
Rufus Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 19:01:10

Originally posted by ibujke:
Is this a flame bait?

Are you comparing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that marked the beginning of the atomic age, with 9/11?
Of course not. Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, however atrocious and eventually useless, they were actually legit war actions.

Fooglmog, 9/11 IS part of the current events. (Sorry about the "flame bait" part.)
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 18:07:15

Is this a flame bait? The differences between a natural disaster and 9/11 are rather obvious and it's really a shame that you can't/won't see them. For the record, 65 years later people are still talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Also, leave the media out of it. They're just selling whatever crap that their target market demands. Obviously Aljazeera and ABC/NBC/whatever US network have different audience. And to answer your question, which I believe it's rhetorical since you've already answered yourself, you have the right to choose what news channel you watch:
Originally posted by Fooglmog:
I watch BBC, CBC and Al Jazeera but nothing American.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 9:14:49

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Bonus points expire at the earliest midnight GT time after 48 hours have passed. For example, any bonus points gained during today, February 3rd, would expire one second past February 5th, 23:59:59 GT
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 12:47:35

Originally posted by NukEvil:
So I think the top 10 will be $150m, top 25 will be $120mil, and top 100 will be somewhere around $75 mil.

Any more guesses?
Hmm, unless the set unexpectedly ends right now and not in 60 hours, those numbers are already met... Do you know something we don't know? :P
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 17:48:22

(Omitting rock and roll and classical music concerts)
Joe Zawinul
Chick Corea
Duke Ellington Orchestra

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 9:04:13

Originally posted by Rockman:
a statement is a paradox if the statement implies its negation

This sentence is neither true nor a paradox
is equivalent to
(This sentence is not true) and (this sentence is not a paradox)
This sentence is not true = paradox, thus
This sentence is a paradox and this sentence is not a paradox
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 17:31:44

Mmmmkay, then what's wrong with
1x = 0.999...
10x = 1x * 10 = 9.999....
10x - 1x = 9.999... - 1x = 9.999... - 0.999... Blahblahetcetc

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 15:00:04

I know that kindegarden arithmetics is magik and it is a feat to do it "properly" but what's wrong with 5x-1+1=9+1 or 5x-1x=9-1x?
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jan 4th 2011, 18:15:08

+10% readiness regen or +10% regen rate? Because it doesn't make much sense to gain +100% readiness after 10 turns even for the first bonus, let alone +500% for 3 points.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:58:01

Well, technically it was a FOP and they both proceeded to FS Poland...
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 14:04:35

MuckClient should work in Windows 7 just like in Vista (run as administrator). I haven't tried it though.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 19th 2010, 8:47:10

Define generator as well. Anyway, random number generators picking from a finite set do exist; the simplest of them is coin flipping (picks from "head,tail" set.) Dice rolling are not far more complicated and offer larger sets.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 18:13:16

f(bobby) = bobby^a
f' = a * bobby?

Edit: spoiler, don't read "original post"

Edited By: Rufus on Dec 8th 2010, 18:16:20
See Original Post
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 13:27:57

Originally posted by Rockman:
edit: actually, your wording seems imprecise

Do you mean that there must exist a subset, or that there possibly could exist a subset?

It's a trivial question if you mean that there possibly could exist a subset, so I'm guessing you mean that there must exist a subset no matter what groupings you use.
The probability that 3 dudes are either mutual friends or mutual strangers is 100%. In BobbyATA's example, 3 can can be friends, totally strangers (a bit awkward considering that there are not many people who would invite two random guys from the street at his birthday party but not impossible) or John can invite his buddy Joe who comes with his newest girlfriend Sue (neither mutual friends nor mutual strangers). Not 100% guaranteed that the conditions are met.

(Not sure if this was a spoiler or a hint)
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 18:06:33

Originally posted by martian:
next we prove that 0 = 1!
0 = !1
Fact. ;)
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 18:03:06

Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
When LaF FSed us, and after some days at war, we found untagged LaFers getting FAed (...etc)
You mean that you have enough time to spy untaggeds, during a war, but you need like 3-4 weeks before you decide that he's a threat and kill it? Because it looks to me that he wasn't a restart at all, let alone a Laf restart. He wasn't ever tagged Laf nor PDM at any given time so that can't be it.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 13th 2010, 18:02:09

Ohay Dagga!
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 18:42:17

Originally posted by qzjul:
30 turns? why not just make it kill 50% your military and land? And destroy all your CS.

Seriously though, it can't be completely ridiculous.

That's a good idea! Add 50% of your tech too.

Seriously though. Maybe my "30 turns" was a bit exaggerated but 3 turns only is by far worse. There has to be a penalty for being able to recall your stuff in an instant and 3 turns is ridiculous. Heck, you get 12 bonus turns per day for doing nothing.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 4th 2010, 20:01:01

Make it 30 turns. AND 20% units/tech points/bushels/barrels lost. That would be fair.

If you log on in the morning and put some stuff on the market for some overoptimistic prices, you just logon later during your lunch break, see that it's not going to fly and you call them back and try again with no punishment whatsoever. Previously if you screwed the market game you had to wait 48 hours (plus the en route time) before you could have another go. 3 turns as it is now is way too cheap.

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 3rd 2010, 18:00:05

Originally posted by dagga:
Omega = massively overrated.
SOL is always ranked too high and you claiming that a second grade alliance kicked your butt in a war last reset doesn't really put your alliance in a better spot...

Back to topic. Well done EVO, congratulations!
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 2nd 2010, 17:47:56

Well, we won ANW 2 resets ago, last reset we were at war so that doesn't really count and if we win ANW this one technically we win ANW back to back.

That being said it is a very close race. You guys did a great job and from 10 million NW 2 days ago you managed to close the gap to just 2 million and there are still 30 hours to go. It's gonna be a very close race.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Oct 1st 2010, 14:08:22

Originally posted by Ivan:

its too powerful as its, imo it shouldnt exist or at least take a lot longer then instant recall
I too concur. Either get rid of it completely or make the cost like 20-40 turns or so.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Sep 28th 2010, 17:45:45

Frontpage doesn't exist anymore, it's been replaced by a thing called Expression. I haven't tried it but I expect it to be rather similar.

Anyway, if you expect that your web designing career will be limited to creating a little site for your girl then you can download the trial version from You'll have 60 days to play with it, more than enough methinks.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Sep 7th 2010, 12:19:28

Don't you think that it will be a bit wiser if you change only one thing per reset, not more? If/when it goes fubarr-ed how can you be sure that the cause was the military tech or 2bn removal or a cummulative effect of the both?
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 10:41:23

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 18:14:41

Originally posted by Jelly:
if you had 3 def allies with 3.2mil turrets each, and a guy still breaks you, then that guy is an idiot and you would gain so much more from retals.

I will play the 800 turrets per acre ratio strategy next reset. And the 3 (three) defensive allies. I'll be invulnerable! This reset I only have two... :(
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 22nd 2010, 18:38:58

Originally posted by jdpanther42:
cause if the country carn`t break ya they just get some one who can end of land creation.
What are you talking about? Both the grab and the retal *create* land, by ghost acres. Doesn't matter if it is a country/country or alliance retal.

Originally posted by ponderer:
the purpose of retals is to deter grabs on your tag, not to create land.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 22nd 2010, 17:53:46

Originally posted by Grimm:
If we're trying to encourage land creation? Pretty terrible.
Quite so, quite so.

But how allance-wide retals prevent land creation, by the way?
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 22nd 2010, 10:43:27

Grabbing bots is like masturbation: it might provide some relief during difficult times but it doesn't come even close to the real thing. So no, not even "official" bots.

However your second part of the idea has merit. Ok, country country retals but nuke retals are also acceptable. How's that?
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 8:47:17

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
no I said it right the first time. Alliance has always been the absolute worst for bottomfeeding.
Yes, that's what I said. Bottomfeeding, while the most profitable grabbing tactics, wasn't easy in alliance server because the alliance-wide retals and intensive farmage of countries who couldn't retal. You wouldn't bottomfeed a "will retal" tag. Implementation of a country/country retals will promote bottomfeeding to new levels because "will retal" will have no more meaning whatsoever. Topfeeding and midfeeding will remain unchanged because country-country retals do happen anyway in these cases.

PS: bottomfeeding was easy on alliance server too, when there were about 15k countries each reset. (Ok, 75% of them were bots but that's another story)
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 19:53:51

I don't quite understand what you are trying to say. In every earth server bottomfeeding is the most viable strategy. You hit someone who you are sure he can't hit you back. Alliance server was NOT promoting bottomfeeding. It is the other way around; you just can't bottomfeed someone belonging to an alliance because you know that someone in his tag will hurt you. This is what some are trying to change, by the looks of it.

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
if you want to PROMOTE bottomfeeding then go to a different server.
I fixed it. You're welcome :P
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 18:14:48

Originally posted by Slagpit:

The late start can get more defense than countries similar in land to him. He can also get FA to help him grow or o allies to help him take retals. I stated as much in this very thread. You make it sound like it's impossible, but people restart in wars all the time.
Quite right. But that begs for a different question: why do you really want country/country retals in the first place? What's the point? Let's get back to my example, #581. If he were to retal my 10k acres 3mNW country he'll need a bunch of FA packages besides OA's. Each FA package takes 3 turns which are totally wasted not even explored or cashed. Wouldn't have been much lucrative if one of the FA senders used 1 turns to spy me and 2 turns to retal my butt for about 5 times more land that I got? Or if I didn't hit him in the first place?

The war analogy is totally irrelevant. If you're at war you're not going to win a top 10 NW finish anyway and if you died chances are that you're going to die 3-5 times more during the war, FA or not.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What's interesting is that untaggeds are essentially forced to retal country: country. Is grabbing untaggeds morally wrong? Should all alliances immediately cease grabbing untaggeds?
This is beside the point. You and Pang already proved that grabbing is not at all morally wrong. And we're talking about alliance wide retals here.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The most extreme stance would be that countries shouldn't take retals at all. Second most extreme would be that single hits aren't retallable. Third most would probably be something like country: country retals.

I don't believe that I've actually stated that alliances should do any of these? I just said that people should tolerate being grabbed because it's suffocating and shrinking the alliance server. Wanting players to interact with other players is crazy, I know.
This might probably be the next step in a couple resets ;)

And guess what, players DO interact with others more if the alliance retals are allowed. One "player interaction" is guaranteed followed by another "player interaction". The OP's original idea was that he can grab someone without him being "interacted", back otherwise this is totally useless. Actually it IS useless anyway. Country-country will have no impact whatsoever on those guys who know how to play and grab well. (or not, depending from where you're looking it). Mid/topfeedings are usually retaled country-country anyway. This idea might only be helping clueless players who only know how to build countries by bottomfeeding.

PS: BobbyAta: "either sign this or we go to war with u". I have no words to describe that! :D You know, if you're so desperate to gain any parcel of land by any possible means then you and your alliance ultimate goals are to netgain. Guess what, after a war noone wins and warring Omega isn't really a walk in a park. Not sure who will give up after 2 resets.... Archaic is wise: "Pacting should be to prevent war not prevent grabbing."
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 10:56:39

Yes, a 60 countries alliance A can still offer some sort of protection against a 30 countries tag B. As it is now tag B offers tag protection for his small guys against attacks from tag A because at least half of them can retall. With the proposed policy changes tag B can do nothing more than go to war, die and screw both tags' resets in the process.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 9:13:02

It has been proposed by some that multiple hits on same country and/or alliance will be subject to alliance-wide retals anyway and in my example I said that I'd hit 581 once.

Of course, Laf can bottomfeed as well and screw my alliance's little guys. In fact everyone will be bottomfeeding everyone because there's nothing to stop them if they're doing it right.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 19th 2010, 8:34:15

Being grabbed is part of the game and perfectly ok. No problem.

But let's take an example. I started my country in day 1, it's a good country and I have enough resources to retal everyone in the whole server who grabs me. No big deal, actually since the ghost acres are back most probably both me and the attacker will benefit from it. Now look at this country: MPS4LIFE (#581) - LaFamiglia. He started his country on August 13. He is at 0.5mNW. No DR and at 4500 acres it makes a good bottomfeeding target. If I were to hit him, once, how do you expect him to retal me in 48 hours? And 3-5 other similar countries from different alliances who have the same thoughts as I have?

The whole country/country policy is wrong. If you topfeed/midfeed big countries who obviusly put some effort it does not apply at all since they will want to take their own retals themselves as they do care for their land and want it back. Instead everyone will be happily bottomfeeding the small guys like #581 who can't retal themselves and will be screwed.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 20:40:00

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
The number of players who would actually play all-x even if grabbing environment greatly improved is much lower than almost everyone in this thread is assuming.
What do you mean by "improved grabbing environment"? Bottomfeed whatever small country who can't hit you back and ban alliance-wide retals? This is ridiculous.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 20:23:06

Originally posted by Slagpit:

I don't understand the obsession with land either. Why do players who don't care about their countries at all get so upset if they lose some of their land?
ooh, I can answer that. It's not the fact that I lost some 500 acres that pisses me off. Is that xEVILALLIANCEx got those. If my oGOODALLIANCEo can't get them back, because I'm too lazy or retarded to retal, I'll just delete my country and never play again. It's like I'm giving my friends' enemies a double advantage: one, I make a lousy country that lowers their average NW and two give their direct opponents a head start. And I don't want to hurt my friends' efforts. As I said, alliance server is mostly about alliance, not individuals.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 19:40:33

Originally posted by Pang:
slag's post sums up what I believe as well...
new players that come to the server and keep playing aren't going to be untagged fodder, they're going to be people who want to play the game the way it's meant to be played. Not just sit back and hit the explore button all set.
No. New players have no idea what they're doing when they first make a country. I remember my first one hehe. They have no idea of what the game was meant to be played and get pissed off before someone tells them what the game is meant to be played. (Sit back and hit the explore button is advanced technique, by the way.)

Let me reiterate. This is "alliance" server. If you're a new player you'll be untagged. And farmed 15 times a day while you're untagged. Then you will join an alliance because you start reading the forums and you learn that an alliance offers you the so called "tag protection". Tag protection means that the alliance is protecting you. Tag protection does not mean that you won't be hit 15 times per day by the same country but being hit "once" by 15 different countries is ok. New players will feel cheated by false advertising.

And let's be serious. If you start a country 4-5 days after the reset started, or even worse playing untagged for that amount of time even if you started in day 1 and you will NEVER have a country able to retal your own hits. In 48 hours. Especially if you're hit multiple times per day. As I said, leave the country/country retals for non alliance servers and leave alliance be as it is.

By the way. I don't really understand that fascination for land. This game is not about getting 100k acres of land. It is about doing better than everybody else given the available sets of circumstances. Like build a good country and get rank 1 in NW. So what that the land is hard to get? What's the difference between getting rank 1 with a 150mNW country on 15k acres and getting the same rank 1 with 350mNW country on 35k acres of land? Guess what, the land is scarce for everyone. You don't get a badge for that.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 18:57:48

It does, but only if your current food and cash can't get you through the available turns. It doesn't if you have them covered. Not sure how accurate and useful that information, or lack of it is, because the old message said something like "assuming no growth etc". So if no warning message shows up and you think it's safe it's probably safer to play just about 90% of your turns and check again.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 17:49:28

Originally posted by Pang:
with a player base this small on this server, it begins to make more sense to move to that type of model. There would be a lot of wars over it, though :p
You'll lose even more players. I suspect that most of you overestimate the "dedication" of the already small player base. A large part of it are actually old and bored veterans who just logon, hit explore/build and logout 2 minutes later. They would simply not be bothered to retal and if the only alternative is to let the attacker get away with free land they'll just quit.

Also if you are seriously thinking of enforcing such a policy it surely removes yet another important aspect of this game which actually still makes it attractive, and I quote: "as we keep saying, running a tag that can deter retals is an important part of this server". Besides, if you want only country/country retals there're always primary, tournament and express servers. Slagpit's list accurately describes how an alliance helps their players perform well in the above mentioned servers. Leave alliance alone.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 19:44:57


Minister of Nuke TheoSqua.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 19th 2010, 17:36:12

Nice job with the news and sorting and stuff. Well done. But I also got this:

19.1 hours ago
You sold 0 Bushels for $0 to a standing order.
5,000,000 Bushels remain for sale.

This is.... exciting? Worth mentioning? :D
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 18th 2010, 17:54:52

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 16th 2010, 17:40:23

Originally posted by AoS:
You are all missing the point! Watches can't send texts!
Yeah yeah. '7 out of every 10 people have heard of Omega'. Who/what is that phone you're talking about, eh?
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 16th 2010, 14:17:29

A phone? Don't make us laugh.

Originally posted by AoS:
The Apple Omega?
That would have been an insult. Apple? Dude, we have history behind us! Omega was the choice of NASA and the first on the Moon in 1969. Omega was the official Time Keeping device of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. James Bond allied us since 1995; other famous Omegans are John F. Kennedy, Prince William, George Clooney, Nicole Kidman and Cindy Crawford.

I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jul 3rd 2010, 17:38:36

That was like SOL vs LCN/Omega war. Big balls, big mouth, pain in the ass follows.
I am John Galt.

Rufus Game profile


Jun 30th 2010, 17:57:00

Also, Imag has an totally amazing 19 HPK against SOL!
I am John Galt.