
TGD Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:01:42

wow hanglong you really are whinny

I wonder...really wonder what would you and LaF do IF PDM DID leave the game?

you will have LG another alliance heavily and quite...then what?

BTW wth would you do with a members name? you most likely don't know the member especially if the member is new, so the name is pointless, it wouldn't do anything for you except make youself feel better

Edited By: TGD on Mar 3rd 2011, 4:05:49
See Original Post

TGD Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 1:04:03

Do the bigger alliances like to piss off smaller alliances?

PDM has a 48 hour window, you should abide by their policies. What is so hard about that?

I want to know, is your policy more special because you have twice the members?

It is just like if you go into any REAL have to follow THEIR rules. Your country's home rules don't mean much when you are in another country

When a member hits an alliance with a 48 hour window, you have 48 hours to retail before it expires. Don't think you would be going to LaF and complaining to them about their window

oh well just my 2 cents, what do I know *shurgs*

TGD Game profile


Sep 2nd 2010, 12:01:09

This thread has merit

i don't know who Thomas is, was not playing in PDM when he was a leader/senate person

and as fars as OGT goes, if you were the central reason that 2 alliances go to war and you tag jump to your old/privious alliance that seems rather low, hope thefist doesn't welcome you back if that IS what happened

oh btw before you say "kid" to me i've been in PDM longer then any PDM member posting here, excluding wari cheers :)

I played when comwood still got on MSN! :O

TGD Game profile


Aug 24th 2010, 4:51:27

So if you are not pacted to LaF that is grounds for you guys to farm?

that makes no sense what-so-ever

just because they didn't sign a pact with you guys that they should be farmed?

I love how LaF doesn't take ANY responsibilties for its actions but puts the blame on everyone else. yeah maybe they SHOULD have pacted you, but just because they did not entitles them to getting farmed? Um they have no control over YOUR members who, it seems from YOUR stats hit them over 300 times, thats 60 hits per country....quite sad.... :(

oh well 5 more players gone along with 1 more alliance

Unless YOUR leadership takes control over YOUR members more players are going to get angry, suiside on you, causing you to kill them, thus causing them to ultimately quit. Thus leaving you with only pacted alliances left with nobody to landgrab.

Sadly Pang, your members HAVE to learn some restraint on their excessive landgrabing, and this goes for Sol and the other alliances as well. This sever is going to slowly keep on wiltering with the current policies in place. I would love to see LaF in true glory and in when there are 1,000's of players, not just 600 or so left, but it appears you don't want to listen and blame everyone for not pacting you.

Lets try that, everyone should pact LaF....what will happen then? LaFers get angry that they can't farm anybody,

TGD Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 1:03:19

how about your members stop quad tapping an alliance?

how about your members stop RoR hits on them

how about you think about the game in general?

you are a real idiot :)

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:03:53

I hope LaF keeps farming and they farm even harder.

That way all the work Pang is doing goes to waste.

Then everyone can laugh as this game finally dies through all internal cumbustion.

When every alliances bows out because there is no fun left in this game LaF will finally win and always win.

But I guess LaF loves all the bad press they get, must make them feel GREAT knowing that they are not a respectable alliance in most people's eyes. But hey, I'll let this thread and the many more to appear speak for that.

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 22:03:07

I hope LaF keeps farming and they farm even harder.

That way all the work Pang is doing goes to waste.

Then everyone can laugh as this game finally dies through all internal cumbustion.

When every alliances bows out because there is no fun left in this game LaF will finally win and always win.

But I guess LaF loves all the bad press they get, must make them feel GREAT knowing that they are not a respectable alliance in most people's eyes. But hey, I'll let this thread and the many more to appear speak for that.

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 12:26:59

I love how everyone keeps saying "every alliance used to do the same thing"

that was years ago when there was multies and bots and when most earth players were still in HIGH SCHOOL. The bots and multies are gone and most players are either in college, graduated from college and or married and LONG GONE

What is going on NOW is the farming of the FEW remaining vets and new players left in this game.

I want LaF to tell me this... IF....IF PDM and Ely were to disapper, who would you farm next? RAGE?

EVERY country and EVERY alliance RIGHT NOW is the life blood of this stupid server, but LaF doesn't seem to realize that. You can Landgrab to an extent, but when that landgrabbing is 30 + hits on an alliance with a smaller retal window you are making it MUCH harder for Pang, Nuke and the other admins to keep this game alive. Sure you an pick a few to retal...but guess what the 20 others you can't retal...they continue to hit you along with the other members? Why? There is a great chance they will come out ahead because they KNOW you are small and they KNOW you can't retal a majority of the hits on you

If the facebook application works GREAT, but if there are no seasoned alliances left in this sever what is the point? Those players need to go some where to learn how to play and if they create an alliance of there own, they will be farmed since they have no idea of how to play or run an alliance

If LaF wants to continue to play this game, they need to start thinking Long Term , not short term. Sacrafices have to be made, how about actually becomming something respectable and show any new players that may come in here that they are a respectable alliance. This goes for NA and any other top alliance as well

It only takes common sense to realize that ingame policies are making this game much harder to keep alive and to have fun for EVERYONE not just certain alliances

And I bet, that if this does continue LaF's members will get bored of taking the top 50 again and again and again as there will be no challange. In this game you play for 2 things, the alliance experience and the challange and fun of being top netter or warmonger. But if the challange is gone what is the point of playing? IT will eventually get boring for them

But hey don't believe me, just look at the disappearing membership base that Nuke gave, 100 less countries or so this set *shurgs* if LaF likes what they are doing cheers! Maybe next set it'll be 450 or 400 countries left as most vets have carriers now and could easily stop playing this game

TGD Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 2:24:14

LaF....what are you going to do when all your non pacted alliances disappear because of your policies of toughen up or leave?

Why do you guys want to ruin the game for so many when this game already sucks?

really...what is the point of being FIRST EVERY is like the Chicago Bulls Basketball Team. They owned the 1990's and after awhile it does get boring. Who is going to win....LaF

You say retal all our are smaller tags, really, going to retal every hit your members make, it isn't possible. The big retaliers will eventually have to do PS thus taking their military out of commission. While you are, for the most part, 2X-3X the size of most of the alliances here on this sever

You say you want to be the BEST...but when it is mostly LaF competing against LaF...what is the BEST?

TGD Game profile


Aug 12th 2010, 1:49:20

it takes a lot of time to impliment code and create a game and I bet a lot of times the admins don't come straight home from working 8 + hours and think "man i'm dead tired but I better work on my online game!"

no they are tired and they have lives outside this game

they have done quite a bit in just 8 months and like all admins they are doing more behind the scenes and, like Pang said, if you do something to fast, all the work will be for nought and they only get 1 shot at making this game appealing.

Face book is great as if those players like it, it will spread through word of mouth and many people on facebook have a LOT of friends that will be curious about it to

TGD Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 18:36:57

Originally posted by Forgotten:

the new facebook app will suggest for new players to play solo servers, that is where we would 'recruit' from. People will stray to alliance server, but unless you have a fool proof method or suggestion, all your doing is pointing fingers, remember, you point one finger at someone, your pointing three back at yourself


Trust me, I would know if those hits were part of it, or wasn't. And they are.

ICQ me

Ummm i didn't farm untags and don't double tap alliances so no, i'm not pointing fingers at myself

you don't like the truth tough. Players will come here with no idea and get farmed regarldless.

If players do come here, guess what? nothing will change, large alliances WILL farm smaller alliances and all those players will just dissapear and we will be right back where we were

alliances HAVE to stop farming that is one of the main problems

Alliances HAVE to start being more FAIR instead of changing policies every week to better suit them

if you don't think that is the problem you sir are a royal idiot.

Farming an alliance causes that alliance to either 1)dissapear or 2)suiside on you

Then you all royally fluff when you get suisided on

So what has this turned into? Farm then kill, Farm then kill, Farm then kill and once again a fluff way to keep any players in the alliance server or the game itself

TGD Game profile


Jun 29th 2010, 17:09:24

i've been stating that this game will die

alliances don't care

i've already stated that it is goign to be 4-5 alliances left on alliance server and they are all going to be pacted to each other

why? because all you people are going to farm everyone smaller to death so you can have a few more sets of fun before you all kill this game

there is a huge difference between non alliance and alliance based severs. In the non alliance servers they will play rainbow type strats as they don't know about any strats.

they will come here playing rainbows and thus get farmed to death. Pang wants to bring in new members, but he, nor the other admins have stated how the hell they are going to get alliances to stop farming. Especially THEIR OWN.

The "all the alliances will get larger" in my opinion, isn't going to happen. It will be the same fluff even if alliances grow larger in size. the Farming of the smaller ones will continue thus forceing out all the new players anyways!

New players are not going to do fluff for this game as long as their alliances (as they are the big ones at this point) farm everyone that isn't in an alliance by turn 200.

As has been stated on this thread, it is "all for one" here which is quite sad

Prove me wrong. I've been playing this game way to long and have seen it again and again. If you are new or small you will be farmed. Seems now that when you are farmed, you are killed to prevent you from retaling or suisiding

Your alliance has a GREAT strat there Pang. Farm then kill

Farm then kill, farm then kill. Great way to to kill your game. You may want to talk to your idiot leaders and inform them that farming then killing the countries YOU farm is going to KILL membership :D (this goes for all the other large alliances as you won't be much of an alliance with only a few hundred players left in the game)

TGD Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 19:53:13

BTW i'm betting i've been playing this game far longer than whoever Thomas is

don't know about Collab President but since they were not around when I last played i'm going to assume I've been playing longer than him as well :)

why don't you know me on these boards? because i've never posted during my last 9 years of playing this dying game.

Really if this game is going to rebound, alliances have to come together and put in new rules, something like a united nations type of thing that benifits all alliances big and small.

And no not like a colalition type of thing but I mean something that ALL alliances agree to that is fair and creating a policing type of thing. The way all this farming is going is going to kill the game. Yeah it makes the bigger alliances players all happy and giddy, but kills the fun for the majority of the rest of the game.

I propose that a United Nations type of "alliance" is created on boxcar that every alliances top brass has access to along with Ambassadors for each alliance to talk things out. This way problems can be worked out amonst all the alliances and put the larger alliances in the spot light. Alliances then couldn't hide behind changing policies all set or other...underhanded tactics. Could it be complicated? Sure, but if something isn't done soon, like I already stated, alliances are going to keep dissapearing along with players.

Smaller alliances would also not be able to pull suisiding tactics as well. We need a group effort in order to revive this game. If you all find this idea stupid then come up with something better that stops the farming, 1-sided politics of this game. This game, now more than ever, needs more communication between alliances and a more fair playing field for everyone to enjoy this game

Edited By: TGD on Jun 23rd 2010, 19:53:40

TGD Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 13:24:46

nice, don't see any of my words misspelled, I use the commas and some spaces.

yet I lack "literacy"

seems that is the only attack most of the people on these boards can use :)

you don't believe me that farming an alliance will cause players to leave, and alliances to disapear? then keep doing it :)

btw I remember the days when tripple tapping someone was a big no-no from any alliance now it seems that is not only ok, it is encouraged. Quite sad how this game has devolved over the years

oh and btw, a troll posts on thread that has no relevence to him just to stir up controversy. I am a retired PDM member so thus i'm not a toll idiot. :)

Edited By: TGD on Jun 23rd 2010, 13:28:54

TGD Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 3:06:16

I love DNH

when they are placed on PDM alliances don't seem to follow them

you haven't seen to follow them either

this game is going to die and you idiots don't see to realize or care. you farm the fluff out of counties and wonder WHY people hit other countries.

Sorry in my opinion, if you farm the fluff out of an alliance, your whole tag is at fault, don't like it, in my opinion better control your members, can't be that hard to control 50 members or so. You seem to be the president or a top leader, and your members seem to be blind to the massive attacks on PDM and keep on hitting anyways, yet you let the massive hits continue and, as always, blame the other alliance :)

I don't get why you alliances don't seem to understand that farming another alliance = angery players + lose of players

i'll state it again, this game is going to come down to just a few alliances left after all you "large" alliances get done farming the smaller ones to oblivion.

TGD Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 18:35:50

lol the president says they farmed pdm

then they killed Bodyman for retaling God who knows how many hits on pdm

this is why this game is going to die, NA doesn't care, LaF doesn't care, you guys don't care

like I stated, it is going to come down to being 4 or 5 alliances left, what then? you guys just going to farm each other? rank will be meaningless if there are only 200 players left in this game

btw it isn't hard to see that your alliance is hitting another alliance a lot when there are many hits to each country from your alliance.

Edited By: TGD on Jun 22nd 2010, 18:37:29

TGD Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 16:11:42


this is why i quit this game this set

nothing but farming, no alliance cares past itself. Really funny. This game is going to turn into nothing but farming --> warring ---> more farming --> more warring --> more players leaving = death of this game

All alliances leaders say they are "stopping it" when they aren't. Farming an alliance out of existance isn't going to help your situation guys. But it seems that nobody learned fluff from last set. Who are you guys going to farm next? Rage get them to leave to? then what? just be 3 or 4 alliances left rofl?

TGD Game profile


May 20th 2010, 13:26:42

so that would make every landgrab on them a topfeed

these retal policies are getting more and more ignorant :)

every hit I was doing was 2K + acres no matter who I was hitting even if they were my size, smaller than me

TGD Game profile


May 19th 2010, 11:02:40

LaF this isn't land owned + interest

you don't get extra

*sighs* LaF can do no wrong it seems

I don't give a crap if your member's sets are ruined so were oursl your members need to stop fluffing, Jesus Christ Pang.

Your members are the biggest bunch of babies I have seen in this game.

We couldn't "control" 1 member, you guys can't control several. Since we are all whineing here, I want my 13million net country back *cries* my set was ruined *cries* wahh wahh wahh. Who the hell cares really. It is not hard to get a top 50 finish in an alliancel like yours in a low player game like this

I no longer care. It shows that leaders in this game only care about themselves.

NA's ignorant multi-changing at a whim retal policy, LaF's fluffing over reps then getting more than they deserve, and Pang being a farking loudmouth showing his administrative voice which should be kept silent on INGAME POLITICS. In my opinion, when an administrators alliance is involved in something, he should keep his mouth shut, not FLAME away.

I for one, WON'T be playing next set, the politics of this game suck, nobody can control their members (or try to). I want a fun game, not a game where I have to be stressed that i will either be killed or have to pay reps (MORE then is required it seems)

I want to be able to landgrab without other players moaning, it is stupid and childish to whine about a damn game, makes you look like a child.

yea...pdm are the bad guys...yup...the other alliances did nothing wrong...yup..

Finally because of this, many members in pdm may not be back, and if pdm dissapears, whatever reps you are owed could dissapear as well along with even more players for this game. Most of the members in PDM this set, were LONG retired leaders and members from YEARS past (like myself) and angering them on their first set back won't benift this game or your ignorant reps

Edited By: TGD on May 19th 2010, 11:09:39

TGD Game profile


May 18th 2010, 2:49:06

the only thing that this is going to do is make people look at LaF to grab them now

with Ghost acres it is very tempting to grab as the attacker, even when retalled, will still come out with 800 + acres

in my opinion LaF should be less worried about this set and thatguy, and more worried about next set and being targeted for land.

All this talk of countries with very low defense is going to attract some people's attention

Even I, who used to only be an explorer started landgrabbing countries that would retal me and did and even after getting hit, I was comming out ahead. Before I was killed by NA, I was GAINING land from them even with them attacking me and taking 2,500 acres per hit (as I was retaling for that much and gaining 800 + in ghost acres)

yeah, you may retal 100%, but if the attacker realized that he will come out better anyways, the attacker will still land grab you

TGD Game profile


May 17th 2010, 13:38:45

you know I always thought that if a suisider attacked you, that you were supposed to kill it....not whine that another alliance should kill it

just like me...against NA...if I had had high SDI I could of stone walled for hours with the amount of jets I had

also Pang....a few pdmers, myself included had 10million + jets to retal NA's huge countries (llaars being one of them) that had 9 million + turrets, max weapons and 2 defense allies and some were dicts making even more jets needed.

Hell maybe thatguy had that many jets to do retals on NA at first, then to break the biggest of them during the war. Then when both of those needs were out, he got bored, saw he had preped his country to be a power country, and wanted to do something with it. In his mind that was to teach LaF a lesson.

You do have to realize that we needed heavy retaliers to deal with larger alliances landgrabbing us. (BTW NA don't hit a guy in pdm next time that has 400 turrets but 12million jets then declares himself to be wari! rofl) (this was not thatguy btw)

This will be my last post on this matter, but everyone has to realize, including the LaF countries that got grabed that it is a game, making a whole other alliance suffer isn't going to help in the long run (or in this case the short run)

Edited By: TGD on May 17th 2010, 13:42:45

TGD Game profile


May 16th 2010, 10:48:29

I'll just put i'll probably not be playing next set if i'm forced to spend an entire set playing a country for someone else's benifit

Edited By: TGD on May 16th 2010, 11:05:47

TGD Game profile


May 16th 2010, 4:17:25

and we wonder why people will leave the game?


case in point LaF will KEEP farming small clans, nearly formed clans, and Pang doesn't care. He will KEEP defending their actions

BTW PDM Pang PDM only HAD 7 hitters who COULD hit thatguy because of HUMANITARIANS. he WAS 24million net. Most of pdm could not hit him because of that. All most all, if not all of PDM, had no stock left.

But hey, it seems you have a lot of anger towards PDM. What will you do if PDM Dissapears because of this bullfluff? "Hey every member now becomes LaF's landfarm to repay back next set what thatguy did this set!"

You really think that is going to go over well Pang? You think that will keep players in this game? I don't know what is being discussed between Tan and your Don, but i'm assuming it is going to require a hell of a lot from all or most of PDM's members

Tell me this Pang...answer me is OK for YOUR members to farm untags....but if another country FARMS YOUR members you come crying?

Because all I have to do is look at your members' countries news and see how many times they hit untags.

This whole thing makes me not want to play anymore. Pang doesn't see the reason that thatguy hit your countries and feels it is ALL PDM"s fault.

If i'm forced to pay reps i'll delete my country and quit playing, i'm not going to spend half or all of a set playing a country that is in all aspects useless and benifiting a member not of my own alliance.

I'm sure PDM will keep you updated on our methods to telepathically read our member's minds so we know when they are going to go ape fluff

finally, it is sad that politics have consumed this game. Do 1 thing wrong, and all hell breaks loose. People forget that this is a game. Bad things happen in a game and people franically need to get over it. There are FAR worse things in life then losing thousands of acres in an online game.

But politics will rule the day and PDM in the end will get royally screwed

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 2:13:01

If we catch him will we get a large pot of gold? :D

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 1:53:45

agreed but large alliances are special

they can farm away, but if they get tripple tapped ohhh nooo, it is the end of the world

Ironic isn't it? :)

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 1:42:45

and if this was to come out even, Pang would lose more players in this game

He should be worried about keeping players
not losing them because they have to become landfarms :)

GREAT for LaF (for 1 set)

BAD for Pang and his game

He might want to use some common sense

and it is LaF's fault for not keeping any defense. If you want to run a 50K acre 100K turret country, you DESERVE to be landgrabbed especally when you probably already hit another batch of countries a few 100X's each

like I stated, Pang needs to see what is important moving forward with this game

ohh and btw I wouldn't care...why BECAUSE IT IS A GAME!

it resets every 3 months, guess what??? My good country was killed this set (in a war not through someone landgrabbing me) and before that an NA member kept retaling my retals and other NA members were hitting me. Don't see me crying up a storm :)

Edited By: TGD on May 15th 2010, 1:46:13

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 1:17:17

I can see why you did what you did thatguy

I haven't played in 3 years so I didn't know how bad it had become

LaF should be worried about being landgrabbed and trippled grabbed just like the small defenseless countries they 100X grab :)

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:02:47

Originally posted by thatguy:
To a sensible person my actions don't reflect at all on PDM. Every alliance has members that go rogue and do their own thing, it doesn't suddenly turn it into the policy of the whole alliance.

Although you guys should totally rape LaF for their land and stocks now that the war's pretty much over :)

yea thatguy untill the rest of the alliance has to fix what you did, which involves the entire alliance. go and disapear thatguy, you are now in the same class as GoSo for his raping of RD, scum

Yes lets all go rape LaF when their countries are far bigger than ours, has far more members than us, and could tag kill us with ease GREAT PLAN guy

TGD Game profile


May 15th 2010, 0:00:17

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Pangaea:
if only PDM had an ounce of skill to actually kill it during the day....

fluff off. it's stupid comments like this that makes everyone in PDM hate you.

everyone is telling me to reject paying back the reps and just let you war us over it.

i am the only one working to get you reps paid back, and it's ungrateful fluffhead comments like this that make me wonder why i bother.


what reps?

the magical reps that are going to come out of our asses?

Great way to keep members Pang, this is why Admins shouldn't be part of alliances, This reason RIGHT here.

You want members, but you are telling everyone in PDM to pay you back reps that they CAN'T pay you, unless we let all of your members farm what little is left of PDM for the rest of the set. Poor way to keep members Pang. You need to figure out what is more improtant, a little ruined set for your members, or your game in general

/ends rant

TGD Game profile


May 14th 2010, 23:56:11

I love how people in this game want to join alliances, then they want to do their own little thing

If all of you want to suiside and be asses, do it on your own time without joining an alliance and harming their reputation.

This goes for the jerks in LaE/NA as well

Thanks thatguy for making pdm look like crap. Love how people only think about themselves in this game

TGD Game profile


May 14th 2010, 0:19:19

you call having only 34 posts trolling paladin? ;)

TGD Game profile


May 13th 2010, 3:37:51

Drow...we have a senate? XD

TGD Game profile


May 13th 2010, 2:46:11

i'd offer up my country, but it was killed :D

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 22:46:05

Gregg do you have a life outside this game?

why do you care so damn much? It is a GAME. Get over it. My set was ruined by NA and i'm not whining like a little baby.

I'm not in LaE or NA nor play anything but alliance but you are annoying as hell

All that needs to be done has been done, If Pang has admin access in NA and LaE then there is nothing more that can be done, he can see EVERYTHING, he can RETRIEVE EVERYTHING. Jeeze go and get a life

you should be banned for trolling, which you probably will be if you continue this into next set

Edited By: TGD on May 12th 2010, 22:48:32

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 21:08:24

umm anybody realize that the most of pdm that is playing this set are long retired members

we don't have EE's contacts at a whim :)

i can't talk about TSA (why are they warring??) or Sol

llaar the best thing is to let it go, turing this thing into a propaganda war isn't going to do anything for anybody. You are under high suspisons of knowing about cheating going on and not stoping it so trying to accuse and poor fuel over the fire for others of cheating isn't going to go over well

Zodiac should know better and he should probabily know what could happen to him, especailly in this fired up atmosphere. (i can't say since i'm a non-leadership type person)

just everyone let it go jeeze, the set is almost over anyways

both pdm and NA's netting set is over jeeze :)

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 19:51:14

I heard that Tan is the ruler of an Arabian kingdom somewhere :O

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 19:08:16

yea that is one of the reasons i'm becomming a paralegal first, it is good money in its self, and will give me legal knowledge ahead of the average law student :D

starting pay for a begining paralegal around here is $40,000 a year and they can make more than $100,000 a year with a lot of experience and the right law firm or governmental agency

Edited By: TGD on May 12th 2010, 19:13:08

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:55:47


finishing up my education to become a paralegal then hopefully become a lawyer in the future after working as a paralegal for awhile. Offers great pay around here in Northern Illinois

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:53:51

i'd then take a picture of it then post it here before all my land was taken away lol ;D

i'd try for 10 million acres, making 100's of millions of bushles a turn >:)

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:49:59

If it was me I would of gone on a landgrabbing spree to beat llaar's recored acres ;D

but alas I didn't have a country lol

TGD Game profile


May 12th 2010, 18:47:29

wouldn't be anything new for me

was already booted once ;)

TGD Game profile


May 11th 2010, 2:48:04

then that makes it even worse that he cheated


was he that bored with this game that he choose this?

think someone needs a new video game and cheating device to occupy their time :D

TGD Game profile


May 11th 2010, 2:44:56

*gives dragonlance a cookie*

there we are now pacted! ;)

TGD Game profile


May 10th 2010, 20:12:28

Maybe Rage wanted a war and not just 1 or 2 days of fighting and putting it 100 Vs 20 or 30 lol

that would be ignorant, if you are going to war, you want to have fun doing it

and I hope we are not pacted to rage or we would of had to pay a lot of reps to them lol ;)

and btw, for the crying cheater up there, are you still in Evo? no, did Evo kick you out? yes!

the cheaters were still in NA, did NA kick them out before the damning evidence was shown? no. Did llaar know about it? YES! Could llaar have done 1..2..3.. you are out of NA for sharing accounts?? YES! did he... Noo!

that is the difference betwen NA right now and Evo, you were kicked out, they were not all the while llaar knew what was going in

the sad thing is, from what I take it, you were part of the development team. That just shows that, you are sadly, even lower than llaar is at this game

In the end this thread has merit for a cheater crying!! :D

Edited By: TGD on May 10th 2010, 20:13:25

TGD Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:28:19

Originally posted by snawdog:
Originally posted by mrford:
lol, you switched 20 members

we switched over 100 accounts

We transferred EVERY member that has EVER had access to our ES site to Boxcar.
I, as HIA there watched EVERY app that was sent,and as hard as this may be to believe, i checked every app against known IP's..

thus is why I quit trying to be IA :D

TGD Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:26:34

btw i'm sure that the base of NA and middle leadership is probabily great, it is when your top leadership does underhanded things that things go wrong

The top is what the public views, they are the face of the alliance. Just like in real politics, the government is the face of the people, when they screw up, they usually get tarred and feathered, just look at all the political backlash in both the US and UK because they did things that their base and their allies did not like.

NA in my view has to do some soul searching, would love to see NA completely clean with legitimate leadership again :)

TGD Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:10:58

Mr Ford

If llaar knew what was going on and didn't act right there and then to put a stop to it, he allowed cheating. He may of not of done it himself, but he knew about it and thus allowed it. Since those members that cheated in LaE were members in NA llaar should of deleted their NA accounts right on the spot and sent that information to EE's staff

but he did not.... see that is the problem. You want to defend him blah blah blah, but the fact is he knew to some extent what was going on. That negats any transfering to another site problems that you may of had.

Your alliance can not gain any respect if there is no trust and unfortunatly for you, it was your president that knew what was going on (to some extent). If you are willing to have your alliance die to defend some ignorant since of honor that is ignorant. You are putting 1 person ahead of your alliance. Llaar isn't NA, he is 1 person and it is his own fault for sitting on this information and not doing anything.

It is not the 4 member's fault, it is not the hackers fault, it is llaars, he logged into LaE as a highly ranked leader and had access to that secret board. Llaar should not have waited till AFTER the fact to state to Pang "hey you now have permission to come in and check things out". That is not have you deal with this. Yes I will admit Llaar has done some great things for NA, but unfortinatly, the great things are usually undone by the one very bad thing. Putting the blame on the hacker that he was bad just shows that you are angry at getting caught

If you want NA to survive, someone new has to come in that can rebuilt the trust within the earth community. Having God like faith in your leader will only cause continual problems for NA. Trust me, getting tagged killed every set is not fun. I would love for llaar to step down as a leader and reform himself to the earth community but how much he cares about NA and about his own personal ego is up to him.

TGD Game profile


May 8th 2010, 22:33:38

Saying you were going to use bots and using them is 2 different things

even if he did use bots, it would of been bots vs. bots not really cheating if you ask me

cheating is gaining an advantage in some way and to better yourself or your alliance

cheating to oust a bunch of known cheaters in order to survive isn't cheating.

+ this was years ago, what like 5 years ago now? and still being brought up lol

TGD Game profile


May 7th 2010, 0:50:30

oh btw i'm bitter by not having LGed NA once and getting trippled taped multiple times by them and then one of your members telling me that I'm his land farm,.

btw tell your members that for someone to be a farm, he needs to be an easy break, seems your members don't know what a land farm is.

Every alliance that an alliance is not pacted to is going to be LGed hard llaar, that is the state of the game right now, land is scarce, if you don't like it you should leave. Unless everyone in the game wants to go all-explorer, which isn't going to happen. The only thing that is going to chance that is if this game gets a huge influx of new players which hasn't happened quite yet and with your policies, it likely won't

All Explorer is boring, the real challange is breaking someone with more defense then you. BTW you trippled tapped wari, so regardless, you were owed a but load of retals, I took one, didn't realized that a much bigger break was needed and failed wari happily took the rest and you lost out. If you tripple tap any other alliance, you will get 6 + retals against you as well.

TGD Game profile


May 7th 2010, 0:32:18

you know...funny thing is

if NA just retalled all the hits on them

they would of gained a lot of land and had a great finish through ghost acres

retals = safeist way to gain a lot of land especally through ghost acres, someone should tell NA that :D