
ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 18th 2023, 3:05:33

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Congrats on the win TC you made hash en4cer and Gerdler look like severely disabled children this set.

I mean they look like disabled children on AT all the time, but in the game I’m surprised at how bad they are these days.

I suppose tmac kicking their as$ on all servers while on mobile phone while also at the gym picking up chicks finally broke them.

Man they suck , just terrible performances

The only thing I read, here. tmac owns.

I mean, I guess the win by TC was ok. 2nd highest nw of all time is good. I bet with a few new recruits from reddit and some reunion set emails you might be able to get the 50 people needed to beat our 5.

We can easily beat you if it's even field but you guys are always too afraid.

I mean, so far so good eh? We've netted twice now and hold the record. You've netted how many times? What you do for life, we do as a hobby. The best part is, we actually don't care that much.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 16th 2023, 18:21:14

Originally posted by Chevs:
Congrats on the win TC you made hash en4cer and Gerdler look like severely disabled children this set.

I mean they look like disabled children on AT all the time, but in the game I’m surprised at how bad they are these days.

I suppose tmac kicking their as$ on all servers while on mobile phone while also at the gym picking up chicks finally broke them.

Man they suck , just terrible performances

The only thing I read, here. tmac owns.

I mean, I guess the win by TC was ok. 2nd highest nw of all time is good. I bet with a few new recruits from reddit and some reunion set emails you might be able to get the 50 people needed to beat our 5.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2023, 14:00:58

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Don't over complicate it with booms. If 45 acres is the 100% mark, then percentage can always be based on that. I.E. 20% bonus in the column would equal 9 additional acres per turn.

Yeeaahhhhhh, don't you think tho that if it is a percentage, you wouldn't ever be at 20% with 45 acre returns? Think of it like this. If you get an extra 2% every time you use 8 bonus points on it, it would take you 10 days to get to 20%. 10 days of X-ing on a non-rep would get you to around 10k acres. At 10k acres, explore rate is only 10, and so a 20% bonus would give you 2 acres. 20 days would be 40% on 6 acre returns is 3 acres. Your first batch would be max 6% on 45 acre returns, or 3 acres.

I don't see it providing anymore than 2 or 3 acres as a percentage in standard gameplay, unless the bonus itself was super aggressive, like 10% per day and it goes up to 500% or something. That's sorta where my brain went. Love the idea, but the way explore rate goes down all set, it would continuously devalue the bonus, making it essentially a 2 acre bonus no matter how many times you punch it. That's why I would use a hard boom type bonus rather than a percentage based bonus. I'd also be down for a super aggressive percentage bonus tho. Like req said, some of us actually enjoy all-x more than farming 3500 bots in a set. Would be cool if that was viable. But you'd need it to be insanely aggressive to achieve that.

Dude. You are missing the point.

Not 20% of what your current explore rate is. 20% of the original explore rate. I am not thinking of it as it works today, but as in simple terms as far as how to implement it with little to no work. So, if they put in code a starting amount and just take the percentage based on that. Should be rather easy to implement in code.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 2nd 2023, 14:30:01

Don't over complicate it with booms. If 45 acres is the 100% mark, then percentage can always be based on that. I.E. 20% bonus in the column would equal 9 additional acres per turn.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2023, 13:16:19

Weedy gets it. That was my intent. The explore rate increases or at least reduces slower based on the percentage.

I know it's tied to total land now, but it would hopefully just check the percentage of the bonus as it goes down. In my head it is an easy equation and add, but might not be.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2023, 13:47:53

Increase explore land amount by a percentage. Ideally this is meant for any non-bot server but might be fine in other servers too. Haven't really thought this through other than the all x servers get boring half way through. Might give people more incentive to hit other players. Might not.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2023, 4:22:01

Hey Mark....

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2023, 13:37:22

I often find that people don't quite understand what irony means.

Irony would be LaF being forced into a war based solely on changes made to the game to prevent them from getting into war.

I think maybe you are thinking hypocrisy.

I know you are new-ish, so I will forgive the ignorance. LaF has been the cause of multiple people leaving this game due to over farming, warring, etc over the years. A lot of small alliances and new players especially. It might seem like they are being picked on, but it's like you just walked in to the end of WW2 and were upset because everyone was teaming up on the poor Germans. "Can't we all just leave poor Third Reich alone"

I am not "griefing" them either. I have a lot of old alliance mates who play in LaF. I am not in the camp that they are ruining the game or paid QZ off (but it is fun to make jokes about it). The game has been dead due to a number of reasons. Most likely the largest reason is because everyone who plays it whines so damn much no one wants to deal with us or the game anymore.

All in all. It's pretty funny. All of it. LaF being the victim. QZ being blamed for catering to them. The once little guys now being accused of being the bullies. And Sweeds only being the 3rd best at this game.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2023, 15:20:30

I came back recently just to be a part of a new networth record. Playing this round, but my heart isn't really in it.

Kind of a long list over the past 27 years. Lots of breaks in between. I did like 10 years without a break, but then I was single for a few years and had to slay dragons.

Early days when Axis, RoCK, HAN, etc ran the roost.


Then it was the LaF, PDM, SoL, SoF, UCN, Arrow, Rage, MD & IX era. Golden Age.

FBI/Armada/IX/TIE/Rage/SoF/RD/PDM (promised Tisya) and maybe MD for a stint

New Age


FFA I only played in LoC for a handful of rounds. Lots of work.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2023, 14:55:03

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
bore transferred the machine to me. Since data is not deleted it keeps growing and it's almost out of disk. Yesterday when i logged in there were 450 mb free space left. Next upgrade is $24 per month.

Perfect. LaF has the money to keep it alive then. If they buy enough Patron money to get self interest beneficial changes to the game implemented, they can for sure afford a mere $24 a month.

Thanks Gains for taking on this financial burden!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2023, 2:18:19

Originally posted by Requiem:
@bore – it looks like you are paying $12 a month right now?

What if people donated money to keep it up? Would you consider that?

I second this. I'd say we could scrounge out another 5 years. Like today.

Also. Bonus.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 11th 2023, 15:04:34

I feel sorry for him really. He just does what the Swedish Virgin tells him to.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2023, 19:10:43

Originally posted by archaic:
Floyd, Zen, MrFord, Red-X and Murf . . . It's apparently 2002 all over again. Just waiting on Elky and Shammy to have a quorum

Wow archaic. My virtual twin. Where have you been hiding?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2023, 19:10:40

Originally posted by archaic:
Floyd, Zen, MrFord, Red-X and Murf . . . It's apparently 2002 all over again. Just waiting on Elky and Shammy to have a quorum

Wow archaic. My virtual twin. Where have you been hiding?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2023, 20:01:06

Wow. ElD, nin AND Sheeples?!?! Xin is great. He must be like 90 by now. Was he never not the old guy hanging out with a bunch of teenie boppers? Kind of sick now that I think about it....I can't believe we took advantage of sweet old Xin like that.

Floyd shows up and they all come out to play.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2023, 19:44:22

Doug. I don't know you. Well at least. But this is gross. I get so mad at posts like this it makes me want to just hate kiss you. Then hate jerk you off.

I mean come on. Just stop it already. Be gay all you want, but stop with the happy.

I needs brooding.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 25th 2023, 13:45:00

Originally posted by thefloyd_IX:
ZEN !!!!!

Hello my friend. I just came back too ha.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 24th 2023, 14:45:05

IX reunion set. You heard it here first. I think I still have Mega and Someone's phone number somewhere. Ill get them and Xerg. You get scar.

Nvm. Too much work already. I retire again.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 19th 2023, 19:43:21

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:

That's not how LaF operates, it's just how mercs/sol/sof (your list) operates, projected onto others. As it's immoral to put friends at risk like that, violates pacts, LaF would never do it. Best of luck to RedX and TIE. A great alliance with a long history.

it must be true because you said it was !

oh wait , you're one of the biggest cheaters in the history of the game

lol, lmao.

Wait. Why do you have a comma between your lol and lmao. You're fluffing dead to me.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 19th 2023, 19:40:34

Originally posted by Requiem:
(It was a joke zen and I make fun of each other all the time)

I've never met this person before. I feel like I'm being personally attacked. All I want to do is play this game without prejudice from people like you. I bet you're even straight. Probably say "y'all" and wear a collared shirt. Let me guess, you have a steady job? Next thing you'll tell me you use to work in insurance or something, but then decided to get into programming. Now if you drink seltzers, i want reps. I've never felt so oppressed.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 18th 2023, 13:24:32

Great to see you back in the game, Rokkie!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 18th 2023, 13:21:29

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by ZEN:
I'm 100% Asian and you treat me this poorly.

I'd go with 50% Asian to be safe. Let's not get too greedy here I am 1/16th Asian.

I'll take my 100% Asian and shove it up your Caucasian.

I know we haven't spoken officially yet since "the return". But I do miss you. I have to find a way to chat that doesn't involve the disc. I shall ponder on this while I continue to pick fights with people I've never heard of or met.

Hey black butthole - I just came back. We don't know each other. I just get bored. Plus if I can say something about Gerd, I try to take that opportunity as often as I can. Never apologize to anyone in this game unless you're doing it to stab them in the back later. Some games you meet people and they are decent humans. This is not one of them. All of the trolls and queens of drama have gathered here in this game over the past 27 years to make it truly the last great fluff show. No one is safe. Have mental health issues? It gets exploited. Have life threatening diseases? You get targeted day one. Have never kissed a girl and live in Sweden? Then you get promoted to mod.

Some people have been plotting and planning so long, I don't think they even realize they do it anymore. It's truly great. The game is ok, but the medieval style GoT backstabbing that goes on this game is the true gem.

So, stay. Enjoy it. Plot your revenge. Hide in other names or tags or servers until its time. Then destroy with impunity and revel in the salty tears of your enemies. Just don't do it for hours on end. It takes like 3 min to play the actual game. Spend pockets of 5-10 min throughout the day on the rest. I'd say I spend a total of 15 min on this game every day. Most of the time less.

I hope I've encouraged you to stay. If not, I could try talking trash your loved female family members. Hate is just as good as love here.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 17th 2023, 10:49:36

Originally posted by Coalie:
BlackHole what do u have against Asians?

This is the real question here. Thanks for bringing this critical issue up. This kind of discrimination is really uncalled for. This is just a game. No need to make it personal.

Coalie is the voice of the people!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 16th 2023, 18:16:18

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Kind of a long post. I skimmed it, but basically in summary:

"Hi. So sorry, like really sorry. Sorry. Gerd and I make out. I played the game for a blip and no one will remember me. I got beat and I'm leaving because it's too hard. I'm going to go wait for Google to accept my application in being their new CEO. They need me. I deserve it and no i wont accept anything less. Until then i wont work hard or try to earn anything in life"

So, what's it going to be? Be better.

Oh. Um no offense.

lol - ok. So I'm going to respond just cause you sound like a tool.

Part of the reason for stepping away, beyond the things I mentioned, is that this game is a time sink. Sitting around, waiting to get attacked between the hours of 9pm and 11pm (or later, cause Mercs are freaking slow to get their WC's going) sucks. Same thing with morning attacks.

The games not too hard. The game is just not fun when that's all you're doing. As for the 'you don't work hard in life comment'. That's just stupid. I CAN'T sit around all day because I do work hard in real life. Unlike others here, I have a job. You don't have to believe me, it doesn't matter. I just find it funny that your comment is

'you're a failure in real life cause you don't want to sit around in a game that is a huge time sink'.

Wow. Harsh words man. I'm 100% Asian and you treat me this poorly. Kind of messed up. I even said no offense.

I've heard that people who have to say they work really hard, usually don't work that hard though. Also, if you're spending a lot of time on this game then you might be doing it wrong.

No offense.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 16th 2023, 11:28:12

Kind of a long post. I skimmed it, but basically in summary:

"Hi. So sorry, like really sorry. Sorry. Gerd and I make out. I played the game for a blip and no one will remember me. I got beat and I'm leaving because it's too hard. I'm going to go wait for Google to accept my application in being their new CEO. They need me. I deserve it and no i wont accept anything less. Until then i wont work hard or try to earn anything in life"

So, what's it going to be? Be better.

Oh. Um no offense.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 16th 2023, 11:20:15

Kind of a weird post and code word for growing Marijuana....hippies

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2023, 13:32:11

Originally posted by Nate:
Originally posted by ZEN:
For some reason I remember a Maz.

And since no one else will answer your question.

There is a debate about when this game died. Some people think it was when mehul closed it. This being a replica of earth2025. However, I believe it died well before that. We may have had more players, but the ratio of bots and multies to real players is probably the same as it is now.

So when did it die.....When most of us became adults, found real jobs, had sex for the first time, the multitude of online games came out, or when readily available porn became available? Who knows really. But from the looks of this forum, it was LaF's fault whatever it was.

Female Body Inspector

/me humps ZEN

<3 elves

Elves!! Got dragged back too I see.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 28th 2023, 0:52:24

For some reason I remember a Maz.

And since no one else will answer your question.

There is a debate about when this game died. Some people think it was when mehul closed it. This being a replica of earth2025. However, I believe it died well before that. We may have had more players, but the ratio of bots and multies to real players is probably the same as it is now.

So when did it die.....When most of us became adults, found real jobs, had sex for the first time, the multitude of online games came out, or when readily available porn became available? Who knows really. But from the looks of this forum, it was LaF's fault whatever it was.

Female Body Inspector

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 25th 2022, 17:23:47

960 BC - Moses leads the chosen people out of Egypt

161 AD - End of Jewish persecution in the Roman Empire

313 AD - Emperor Constantine grants religious freedom to the whole of the Roman Empire



1776 AD - America gains its freedom from England

1810 AD - Mexico gains its freedom from Spain

1841 AD - Canada gains its freedom from England

1865 AD - Slavery is abolished in the US

1919 AD - Women gain the right to vote in the US

1921 AD - Ireland gains its freedom from England

1945 AD - Fall of Hitler and end of Jewish genocide

1948 AD - South Korea gains its freedom from Japan

1991 AD - Ukraine gains its freedom from Russia (TBD on changes to status)

2022 AD - TheBomb gains its freedom from tyrannical moderation....?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 28th 2021, 14:59:50

This is the last straw. I am sick of the cross server attacks on my peace loving nations. Just because I am a kind of white, asian, hispanic, etc. Heterosexual male with homosexual tendencies. (possibly with a small PP, be my friend?) I don't deserve to be treated this way.

I have been singled out for a total of 1 set now. Foul! Gross abuse of game rules!

Change the game play! Change the rules! Mods are bad! Cheaters! Conspiracy! There are probably more examples, but its too early for brain to be working.

Previous Owner of Left, Hook, Your and Tit.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world. People who understand binary and people who don't.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2021, 15:07:36

Originally posted by Crippler ICD:
hey we talked once and you said you liked me



I said "know and like".....know coming from the biblical sense of copulation. So until you give it up, we are just acquaintances.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 20th 2021, 15:03:09

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Its problematic because a 500 acre country has a real cheap way of maxing warfare tech and his missiles are weak because of low acreage/pop/buildings/military but then he can sell a missile to a 250k acre country. The nuke might take out 500 times the acres from the big country.

What is the value of taking out 20k acres in 2 turns? 1 billion? 10 billion?

When your tag is just short the missiles for a chem rush, what is a chem worth for you when it means you can snipe the kill? 100 million? 1 billion?

So that 500 acre country who spent under 50m cash to get the warfare to make 4 missiles a day now has income in the billions/ day assuming someone wants his missiles.

It would be an interesting dynamic in war times. If the changes go through and alliances dec war on each other or DNH on each other. Untags do 90% less damage. Why not? We can't anticipate how much a missile is going to be worth on a public market. Chances are a lot of people will net it out and missiles can be worth nothing. But if there are two alliances at war, then who cares about the acres lost or the chem snipe kill. It also makes warfare tech worth getting for netters if the missile market is booming. You can also have NPC's flood it at times. Also like Bug was saying, you can max the sell price if needed.

As an adverse to your example. You have a war alliance that has been pumping up for war all set to hit a netting alliance. Netting alliance is caught off guard and loses half their countries. They have a shot at getting back into the game if the missile market is healthy. Maybe their allies sell all of their missiles. Maybe they do restart with 5 low acre countries to help their bigger alliance members do more damage.

I don't know if it will work, but that is why I was thinking a test server.

The future missile idea, while good, sounds like a lot of programming to make work right.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 19th 2021, 17:42:06

This is more for after the changes are made in the alliance servers. Would bring a relatively unique option for netters in the clan servers. Also add a weird dynamic for buy/sell. Could spice it up. Maybe do it in whatever the Team server turns into.

Reference - this was in an early rendition of E2025. It didnt go over too well due to suiciders and the like and mehul never wanted to adapt. Just add or remove.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 19th 2021, 17:14:10

I mean....its like 20 vs 2. Or is it.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 18th 2021, 21:58:58

Originally posted by Slagpit:

By the way, I am not responsible for your feelings. You are responsible for your own feelings.

Not involving myself in this thread. However, this is the single greatest common sense statement I've seen on this forum in years.

Carry on.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 18th 2021, 15:58:22

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Zen, I was perfectly happy button mashing. BR kills suck.

haha I hope that wasnt you we killed....i didnt actually think ICD was the same as the FFA one.

the only guy I know and like over there....would be about right.

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Hi Zen! I am low key semi not playing this round :P

We will find someone to kill in your name then! How dare they!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 17th 2021, 18:58:53

We also dec on Soviet. For missing us. I am pretty sure that is what Galleri was referring to.

Also, we declare a one way FDP with Superfly. Not sure where he is at, but he's our guy and we will attack anyone to keep him safe.

Ok I got it all out i think.

If they ever open up the ability to hit your own tag, we will probably dec on FBI too. But until then, be afraid!

Also - taking applications. Especially from our enemies who are dying in droves.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 17th 2021, 18:49:52

Hello Team, My Old Friend
We've come to play with you again
Because an itch needed scratching
We were tired of the button mashing
And the vision that was planted in our brain
Is your remains
Within the game of Team

"The Game of Team" in the tune of The Sound of Silence

So.....I think we are declaring on ICD? Yes. In defense of our long standing ally....knn? Yes, KNN. The brother we've known forever.

Also, we declare war on KNN. For hitting weedylar.

Lastly, XxLoCxXx. For a lot of reasons. But mainly for the fact that he only has (2) x's in the beginning of his tag name and (3) x's in the end.

To Valhalla!

We like sex? Yes. We like sex.

P.S: Also we declare peace on xUISx (this is a one way peace only, so we do not accept their declaration of peace on us in any way).

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

May 6th 2021, 14:32:18

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Thank you Req!

BTW have you tried the iced tea Truly yet? They're really good, I had 6 on Saturday night while playing wreckfest with friends on the Xbox lol

Drinking and driving FTW!

I consider myself a decent human being. I love all races, sexes, species, etc. I will always listen to someone's opinion on the way the perceive things in the world should be. Even if I disagree, I have enough respect for another opinion to really read it. I even enjoy a good argument from time to time.

However, they say there are a few things in the world that should never be tolerated. Regardless of culture, country, society, etc. Universally wrong. Even little tribes in the middle of the Amazon rainforest know the difference.

Having said that, the drinking of Truly or any other seltzers should be added to this list. Do I think Truly is on par with that of incest? Ya. I freaking do. In fact, I would consider it worse because you then convince others its ok. You might think to yourself. That seems rather far fetched or brash of me to say. Here are all the things I can think of off hand that they have in common:

1. They both require YEARS of therapy after
2. Most likely result in the deformity of your children
3. Both excuses like "well it was all that was around" or "I didn't want to, but it did the job" seem to be common between them
4. Often connected with unstable households
5. Even a small taste or sip is super offensive
6. Though this may not be scientifically backed, I am pretty sure they both rot your teeth (having no teeth seems to be the end result at least)
7. There seems to be an emotional connection to them and can result in jealousy or anger at seeing someone else take "whats yours, i reckon"
8. Both really require a deep down loathing of ones self to accomplish

So you tell me. Join me in not allowing this to spread. I've already seen it taken over a few of our community here and I for one am disgusted.

Check No Boxes
Undisputed world champion of the current clan named "xSOLx"

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 26th 2021, 14:14:47


You know, I hear that mimicry is the greatest form of flattery. If you want to join Gains, you have to do it like everyone else. No shortcuts.

Also - have you even found all of us? We found your implants the first week. Do better.

Classic Noise Brigade
Up n' Coming #1 Artist and Chart Leader of current clan named "xSOLx"

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 23rd 2021, 13:23:11

Originally posted by Chevs:
Quite the contrary, they spend hours searching for us.

I think it would be measured in DAYS

I am pretty sure they think that we measure success in kills or hits or how many times we can report them because they are being big meanies.

We measure success in humor, wasting their time, and being overall awesome. Now if they measure success in being overly obsessed with finding us (even if it means cheating), seeing a lot of digitized boobs, or the record for the longest time having their mothers cook dinner for them. Maybe its a tie?

So I guess thats it. We end in a tie. Or do we?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 23rd 2021, 12:56:25

is it true that you are 100% French?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 22nd 2021, 15:58:43

It's ok, we can still have those secret meetings about how we are going to trick laf (again).

I cant believe they keep falling for it, BFF! This whole time. Classic. They thought you were on their side.

CNB Never Dies, Never Hides (in other tags)
Military Leader in coup of current clan named "xSOLx"

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 22nd 2021, 15:43:15

Hey BFF,

They no longer allow alts. We can share our open love now.

Have you heard? It's true - King of current clan named "xSOLx"

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 21st 2021, 22:03:05

While we are in our war against the true blue, always have been, Monsters and Evo players. Like the real long standing vets that have been there for YEARS. We seem to be getting attacked by some scrubs in two clans called "LaF" and "Mercs" (both are case sensitive from in game so you know who it is). Not sure what they are doing and don't really have the time to reach out to them directly.

Could you please help them? They seem to be doing a rather poor job killing off just a few players. It's hard to watch. Maybe a long standing alliance like SoF could show them the ropes?

You know where to find us.

CNB Revival Tour
Last Known Emperor of clan named "xSOLx"

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 19th 2021, 18:25:01

one time this truly evil genius in FFA was out to get me and bought all of my $2000 stocked oil. He might tell you he did it on accident and maybe even warned everyone in the chat first, but I know the truth. I finished the game with over a trillion dollars and nothing to spend it on.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 16th 2021, 19:28:36

love SF or hate him, boy has style

Sup SF!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2021, 15:59:14

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I guess the bomb was a complete failure then.

Never in a million years do you get to define what someone else considers success or failure. Not that I care, just making sure everyone else knows. You talk too much, but you don't talk for anyone else but your own delusions.

So by that logic never in a million years do YOU get to define what someone else considers success or failure? :-)

I don't see how this applies. Like, do you need confirmation?

Fine. Yes, Gains. That is what Req said. Well done.

Success in understanding goes to you (we probably share that view on success, but feel free to contradict). Failure, in my view, of trolling also goes to you.

And trust me Derrick, Req care level is pretty low. Everything he does and says has nothing to do with self gratification in any way. He measures self gratification, like a fool, outside of this game. While drinking Truly and wearing dresses no doubt.

Lastly (and yes he's my man and I back him always).....when you say "I think the way he feels about things only applies to himself" that is a well put together, irrelevant statement. I would say rarely is the case that it isn't true. If you want to call him a hypocrite, just do it. No need to present it in the following format (summarization of your post):

1. Pre-cursor to statement, include bitterness
2. Overly descriptive definition of statement
3. Empathetic stance on view of person, possible mixture of self view
4. Solidarity of (perceived) view of statement but clear line of distinction on emulation to own self view

I can post it better, feel free to use it.

"Hi Req. Big fan. You and I are the same in that I see us both as hypocrites. People are mean, right? I'm great though. I do it on purpose. You want to be me. AT is a crazy place. Ok bye now"


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2021, 18:23:32

is anyone else offended by the assumption of only two genders?!

I am human-ish, TYVM.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2021, 18:13:34


You should be good soon, Academus.

chief of current clan named "xSOLx"