
anewone Game profile


Mar 30th 2016, 1:19:30

Ah, good to know. Thanks! Marshal: yeah, it was on the 25th that this happened.

anewone Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 20:19:50

Nvm it's normal now. Weird. Is that a thing that happens sometimes?

anewone Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 19:43:34

... Or are things really weird? Says I'm rank 0 and the score page says there are no players for this reset. Happening for everyone?

anewone Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 18:24:11

ohhhh man. really bad timing when that huge order you forgot about goes through and wipes out all your cash right after a planned attack.

anewone Game profile


Mar 17th 2016, 5:13:22

Used to play e2025 ubtil around 2005, I was at University. Played as USSA or Altrunia. Fun times.

anewone Game profile


Jan 8th 2016, 20:48:05

Speaking of bonuses, remember: Nemo bonus Brito est

anewone Game profile


Dec 30th 2015, 0:57:11

Hey everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood Oil Salesman here, reminding you that it's never too late to get that retal! Pretty soon the reset will be over and you won't have had your revenge, wouldn't that be sad? Special price while supplies last! Seriously. Buy my oil plz. K thnx.

anewone Game profile


Nov 28th 2015, 0:35:25

I went to university in Vancouver (UBC) but moved back to the states in 2009... seemed like a good idea at the the time, but sometimes I do wish I had stayed. You're definitely right people get along and the RCMP is much more friendly/reasonable to citizens than the cops here. And you're definitely right about the diversity in Vancouver especially there's people from all over the world there, and for the most part they do all get along, (I lived in a house with people from Australia, China, Vietnam, and Austria plus US/Canada and we were all friends). Despite all it's problems, I do still believe in the people of the USA, and would like to think that we can grow and change. Canada isn't without a problematic history, either *cough* First Nations *cough* but the abolition movement started a lot sooner there than in the states and slavery ended for the UK/Commonwealth countries 30 years before it did here... So, I like to think that if we keep working on improving race relations here we can be like Canada in a generation or two... y'all just had a head start ;-).

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 18:13:48

K I'm going to stop posting on this topic because I actually like playing this game and if I keep arguing with y'all it's going to ruin it for me. Thanks.

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 17:06:03

And as far as riots go... The reaction of the state/police has less to do with the actions of the rioters an more to do with why they are rioting.

anewone Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 16:55:10

I thought that examples I listed after that statement made it clear I was referring to history. You know, hundreds of years of slavery where killing a black person was treated as destruction of their owner's property property because they had no legal rights. That kind of attitude, while not in the letter of the lawlaw, still pervades be legal and justice system because laws are enforced by people, and lots of people are still prejudiced. Also if you live a community where the cops, lawyers, judges and juries are members of or sympathetic to groups like the kkk then yeah, you can be pretty confident that if you kill a black person it probably won't get investigated, and if it does you probably won't get a arrested and if you do you probably won't be convicted and if you do you'll get a far less harsh sentence than if the victim was white.

Just go to any Internet forum and see some of the bigoted, hateful, racist things people say... Then realize that any of them could serve on a jury or even be a cop and prosecutor or a judge.

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 19:32:43

Not really. That would just explain why more white people are involved in violent crimes (either as victims or perpetrators) generally. But I'm speaking to the point that most black murder victims are killed by black perpetrators. While this fact is true, it has no rhetorical strength because the same applies to any racial group. The only thing it goes to show is that we live in a largely segregated society and that most victims of violent crimes are known personally by their attackers, there for most people kill within their race.

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 15:38:20

I feel like you didn't read my previous post, or didn't understand it. Well, if I believed you were a rational person or interested in debate instead of a brainwashed racist troll that's what I would think. But the protests are against the completely biased judicial system (not to mention the education, economic and other systems that privilege white people) not just a specific murder. The thing is that white people have been killing black people for hundreds of years without fear of reprisal or condemnation. Slavery, lynch mobs, kkk etc. But a black person kills a white person they are aggressively prosecuted and punished, if not executed on site. Black folks have to live in fear every day that someone will blame them for something they didn't do and be so afraid of them just because of the color of their skin that they end up dead just for existing. You yourself suggested that for the crime of excersising their First Amendment right to free speech, assembly and airing their grievances against the government protesters should be LYNCHED. Right now, two days in a row protesters have been SHOT for committing no crime other than pointing out the hypocrisy of our racist police and demanding justice. Even if they were wrong, they don't deserve to be killed. Even the kkk and other racist hate groups can March down the street with the confidence that they won't be attacked and if they were their attackers would be arrested, prosecuted and punished. Meanwhile peaceful protesters are shot at and you call for them to be hanged.

Also, black police officers are still part of the problem, and like many black people ( but especially black cops) they have internalized racism and can be just as racist against other black people as white cops. They are part of the problem and we're protesting them, too.

anewone Game profile


Nov 26th 2015, 8:25:57

Randus: More whites are killed by whites. More or any race is killed by their same race, it's a consequence of living in a racially segregated society. Folks tend to kill those they know / are around.

The reason to protest police killing anyone is because it's their job to serve and protect, not murder. Police aren't just killing people, they're killing people while being paid by our government/taxes. They should be accountable to us. Thus lawsuits, protests, etc.

Someone murdering someone else, regardless of race etc. Is wrong and tragic. But the thing is that white people, especially those with exceptional power (the police) get away with murdering black and brown people disproportionately. Whites who kill black people are far more likely to be acquitted, or have much lighter sentences, or not be arrested at all than black people who kill white people.

The protesting and outrage isn't over just random killings it's about killings that are done with impunity by agents of the state which go without punishment because of systemic racism. That is, our police and justice system are set up to favor white people and that's what's not fair. Obviously people of all races do terrible things to people of all races, but that is not the point.

anewone Game profile


Nov 12th 2015, 1:53:49

Speaking of that... Who put in So for 1 barrels? What gives?

anewone Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 16:06:43

Got it, thanks for the input! I guess I was over thinking it.

anewone Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 8:03:58

I've always bought units off the public market (when I'm not playing as commie) and I basically always ignored the private market... however, I'm trying to play as oiler this set and I'm thinking maybe this is a strategy where it makes sense to purchase from the private market... am I on the right track?

anewone Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 15:15:01

Well maybe it was over 300? I thought I was only buying 150k so I didn't pay close attention. But I remember that the time there was a little over 1.2mil available at whatever price.

anewone Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 5:58:28

Most (1.2mil) was under 300.. Sounds like that went to Stan.

anewone Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 5:56:09

Lol well glad it went to you at least.

anewone Game profile


Oct 15th 2015, 14:48:36

Definitely added a couple extra zeros to that order...did not mean to buy 1.5mil barrels. Good news I won't have to buy oil the rest of the set, bad news is I wiped out half my cash in one turn.

anewone Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 19:28:30

that was fast:

1.5 mins ago
You purchased 565,723 Bushels at $45 for $28,003,289 via standing order.
1,434,277 Bushels remain in your order.

anewone Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 19:26:33

ok ok farmers, you've had your fun now we're all sitting here storing up turns, let's get this economy moving again.

anewone Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 5:33:51

But we all started out with the same land etc, and the rules apply equally to everyone. If you are that concerned about people taking your land, why are you so small / don't have more turrets? But also having your land taken is not the end of the world, and avoiding attacks is only one strategy. I'll say from personal experience I grab land from people half my size or less, but there's always at least one of them that places above me by the end of the set, even if they never are able to retail me.

anewone Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 6:48:47

All I mean to say is that there's a point at which you have so much defense no one could grab from you if they tried. If you say that this doesn't work cause still someone in top ten can grab you... You just don't have enough turrets still. Now this may not be the best strategy, for sure, but if you don't want people to take your land, that's what it is.

anewone Game profile


Sep 26th 2015, 7:29:47

Yeah Indy tech pays for itself and the earlier you get it the better return on the investment. I think the reason it gets cheaper is at least partly because its less valuable later in the set.

anewone Game profile


Sep 23rd 2015, 14:06:48

Well I guess I meant protection from successful land grabs. Example I could get hit right now, but I doubt anyone would actually be able to take any land, as I have 2.8mil turrets. Sometimes people send me a message after I take their land, saying it's not fair because I'm so much bigger than them... All I can say is I wouldn't have been able to take their land if they had more turrets.

anewone Game profile


Sep 23rd 2015, 0:50:14

Only protection from land grabs is a strong defense. GDI is just for the things turrets can't do.

anewone Game profile


Sep 21st 2015, 13:46:14

All full now sorry thanks

anewone Game profile


Sep 18th 2015, 0:27:48

One of my defensive allies has left, and I'm looking for someone with a lot of turrets. I'm currently in the top ten, finished 18th last reset and was only attacked 3 times. If you have or plan to have soon a lot of turrets, and tend to play defensively so you don't get attacked often, please let me know. Thanks :-)

anewone Game profile


Sep 16th 2015, 18:02:51

What's best place to put bonus if you're commie? I always do expenses, but luck seems fun.

anewone Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 15:55:50

Cool. Good to know thanks!

anewone Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 8:22:12

Does the same thing apply to sales? Right now I have two sets of turrets on sale for the same price, if someone buys some but not all of one does that one get moved to the back of the line (behind anyone else's turrets up for the same price)? And if so, would having multiple batches at the same price help keep one of them up at the front of the line compared with one large batch? And I suppose it's it worth the extra turn to post them?

anewone Game profile


Sep 11th 2015, 6:18:45

Thanks mrford that makes sense... Since an order for 35 will purchase bushels at 34 and below too. Weird that orders move to the back of the line like that. How did you figure that out just testing / watching really close?

anewone Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 16:37:23

That is a great tip mrford. I hadn't even thought of that. Thanks! Do you think it's better to set each order at a different price? like lets say the most you want to spend is 35, should you also set 34 and 33 so that if something comes up at 33 it doesn't push your orders for 34 and 35 back to the end as well?

anewone Game profile


Aug 24th 2015, 3:13:49

Well it looks like I'm done growing now as all the countries I grabbed from before are now retalling and getting all their acres back plus interest. Lesson learned. But still hoping for top 20. Thanks.

anewone Game profile


Aug 12th 2015, 6:50:56

Fair enough. I've definitely see that when spying... Doesn't seem... Practical? But, to each their own, I guess.

anewone Game profile


Aug 11th 2015, 22:01:50

You sold 3 Troops for $297.
360,329 Troops remain for sale.

What's even the point?

anewone Game profile


Aug 11th 2015, 6:26:53

Really? Y'all using bonus points on turns? What a waste... I'd put it to expenses or luck... Something that'll help you long term. Maybe just because I always have a ton of turns left at the end of the set.

anewone Game profile


Aug 7th 2015, 8:58:01

RMcCourt, are you talking to me? If so, that seems a little harsh considering I said "hopefully" indicating that I am not entirely confident, and that this is just a strategy I'm trying. I was not boasting or bragging.

Also, whenever I make posts from my phone the autocorrect changes retal to retail.

anewone Game profile


Aug 7th 2015, 2:15:04

yeah this is why I try to keep my networth / acres ratio as high as possible, makes me less of a tasty target (hopefully).

anewone Game profile


Jul 30th 2015, 21:28:23

Yeah pretty much the only thing I've done differently this set than previous was buying lots of tech, and its made a huge difference for me personally. Without tech I'd be making over 10k less turrets/jets per turn... That ads up and pays for itself really fast. I've probably spent about 200mil on industrial tech this set, but for 10k more per turn @ abt $150 per unit that pays for itself in about 130 turns... So I'd say it's with it, for Indy at least.

anewone Game profile


Jul 29th 2015, 20:34:39

Whoa OK that's a lot more than I was thinking. Any thoughts on how many days from the end one should stop grabbing?

anewone Game profile


Jul 29th 2015, 18:18:15

I've played this game for a while now, but never been in the top ten this far into the set. Honestly at this point in past rounds I had pretty much given up, so I'm not sure how the end game works in primary. How many acres is a good target for a commie/indy? At what point should I stop growing/grabbing? Any opinions/advice appreciated, thank you!

anewone Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 17:35:28

Oh wow I didn't realize there was so little difference in networth between turrets and troops... This may effect my strat for my primary country, I'll have to think about it, thanks for the info!

anewone Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 3:59:38

"really how are you going to get research allies on a solo server? curious I would also like research allies >.>"

can you not have research allies in Express as you can in Primary? If not, I didn't notice because I didn't try to make any this round lol.

"why did you buy turrets?"

I didn't really think about it. I figured I needed to buy lots of something before time ran out (it was 4:59 and the match was set to end at 4:59 so I had to quickly buy as much of something and turrets was what I picked.

Is it not generally a good idea to stock up on stuff right at the end, to use up whatever cash you have and turn it into networth?

anewone Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 2:08:49

Yay! Made it to top 25 (25th counts!) First time playing techer. Realized I wasn't going to have time to research/sell more tech so I put up all the bushels I had been stocking at the SO rate, they sold 30 seconds before the end of the reset and I bought turrets as fast as I could and jumped up into 25th at the last minute. Next time need more land. and some research allies. Congrats to all, see you next round!

anewone Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 23:33:27

But yeah I've always ever played commie/Indy, the end game is so drastically different, I didn't really think it through... Stuck with 200+ turns I can't use and I keep waiting for unit prices to fall so I can get some nw.. Don't think it's going yo happen. Oh well it was fun to try a different strategy.

anewone Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 22:22:58

Ugh yeah well I was doin okay until a massive SO for 2mil turrets went through right as I played a turn and wiped out my cash and caused a ton of my units/pop to leave. Oops.

anewone Game profile


Jul 25th 2015, 3:37:56

Did everyone just stop buying tech or have I just had bad pricing? This is my first time playing teacher and I don't know what's up... Going great until today, nothing selling.