
SuperFly Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 20:00:56

what tag is this? I am on my phone wtf are you guys up 2 now? Seems you guys go wild everytime I go away

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 5:33:30

dont lie NOW3P, you just want a decent farm tag so you can harvest land lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 4:56:01

btw I just want to let you know that 2 of the guys we killed have also applied to join us. I guess your 2 teams are now going to be 1 team.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 4:54:10

Fatty you are the leader of your team. You make threats, you make threads and posts related to your team. You are the face of your team and you speak for your team.

We have tag killed you and your team due to you running your mouth. As Ravi said 2 of your members have reached agreements with us as they now regonize that joining your tag was a bad idea.

Now seriously get over it dude, I kept spying the same country over and over and it turns out that it was your country I kept spying and you kept spazzing on me for doing it. All of the lies and crap came from you and you know what I wish you would have had the guts to back up your threats so that you would have killed me. That way you would have had atleast one kill before we tag killed you.

Now I better go get drunk with ZEN so that we can get on TMZ to boost our ratings!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 7th 2011, 3:00:38

mine :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 6th 2011, 4:31:35

oh snap my president and leader has spoken

All Hail King Ravi!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 6th 2011, 3:31:00

bonus point posts FTW!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 23:04:23

Originally posted by Pain:
they were looking for someone to fight and it just so happens you gave them a small reason (as if anyone ever has a real reason to do so anyways)

Oh Pain, I want to make Fatty feel really special so here is the real reason why we killed him. It was becuase he did not join us. He stood us up 2 resets in a row. Let me refer you the post that I made on Gazz's looking for a team thread:

Originally posted by SuperFly:
join FBI or WoG. If you dont we will either LG you or kill you...

Ok I hope that cheers you up Fatty. I want you to know that I still love you and SB still wants to comb your hair and Lord Slayer secretly still wants to rub your belly :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 23:00:19

oh and I will post this post on this thread also. Incase you missed it on your other thread:

Jul 5th 2011, 22:35:37
You know our stance on insulting and swearing via private messages and ingame Fatty. If I send your last 2 messages to Pang (who I spoke to after Chitty's messages) he might be inclined to warn or ban you.

Now dont be a chump. Just get your teammates to show up to your IRC room and start a kill run on us. You can start on my country #34 if you like.

btw, I am ok with breaking a pact with a guy that likes to threaten our members, send stupid ingame messages and post stupid garbage on the boards.

You could learn a thing or two from DBD Fatty. They play the game with the outmost respect and discipline. That is why if you look at 90% of my posts on new player/looking for a team threads I recommend that they join DBD if they want to play this game well and if they want to screw around to join our team.

and Fatty I look forward to your next childish, hurtful post or private message.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 22:57:04

Originally posted by Fatty:
to top this thread off I was told that SuperChump is #34.


This was planned from the start of the set. Why Fly?

Curious minds wanna know.

Oh ok clearly you fail at reading as I told you why we hit you via private message earlier. Let me copy paste your original message, my reply and your reply for you and everyone else to read:

From Fatty:

U mind telling me why you mother fluffers jacked us up?

For a fluffing retal?

From Me:

becuase you guys are giant tools (or maybe its just you, that is a giant tool? as you are the one doing all the threats, the posting and now the swearing via private message)

The only reason why we hit you (unprepared btw) is becuase you bragged on the board about your sweet retal and you called #34 a chump and 2 of your members also sent stupid messages to #34. I warned you about #34, if he asks nice enough for something most of the time it well get done.

btw #34's request to attack you guys had been out voted 3vs1. Then as we sat in IRC I saw your post about the ass tag and I brought it up our leaders and it was a done deal.

now lets just keep it civil ok, no swearing or any other garabge is required. You guys had tons of missles and war prepped countries so put them to good use and do some damage.


From Fatty:

You expect us to be civil with you tools.


Your a piece of work. That retal was legit.

Go fluff yourself and see ur asshole self very soon.

You guys are complete mf'rs sore losers. 34 took a poke, after his bs spying and a supposedly DNH status we agreed on.

Nice to know u support breaking pacts.

So pissed off.


Again, I (the owner of #34) assured you that we/I was not spying to feed ops to anyone, we where not spying to FS you. I was just spying the Toy country as he would spazz everytime that I spied him and then you send myself and LS a message saying that you would kill #34 (me) if I spied once more. I assured you that the owner of #34 (me) was doing it to keep reading your teammates paranoid responses as they made me laugh.

You had access to our Boxcar site up until the day that you threatend to kill my country. If you ever logged in you would have seen that we never intended to hit you guys. There was 11 of us in IRC last night and every one who was there can confirm how we where sitting there BSing and we decided to hit you at that moment after we saw the TWO THREADS THAT YOU POSTED!

We did not plan for this war, that is why we had a weak FS. Trust me Fatty, if this would have been a planned war, all of your teams would be listed as RED and DEAD on Boxcar.

If you dont believe me about us not being war ready, why dont you go and spy every one of our countrys and see for yourself how we have no stockpiles, no sdi, no weapons and our troop and jet counts are not even high.

So I in conclusion, I will once again ask to stop acting like a "little butt hurt chump, that just got smacked with a rake" and get your teammates lined up and start fighting us back. It will make you look better and give you more credibility than what your dumb tasteless messages and posts are currently doing for you.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 22:35:37

You know our stance on insulting and swearing via private messages and ingame Fatty. If I send your last 2 messages to Pang (who I spoke to after Chitty's messages) he might be inclined to warn or ban you.

Now dont be a chump. Just get your teammates to show up to your IRC room and start a kill run on us. You can start on my country #34 if you like.

btw, I am ok with breaking a pact with a guy that likes to threaten our members, send stupid ingame messages and post stupid garbage on the boards.

You could learn a thing or two from DBD Fatty. They play the game with the outmost respect and discipline. That is why if you look at 90% of my posts on new player/looking for a team threads I recommend that they join DBD if they want to play this game well and if they want to screw around to join our team.

Look forward to working with you Mr. ViLSE.

and Fatty I look forward to your next childish, hurtful post or private message.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 3:44:05

We are very classy good sir. We have great table and bedside manners. We hold doors and pull out chairs and when we go clubbing we wear shorts with no boxers. But we do shave to avoid embarrasing bushy pictures from being posted on TMZ or Perez Unrated.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 3:38:31


Kicking Ass makes for Sweety Butt Cheeks!!!

On a serious note threating to kill over spy ops was very lame and chumpy of you. Bragging about the sweet retal was also very chumpy of you.

In the spirit of bragging, I would like to direct you to the Team Server All Time Leaders board. There you will find that many of the top 10 spots are held by wonderful individuals that play in SWEETY BUTT CHEEKS that like to KICK ASS.

As I love bragging and top 10 spots, I am going to start negotions with the fine folks at DBD to buy some of their netgainers who own the netter top 10 records so that we may add them to our ranks.

Mr. VilSe how much shall I send you via pay pal to hire you and your crew for a few sets? We will need you to relax your rules and playing styles for this to work. Your players are very disciplined as is your leadership. However we need you to randomly hit people and stirr fluff up so that Detmer, Lord Slayer and ZEN can remain employed under Ravi's supervision as our fearless leaders.

Edited By: SuperFly on Jul 5th 2011, 3:41:40
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 3:13:08

Originally posted by pslayer:

I guess after getting hit multiple times by the same country in the same set one has to spend the money in hopes the hits will stop.

We spent alot money and we have now ensured that no one topfeds you again this set.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 3:11:16

join FBI or WoG. If you dont we will either LG you or kill you...

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 2:05:44

oh snap! This looks like its going to be good.

So if this is going to be in Jersey, will there be fake tans, hair gel and fist pumping?

I can totally see Detmer yelling grenades!!!!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 2:00:02

I like ass, butts and cheeks. Especially when they belong to Lord Slayer, ZEN and the oh so special Detmer!

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 1:47:26

so you (if that is your country Fatty) spent $2.4billion cash on jets to retal and you are still very low on deffence. If I wanted to I could PS you multiple times (making #89 look like an all jetter chump) recover our land and you could not break me on a PS. Sure you could kill me for retaling your retal and for multiple hits on your country but I would still LOL as the land would still go towards my awsome and unmatchable land total for this server :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 12:58:23

I want to see pics and you guys need to have signs or name badges :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 3rd 2011, 2:51:04

Angels of ZEN would be a great team to join. They have 6 teams in total and they are full of awesome people like Tisya and myself :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 1st 2011, 0:38:49

Ok Walt, post some country numbers I will start ABing the people who are hitting you again this round

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 2:50:03

Let this be a warning to all of you topfeeders. Please get your land the old fashion bottom feeding.

thanks and have a great set

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 4:33:55

Oh my workers are efficient. I am now building industrial complexes with 2 floors

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 4:23:22

Respect, I dont earn it! I fluffIN TAKE IT!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 19:08:25

My Boss Lord Slayer will be away from the office today so I guess I will confirm on his behalf!

Mobzta, I will scan your news and post retals on our board.

SuperFly - WFBIoG
Women Female Body Inspectors of God

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 14:29:14

thanks I started doing that last night :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 4:01:18

but there was tons of good threads that you could have thrown your 2 cents in.

Oh well I like your thread so I will post just so you are not alone :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 2:42:29

Good thing Fatty is not on our team in team server cuz that would be ugly.


SuperFly Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 2:41:38

you kick their butts Walt.

Last set I was helping Walt out and I have to say you guys are all lame for gang banging him every round. Atleast Walt has the guts to use the same name every round in all the servers

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 15:16:00

Just kill each other and may the best team win :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 26th 2011, 5:33:28

Fatty never even logged into the site. We just made an account for him and both sets he joined silly teams. He broke my heart twice :(

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 21:30:27

thats why you join them and problem solved

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 25th 2011, 2:15:42

cross server action FTW!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 15:03:20

Bluee your back!

Login to the site bro!

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 14:04:40

sorry I ment to say human rights violations should be dealt with death but as we are a respectful and peaceful group of players we will only retal you 4:1. We will kill your country only If you in turn decide to escalate the situation by further offensive langauge or if you show any aggression to our countrys.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 12:29:24

I can confirn this new policy. I took great offence to the messages that I recieved via the PM option of the forums. I have even gone as far as asking The CEO of Earth Empires, Mr. Pang to look into the report a message option for private messages.

As LS said, sure we had a poor choice of tags this set but we did not do it to intentionally insult, discriminate or single out any type of individual.

We will not stand for such human rights violations and thus we will kill you, even if that means that we will never get to netgain again.

My friends, please stay respectful ingame, on the forums and in private messages.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 3:20:53

ok i know im not new but I still could use some pointers.

I know I am lacking tech but I would like to know how I could stock as a commie/indy. Should I just be selling down every day and storing cash or how would I go about it?\


SuperFly Game profile


Jun 23rd 2011, 1:26:52

I love the smell of war. too bad LS is a pacifist lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 4:13:00

lol you meanie, here I was feeling bad for you about being with those guys but what the hell you saved the day.

Fatty I hope you join us one day :)

/me moons Fatty

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 3:10:45

ok i think we need Chittys country number now. How else are we supposed to get ahold of the guy????

LS has been very very patient I have been in and out of IRC all day and he has neem there waiting for you guys to contact him. Hell if Wrath was handling FA issues the same way that ZEN, DETMER and I would have handled them we would have already FS'ed half the server and probably even attacked our own teams and restarted once or twice.

However that is why FWoGBI has voted the ever peaceful Lord Slayer master and commander of the legion of doom to handle our foreign relations department.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 21:49:55

Lord Slayer you my friend are a good man.

Back when ZEN and DETMER did FA on our behalf it was save turns and set to kill for everything lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 2:25:15

oh btw Chitty you giant tool, I was told me you tried impersonating me in express last round. If you are going to pretend to be me atleast try to run a half decent country not some noob rainbow country to suicide on people....

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 2:16:27

well clearly we know how the noob team operates. Here is the private message that the fearless noobtart sent me:


Subject:Blow ME

Date:Jun 21st, 02:04

Message Body: FAG

again I feel bad for you Fatty, for joining such a craptastic team...

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 21st 2011, 1:29:31

If you guys keep cross tag retaling you will be killed.

too bad you joined another bad team Fatty...

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 2:49:58


SuperFly Game profile


Jun 18th 2011, 0:04:13

Originally posted by Pain:

its like 2 bucks in the app store. works very well

I use colloquy also, its good

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 18th 2011, 0:02:47

yes RD has now joined Wrath and we have also ninja vanished like RD

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 17th 2011, 5:12:46

lol thats just weak