
Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:33:10

As an indy, I can understand that since you can just make them too.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:31:26

Originally posted by LATC:
Alright guys, what strat shall I play? Casher, Techer, Farmer, or Hybrid... I suck at indy so never that.

Full set MBR! You'll get on the top 5 full set MBR list easily. :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:24:36

I was able to get all my techs at $1800-$2000 before they rose. I almost didn't buy any tech while it was $2100. Had 239% Agri which slowly declined to 234% before I bought anymore tech again.

Res/Bus was weird. Agri was easily the highest priced tech for the entirety of 2 weeks, but almost nobody was teching it, and res/bus kept selling at 1900 vs the 2200 for Agri. 20% more income to whoever teched Agri.

@LATC Ah so that's where you squeezed a little bit extra NW from! I knew you sold spies because... come on, a Dict with only 10 SPAL? Crest and blid also only had about 11 SPAL. :P

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 4th 2014, 0:27:02
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:16:34

I'm very happy to finish 5th with such a trash food reset. Food rose above $40 a week too late, tech rebounded after oldman switched to TMBR while food fell $5 as oldman dumped food to clear his PM instead of stocking. (Thought I'll finish 4th because LATC's finish looked like it would be ~110m - I spied it 8 days ago).

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:10:58

So my predictions were pretty spot on, apart from grossly underestimating eManny's country.
LATC finished maybe 5m higher than I expected.
Kingme finished 10m lower than I thought he would!

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:06:07

Rank Country Land Networth Special - Name (Strat)

1 Shmuck (#47) 59,604 $134,023,972 RG - eManny (Rep Casher)
2 Bivouac (#119) 61,903 $120,053,054 CG - blid (Commie Indy)
3 A Man Of Constant Sorrow (#54) 65,688 $118,763,233 RG - crest23 (Rep Casher)
4 LilAzNThatCould (#41) 77,463 $114,115,338 IG - LATC (Dict Casher)
5 To The Top (#12) 53,372 $113,355,663 DG - Xinhuan (Demo Farmer)
6 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#38) 61,296 $109,702,892 CG - Serpentor (Commie Indy)
7 oh l dun mind a nap (#37) 21,063 $108,368,027 HG - Oldman (Theo Techer -> Theo MBR)
8 Mysidia (#6) 54,579 $107,178,301 CG - Toran Republic (Commie Indy)
9 DeLpHiNuS (#135) 62,316 $100,761,386 CG - Delphinus (Commie Indy)
10 Psychedelic (#35) 60,000 $99,000,000 FG - h2orich (Fasc Farmer)

11 Asterix (#3) 37,948 $93,219,087 RG - getafix (Rep Casher)
12 Land of the Kings (#180) 30,972 $88,893,385 HG - Kingme (Theo Techer)
13 feartheendofearth (#21) 52,600 $84,810,554 CG - now im nothing (Commie Indy)
14 enjoy your burrito (#147) 21,238 $83,720,287 DG - SethMosrite (Demo Techer)
15 r a z o r w i r e (#60) 38,178 $82,975,252 DG
16 Enterprise NX01 (#63) 37,148 $82,146,391 RG - silentwolf (Rep Casher)
17 Blue Lou Boyle (#83) 56,128 $75,095,157 CG
18 Fantastic Baby (#80) 44,104 $72,261,449 CG - Vivanick (Commie Indy)
19 fearvendor (#129) 48,024 $68,382,164 RG
20 Omega De Ville (#107) 31,730 $60,888,732 DG

21 Deezy make war not love (#32) 29,104 $58,202,756 RG - Deezyboy (Rep Casher)
22 killyourspies (#85) 25,936 $51,807,205 DG
23 Rahr and Sons (#51) 32,170 $50,426,834 DG - Viceroy (Demo Casher)
24 D i LL i G a F (#109) 22,962 $49,379,458 RG
25 76 (#33) 39,663 $44,545,166 IG

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 4th 2014, 0:13:21
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 23:47:55

3 sets ago Turns Taken: 3240 <--- 54.000 turns per day
2 sets ago Turns Taken: 3243
Last set Turns Taken: 3245
This set Turns Taken: 3299 <--- 54.983 turns per day.

Increase in turns is 54-56 turns (over 60 days), or almost +1 turn per day, due to the login bonus system. In all these resets, I went Expenses then Booms. Only leftover points on the last day went to Turns.

My play habit:
This set, I checked my country every once in a while manually when I remember to, so maybe once every few hours. Prior sets, I only login every 20 hours due to PS brigades timing. Sometimes more often, due to double selling.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 3rd 2014, 23:52:14
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 10:12:46

4b actually!

The geometric sum of 0.75^0 + 0.75^1 + 0.75^2 + 0.75^3 + .... is equal to 4.

So you need 4b cash to buyout 16b worth of food, lose 1/4 cash value every time, if all food was $48. Since the majority of the food was less than 48, he probably only needed 3b cash.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 7:27:22

My own food was recalled and en-route when it happened. :/

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:35:19

@eManny All that food bought was sold to PM at $36 to buyout more food, so the buyer didn't really need 16b cash. 10b would be enough. Also, it has to be a Demo, because of the $36/$48 matching math calculations. So, all matching evidence points to What the Dell as the only Demo that has NW changes during the buyout.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:28:48

Originally posted by crest23:
@ Xin, you think your blind predictions are more accurate than his valid calculation?

Of course not! That's why it is called a prediction!

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:27:16

Ok. Based on this information, move my prediction of eManny up by 10m NW. :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:22:43

Originally posted by eManny:
If crest sold at $48 I just lost the set, lol

I believe you already lost the set even if the food buyout didn't occur. See my wild predictions. :P

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:18:25

70m bushels at $48
42m bushels at $42
And over 200m at $40.
And about 300-400m at $38-39.

The $48 batch took several decreasing sales volume, indicating that it is probable that the buyer in turn sold to his PM to generate the money to repeat the process. In fact, the numbers match.

7,691,036 bushels --> 5,768,277 --> 4,326,208 --> 3,244,656 --> 2,433,492 --> 1,825,119 --> 1,368,839 --> 1,026,629

With each purchase having the ratio $36/$48 of the previous purchase.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 3rd 2014, 4:21:29
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:02:29

What the Dell has NW changes during both buyouts. It seems like enough bushels were purchased for him to actually have finished near the top 10 if he had purchased military units from his private and public markets instead.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 3:57:23

Someone literally just cleared every single bushel to $77. There's 195m there.

My top 10 predictions may no longer hold true for anyone that had profited from this market anomaly.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 3:10:09

My guess is What The Dell.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 2:52:22

My top 10 predictions:

--------------- 120m
--------------- 110m
--------------- 100m

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 2nd 2014, 19:40:49

I don't remember that stuff. When I need it, I just pluck numbers out from the game and create a new spreadsheet.

You can use $262/NW for non-Demo PM, and $255 for Demo, but more often than not, you won't touch a lot of turrets in the PM and your average $/NW is actually lower. So... spreadsheet it.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 5:16:35

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Meh, all-x rep cash is pretty boring.

All-X anything is boring.

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
It's all about what you do with your turns.

Xinhuan Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 2:47:20

Boring or not, mastering each and every strategy does help in predicting market trends in whatever other strategies you find more interesting to play.

Since it is your first time playing a casher, you have also not quite figured out the most optimal time to jump, and how. Sometimes it is better to exceed the 2b cash limit (the portion above 2b starts to decay 0.1% per turn, like food), because the decaying amount is smaller than what you would lose if you buy food for say $43 ($45.58 after tax), only to sell it to PM for $35.

There are lots of small tips and tricks you can apply. Food upkeep is based on your military at home and your population. So if you store 1/4 of your military on the market at the start of your turn (or PS them out), and then recall them at the end of your turns, you save on a tiny bit of food upkeep. This is worth it for non-cashers in general, whether it is worth it for cashers, needs some calculation and math, but generally for a well played casher, it isn't worth the additional "cashing income" lost.

If you're a Demo casher, you can do even more. With your cash, but food cheap, sell it higher (while food price is rising). Buy cheap tech, sell it higher. Buy oil, sell it higher. When food looks like it is going to crash, sell as much of your food as you can, store turns, and buy it back cheaper later. Etc.

Casher is by no means "boring" as you claim it to be. It's all about what you do with your turns. What your actual strat is matters not as much. :)

Edited By: Xinhuan on Sep 1st 2014, 2:49:29
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 15:52:45

You got it right. :)

Also, if you're not a Demo, it is usually better to sell to private market at $35 per bushel.

One of the best ways to learn is to observe what the top players are doing, see how much land they grab, when they stop grabbing, how long they are stocking, and when they finally do their jump.

PS. Most people use spreadsheets for this.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 31st 2014, 15:54:49
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 13:53:27

Originally posted by LATC:
Awesome, thanks! And while you're here, what's the floor for tech to be auto-bought by the game?

500 on this server.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 13:53:10

Originally posted by blid:
It does matter. If you just refresh your browser a bunch, what? 3 turn, 3 turn, 3 turn, 3 turn. Etc. Maximum 6 turns per 24 hr? Not to mention slips? That's fewer turns than the maximum before.

You're forgetting something. Even though you could in THEORY get the same maximum number of turns in the old system as new system, in practice this is not true. Nobody logs in every 18 hours exactly, and the 20 hour PS timer enforces it.

You really only get 6 turns per 24 hours in the old system, no matter how you played, because of the 20 hour PS timer.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 13:51:13

It's still 0.6. Has never changed. Upkeep changed some time ago.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 4:36:47

You can avoid this problem by buying oil only when you need it, so you can't accidentally send a second PS. Of course, this does raise the amount of money you spend on oil by a little bit, compared to buying them by SOs.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 4:34:01

It doesn't matter. It's been 56 days of the reset, and I've gotten 54 extra turns in total compared to last reset. It's easy to keep your country open in a browser tab and F5 once in a while.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 30th 2014, 2:02:26

Originally posted by oldman:
It works like the daily 24 hr and 22 hr bonus. If you don't collect it on time, it slips

This. I posted it somewhere before.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 29th 2014, 16:19:29

Shhhh don't tell him that! :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 28th 2014, 8:00:21

Originally posted by xcooldriver:
I am curious, I have 14000acre enemy have 13000 but my lg is only 75acre

You are a "victim" of a game mechanic called Diminishing Returns (DR). Basically, the more attacks a country suffers in the last 72 hours, the less damaging subsequent attacks will be. DR only applies to PS and SS attack types (as in, only the returns of SS and PS will be reduced by DR), but all non-missile attack types will add to DR.

DR decays over time using the standard half-life formula for decay, on Primary this is 18 hours multiplied by the amount of attacking power sent divided by the defenses of that attack (if you sent 110% of his defenses, the halflife is 19.8 hours). Attacks older than 72 hours are ignored.

Attacks made by a country reduce that country's DR in the same manner (same halflife formula). For SS/PS, all attacks reduce DR, for other attack types (BR/AB/GS), only successful attacks reduce DR. Missiles do not affect DR in any way.

Edit: If you are interested in how much less you get, based on the current DR value of a country, browse the Announcements forums for it, the formula was changed maybe 2 months ago so it is a recent Announcement.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 21:23:10

Originally posted by eManny:
All I was trying to say is that the two 50k acre farmers already have 2B in hand (most likely) and should be storing food soon instead of selling at $42-$43 and eating corruption from excess cash.

What if I told you one of those 2 farmers haven't been selling food the entire week?

The lack of food demand is because 2 Techers switched to MBRs and are selling food, not buying them, something that hasn't occurred for some years.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 26th 2014, 21:25:11
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 21:16:06

Originally posted by TAN:
Two Pangs and a Baby

Two Bangs and a Baby.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 17:39:44

I'm not going to repeat myself, so I'll just link to what I posted before about earthquakes. (in 2012) (in 2013)

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 15:38:07

Guys, I just spotted the person clogging the forums with new usernames!

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 14:46:57

Originally posted by Pang:
Slagpit was pretty epic with his game knowledge. Like a more abrasive Xin!

Lol. Considering Slagpit has access to the source code, I'll say his knowledge is deeper.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 14:36:14

How does Civ5 multiplayer work? Do all players need to be online at the same time? Time zones?

What about expansion pack options, say I only have the base game and first expansion but not the second?

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 26th 2014, 2:46:33

The maximum price is $36 and only obtainable by a Democracy. The rest get $35. If you're a Theo, don't sell to private.

The PM selling price of food increases as you get more Military tech (and drops when you build more Military Bases).

If you want to get $35 PM, then you need to get a calculated rounded value of $34.5 over the base food price of $29. So you need to get 29/34.5 = 84.058% mil tech. Mil tech is multiplied against the base prices in PM, other than food which is divided.

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 17:18:40

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Was there ever a bigger ingame scandal than the Tiger bots?

Wouldn't you want to know? :P

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 25th 2014, 17:11:40

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Xinhuan: there is no reason not to explore up to 750a, before doing build/explore alternating turns.

how many cs do you have on those 750 acres, out of curiosity?

160 CS usually. That's 45 BPT (standard government).

You can only have half your land empty in order to explore more, so I would likely only have about ~300-500 acres while building those 160 CS (with about 120 farms for funding the labs).