
cronie Game profile


Oct 17th 2016, 14:47:56

cronie Game profile


Oct 13th 2016, 11:32:40

cronie Game profile


Oct 8th 2016, 17:33:27

how do you know the player in game is deano

cronie Game profile


Oct 3rd 2016, 2:10:04

cronie Game profile


Sep 30th 2016, 2:42:56


cronie Game profile


Sep 23rd 2016, 15:04:55


cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 2:13:03

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:

Duh I'm a hot head that's public knowledge. And until proven otherwise you can or cannot say that was him. Your basing YOUR assumption off his word which you basically said meant jack fluff earlier in the thread.

How's life as a hot headed moron who has trouble with perception and comprehension of reality?

Look at the logic you espoused earlier. You said "he [GDI Salesman] didn't attack you back" and so the conclusion must be that he (GDI Salesman) must be GPA. What kind of twisted loopy logic is that in tard land? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

I've already pointed out that both users have been playing concurrently in the past so I knew GPA was full of it early in the thread. I pointed it out. GDI salesman also exclusively ABs high networth people, even people who later retal or do FS on him. He's seemingly out to sell GDI, not get high kill counts. Look at history. Also, for all these months, never have the salesman once owned up in the forum, let alone purposely pissing people off and goading people into KRing him. Its out of character. Lots of reasons. Things you pick up on when you're observant and not a total tard.

Must be different being you living life with beer goggles and having no clarity of observation or thought.

Edited By: cronie on Sep 18th 2016, 2:35:32

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 1:56:57

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:

And your opinion means diddly squat to me. And yes I'm tired best thing I come up with at the moment. fluff off

Means diddly squat to you yet you're whining about being called out as a patsy.

Seriously, you're a moron. He played you. He might be chicken shyt by not fighting you face to face and dodging you, but he outgamed you with mind games.

And you're a hot head. Read a public ambiguous conversation on the forum, rush to conclusions and act on false information and flawed assumptions & conclusions. That's the hallmark of what dumb people do.

To add salt to the wound, you can't seem to read either. At a time when he admitted he was playing games, you attack the wrong person AGAIN. Tards gon' tard?

Edited By: cronie on Sep 18th 2016, 2:01:31

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 1:52:26

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:

You sound like Donald minute your calling him a troll and a liar next minute your sucking his weiner.make up your mind

Oh wow I'm Donald Trump? Oh my gosh!

That's your best comeback? Your level of intelligence is shining through.

I didn't suck up to anybody. I'm calling it like I see it. One is a pansy and one is a patsy.

BTW, in case you can't piece it together yourself, I meant to say that YOU are the patsy.

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 1:46:46

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Originally posted by cronie:
Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Your still a pansy

I think one is a pansy and one is a patsy.

Him as the former for dodging you and using fraud to throw other people under the bus to dodge you.

And you as the latter for being played like a moronic thimble and waste effort KRing innocents that was not your main target.

One is a chicken, one is a moron.

And nobody asked for your opinion :)

It's apparent that it is him....because if it wasn't he would of been smart enough to hit me after I spent all my turns killing that "poor" innocent. Funny not once has that country messaged me...

Its a public forum and I can comment on controversy as I see fit.

lol you're dumber than I thought then.

At this point KOH has even admitted he's not GDI salesman. In fact, he never actually said he was. To his credit, he played it ambiguous throughout this thread.

But even at this junction when the facts are out, you still think he is GDI salesman. In fact, looking at the news feed you just attacked GDI salesman's restart a few more times. You're a moron.

As the old saying goes, can't save stupid.

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 1:37:07

Originally posted by GeneralofRome:
Your still a pansy

I think one is a pansy and one is a patsy.

Him as the former for dodging you and using fraud to throw other innocent strangers under the bus to dodge you.

And you as the latter for being fooled and played like a moronic thimble and waste effort KRing innocents that was not your main target.

One is chicken shyt, and the other a hot headed imbecile. He's Bernie Madoff and you're a drunk who sucker punches an innocent stranger in a bar fight. I'm not sure who's worse in this situation.

Edited By: cronie on Sep 18th 2016, 1:44:30

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 1:27:11

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

I already said im not him LOL i baited General so he can kill him because he wants me soooooo badly....worked like i thought it would :-)


Your last reply was that "you're still alive". Right at the time the salesman made a 2nd restart account. It would appear that you were continuing on your act of deception. It does not come off as "you didn't actually get my real account".

cronie Game profile


Sep 17th 2016, 23:21:07

That's what I do. Set a buy order. It buys or it doesn't.

cronie Game profile


Sep 17th 2016, 23:11:13

I think KoHeartsGPA is fraudster and a troll. I've seen plenty of rounds with him and GDI salesman playing concurrently.

The salesman has been around for a while and never publicly owned up or took credit, but suddenly goes around goading people on the forum to KR him? Right after a round where KoHeartsGPA was pissing people off and had to change names and keep the heat off of himself?

Reminds me of the fake burrito guy from FFA forum claiming to be of the burrito clan to piss people off, since burrito's playing style was already controversial.

As a verification, I sent the salesman an in game message. Repost that message here for verification if you are the account owner. .... Exactly.

Edited By: cronie on Sep 18th 2016, 1:31:41

cronie Game profile


Sep 17th 2016, 1:07:52

Probably just one or two "people with mixed thoughts" about GDI. Mostly just one.

cronie Game profile


Sep 14th 2016, 16:57:54


cronie Game profile


Aug 6th 2016, 2:44:36

Another theory is that NukEvil is Jin.

cronie Game profile


Aug 2nd 2016, 16:08:53

Then don't join GDI and see what happens.

You're looking at this wrong anyway. Even though rounds end at 8pm EST, you should really view the round as ending somewhere around 6-7pm EST, because by then GDI starts to tighten who you can hit around your networth. Think of the last 2 hours as "quiet time" to gather yourself before the round is finally over and rankings are established. But as far as strikes are concerned, that 'ended' at 6pm EST. So your round has actually ended at 6pm. So you ought to have planned around the round ending earlier, instead of whining.

cronie Game profile


Jul 31st 2016, 11:19:59

No I don't bounce now because I always use 10% more or so. Only when I started playing a long while ago. But the question popped into my head so I finally asked. I don't know where this 5% each side rule is listed though.

cronie Game profile


Jul 31st 2016, 3:49:48

Oh? I didn't know that. That could explain it then. Yeah in that case, definitely +10%.

cronie Game profile


Jul 31st 2016, 3:44:58

Lets say you assume someone will not be online to play turns and items on the market won't be returned to suddenly cause a surge of army.

If you just did an op on someone, and you calculated the exact numerical number needed to theoretically break someone, how much extra gain do you add to make sure you succeed? i.e. all bonuses taken into account such as 50% extra planned strike, 25% extra Dict, -10% Rep, Research Bonus, all the mil hit points, etc.

I've had times were I do just a bit higher than the theoretical and for it not to work. Not sure why. Maybe he was online and played turns. Maybe things got returned from market. So now I put a healthy 5-10% margin on top of the theoretical number to make sure the strike goes through, but its wasted troops and wasted oil. Ideally I'd like to cut it slimmer and be more efficient. What is your 'fudge' factor?

cronie Game profile


Jul 30th 2016, 21:54:23

Its too late to worry about wearing protection after you have already caught STDs.

cronie Game profile


Jul 25th 2016, 4:16:31

Basically bayrock = deano = complain about GDI.

clintonista = complain about GDI

Nobody else to have ever played before these new arrivals a few months ago, ever complained about GDI.

Both write long essays about philosophies behind EE (that nobody else gives a crap about) and rallying for a change to the system to suit their personal utopian vision of EE.

Trend shows what?

Edited By: cronie on Jul 25th 2016, 4:27:11

cronie Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 17:17:12

I can't help but feel there is a bit of witch hunting going on. A lot of names are thrown out. Maybe half the server is a multi.

Im stepping off the soap box. May the witch hunting continue.

cronie Game profile


Jul 23rd 2016, 16:46:11

Originally posted by NukEvil:

He's complaining in the same manner that bayrock has complained about on these boards.

He also complained about GDI like some other users around here. Not a "multi" is it?

cronie Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 23:05:05

Unrelated but another reminder I'd like to see is a voice recording telling you to wipe your ass after you flush a number 2. Just in case you forget. Shtt happens.

cronie Game profile


Jul 18th 2016, 16:43:32


cronie Game profile


Jul 12th 2016, 5:21:17


cronie Game profile


Jul 11th 2016, 2:45:00

its probably a multi.

cronie Game profile


Jul 6th 2016, 15:44:16


cronie Game profile


Jul 4th 2016, 5:45:52

Originally posted by Marshal:
clint has been around longer than mac and clint behaved slightly better than mac.

Doesn't mean anything. He could be using multiple aliases and personalities for different servers and boards. In fact, macdaddy initially wouldn't admit he was deano until it was way too obvious from the same kind of whining.

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by cronie:
macdaddy = deano i know. everyone knows that.

how do you know clintonista =/= macdaddy?

They both are full of lies and act like psychos.


cronie Game profile


Jul 3rd 2016, 20:52:09

macdaddy = deano i know. everyone knows that.

how do you know clintonista =/= macdaddy?

cronie Game profile


Jul 3rd 2016, 16:13:27

Question is, is macdaddy = clintonista = bunch of other no-name that seems to keep showing up recently.