
Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 16:13:09

Originally posted by NCC1701-E:
Wow you are terrible. I wasn't even wallin and it took you HOW LONG to kill me? With the help of another countrys missiles? Please just don't ever bother logging in again.

It took him forever to kill you, but you still died. Please dont ever log in again.

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 16:01:03

Cable has always been a butt hurt fluff.

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 15:23:54

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 14:58:49

I love the nerd rage after turning his land into a walmart parking lot.

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 5:15
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Awww that's cute, rage some more little kid, it's just a game. Reply

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 14:36
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You can do math, do you feel smart and tough all at the same time? I knew what the risks where breaking GDI, and here I am not the one raging and crying about it. The poor little baby on the other end who lost 500 acres is, I'll still have 10 times the finish you will and still not care. Reply

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 14:41
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How am I crying little newb? Your laughing, that's amusing too me as your the one trying to act tough. You lost all those buildings blah blah blah and here I am still gonna finish top 10. I've made no complaints about being Abed, that's the risk I knew I was taking when double tapping. Feel free to continue to act tough and if you have the balls keep your name and don't change it. Then we will see who's laughing next week. Reply

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 14:46
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You're acting tough by saying that you wrecked my country and bragging about it. When in reality you didnt do anything as I wouldn't likely have won but still finished in the top 10. So unless I finish in 11th or worse you've succeed in channing nothing, just shooting your mouth off. Reply

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 14:50
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The it's an inaccurate fact, if I wasn't gonna win but still top 10 then you've done nothing Sept mover me from an irrelevant place of 2nd-10th.

"Need a tissue" Reply

Message from Typhus (#13) sent on Oct 18, 14:54
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LMAO and you created a fake account that's real manly, enjoy the rest of the set you balless newb. Facts are facts, buy if it makes you feel better keep telling yourself whatever you like. Reply

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 14:47:20

You had nearly 30k of indies built and now you have about 7k.

Good job.

Tissue Vendor


Jul 10th 2015, 3:10:00

Originally posted by id1028s:
boo hoo

Need me?

Tissue Vendor


Jul 13th 2014, 19:04:50

Originally posted by mdevol:
How have I made it sound like LaF was mass aiding?
I stated clearly is was 3 people, 5 packages. That is not mass.
However it was more than what PDM sent MD this war. So in comparison......

What I was making clear was that just like PDM has a pact that prevents FA, LaF did as well. And I believe that PDM resolved the issue with SoF, no?

My best customer is back... 50 boxes on the way!

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 2:52:34

Originally posted by Billyjoe of UCF:
Haha hostile you might need some of those tissues... I don't see the problem you get at least two packages then we get one and you whine all over the place.... Fugitaboutiteh

Ill FA you some tissues for free!

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 2:44:08

Originally posted by Billyjoe of UCF:
Only one... I got proof of two and real proof not just random numbers!

And I'm pretty sure you guys got it first haha

No - it is a fact. I am not MDevol - I just dont make up fluff and call it a fact.

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 2:18:45

Originally posted by Billyjoe of UCF:
gongshow.. your 828... i'll trade you proof of LAF and RAGE Trade allied to two different SOF countries if you show me proof of your country name..

PDM FAing MD how cute (#828) (SoF)

#241 FA #155

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 1:16:49

Originally posted by mrcuban:
Originally posted by Sov:
You guys decided to gangbang SoF, so this is our answer to it. LAF has nothing to do with it.

Wow, really. How can you actually type that? LAF had nothing to do with your war with MD/SOL? I have remained out of the sol/md/sof/laf threads due to the repetitive nature, but for fluff sake. You brainwashed mother fluffers. Clan members really have to stop drinking the poisoned kool aid from some of these alliance leadership.

Whichever way you slice it, You called in LAF in defence of SOF. If you say NOT, then why? I actually don't want to hear the spin. Now calling in RAGE in defence of SOF, and saying but wait LAF doesn't count is just pathetic.

No more cool aid for you...


Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 1:14:10

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by Bombay:
LaF chose to FS Sol after they were already hit by SOF. Not Sols fault they have to choose who to attack.

Pretty pathetic that Rage comes in. Fair fight being ruined.

SOL was not hit by SoF. See I wonder whether you guys are really just pure stupid or if you are purposely lying to everyone.

Probably both!

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 1:11:35

Originally posted by Twiz:
Everyone will talk about how each side did this and each side did that. You guys are chasing your tails. Get the fluff over with it and kill each other.


Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 1:10:46

Here comes the SOL/MD spin machine! Watch out, a fluff storm is brewing!

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 1:01:14

He bought some earlier because he was laughing so hard he cried!

Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 0:58:19


Tissue Vendor


Jul 8th 2014, 0:54:30

I'm going to be rich after this one!

Tissues for SALE! Discount offered to MD and SOL!