
Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 18:36:58

I don't know about that one, heh. I've never had or needed to spy someone in war that I know for certain was in deep spy DR.

Edit: Since EE is not quite the same as E:2025, the spy formulas are different since nobody knows how the original game worked either.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 17:48:46

The more spy ops a country has suffered in the last 24 hours, the lower the chances of the next spyop for success as well.

This is called being "spied out".

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:59:32

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Situation is thusly - I am mostly destocked, buying out my troops/tanks as sales continue to roll in, waiting for the PM to regenerate. Is it more beneficial for me to log in as often as possible to clear my PM, or to wait some hours for it to regenerate? How big is the difference either way?

To answer this, there is no difference as long as you always completely clear your PM before the next turn ticks over.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:56:46

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
OK, new formulas are new. It used to work like tech, where you had an asymptotic curve and keeping it clear made it replenish faster.

It's never changed. Marshal's info is wrong. Your info is wrong too, there is no curve. PM is very simple.
1. Existing PM decays 1.5% per turn.
2. PM regen is added after existing PM decays, **at the time you login, all at one go**.

Let N = number of turns you stayed logout
(PM at login) = (PM at logout)*(0.985^N) + (PM regen)*N

That is, your existing PM decays at 1.5% per turn. If you logout with any PM, part of that is going to decay. The decay happens before the PM regen for the duration you logged out is added when you next login. Obviously if your "PM at logout" is 0, then there is nothing to decay.

Conversely, if N is very huge (say 100 turns), then the first part "(PM at logout)*(0.985^N)" is going to decay to near 0, so staying logged out more isn't going to hurt you much, the additional decay is minimal. A whole strategy revolves around staying logged out for 40 hours so that you can have a maximum PM size at initial buyout without spilling over into stored turns.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:51:17

You're probably confused. The 12 hour and 18 hour bonuses are now decoupled. This means they are on separate timers/clocks, exactly the same way the 3 bonus points websites work (separate timers). What time you get your 12 hour bonus does not affect when you next get your 18 hour one (and you can't easily tell which one you got since both bonuses are 3 turns).

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:48:56

Originally posted by Boltar:
true enuff. but ive always aimed for a very large FS hit total. i had a 135 hit FS (24 hrs) one war.. i was proud of that

This is exactly what the problem is, it is not a good idea to change anything to increase the FS advantage any further. Stored turns will likely not start from 120 at the start of the reset anymore, instead it will scale up from 20 to 120 slowly over the reset.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:46:01

I wonder how many jets he has, heh.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:43:18

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 4 times bigger or smaller than it.

I am attempting to attack a 2M net country. There are no countries on the server that are 4x2M.

I'll take it you are certain his NW hasn't changed for the lower from wherever you are reading his NW from (eg eestats).

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 2:41:29

Originally posted by Boltar:
why not do both? have tech to increase the output of a fascist (yet lower the bonus as someone else suggested) but also raise the amount of oil needed for units and hell make a fascist since he has a oil advantage need even more per unit then the rest..

If you do the numbers right, sure, both can happen. But for certain, introducing oil tech by itself will not help anything, you'll just get a flood of $20 oil and cause even less players to play oilers.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 24th 2014, 11:29:10

Unfortunately, nobody knows the formula, other than the 2 game admins and H4.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 15:27:53

Dear Aunt Agony,

Someone doesn't want me to retal, what should I do? This is breaking my heart, I am crying every hour.

- Xinhuan

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 4:02:19

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
By the way, I have thoroughly enjoyed your cheap food, and your continual buying of my tech. I will use the land to make more agri for you, promise! Haha

That's great! :)

More tech to grab when I retal! Haha

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 23rd 2014, 0:35:31

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
My suggestion to you folks is, instead of getting amped up to retal my country because I don't try to conceal who I am and don't try to slow play, focus on doing things that will help you ascend the score ranks. Just a thought.

I'm not concealing anything, my country is To The Top. Same name for a year. It's pretty tough to ascend when food is $33! The per-acre production per turn is about 30% less than a casher.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 16:37:08

Originally posted by Detmer:
bstrong, they accidentally clicked on the ground instead of the skip to next target button. It isn't worth them to waste units on tiny returns so they just move on and accept the loss of trophies so they can find a better target to attack.

While this is the correct reason sometimes, usually it isn't. They are intentionally losing trophies so that they can farm the newbies at the lower trophy level with their higher level troops. To intentionally lose, just drop 1 troops, and surrender the battle immediately. Higher level players with access to the Barbarian King or the Queen can drop that instead (out of range of any towers) and surrender immediately without the loss of that one troop.

Lots of players employ a technique called "lazy farming", where they look for bases where the collectors are scattered on the perimeter of the base and are half-full/full, and just throw down 50-100 archers to collect the resources in them. Repeat this every 5 minutes (since it doesn't take long to build 50-100 archers) and you collect resources very quickly. The loss of trophies is irrelevant, it is faster to farm for resources this way than building an expensive army to take on a higher level city.

The 1000-1250 trophy region is extremely ripe for "lazy farming", this is because the players there are trying to reach 1250 trophies to get the 100 gems achievement reward, and so they put their Town Hall in the center of their base to protect it, leaving the collectors on the perimeter. Farming towns on the other hand, always put the Town Hall on the perimeter so that people will kill it easily, granting 12 hours protection from further attacks - you lose way less resources this way, up to a maximum of 2 attacks on you everyday.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 22nd 2014, 16:42:04
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 16:33:18

"Introducing new tag, Mercury"

I immediately git the joke, checked out the thread, then realized it totally wasn't one. :/

Maybe my level 101 town should join the clan.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 16:27:09

Hi Vic, a retal will be coming your way some time between now and 42 days from now. :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 13:30:35

For express? Booms while cashing.

Don't resell anything, i.e buy what you need, don't sell anything.

Get Res/Bus techs up to 176% by the time you reach stocking mode.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 13:29:14

> lil azn that could!

So you could, but now cannot?

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 21st 2014, 7:55:08

He's saying if you are able to buy more military, you can grab larger countries (more land for the same number of turns), or grab more times (say 4 instead of 3), and compound your growth rate. This way, you reach your stocking land goal faster by maybe a day or two, and that extra day or two of stocking is way more food than what you get flipping $30-$33 bushels.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 16:20:40

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
I see your evil plan. You're a farmer aren't you? It worked, you fiend.

Of course I'm a farmer. Considering I use the same country name every reset, it's not exactly a secret what I am running.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 19th 2014, 2:02:41

This is the first reset where military losses are back to a flat 8% from the beginning of the reset for Primary. It was only fixed mid-reset last reset.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 18th 2014, 15:50:30

Dear Diary,

Why are the techers not teching Agriculture which sells for $2900, and instead prefer to tech Res/Bus that sell for $2400? The same thing happened last reset.

- Xinhuan

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 17th 2014, 9:04:25

You guys sure don't read announcements, it's been about 3 months:

Originally posted by qzjul:

4) Ghost acres cap based on units sent

- In each attack, you will be limited to a maximum 1 Ghost Acre (type I) per (your_land/20) units sent.
- Example I: You are 20k Acres; Land/20 = 1000; thus, for every 1000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 20kA with 200k units, get 2000A + 200A ghosts (because 200k/1000 = 200)

- Example II: You are 20k Acres; Land/20 = 1000; thus, for every 1000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 20kA with 2M units, get 2000A + normal ghosts (because 2M/1000 = 2000 ghosts, and you can't get 2000A ghosts from this grab)

- Example III: You are 100 Acres; Land/20 = 5; thus, for every 5 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 400A with 50 units, get 40A + 10A ghosts (because 50/5 = 10)

- Example IV: You are 100 Acres; Land/20 = 5; thus, for every 5 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 400A with 500 units, get 40A + normal ghosts (because 500/5 = 100, and you can't get 100A ghosts from this grab)

- Example V: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 100k units, get 8000A + 25A ghosts (because 100000/4000 = 25)

- Example VI: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 12M units, get 8000A + 3000A ghosts (because 12000000/4000 = 3000)

- Example VII: You are 80k Acres; Land/20 = 4000; thus, for every 4000 units sent, you can get 1 Ghost acre.
You attack somebody who is 80k with 20M units, get 8000A + normal ghosts (because 20000000/4000 = 5000 and you can't get that many ghosts from this grab)

- Reasoning for this change: Makes land trading slightly more expensive, cracks down on obvious abuse; should boost military kept on hand, thus reducing suiciders; may boost troop market slightly.

For the most purposes, your amount of ghosts acres obtained will not be any different from usual, unless your target is an all-jetter.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 16th 2014, 3:55:56

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Really? That's it? I am already over. Hmm. Does that account for going mbr with say a week to go? Or should I multiply that expression by 2?

Replace "Land Goal" with "# of buildings you still need to build over remainder of reset".

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 16th 2014, 3:06:34

^------ The date is 1 line above "Dear Diary".
<---------The name is signed on the left.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 16th 2014, 3:05:12

sqrt(land goal / 4 * 1.4)

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 16th 2014, 2:37:07

Dear Diary,

Why do people lie to their own diaries?

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 15th 2014, 4:09:47

Windows update may cause the captcha to occur, because your OS version might have changed. Or your dynamic IP address assigned by your ISP changed. Lots of possible reasons.

If anything changed, you're getting the captcha.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 6:06:34

Increasing the maximum number of missiles is a bad idea. This would increase the FS advantage (since you also destroy missiles on your opponents during the FS), not decrease it.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 8th 2014, 15:50:45

We have Earth Quakes instead!

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 7th 2014, 18:49:10

Originally posted by blid:
and this isn't Joebob99 or something, or I wouldn't even be talking about it. Instead though this is a player who can win this game himself, one of the better players out there, and I would love to see one of his good countries treated the same way he treats other people's.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

If he doesn't care about his country, reputation or relationship with other players, then he most certainly doesn't care about getting his good countries treated badly. Either don't hit him, or don't piss him off. Whining here just makes you look like a .... whiner. It doesn't make everyone else want to attack him; and will just make him want to attack you more.

I used to PM Gogy my country so that he doesn't attack it, nor me him. I've stopped doing that since I just use the same country name (like him) now.

If the late retal happens to just about anyone else, they would probably just suck it up as a bad attack choice, as Serp and eManny has posted. If it happened to any of us, we would have just posted 2 lines about it, grumble a bit in PMs, and move on. LATC ate late retals 2 sets ago, I don't see him whining. Serp ate topfeeds from Deezy, and was a good sport. I don't see why you have to be different and make a mountain out of a molehill.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 7th 2014, 5:05:35

I spied your country blid (to see how high you'll finish).

You left about 25m turrets only in your country. I would never have done that if I was expecting a top 3 finish, or top 2, it would have been at least 40m turrets, or 50m. Any country ~25m NW could have retalled you easily with 20m jets. Not only that, you also only had 11 SPAL. You took risks to finish higher in NW, and it didn't pay off. Even I could have stolen money from your country when you had 2.7b cash at home, and it would have been better than cashing as a farmer.

While I am in disagreement with extremely late retals, I take precautions myself against their possibility; I've gone up to 50m turrets before, and track the NW of every single country I have grabbed that reset.

I remember oldman dropping all his spies 2 resets ago, and paid the price for it:
That was your rationale for stealing oldman's money. Basically, you thought it was wrong for someone else to run 0 spies, so you stole money. Now you think it is wrong for someone else to retal you 30 days late. You ran 25m turrets, someone thought it was wrong for such a large country to run such low defenses.

To put it mildly, who do you think you are to tell other people how they should play? Seems a bit hypocritical of you. It sounds like I should have stolen cash from you, because that was what you did to oldman. After all, it would have benefited my country more than cashing my turns, exactly the reason you gave.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 7th 2014, 5:10:07
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 6th 2014, 5:37:15

Originally posted by Mr Fist:
irrelevant to the game.

but does anyone know if I take a picture of a truck online. Crop the truck out of the picture, and use it in another if that infringement?

or take any image of google search and take parts of the image and use it.

It depends on where you take the image from.

If it is not listed under a freely-copyable license, such as Creative Commons, or in Public Domain, then what you are doing is definitely a violation of copyright, as it will be considered a Derivative Work. If no copyright information is listed, then by default, the law (mostly Berne Convention) applies the maximum copyright protection, which lasts for 50 years past the death of the author of said work.

For example, anything you submit to a wikipedia is under Creative Commons; you must certify that whatever you submit to a wiki will be under this copyright so it may be freely copied. Reddit specifies that all submitted user content still belongs fully to the original owner.

The submission of user content to a public location is one example of implied permission to copy/host/reproduce, that is, the granted permission (to the website) to host a copy of the work is implied by the act of voluntary uploading.

For the most part though, people are only concerned with the "reproduce/distribute" part of copyright, if you take an image online, save it, and use it for your own purposes without reproducing the image anywhere, in all likelihood, that is fair use. (As is the case for recording TV - see Betamax case). Copyright's intention is to enable the creator to receive compensation for their work for a limited amount of time.

Disclaimer: IANAL.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 6th 2014, 5:49:28
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 17:23:36

Originally posted by p1co:
When people are talking about somebody top-feeding .. to what are they referring?

History lesson incoming.

15 years ago....

When you SS or PS a country in 0 DR (i.e has been hit 0 times in the last 24 hours), if your NW matches the target country, you get a certain % of his land. It used to be something like this (numbers are not exact):

Target NW is 80-120% of your NW: A PS will get 9% of his land
Target NW is 50-80% of your NW: A PS will get 7% of his land
Target NW is 30-50%% of your NW: A PS will get 5% of his land
Target NW is < 30% of your NW: A PS will get 3% of his land

etc, basically the larger the NW, the more % of his land you get. So if the target was way higher than you in NW, you got A LOT of land. When target searching for suitable targets that are 1/12 to 1/3 your size, good players would always search for a country just below the 30% NW threshold where you magically got nearly 66% more land for a PS than one just above the threshold.

So a topfeed (at that time) was defined as attacking someone of larger NW than you.
A bottomfeed is defined as attacking someone of lower NW than you.

Fast forward 10 years. Earth:2025 died, Earth Empires was born. The rules were changed so that the NW brackets for grabbing was no longer a step function. There aren't anymore thresholds, the % you got was calculated off the ratio between your NW and the target NW. Furthermore, the benefits for topfeeding was removed by making it such that attacking a country about 95-100% of your size in NW yields the most acres. If you attacked someone far larger in NW, you got penalized the same way for attacking someone of smaller NW, the peak centered at your own size. If you think you know what "symmetric bell curve" means, or "Gaussian curve", then you got it.

Nowadays, the definition is a bit hazy, but a lot of people classify attacks based on intent:

Topfeed: You attack someone, with no intention of avoiding the retal, with the hope that the exchange of land would benefit you more than it would benefit him.
Midfeed: You attack someone, with intention of jumping out of range of the retal after the attack (by buying a lot of turrets)
Bottomfeed: You attack someone that you know is incapable of retalling.

Based on the "intent", it is generally the case that bottomfeeding is strongly correlated with attacking someone less than 1/3 your size, midfeeding correlates to attacking about 1/3-2/3 and topfeeding for attacks larger than 2/3 your size.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 17:09:38

Thanks blid.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 17:00:06

These 1 country in the top 25 is unidentified:
20 Omega De Ville (#107) 31,730 $60,888,732 DG - Unlinked Account (Demo Techer)

Rank Country Land Networth Special - Name (Strat)

1 Shmuck (#47) 59,604 $134,023,972 RG - eManny (Rep Casher)
2 Bivouac (#119) 61,903 $120,053,054 CG - blid (Commie Indy)
3 A Man Of Constant Sorrow (#54) 65,688 $118,763,233 RG - crest23 (Rep Casher)
4 LilAzNThatCould (#41) 77,463 $114,115,338 IG - LATC (Dict Casher)
5 To The Top (#12) 53,372 $113,355,663 DG - Xinhuan (Demo Farmer)
6 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#38) 61,296 $109,702,892 CG - Serpentor (Commie Indy)
7 oh l dun mind a nap (#37) 21,063 $108,368,027 HG - Oldman (Theo Techer -> Theo MBR)
8 Mysidia (#6) 54,579 $107,178,301 CG - Toran Republic (Commie Indy)
9 DeLpHiNuS (#135) 62,316 $100,761,386 CG - DeLpHiNuS (Commie Indy)
10 Psychedelic (#35) 60,000 $99,000,000 FG - h2orich (Fasc Farmer)

11 Asterix (#3) 37,948 $93,219,087 RG - Getafix (Rep Casher)
12 Land of the Kings (#180) 30,972 $88,893,385 HG - Kingme (Theo Techer)
13 feartheendofearth (#21) 52,600 $84,810,554 CG - now im nothing (Commie Indy)
14 enjoy your burrito (#147) 21,238 $83,720,287 DG - SethMosrite (Demo Techer)
15 r a z o r w i r e (#60) 38,178 $82,975,252 DG - cyref (Demo Casher)
16 Enterprise NX01 (#63) 37,148 $82,146,391 RG - silentwolf (Rep Casher)
17 Blue Lou Boyle (#83) 56,128 $75,095,157 CG - Assassin (Commie Indy)
18 Fantastic Baby (#80) 44,104 $72,261,449 CG - Vivanick (Commie Indy)
19 fearvendor (#129) 48,024 $68,382,164 RG - fearvendor (Rep Casher)
20 Omega De Ville (#107) 31,730 $60,888,732 DG - Unlinked Account (Demo Techer)

21 Deezy make war not love (#32) 29,104 $58,202,756 RG - Deezyboy (Rep Casher)
22 killyourspies (#85) 25,936 $51,807,205 DG - UpTheIrons (Demo Techer)
23 Rahr and Sons (#51) 32,170 $50,426,834 DG - Viceroy (Demo Casher)
24 D i LL i G a F (#109) 22,962 $49,379,458 RG - mac23 (Rep Casher)
25 76 (#33) 39,663 $44,545,166 IG - Bentville (Dict Farmer)
26 Learning to be ZOD (#113) 21,147 $41,086,782 DG
27 Spot (#29) 25,562 $39,742,319 RG
28 yzae (#151) 19,738 $39,244,471 HG - ericownsyou5
29 X (#125) 28,728 $37,340,444 C
30 NATION OF PIMPS AND EGGS (#13) 22,424 $36,174,504 IG - dexsydcol

31 Continuum (#110) 16,028 $34,712,793 RG
32 BiBiGoN (#55) 21,638 $34,348,870 H - Unlinked Account
33 W00t W00t (#1) 27,148 $33,581,599 RG
34 Macpac (#31) 23,806 $32,714,559 RG
35 dOgMiLk (#17) 24,721 $32,526,924 HG - yylim80sss
36 YOLO (#126) 31,699 $31,675,115 DG - ingle
37 Chibua (#52) 20,508 $30,485,867 CG
38 Lee Cheng Yee (#84) 24,323 $28,968,364 D - Melvin21
39 Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia (#65) 22,471 $24,500,000 CG
40 Redosia (#42) 20,636 $24,365,334 R

41 STARBREAKER (#99) 20,840 $24,358,245 DG
42 Farmer (#138) 16,772 $22,667,642 HG
43 Lusitania (#86) 17,476 $21,208,605 C
44 C R O A T I A (#48) 41,464 $20,895,467 TG - Gogy
45 BigMac (#255) 13,049 $20,867,372 D
46 RussianRoulette (#24) 26,148 $19,486,391 DG
47 spyfoodpoison (#97) 14,627 $19,363,741 FG - spyfoodpoison
48 Kabang (#198) 12,543 $18,225,570 D
49 Sir BAM a Lot (#28) 17,119 $17,728,781 D
50 Corporal Klinger (#50) 12,689 $17,464,732 D

51 Shipwreck Cove (#20) 15,858 $17,080,863 FG
52 The Last Outpost (#4) 16,940 $16,150,494 IG - Wizard
53 Knickerbocker (#108) 10,444 $15,897,694 DG
54 Canada (#19) 21,936 $15,165,366 C
55 Curse of the Pharaohs (#232) 21,081 $14,747,481 DG - andyxxx
56 GWCCMOPCBGTOCY (#140) 14,566 $14,536,948 CG - MADMARK
57 Resurrection of Sudnar (#8) 9171 $14,067,219 CG
58 The land of ooz (#78) 14,103 $13,871,651 CG
59 Heaven and Hell (#77) 11,936 $12,933,211 D
60 PineGap (#173) 15,080 $12,644,152 IG

61 Western Alliance (#66) 11,930 $12,456,429 CG
62 The Empire of Jay (#39) 9108 $12,409,771 C
63 Labor Day BBQ (#128) 8680 $12,024,251 RG
64 Flowers and Rainbows (#89) 12,871 $11,435,228 M
65 Locked out of Heaven (#134) 12,271 $10,964,161 DG - grimjoww
66 Detroit (#98) 13,745 $10,792,910 IG
67 Moldova (#16) 8773 $10,684,920 D
68 Equate (#166) 11,358 $10,514,818 CG
69 bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (#43) 5697 $10,509,849 DG - llamky
70 gdg sg (#162) 18,395 $10,257,389 R

71 Pandaria (#30) 9276 $10,133,338 H
72 ImperialOrder (#201) 11,543 $9,790,135 FG
73 Sirdog (#172) 11,979 $9,485,138 CG
74 nakapagpababagabag (#53) 4572 $9,476,291 TG
75 Infidel Dogs (#7) 7464 $9,173,110 IG
76 fate (#370) 11,567 $8,827,988 RG
77 Black Pearl Island (#144) 11,599 $8,640,492 IG - lordwong
78 Suicidal (#87) 9087 $8,534,634 T - Suicidal
79 Naught (#121) 9814 $8,367,026 RG
80 Ghost (#69) 12,080 $8,180,679 M - start1212

81 The Sands of DUNE (#170) 8826 $8,069,588 R
82 Giraffeland (#59) 8910 $8,019,807 D
83 Chef Ramsay (#64) 8968 $7,978,078 R
84 HighSpeedThrillCoaster (#139) 10,312 $7,698,157 D - HighSpeedThrillCoa
85 Neo Tokyo (#18) 12,572 $7,682,645 D
86 Tortillas (#168) 7183 $7,600,334 HG
87 Markland (#160) 13,653 $7,574,333 C
88 What the dell (#49) 28,595 $7,557,491 DG - Bee
89 fuyooohhh (#207) 13,968 $7,546,476 I
90 Metropolis (#11) 8951 $7,405,188 D

91 los conquistadores (#105) 12,864 $7,383,465 H
92 TiNail (#153) 17,074 $7,271,121 I
93 United States of Fanthomz (#57) 13,575 $7,250,600 C
94 Redeemer of Souls (#92) 10,313 $7,031,213 DG - Unlinked Account
95 Northrend (#197) 6270 $6,875,913 HG
96 Burchland (#340) 8775 $6,837,240 FG
97 To The Middle (#93) 9966 $6,834,954 RG - BILL_DANGER
98 HamburglarsHut (#348) 13,721 $6,795,894 C
99 Tits R Us (#71) 14,147 $6,700,718 T
100 Its cold here (#67) 10,805 $6,600,605 R

Identified countries that didn't finish top 100:
Solaris (#182) - drjg17
Essence of Tumescence (#383) - Zen
Luigidom (#36) - 123 <--- Yes, the username is "123"
Abitoftheoldultraviolence (#23) - Cannon
Mine (#188) - AzNiZe

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 5th 2014, 17:10:44
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 6:54:51

Welcome back!

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 3:54:17

Originally posted by blid:

More like buildings will roll.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 5th 2014, 3:52:12

Stay tuned when I check up the top 100 in 12 hours. :)
TBH, it may not even show who played that country since I only record the t100 NW, not the t200.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 10:50:32

Ah, then yes, it might possibly work. :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 2:46:36

The record full-set MBR for Primary is $45,625,297 NW by Rockman, 3 years ago in Round 8. 45m NW is less than half the NW required for obtaining top 10.

Please see, bottom of the second post for the top 5 records of every strategy type. This should give you an idea of the feasibility of running full set MBRs for the purposes of top 10.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:39:28

Welcome back!

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:35:06

Originally posted by LATC:
Do you think its better to just load up on techs one day as opposed to getting more land? I always WANT to do it, but then I always want to have the most land so I just end up grabbing to keep up haha

You do both. Just do 1-2 less PS, and use that money saved (from not building, buying jets/oil) to tech. Mathematically, not grabbing totally and buying tech is better, but you may miss out on some fat PS opportunities sitting on 1/4, so it's not always a clear cut case of whether it's better.