


Feb 1st 2014, 21:34:10

Originally posted by iScode:
I like how you close a thread about a leadership member of one of your allies breaking a pact, but not the one regarding your enemy laf.

I mean sure you can make your feeble arguments about it not being the same server, but we all know your a 2 face liar who manipulates fluff for your own gain and should never be a mod because your such a biased prick.

But hey i guess when you let martian give you a reach around once a week, you get to do what you want.

Pics or get the fluff off this board with this crap!




Jan 25th 2014, 21:14:23

Originally posted by Hopeless:
...and this is the reason why you'll see more suiciders coming for LAF.




Jan 25th 2014, 20:41:36

Originally posted by euglaf:
There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

"Irrational unstable leadership" we need look no further then Laf, your Head FA is the person who committed the acts of hostility and you now expect Neo to interact with him an allow him to negotiate the reps?

Laf still hasn't learnt, you don't run this server anymore, your threats of WAR are just that. Laf can't take out single man suicider's you expect people to believe you can beat a coordinated alliance?



Jan 24th 2014, 14:12:22

Originally posted by CandyMan:
evolution is the most consistent alliance but their best is pretty weak. in a full netting set I'd expect a challenge on avg nw out of them but i've never seen them dominate t10 in any way. osso is their best netter. vince is ok but he's not even as good as me. and within laf, i'm not even in the conversation for best netter despite getting #1 and #2 in consecutive sets. nobody in laf is trying. if laf gathered all the top netters back and everyone tried and we don't get suiciders, you're gonna see 10/10 laf in t10 and we're just gonna make you all cry.

tits is an excuse of a netgainer. haven't seen a set where he's played without some form of FA. chump was probably rd's best netgainer.

locket, you make it seem like top 5% of rd is a sizeable number. there were ever only 20-40 players in rd. that only adds up to 1 or 2 people.

LOL. You're a funny guy! When has Laf won a set without interfering with Evo, PDM, Monsters, Omega? NEVER, Laf has won with mass FA and harmful spy ops on top ten countries that aren't tagged Laf. Making the claim for an individual from Laf being the best, invalid.



Jan 19th 2014, 12:12:39

Originally posted by Xelah:
Also, for the record, I am not WahWahWah.




Jan 19th 2014, 9:19:45

Originally posted by Racor:
Locket ignore him as you like you can't ignore his actions in game.

I can't understand why you guys haven't killed him relentlessly anyhow?

Another dense idiot.



Jan 19th 2014, 8:43:59

Originally posted by En4cer:
Thanks for the plug Vic.

I think thats what alot of haters out there are truly missing.

Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.

-Bruce Springsteen



Jan 19th 2014, 8:31:15

Originally posted by albob:
OMEGA is LAF in waiting. True story. Check the news.

Wrong! Omega is who the disgruntled Laffers will "grief" to try prove their point.



Jan 18th 2014, 6:21:45

1. Top Tier WHINERS. As well all know, the Squeaky wheel gets the oil.

2. You will be taught, to try too hold land with minimum defense. PRO TIP: This doesn't work.

3. They debate the lyrical value of Taylor Swift vs Justin Bieber. YOU TOO CAN BELIBE!!!



Jan 17th 2014, 6:03:41

Originally posted by neal:
hi martian is there a way for you to moderate trolls even in this thread? i don't see them adding to the discussion but rather repeating the same thing(LaF farms untags therefore they must die) despite being shown this is not the case

Neal how does this differ to Laffers making multiple posts whining about rule changes?Laffers are trolling equally as bad an are not adding to the conversation either. Every argument presented to Laf has been ignored and blamed on game mechanics.

Originally posted by archaic:
***sniff sniff, sob sob***

waah, grow a set

+1 archaic

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 17th 2014, 6:45:42



Jan 16th 2014, 20:24:54

Might be time for Laffers to heed their own advice. If your alliance can't protect you and your land its time to leave. Join an alliance that can, its what you've been telling the rest of us to do for years.

Pretty sure Omega, TIE, EVO, TPA, PDM, SOL, MD, SoF and a host of other alliances would be happy to have you.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 20:36:25



Jan 16th 2014, 20:14:58

Originally posted by locket:
Tough internet children are fun
Indeed you are locket, indeed you are.



Jan 16th 2014, 20:05:49

Make the server all explore.



Jan 16th 2014, 20:03:02

Originally posted by locket:
Clearly someone not in Laf cant have conversations with Laf off of AT.

Are you even trying? This is some Alin level fluff you post on here.

No need really you guys have made it quite easy. Now I get to watch you cry. Laf the best ALLIANCE in the history of the game beaten by a handful of countries. LOL.



Jan 16th 2014, 19:56:45

Originally posted by locket:
LOL If you think a long time Laf member has no information on the issues Laf faces then you are the clueless one. I am quite happy we dont interact. I dont talk to people who have to hide under fake names to talk internet kid tough fluff on forums.

You are quite the fool Locket(I assume this is the name you parents gave to you, as opposed to some fake internet name you invented to talk fluff on). Being a long time member to Laf provides you with no information other then you are aware of who I hit because members cry on your boards. Clueless as per usual.



Jan 16th 2014, 19:50:01

Originally posted by locket:
Wahwah you are a fluffing moron. Name one war clan member with even 2million tanks. I'd love to see it. How about you make a country and I make it my goal to suicide you. If I get you I win and you post under your real nickname. You avoid my suicide all set and you can hide like the fluff you are and pretend you actually believe half the fluff you are saying.

Locket your hardcore bud!! Can't be bothered to answer you as we are both aware you have no information regarding the issues Laf face. Bluff all you like tough guy but I have never interacted with you before and are fully aware that you are clueless to the situation.



Jan 16th 2014, 19:40:43

Originally posted by Forgotten:

It's these suiciders that are driving players from the game.

Spin it anyway you like Forgotten more players left the server during the LaF/SoF/RD heyday. You guys had great fun running people off and trolling the Hell out of them when they posted about it.

Shoes on the other foot for one reset and LAF turn into a pack of BELIEBERS!!

Who needs an alliance, when Laf would have you believe 1 country can destroy 50 countries working together in a coordinated effort!

The problem is Laf members want individual honors on a group server, you are not prepared to sacrifice your countries for your fellow alliance members. I didn't think it would be this easy but continue chasing those high NW and waiting for the admins to change the rules back so you can go back to comfortable manipulating a system you had worked out thoroughly.

Is that you grammie?



Jan 16th 2014, 17:30:40

Originally posted by Forgotten:

This post confirms that :

1) You have no working knowledge of how this game worked, I had more defense than ANYONE. Also, because of a recent game change,

By BEING 12x bigger, it was actually WORSE for me. Because qzjul wanted attackers to get TWICE as much returns on Special Attacks.

This Post Confirms:
1) You are resistant to change.
2) You are resistant to change.



Jan 16th 2014, 17:01:06

Originally posted by martian:
"No offense there but LaF had FAed above people twice in the last three sets to #1 so becarefull who you call cheaters. "
Weather you agree with that practice or not, FAing is not cheating.

Martian Mr.Forgotten said in his opening statement that the other top 5 players would leech and be FA'd. Cable is calling him out on that.

Originally posted by Mr Forgotten:

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

Mr Forgotten

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 17:11:35



Jan 16th 2014, 16:25:47

Originally posted by grimjoww:
2.5mil tanks would make you pretty safe i think unless the griefer had some stocks to buy up 3mil tanks and demo him

+1 grimjoww



Jan 16th 2014, 15:17:39

It is not low defense if we look at this as a purely netting exercise, which it is not. This is a war based strategy game, people are able to attack. A handful of people out of 600 players were suicided on, relatively low numbers in the scheme of it.

What I'm trying to make as clear as possible is, I believe that you are trying to place too much emphasis on extremely high NW as a measure for success. Yes MrForgotten ran a country well from a purely netting view, in a keep my land and not make myself a target he did poorly. Should we turn off all attacks and make it a purely exploring based netting game. At least then it would be a level playing field and we will know that whoever wins is definitely the best because we have homogenized conditions .

Less then 1/6th of the player base has been affected, this is a minority.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 16:03:23



Jan 16th 2014, 14:52:55

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.

Pretty sure at 2.5M tanks, he had the most on the server. And a small country that had been hammered already by Laf and suicided on several other countries was able to get enough tanks to level the guy who had the most tanks. That's a bit unbalanced...Even having the most def on the server doesn't matter to a dedicated griefer.

He obviously did not have the most tanks. The griefer did, he was able to break afterall. Tella, this shows the stubborn refusal of Laf to change their playing habits. They could easily have more then 2.5mil tanks but they choose to chase artificially high NW as the benchmark of a good country/.Tella you net well you know the only way the can achieve the extremely high nw is to run with low costs and low def. At will Laf could have more then enough tanks.



Jan 16th 2014, 13:05:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.



Jan 16th 2014, 11:36:00

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit

And that is exactly why that argument is ridiculous. There is NEVER going to be enough defense to protect oneself.

Tella, you know as well as I that the only reason the argument is ridiculous is due to the fact that Laf are appealing for people to feel sorry for them.This argument is a PR war to force admins to change the rules. Honestly unless tagged LaF why would anyone give a fluff?Laf has done anything/everything possible to win set after set. I'd be happy for my alliance that Laf were getting hit. Honest netters may have a chance this set. Laf need to grow up, is like a heavyweight boxer crying after being KO'd by a midget then whinging about being bullied.

Laf could do something about the suicider's they choose not to. You have 50+ members co-operating, make a 15 man kill squad an deal with it. Hell invite Cerb back to the game and have him start up Mercs Inc. Maybe Laf leadership should go grovelling back to Sof or actually carry some defense across the board and make it too expensive for your countries to be hit. Once again single countries do not have the resources to compete. Laf allow this to occur by insisting there is only one measure of winning the server and that is extremely high NW the only way to achieve that is to run low defense. You reap what you sow.

WOW, Look four possible solutions.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 11:39:56



Jan 16th 2014, 11:11:45

Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit



Jan 16th 2014, 10:23:08

RD were not revealed and they were an alliance full of cheats, bot runners etc etc. Yet, people are calling for people running single countries within the rules of the server to be revealed.

MrForgotten, honestly the whole whimpering from 50+ alliance members because of a handful is countries is WEAK. Your weren't so sorry or meek when you thought you had the backing of your alliance. Sucks when you get let down. We didn't do this to YOU, LaF did this too you. Don't like being attacked play in an alliance that can protect or will protect you, simple! Other then get more defense each of your countries has 12X Resources to use but you choose not too.

Too bad my objectives in this game are different to yours but that's the world for you. If having the highest NW is the goal of your alliance prevent other alliances from getting there. Such boring people. This may be the most interesting times in the last 15years. As all you old flufftards have to change the way you play. You forced us to change our style now we force you to change yours. Sucks Huh!



Jan 16th 2014, 9:00:44

Originally posted by Mr Forgotten:

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

LaF have FA'd and tech leeched God knows how many people in too the top ten.

I'd be happy for the Admins to release details of "EVERYONE'S" country names associated to AT account what a joy that would be. While your at it, release all AT persona's as well. Lets start a real fluffstorm.



Jan 15th 2014, 8:23:12

Originally posted by Forgotten:
The most recent country that got suicided on, had probably more thanks than 98% of the countries in the server right now.

It doesn't matter how much you have.




Jan 14th 2014, 17:28:17

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Laf has 2486 attacks on Untagged countries this set.
Untagged country's have 575 attacks on laf,
congratulations your winning the war!

+1 SakitSaPuwit



Jan 14th 2014, 17:07:05

If the griefers were to set up a tag "Grief" next set and suicide as a group but each target individual countries, people wouldn't be complaining as then they wouldn't be playing solo?



Jan 14th 2014, 13:17:13

As you said "Almost Nothing".



Jan 14th 2014, 12:44:36

The fact that a 50+ Alliance can't handle a griefer is kinda pathetic. Correct me if I'm wrong, ALLIANCES are formed to protect your country. If your ALLIANCE is not protecting your country might be time to move to one that can. Change your style of play morons, adapt. Nobody has offered a resolution other then "its not fair", ffs it is a game based on conflict!