
bigw Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 7:22:52

Soviet = Sov or another soviet?

bigw Game profile


Jan 4th 2013, 6:36:34

Originally posted by Bambam24:
We are looking for New and Experienced to join us.

Become a Death Knight member and be knighted by our beloved leader BStrong.

IS that european for jizzed on?

bigw Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 7:17:35

I don't see what difference it makes. Sov has stated numerous times that both Laf and SoF were planning on declaring on MD. Regardless of any plans MD had made, SoF and Laf had planned to gank MD. So putting all that aside, that puts SoF at preset plans to FS MD, which then null SoV argument about splitting the SOf tag, blah blah.

Whichever way you roll the dice, FDP or not, 165 v 70 is NOT a fair fight. No matter how much spin you put on it... SOV.

bigw Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 5:12:07

I thought sol and rival were fighting ?

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 5:39:02

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 5:36:45

@crest true story? Links?

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 5:32:38

Cool thanks. :)

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 5:21:29

I agree 100% that spending is this issue. However the second that the government makes cuts you get people stepping up complaining about it and calling the government every name under the sun. You can't have a larger portion of your population who are lazy and rather then working for their own benefits they put there hand out and expect the government to pay for them. Then cry when the government makes spending cuts.

I think social benefits and unemployment benefits need a reform. There should be a time limit that people get unemployment benefits before they are either forced into training or do not get any benefit. Obviously disabilities, injured, and seniors are the exemptions. Single parents once kids are at school age need to get employment. Small businesses are the back bone to any economy and if you talk to them they are crying for people who ACTUALLY WANT TO WORK. The media promotes to society that lets all just live a party life and expect everything to be given to us, kids grow up not wanting to work, or take some jobs cause it 'aint cool to their friends'.

Government needs to make cuts, just make them and live with it. The problem is that the people in government don't LIVE with the effects of the decisions they make so there is no 1st world impact on them personally. Obama can raise tax, lower tax, do this do that and he feels nothing. In Australia here, we were crying about government wasted, so the new government party was voted in here in Qld, then we whinge when they make the tough calls and make cuts. Stupidity. People need to educate themselves and be prepared to work for what they want instead of hand outs.

Qld government just saked 17,000 government staff over here and nothing has changed in terms of service levels. My question is what the fluff where they doing before hand????

Government accountability, and a real democracy where the people make the decisions is best.

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 0:45:31

So just grab, building more IC and then selling and go on?

Tech is so expensive, do i sell twice a day and one sale is buying indi tech? Perhaps military tech as well to keep costs down?

bigw Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 0:44:10

how the fluff is middle class $400 k per year. What does that make the rest of us earning $100k or below... unemployed?

bigw Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:17:17

i don't get when it's been okay for an 80 member alliance feels it needs to declare war on a 15 member alliance. LaF can't use the MD war as an excuse as MD has not hit LaF once.... sigh.

bigw Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:13:21

Thomas stick to your guns, your #1 concern is to your members, NOT to LAF, SOF or anyone else that wants to flex there weight in this game. That is how memberships will suffer because leaders succumb to the pressure of other heads and not think of their own.

Its sad but LaF has no other targets that would wet their lips as much as SoF right now so it kinda sucks. So they bait, and bait and eventually find a crack.

bigw Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:03:34

cool thanks for the reply. I noticed last set the tech was great. And so this set went techer, however i got caught a few times earlier with tech prices fluctuating so quickly. :)

bigw Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:00:37

lol he will learn. They probably just board, and need something for their members to do. Rather then risk being tag kill against an even or smaller alliance they just run off some untags.

bigw Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 7:07:29

chilly sauce or is it some freaky homemade white sauce???

bigw Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 5:03:18

i saw last set techers rocked. Anyone had issues with tech prices this set fluxuating and getting caught with tech not selling on the market?

bigw Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 5:02:19


bigw Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 5:00:58

Obvious one here is that commies sell military on the market.

And land is key here if planning on sticking to commy? Is it worth combining a commy with casher to try and keep it positive if wanting to stay with lower land?

Or is it best to keep grabbing for land a commy and sell military on market? Say twice a day to keep enough cash on hand for running turns?

How would a commi go in war, if his cash count is so high per turn? would have to stock as a commy but that wouldnt really work wouldit?

bigw Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 4:58:19

is this also rated good for allaince if you have tag proection as well?