
TGD Game profile


Aug 15th 2011, 3:52:01

What is your favorite Final Fantasy Game?

TGD Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 3:49:46

Yes very nice

lets see how good you guys do this round ;)

TGD Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 0:32:48


TGD Game profile


Jun 11th 2011, 4:39:21

I was never able to talk to Goorp as I was staring to go inactive during that time due to burn out of the game. Wish I could of talk to him and gotten to know him. Everyone in PDM at the time thought highly of him. Hope his dad is having luck getting some of what he is looking for :)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 22:10:56

then keep waring them set after set seems like that is what is going to happen

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 21:07:51

how about letting suicides from 3-4 sets ago and 5-6 years ago go as well

You guys keep believing that PDM suicides you every set with a throng of members doing it

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:58:01

talk things out first?

seems like on both sides there was not much talking? lol

as i'm not an FA let alone playing that is up to you guys to settle

but I have this to say, it will probably not look good on LaF if your members start heavily LGing to looking like Farming next set without provocation :)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:52:48

don't spoil my victory!

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:50:14

lol Nuke just countered forgotten's statement that none of its members suicide

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:49:11

Great at least I have you acknowledging that LaF is responsible for the loss of members to the game

finally :)

btw there hasn't been a lack of leadership for awhile now, but thanks :D

arguing on AT is fun, really kills the day

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:44:21

Sometimes you can be asking for outstanding reps that are highly unreasonable and if you do the other alliance isn't even going to pay back what is logically owes you because you won't budge

It is a 2 way street and something happened that reps were not paid (if in fact that was the case)

You forget Hanlong, you have a reasponsibilty to your alliance and PDM's leaders have a responsibilty to theirs. That is what it comes down too

You guys need to find someway to get past your grudges or like I stated PDM is going to hassle you over and over again, or you will eventually run people from the game it will be who ever breaks first and both outcomes are bad outcomes

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:40:27

That is my point Nuke

LaF won't drop their grudges

Both members that suicided are banned from PDM. No alliance can do anything if a member, that plays the game really well, suicides, there is nothing to 100% prevent it.

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:35:50

wow you are bringing up GoSu

so Hanlong..we are supposed to....somehow..someway...use furtureistic technology to read our members' minds to find out that they are going to go ape fluff insane and suiside?

GoSu also suicided on RD if I remember because he was done with the game and he was banned from PDM by Comwood thereafter as Thatguy is banned from PDM now

NO alliance can control their members to the extent that we know they are goint to go bat fluff insane, you guys have to learn to drop grudges lol

Edited By: TGD on Mar 3rd 2011, 19:37:53
See Original Post

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:32:32

Seems Hanlong believes that we paid 0 reps for Thatguys incident

when according to Det/Drow and either H4 or SS PDM paid 70% of it back during the set

Nuke, would you of required PDM to have many if not most of their members the following set provide free land for you and ruin many member's set to repay the damange of thatguy? that is the cruch of the issue that Hanlong seems to have a problem with anyways lol

In my view, ordering your members to esstincally create a country for the sole purpose of providing even for half or even 1/4 of the set land is essentionally ruins their set, ruins their point, and is pointless to them, many people had little time as it is to play lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:28:23

Wow seems Forgotten has issues lol

It seems in your mind, we have PDM members suiciding on LaF every set left and right lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:23:57

do my suggestion

Drop all pacts!

then you can LG everyone equally and wouldn't have to worry about suisiders :D

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:22:17

Nuke is wise! :O

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:14:15

you know if the members of LaF instead of going LG crazy, from what it seems what is what happend, exchanging hits and LGs is what should happen

For example one member in PDM KNOWS that he was going to lose a lot of his land that he gained from LGing (but keep a lot from the ghost acres)

that is what makes this fun if you don't worry so much about getting LG as if you are near in networth you will GAIN on the ghost acres

Activily doing LG's without fearing the consquences and without over burdening an alliances retal capacity is what looks like will actually make this game fun. If you only have 2-3 alliances that you are not pacted to and you are one of the biggest, and cannot put restraints on your members not to LG an alliance so much that it will cause them to do, out of the norm repraisals

It would be funny to see nobody pact anybody for a set and see what happens and have everyone be able to, well LG anyone else

It is this heavy pacting out that is harming this game I think. Year you have your friends and what not, but will it harm them if they gain 500 + acres off a retal on you?

I don't know how FA works, but in my opinion, if you hade just your DP and only had them for defensive purposes without all the "don't LG this alliance" rules both sides would probably benifit

I know this will never happen, but would be very interesting to see the entire server be allowed to LG whoever they wanted without Just LGing to death the very few

Flame me if you want, the idea may be stuipd in your eyes, but it would lessen the burden on massivily LGing the same countries over and over again *shurgs* lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 16:39:41

That is my point

both sides keep bringing things up

Like I said this is only hurting what you are trying to do which is TRY to get alliances to have a clean slate which isn't working

I know PDM wouldn't really care about the past if LaF dropped Earth 2025 past politics and worked on relations with pdm *sighs*

Landgrabbing each other is fine and if everyone can just talk it'll work out much better in the long run, hopefully you can beat some sense into your alliance Pang :P

Say "HEY this is my game so play nice!" or something lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:51:01

Oh well you both hate pdm, nothing I say will change that

that is for you guys and pdm's leaders to work out (or from the looks of it not work out)

how not working it out will work for both alliances is yet to be seen but it won't be good for 1 or both

i'm out, argue with someone else

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:49:28

and guess what SS

our leaders took responsibity for our members

works both ways :D

Our members did not 100% was against being laf's farms fro an entire set sorry, was never, is never, will still neverh happen

no play, especially and entire alliance will play an entire set as some other alliances farm, it is not only a matter or pride it doesn't become a game then, it just becomes..well nothing?

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:47:27

it seems H4 really is an idiot

oh well talking to you is like talking to a brick wall your mind...getting 100's of thousands of free acres the next set was ok? if not millions?

let me get that straight H4, so everyone can see that losing what 20K acres I believe is L:L to 100'000 or million acres for set long farming?

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:45:32

God this is probably why your FA quite

you guys have so much hatred it is laughable and can't move past

this is what is pissing off Pang as well it seems, I have my dissagreements with him, but he wanted everyone to have a fresh start, which you guys apparetnly didn't bring with you when you came here :(

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:40:29 you read?

does anybody on these boards READ entire posts?

you wanted PDM to be your FREE


FREE FREE land farms for an entire set giving you 100'000's if not millions of free acres....sorry Thatguy took nowhere NEAR that much, no country can in alliance and then claim the 10 ten... you wante a group of players to essentically....create countris and play them for you, people have better things to do then run, free land farms for another alliance

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:37:53

oh well.. i'm tired, my foot is in pain and you guys don't care if you hurt, destroy, maim an alliance or run people from the game as long as you all have fun

I'll post again in a few months when LaF goes after another alliance causing problems (because it can't and won't always be PDM something will give eventually either PDM will tire you guys out or you will have pdm merge into another alliance further hurting the game)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:35:40

God can you guys not read...

you wanted to destroy pdm for 2 sets total...

*sighs* oh well bottom line you guys lost more countrys to land grab more land for the server and hurt the game in the long run that is the conlcusion of your guys wanted few land for an entire set

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:31:45

God I hate talking on the boards

your egos on here are bigger than Sheen's and that is saying a lot

no what...keep hating PDM and ruining the game for your alliance because PDM plays differently *shurgs* only a FEW


ONCE AGAIN A FEW of your countrys were wanted to destroy PDM not just 1 set but 2

you can't see past your own selfishness it is sad

do you really think anybody would of given you props for claiming all of the top 10 with farming PDM anyways? Get real finishes and stop crying over thatguy suiside :)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:30:14

no Tarnova i'm stating the obvious

your actions ran people from the game

if you want to keep playing change how you play

you don't want to keep playing...keep doing what you are doing all there is to it :D

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:29:01

you keep saying "I don't want players to leave"

then do something about it through actions

how about actually sitting down both fluffing alliances and doing something and ending the damn hatred huh?

or are both sides so damen childish they can't do that? is that neutral enough for you H4? You bring up fluff that was from 6 years ago and even though Pang one of your advisors and the co?-creater of this game wanted a fresh start you could not for the life of you do that

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:25:50

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Rofl ok then tbd... Laf had no right to fs pdm over your suicides and you refusal to provide us reparations. The fact that that is he single biggest legitimate reason to fs an alliance is of no consequence when it co
Esmto pdm. Because hey, it's pdm, they shouldn't be expected to pay reps for damage they cause, or uphold their pacts, they should be able to do whatever they want and anyone that gets caught in the cross fire should just shrug it off. Cause hey... That pdm.

I think I understand now


wow did we repay Reps


did you want Pdm to be your land farms the entire next set to fix a FEW of your countries...yes

Your actions will run people from the game, are you that farkingt ignorant? are you really?

Many people in Pdm left over that, rather you care or not, that is less players and less land in this dead game...sorry you can't see straight, like I said you were a horrible ass Don

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:19:19

yet H4 You harbor DEEP hatred for PDM not being your land farms the next set

like I just stated you ruined ALL of pdm for a FEW of your countrys

then you wanted to ruin ALL of PDM the next set for 0 of your countries that set

once again? is that fair?

Since you don't seem to care, keep running people from the game with your policies and hatred, It'll make EE's a lot better place with fewer and fewer players

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:17:04

you make it seem like EVERY country in PDM suisides EVERY reset

I have been with PDM For 10 years and I have seen VERY few suisides sorry....guess you have fogotten history

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:14:45

then kill it H4

Destroy it to the ground then see what happens

Jesus you hate PDM so much destroy it for all eternity

PDM paid you back for most of land

you guys are the greediest alliance I have every seen

thatguy ruined a FEW countrys, Laf Ruined ALL of PDM

a FEW for the ALL

sounds fair..... guess it is in your mind, guess that is why you were a horrible Don

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:09:45

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I don't expect anything from pdm what so ever (regarding staying in the game, or anything else).

A bunch of you have been talking about how laf doesn't show pdm respect, now you can't say that you don't know why.

Oh FYI, when you guys started running multies on us (just before the EC server opened) stating that you were attacking us to get RD to leave you alone... That didn't help either.

You hold a LOT of hatered don't you? I didn't like you during the thatguy incident and I like you even less now surprising :D

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:05:34

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I don't expect anything from pdm what so ever (regarding staying in the game, or anything else).

A bunch of you have been talking about how laf doesn't show pdm respect, now you can't say that you don't know why.

Oh FYI, when you guys started running multies on us (just before the EC server opened) stating that you were attacking us to get RD to leave you alone... That didn't help either.

You hold a LOT of hatered don't you? I didn't like you during the thatguy incident and I like you even less now surprising :D

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:04:12

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
I said target, as in they are good land sources. It's a business transaction, not hate.

then run pdm from the game and go farm another alliance *shurgs*

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:02:59

BTW LaF ran me from the game so you lost me and many other pdm members when you decied to kill all of PDM for thatguy's suisiding

so LaF helped out there huh? *shurgs*

*btw that was my first set back in 3 years and you guys didn't care to listen to crap I remember that VERY clearly*

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 5:00:46

Tarnava just stated that when he has hated an alliance they dissapear which means he and LaF couldn't give a rat's behind if PDM dissapears

this means they will keep doing what they are doing until they hope PDM bows to their will and their policies or folds up

that DOESN'T HELP the gamy you moron but hey what do I know.... only logic that if you keep beating an alliance down it will only do more harm then good

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:56:15

I love it...there are very few alliances left

yet you guys hate each other and some of you want to destroy some competely

all you will do is hurt any work Pang and Co. are doing to keep this game alive lol

game can't be kept alive with alliance after alliance leaves

that will cause you land grabers to start land grabbing everything on sight and cause the rest of the people who don't want to war to leave, it is a vicious cycle that none of you care about lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:53:42

you sound like a teenager with no brains

glad i'm not an FA and have to deal with your immature person :)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:50:25

I don't get you guys want PDM to fold and leave the game?

what would that do anybody

that is the lameist thing I have ever heard a alliance leader say in this age of earth is that they either don't care that an entire allice is going to dissapear, or that they want them to lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:38:34

and once again LaF has been less then honest or fair with PDM as well

if you don't like those comments leave comments about MiM alone

once again it is stuff like this that will make sure there is no relationship between LaF and PDM (from what I can see of what is going on)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:32:25

and we go back to pdm always saying you have a thing for them

once again it is this for that (can't say tit for tat as it blocks out the first word most likely lol)

you don't like PDM saying you guys are always after them, then don't make those statements as well *shurgs*

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:26:24

that would be Detmer, Balin, Drow, and Snawdog (hell I don't even know our leadership structure anymore)

and I'm going to say you are most likely wrong

and accusing Mike is really childish

but this whole problem seems childisn and is playing out like a bunch of children so that accusation isn't surprising :)

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:18:41

God and you were an FA, learn to read the entire message

BTW it is this bad blood that goes from set to set with PDM that creates the massive distrust

If you guys don't want to fix it more power to you, if you want to go on a witch hunt for a member that really serves no purpose have fun.

yeah blah blah blah it was also PDM's fault...both FA's farked up and this major fark up is going to cause another set of horrible blood for PDM/LaF(and I guess RD again lol)

Edited By: TGD on Mar 3rd 2011, 4:23:24
See Original Post

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:17:43

hey stupid

did you read the part that says



it is in all caps so you can read it this time moron :)

can't protect what I can't see lol

TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:11:09

so you are on a witch hunt..... you already came out with the complete destuction of PDM this set with the help of RD Which you knew was going to FS PDM

yet you still want a name?

what next? you want council/head access to PDM to make yourself happy? want to be Co-President lol

you are most likely not going to get a name, let alone the person's ISP or any other ID of the member

(Is not in leadership, is not even playing so can't see members names so doesn't care, just you are acting like a baby) :D