of said member but at the same time I'm not going to muzzle them.

If we wanted to kill, we'd have killed. Trying to landkill anything above 2k acres is just stupid (unless nuked down to 300a first).

If a country has enough jets, it makes sense to landkill it. One of my untaggeds this set was being farmed all the way down to 400 acres and probably would have been landkilled if I hadn't logged in.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 17:12:42

Why is it that we use alliance:country retals?

What's wrong with using alliance:alliance, country:country, or country:alliance retals instead?