

New Member

Sep 2nd 2013, 20:00:32

Soultaker/galleri don't talk about fairness and Sof, your just embarrassing yourself the high ground is not available to you. Don't you remember not that long ago md fs'd Sof and was going to wipe the floor of Sof off the sever... So you called In LAF to make it 150 v 80...


New Member

Sep 2nd 2013, 19:53:27

Cod is ranked too high


New Member

Sep 1st 2013, 6:41:31

why would pdm need jets..? :P


New Member

Sep 1st 2013, 1:33:52

The civil was has been going on for too long, and like it has been posted before. It's no robin hood story their with the rebels looking after the people. The rebels are killing civilians too.

Just because this is the middle east, the world can't sit back and allow this kind of behaviour to continue. Chemical weapons on its own people is a conflict for the world to take on. Not just the trigger happy Americans.

Where are all the human rights activists now when people are dying in the thousands?


New Member

Sep 1st 2013, 1:29:11

i bought up what seemed to be last 1m jets on the market... now nothing but small batches.


New Member

Aug 31st 2013, 10:54:13

scode when did you get demoted from FA?


New Member

Aug 29th 2013, 22:12:01

Lol mak you should really create an at ban for dk and stick to it.

You are admitting you dec on kotg for stealing your members?? Your members aren't your possession. If they would leave dk for as you say a 'spam tag' then dk has plenty of work to do. Perhaps more time working on IA then on at?


New Member

Aug 28th 2013, 23:28:28

It is quiet incredible looking from aus at the images and video how much devastation that was caused. Very sad. Good to hear things are rebuilding.

I don't think anything would come close to actually being there on the ground.


New Member

Aug 28th 2013, 23:25:58

Lol Bstrong I clearly held dk too high in the respectable clans list on this server... That same grubby smack your rambling about .. They ror'd, stole our tech blah blah. You've lost every war you started or joined, and you didn't like that a startup clan could retal you. So you tried to exercise your strength over a small clan trying to have a go. That's the same stuff people whinge about with LAF or Sof, and yet you try and make it sound ok by calling them a 'spam' tag. Nice

Take a look at the history, they weren't going to war you, or pose a threat to your 'netting' set...

Wahoo you declared on a 'spam' tag and killed their defenceless countries, well done Bigdk.


New Member

Aug 28th 2013, 2:38:42

hi buch, firstly i am NOT in kotg i wouldn't be that silly given the state of the server. So my comments strickly come from observing the situation as have other alliances. :)


New Member

Aug 27th 2013, 12:45:22

lol you both are embarrassing yourselves. The laughing stock of the small clans. Have some class. Please.


New Member

Aug 27th 2013, 7:23:58

it all depends on the status of the server and wars going on and market prices. You may be better of sticking to 100% commy indi and sell to buy tech.


New Member

Aug 27th 2013, 7:23:02



New Member

Aug 27th 2013, 7:20:43

lol this is pathetic from DK. Bstrong you couldn't have picked a weaker 'clan' to target for a war you could win eh, perhaps you could have declared war on untaggs but probably wouldn't win that one.

Buch even admitted that every other clan was farming them, and yet you still feel the need to farm them, then when they attempt to retaliate. You see an opportunity to finally claim a win??

LOl shame on DK. Obviously their nuts are smaller then assumed... sigh.