
Tissue Vendor


Jul 30th 2016, 20:50:29

Tissue Vendor


Jun 3rd 2016, 20:34:34

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

Need a tissue? Hug? Prostate exam?

Tissue Vendor


May 25th 2016, 4:54:42

Originally posted by Cable:
You feeling butt hurt? Needed to come in an already tilted person to person war with 15 days left?


Tissue Vendor


May 16th 2016, 2:50:06

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"


HAHAHAAHAH go play checkers kid, all that trash talk and even with FS. Im impressed you even had the balls to post on here again, ill give you that stupid is as stupid does.

Go eat your box of chocolates Forrest.

P.S. They are dingleberries.

Tissue Vendor


May 16th 2016, 0:24:15

Originally posted by Cable:
Just placing those here and waiting for the inevitable excuse about how given FS you lost out in NW too a country with 3k Indies. Keep on running your mouth till you find some traction tough guy.

"You lost"
"Theres still 3.5 hours left in set"


Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:43:22

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Still 3.5 Hours left


Ill leave this here so when set does end we can compare, I suggest you take these next 3 hours to really think about what excuse youre gonna use to explain how you ended with less NW then a crippled country. and a 200+ turn advantage.

lol - and the guy who doesn't understand why a person spied out would sell spies to save expenses makes this claim. 200+ extra turns? Back to fibbing to substantiate your pouting?

lol - not hard to PS away 2.6M jets and hide them

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:38:30

Still 3.5 Hours left


Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:27:52

Originally posted by Cable:

From:  Tissue Vendor

6.5 hours ago

To:  Cable

  

No, I speak facts you don't like. More lies from you fluff sewer (mouth).

Go ahead, break hid punk

Whos spinning anything here little fluff? Im just pointing out the facts given quotes right from your messages. I think youre the ass hat that needs a tissue, Im having a grand time making you look stupider then I already thought you were.

Says the guy who claims to be "winning" yet hasn't figured out he is losing.


Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:20:21

Originally posted by Cable:
Land means nothing.

Lol - you still lost!

Why do I need spies? You spied me out. Ha Noob.

I love how you edited out the ops that go through, try harder.

The only thing youre right about is your country isn't dead, its just lost 4.1 million NW over 2 hours and you sold off spies to stay alive. I know exactly what being spied out is, and I know the difference between spy DR and being spied out. But keep on trying to talk, you prove the point every time. You couldn't stop a country with 3k indies from crushing you because all you know how to do is try and talk fluff and fail FS. Go take notes from Groggy atleast he knows how to win a war.

Keep spinning fluff loser. Need a tissue?

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 19:04:29

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:

Why you laughing any idiots with FS can AB someone else, youre just a worse idiots because you couldn't even stop a crippled country from killing you.

Those posts you copied and pasted are from 2 weeks ago, after I challenged you and then you were too stupid to respond till 18 hours before set end this week and last week. Keep on laughing little retard, your math is wrong in your posts above and your countrys been put to shame by my CS. Mabye next time when you get out of those panties and don't nees FS to do anything

Stop crying, please. You are embaracing yourself.

I am not even close to dead and you are so nub you cant understand what being spied out means...

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20 mins ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 78 buildings!

20 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Enemy operatives caused a drop in your readiness!

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

20.2 mins ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to demoralize your forces! You killed 0 enemy spies.

1.2 hours ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

1.2 hours ago
Tissue Vender is Free land (#59) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 0 enemy spies.

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 18:56:26


Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 18:56:12

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.
Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.

58, come get some fluff.

Love the triple post always a class act, next week post your number publicly or keep the same name. I didn't run a country this week but I will next week just to embarrass you

Sure thing bigot. All that fluff talk and you aren't even running a fluffry.

HAHA you call me a bigot, get over me and get a life. Your a dead beat loser who runs his mouth with 0 skills to back it up and country names like this Phuck your mother 58 13,327 acres $6,130,730 HG.

Like I said next week I will run a country and we will let the game do the talking, because all I hear is waaaaa your a bigot even though I start all the trash talking waaaaaa

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 16:57:12

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0%
Residences 0%
Industrial Complexes 26%
Military Bases 0%
Research Labs 0%
Farms 0%
Oil Rigs 1%
Construction Sites 1%
Unused Lands 72%

Wonder whom that is...

Tissue Vendor


May 15th 2016, 16:38:47

Cable needs more tanks - he will be by to cry about it shortly

Tissue Vendor


May 14th 2016, 21:34:13

Seems more accurate

Tissue Vendor


May 8th 2016, 20:02:57

Who is 26? Asked me to help kill #95.

Tissue Vendor


May 8th 2016, 19:36:20

Damnit. Will have to find another speedbump to run over.

Tissue Vendor


May 8th 2016, 15:23:15

I would argue that established clans grabbing newbies like a bunch of teenage boys at a titty bar is driving new blood from the game...

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:59:16

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
I have whiner phobia? hmmm that's weird because I don't recall ever saying anything like that. Unless your referring to my blatant use of a slanderous word towards homosexuals. Because someone says a word you don't like doesn't make them phobic of anything, just makes them ignorant at best to your feelings. But that would imply that I care if hurt yours.

Let me know when you are done crying (again).

HAHahah you mad bro? This is your big comeback, waaaaa im proven wrong waaaa

What are you talking about? I was genuinely wondering when you would be done crying.

kick rocks little scrub, I think theres someone else with a smaller intelligence then you can pick on playing my little pony online.

You cried last time you got whooped in express. Classic Cable cry fest.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:55:56

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
I have whiner phobia? hmmm that's weird because I don't recall ever saying anything like that. Unless your referring to my blatant use of a slanderous word towards homosexuals. Because someone says a word you don't like doesn't make them phobic of anything, just makes them ignorant at best to your feelings. But that would imply that I care if hurt yours.

Let me know when you are done crying (again).

HAHahah you mad bro? This is your big comeback, waaaaa im proven wrong waaaa

What are you talking about? I was genuinely wondering when you would be done crying.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:55:12

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Im starting to think you don't even know what a bigot is, considering the demeanor in which you use it. Why would I post my country number, you want to challenge me on this server too?

Post yours and detag the server needs more land farm, or you play to pull a Syko and break an alliance pack because you're too fat and lazy to do anything but stuff pizza in your mouth between running it.

You are the one challenging people...

It is a pact, not pack.

Apparently biggots scare easy.

I am clear on what a big it is... See evidence below:

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by lol:
I know teenage girls that cry less than this chump Cable.



Where am I crying in this post queer, I think theres some sausage for you to go suck on somewhere else, and when you want to post under a real account you can bring a better cum back

Thanks for proving you have no idea what a bigot is.




noun: bigot; plural noun: bigots
a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

What I posted has nothing to do with a difference of opinion, go back to school and learn your basic nouns.

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by lol:
I know teenage girls that cry less than this chump Cable.



Where am I crying in this post queer, I think theres some sausage for you to go suck on somewhere else, and when you want to post under a real account you can bring a better cum back

Pretty clear I understand and you are backpeddling or can't read.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:53:50

Originally posted by Cable:
I have whiner phobia? hmmm that's weird because I don't recall ever saying anything like that. Unless your referring to my blatant use of a slanderous word towards homosexuals. Because someone says a word you don't like doesn't make them phobic of anything, just makes them ignorant at best to your feelings. But that would imply that I care if hurt yours.

Let me know when you are done crying (again).

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:51:15

Originally posted by Cable:
Im starting to think you don't even know what a bigot is, considering the demeanor in which you use it. Why would I post my country number, you want to challenge me on this server too?

Post yours and detag the server needs more land farm, or you play to pull a Syko and break an alliance pack because you're too fat and lazy to do anything but stuff pizza in your mouth between running it.

You are the one challenging people...

It is a pact, not pack.

Apparently biggots scare easy.

I am clear on what a biggot is... See evidence below:

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by lol:
I know teenage girls that cry less than this chump Cable.



Where am I crying in this post queer, I think theres some sausage for you to go suck on somewhere else, and when you want to post under a real account you can bring a better cum back

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:45:57

Originally posted by Cable:
And there it is, in the time I was typing he made a classless joke about a transgender after calling me a bigot for the 4th time? Go take some notes from Ford on how to troll buds then give it another shot.

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by lol:
I know teenage girls that cry less than this chump Cable.



Where am I crying in this post queer, I think theres some sausage for you to go suck on somewhere else, and when you want to post under a real account you can bring a better cum back

Says the bigot with a wiener phobia.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:44:58

Originally posted by Cable:
No way may, I'm waiting for another massively hurtful retort from this no life. Maybe he will goggle a mom joke from 1990 and incorporate it into a Taylor shift song.

You could just disclose your alliance country number. I am too lazy to search for bigot countries.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:40:34

Originally posted by Cable:
Oh man shots fired, did the LOL account give you pointers on creative comebacks

Show me where Caitlyn Jenner touched you... Must be the source of all this crying and bigotry.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 22:27:59

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.
Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.

58, come get some fluff.

Love the triple post always a class act, next week post your number publicly or keep the same name. I didn't run a country this week but I will next week just to embarrass you

Sure thing bigot. All that fluff talk and you aren't even running a fluffry.

HAHA you call me a bigot, get over me and get a life. Your a dead beat loser who runs his mouth with 0 skills to back it up and country names like this Phuck your mother 58 13,327 acres $6,130,730 HG.

Like I said next week I will run a country and we will let the game do the talking, because all I hear is waaaaa your a bigot even though I start all the trash talking waaaaaa

If you say so bigot.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 21:51:56

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.
Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.

58, come get some fluff.

Love the triple post always a class act, next week post your number publicly or keep the same name. I didn't run a country this week but I will next week just to embarrass you

Sure thing bigot. All that fluff talk and you aren't even running a fluffry.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 18:52:29

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Hey tissue Vendor another fake account to hide behind comes out of the closet to talk trash. Any time you need an ass kicking in express you let me know.

58, come get some fluff.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 16:24:58

Celphi ragequits once a month. Probably coincides with her period.

Tissue Vendor


Apr 30th 2016, 16:17:36

Originally posted by Cable:

Message from Unsullied (#436) sent on Apr 29, 22:02

Report this message
I am a landfarm to my buddy in laf you douche i didnt come out of dr for you

You cry in alliance as much as express.

Also, you are a bigot. Go away loser.

Tissue Vendor


Feb 29th 2016, 17:49:12

Tissue Vendor


Feb 29th 2016, 13:17:04

Originally posted by clintonista:
Look mrford has been banned before and he will be banned again, for me it is not about him being banned this time. All I wish is that we could have a forum where ideas are discussed. As long as he and his trainees like Scott, Thunder and the other PwD are given free reign we will be discussing their love of swordfish with or without gerbils.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps stagnation and slow death are the fate of this game. Perhaps we should just join in the fun of pointless insults and trying in vain to get the mods to ban us. The other guys have tried everything possible to get banned from cheating to gay sex references to insulting the mods to insulting the inventors to racism. I have stumbled upon the one thing that can get you banned, outlining a process for mods to follow.

Show me on this doll where Mrford touched you. Tissue?

Tissue Vendor


Jan 21st 2016, 14:18:43

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Need ab'ed out of a top finish again?

Need to keep posting under fake names loser

Needs more tissues because he found out he is a loser. FYI... this isn't a fake name :)

Tissue Vendor


Jan 20th 2016, 4:09:12

Need ab'ed out of a top finish again?

Tissue Vendor


Jan 20th 2016, 2:55:01

Tissue Vendor


Jan 20th 2016, 2:46:04

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by THE BOTS:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by THE BOTS:
Originally posted by Cable:
How many fake names are you losers gonna make to Honour me? Flattery by flaming cute

How many times you going to jerk it while looking at you Hanson poster before you figure out they are dudes?

Now you hate on homosexuality? Don't confuse my life with yours, but you're very confused yourself.

Stop being so shy. You told everyone you jerk ed off to Hansen every night. Guess you were too stupid to figure out they were not chick's.

Post under your real account then talk to me about being shy

Need me again?crybaby.

Tissue Vendor


Jan 17th 2016, 23:24:12

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
And you bring in a new 18 mil member?
That's bullcr@p

Need me again?

Tissue Vendor


Nov 26th 2015, 15:10:42

Originally posted by dagga X:
SOF have a core of complete wankers in their alliance. Always have.

Always neglect the fact any significant war they won was due to allies or aid from cheaters like RD, Elitez or IX when they were at their worst. Epitomise win at all costs then beat their chest like neanderthals.

Sad and a good reason why this game is on life support.

I am here for all of your crying needs...

Also, show me on this doll where SOF touched you...

Tissue Vendor


Nov 7th 2015, 1:36:38

Cable should switch to johnson and johnson shampoo so there are no more tears!

Tissue Vendor


Nov 2nd 2015, 4:05:14

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Where's tissue vender? Why where you not wrecking that winners set after large amounts of double taps? Thought you where the GDI police.

Crybaby -- I did not play this set.

Are you changing your name to Crybaby? Interesting, you should play every set if you re gonna shoot your mouth off.

You still crying about getting your 30k commie turned into 21k of empty acres? I'll shoot my mouth of at turds like you who quad tap an explore country like a complete jackass.

You still think it's my country after re reading the conversation? Your IQ dropping by the week I guess that's why you didn't play this week. Sounds a lot like you're the one raging about your all explore set being ruined.

Was you who came on forums whining carrying the same conversation we had in game :) dumb dumb

Tissue Vendor


Nov 2nd 2015, 3:24:43

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Where's tissue vender? Why where you not wrecking that winners set after large amounts of double taps? Thought you where the GDI police.

Crybaby -- I did not play this set.

Are you changing your name to Crybaby? Interesting, you should play every set if you re gonna shoot your mouth off.

You still crying about getting your 30k commie turned into 21k of empty acres? I'll shoot my mouth of at turds like you who quad tap an explore country like a complete jackass.

Tissue Vendor


Nov 2nd 2015, 2:40:00

Originally posted by Cable:
Where's tissue vender? Why where you not wrecking that winners set after large amounts of double taps? Thought you where the GDI police.

Crybaby -- I did not play this set.

Tissue Vendor


Oct 30th 2015, 3:48:57

Originally posted by Cable:
Where does it say that I owned that country? Come on down syndrome other then where The Temple says it sounds like me there's nothing else there.

Keep the slow train rolling big guy

The mere fact that you admitted to it being you would be a start... should have named your country Temple of a Downs because it would be more accurate.

Tissue Vendor


Oct 30th 2015, 2:28:27

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
There will be a clearance sale alright, at someones new walmart..... already off to a amusing start.

Just like those 21k acres I leveled of yours? Is the kettle black? Did they break gdi just like you?

I think your confused scrub, you didn't level anything of mine but keep on trying harder.

Also Im not the one who broke GDI this set, keep trying bra you might get something right one day.

I wrecked your 1st place finish asshat...

So where in there does that say it's me?

Mr.Fords scale of retardation 6/10

The fact that you owned it. Are you some form of autistic retard?

Tissue Vendor


Oct 29th 2015, 19:39:48

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Tissue Vendor:
Originally posted by Cable:
There will be a clearance sale alright, at someones new walmart..... already off to a amusing start.

Just like those 21k acres I leveled of yours? Is the kettle black? Did they break gdi just like you?

I think your confused scrub, you didn't level anything of mine but keep on trying harder.

Also Im not the one who broke GDI this set, keep trying bra you might get something right one day.

I wrecked your 1st place finish asshat...

Tissue Vendor


Oct 29th 2015, 2:28:50

Originally posted by Cable:
There will be a clearance sale alright, at someones new walmart..... already off to a amusing start.

Just like those 21k acres I leveled of yours? Is the kettle black? Did they break gdi just like you?

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 22:40:15

Originally posted by Dissident:
we do not owe rep payments...

he owes US rep payments now.

Just kill him and farm his restart.

Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 19:14:37


Tissue Vendor


Oct 18th 2015, 19:09:37

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Looks like you've found Cable.

Sept I'm not butt hurt, but it's good to see you're still a narrow minded loser

This smells like cable being all butthurt... tissue?