
anewone Game profile


Jul 15th 2015, 15:02:56

When allocating bonus points, does "luck" affect eventsike Indy booms and earthquakes? Or does it only have the effects explicitly listed in the description?

Also, can we please stop with the selling all the cheap turrets? Thanks.

anewone Game profile


Jul 10th 2015, 8:22:39

Yeah I only recently started playing (last time was abt 2005 when it was Earth: 2025) and a lot has changed in the way people select targets, I feel. I'm with Cerberus is that I only use the scores list to pick targets. Also I don't necessarily retal... I pick what seems like the best target at the time (greatest chance of success, greatest opportunity for land, least likelihood of retal) period. Sometimes that's a country above me, sometimes below, sometimes its someone whose hit me before, sometimes not. I don't hold grudges or let others actions provoke me into doing something that's not strategically sound. well... I try not to, at least.

anewone Game profile


Jul 7th 2015, 8:46:08

Yeah I kept waiting for the retal. Actually only got one retal this round though.

Starting grabbing too soon this round, and not soon enough last round... I'll get the sweet spot some day.

anewone Game profile


Jul 6th 2015, 14:36:44

Over 2mil more networth, but the exact same place as last round. So good job to everyone for doing that much better this time I guess. :-)

anewone Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 2:27:00

I eventually had to, was falling behind. I think round I might start sooner, but in the past I've had bad luck picking targets.

anewone Game profile


Jul 1st 2015, 1:00:22

Yay! My first time in top 25. This reset country name is different the forum handle heheh.

anewone Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 5:56:51

Yeah I wasn't sure what they were playing at GSing right away... Was going to retal but assumed that's what they wanted/it was a trick? I guess they just want to see the world burn.

anewone Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 19:43:31

To BUTTMAN - Thanks for putting that into perspective; I can see what you mean. I've definitely been selling my stuff for a lot less this round than previous rounds and hadn't thought there was much I could do about it, but that strategy makes sense I'll see if I have the patience to wait it out!

As far as the block vs. incremental explore... it seems like block exploring might be most efficient if you are only planning to explore early when the returns are high then start grabbing, but if you plan to keep exploring the whole game then it's best to do incrementally?

anewone Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 14:09:58

Thanks for the feedback. Is it really efficient to explore so much without building up? I only explore when acres < BPT in order to maximize production per turn. Also you mentioned other players pwrhaps haven't as many turns... What's the advantage of waiting to play turn? I always play mine as soon as I can. Thanks!

anewone Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 13:24:26

So I just accidentally explored for 32 turns. That sucked. But I was wondering, at what point is it a good idea for a Commie Indy to start landgrabbing instead of exploring? I usually start attacking sooner but this round I've just been exploring and it seems to be working pretty well, has anyone ever tried *only* exploring?