
TGD Game profile


May 7th 2010, 0:25:14

This game will die alone with earth lol

there will be nothing but all exlorers and everyone will leave the game

NA will continue to allow its members to tripple tap and then kill any alliance that doesn't follow its rules

NA you are a shell of your former self and you to llaar, i'm glad you allowed your members to ignore a DNH and continue to tripple tap RoR and then declare war on an alliance half your size, your leadership sucks

have a nice day :)

Edited By: TGD on May 7th 2010, 0:29:15

TGD Game profile


May 6th 2010, 20:57:31

So Thunder, i'm assuming that you are HFA person, and you seem to be the president too since llaar doesn't want to come and clear anything up,

you going to pull this on every other alliance next set? You do realize that if you pull this RoR for no messeging you are goign to get into war after war, after war right?

If someone hits you back AFTER you hit them, what do you think it is? it is a fluffing retal, not a random land grab

and how about abiding by the DNH? don't honor pacts do you? Do you just tell your members ot tripple and quad tap pdm? You do know that that will get you 10 + retals right?

Or does NA not recongize escolating retals and just do 1:1?

OR are you just going to come on here and replay not giving any answers?

TGD Game profile


May 6th 2010, 11:30:07

Lets see Warlord

a PDM country hits llaar for his tripple tap

he retals several times along with several other NAers for the retal

I retal a NA country for a hit on me and get double retaled for my retal and told that I will be his farm (not really working out to well on his end btw)

PDM gives you guys a DNH and you do not honor it and continue to hit PDM

you guys need to get your act togther and stop retaling retals, it is really making you guys look bad (and giving me a lot of land! :D )

Edited By: TGD on May 6th 2010, 11:30:43

TGD Game profile


May 6th 2010, 1:26:05

NA leadership is feeling stupid and doesn't want to defend themselves so they hide

their president seems to be quite absent from correcting anything

isn't the president supposed to be the public figure of an alliance/country/nation? not someone who hides and doesn't say anything :D

TGD Game profile


May 6th 2010, 1:15:16

In my recolection NA hasn't faired to well in wars

btw, who are they going to pull this on next set? :)

if they do this to every alliance ( which they should since they have made it clear that on their retal rules (LOL)) they will get rolled on

so what comes around goes around :D

Because i'm sure many alliances would pounce on NA and farm them to death if they pulled this on every alliance since land is scarce

BTW NA get a clue, PDM will keep retaling you, so your attacks are pointless, especially this far into the set, and shouldn't you be stocking, wasteing resources to buy huge amounts of jets to break is going to make sure you have average finishes. rofl

TGD Game profile


May 5th 2010, 23:30:37

NA now allows RoR's?

it is crap like this that is killing the game

you guys can't blame multies anymore, it is policies that these that drive members away from the game.

Great leadership NA, thought it was common pratice to NOT hit a DNH when you whinned about it?

It seems you have no control over your own members.

so Policies in place for NA

1) you HAVE to send a message in order for it to be a retal or it is not

and 2) they only do 1:1 rofl so no escalating retals and RoR's are ok as long as they are the one's doing the RoRs

and I love how llaar has yet to post to defend any of his alliances actions, he used to love to post on AT now he is funnily absent

TGD Game profile


May 4th 2010, 18:08:40

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
I am going to suicide PDM.

can he even most of PDM's members? lol

the fun of suiside is not to let an alliance know that you are going to be doing it, that way you can live longer to do more damange, not die in an hour lol :P


TGD Game profile


May 4th 2010, 4:04:21

So let me get this straight

under Thunder's logic

if country A hits country B, and country B hits him back, it is now called a landgrab if no message is sent?

I would love to see NA do this to other big name alliances and see what happens. No wonder NA is always getting into wars

when the hell did that become a rule? rofl so.... in his logical mind, there is no retals, just landgrabbing? I have been in this game since 2001 and have never seen anywhere where it was mandatory to send a message for it to be called a retal

Love these Earth policies, doing wonders for this game

TGD Game profile


Apr 20th 2010, 1:01:09

In my opinion RAGE should know that ABing and missling countries is against alliance rules,

take me for example, I got double tapped by a country and i'm not building up tanks to ABing since I can't retal him

you guys are alliance, so use alliance resources and give aid packages to some retalers to break countries that are farming you. If PDM and other countries see that you are retaling the attacks will lessen and you'll probably make out with more land through ghost acres (I sure did on my retal this afternoon on another country)

I expect new clans to use ABing/missle tactics for retals, not RAGE :P

on another point i'm sure that RAGE, back on Earth2025 farmed alliances into the ground that couldn't retal them so in my opinion no alliance can moan about it happening to them. Just think of it this way, all the new Players that Pang is trying to get in is how they will feel.

Pull your resources together and do some legitmate retaling :P

TGD Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 2:16:30

maybe code in for new IP's that they can only be attacked a few times a day, keep a database of all IP's, the # of sets can be determined by the # of players staying on and through trial and error :P

(yeah I know people here will complain once again about privacy,) but I feel that if they only get attacked say 2 or 3 times a day at most instead of 10-15 times, they still have a chance at learning the game, other players still get land, and they won't get angry, and either suiside, or just up and quit. Think of it as leveling up. the longer you play the game, the better and more skilled at it you get. Yea, it might seem "unfair" that they are specially protected, but many video games give the player protection in some forum until they get further in the game.

they can then form alliances, most likely with their friends without the fear of being farmed to the ground. I don't know how hard it would be, but can't be much harder than intigrating graphics with Java into this game :P

Maybe if we do get an influx of players, have a forum just for them where they can ask for help and talk with each other, instead of gettng bogged down in the politics of the game from the get go

Edited By: TGD on Apr 12th 2010, 2:19:00

TGD Game profile


Apr 7th 2010, 18:23:32

I think about it this way

you have the morons who KNOW that drinking to much will do horrible things to them and they still do it

then you have the intelligent people who just do social drinking, drink a few over the course of the night or day and know how much to drink

The same will be with pot. It it is legalized, you will probably get people who have been wanting to try it going to try it, but the increase, in my opinion, will be minimal. Why? Many teens do it because it is a fad, they get a thrill off doing it because IT IS illegal. They want to rebell. They won't feel the urge to do it if the rebellion isn't there.

Just like Alcohol, many teens drink because it is illegal FOR them to drink. I would love to hear Europeans response to their teenagers drinking as I believe that after teenagers have been allowed to drink, they limit their moderation and learn to control themseves.

Everyone learns that pot is so horrible. I have yet to see anywhere on the news where it is anywhere close to beer or cigs in its destructive power. Pot doesn't make you go out on a bing and murder, rob, or do some other horrible crime

In the end through, if it ever DOES get legalized, it will be for people 18 years and older which could make teens want to try it, but even if this is the case, you won't get jails filled up with people with a little bit of pot in their car, saving millions of dollars in tax money both from housing these people and paying for public defense lawyers. and if my above statement is true, you just may lose those potental people gatewaying to another harder drug thus filling up our prisions with hard core drug offenders. In the end, it could not just be the tax money states are getting but the savings in taxes and possibly lives. But this is all speculation

TGD Game profile


Apr 7th 2010, 3:04:16

An old friend of mine and his friend were smoking weed while driving (back in high school) and they drove perfectly fine. From what I have seen weed does not lead to other drugs just by doing it, it most likely leads to other drugs by the drug dealer offering you a different kind of drug.

If you eliminate the drug dealer, you eliminate the "gateway" to other drugs. (this is my own opinion as anyone I have known has never had an urge to do harder drugs just by doing weed)

It also does not make you more ignorant.

BTW....Alcohol is legalized and I have YET to hear on the news someone killing someone or anything while being under the influence of weed and I live in the chicago metropolitan area. I hear all the time on the news and read in the paper about someone being drunk and way over the legal limit but yet , not pot.

I believe if it was such a terrible drug that makes you lose your concentration and dulling your senses, I would hear about drivers getting DUI"s for pot since Chicago has a huge drug problem

IT also has lots of benifits to society such as helping people with pain, a calming effect without all the harmful cathogins found in cigerettes, taxes, and allowing people to have a good time without intoxicated to the point they don't know what is going on

In the end lets face it, the people that are doing it now, are going to continue to do it, the point is, should that money be going to the newest member of the Forbes 500 which is a drug cartell, or the U.S. state and local governments?

TGD Game profile


Apr 6th 2010, 10:30:13

hi Skythe :D

TGD Game profile


Apr 6th 2010, 3:22:03

*pops champagne corks*

TGD Game profile


Apr 6th 2010, 3:19:13

I think you need to go ask Octomom!

TGD Game profile


Apr 6th 2010, 3:13:07

These forums are much nicer than the old Earth2025 forums