
cronie Game profile


Jun 29th 2016, 19:28:07


cronie Game profile


Jun 27th 2016, 19:56:34


cronie Game profile


Jun 23rd 2016, 2:25:31


cronie Game profile


Jun 16th 2016, 23:46:45


cronie Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 4:28:01

Originally posted by ebert00:
Bots dont ab people:-p
its AI

cronie Game profile


May 30th 2016, 14:15:12

looks like a self delete

cronie Game profile


Apr 13th 2016, 1:17:00


cronie Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 12:56:08

Originally posted by Link:
"The wife and i"
Its a real doll, like Lars and the Real Girl.

cronie Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 12:53:58

Seriously, everybody is getting trolled hard by clintonista.

This is at the heart of it trolling 101 by the book. Pissing you guys off and getting you to respond. Hence long whiny posts, often on ridiculous nonsense topics like crusading against GDI and moderators. Hence why his threads have lots of replies and bickering. #Winning for him.

cronie Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 0:31:29


cronie Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 1:34:26

My suspicion is NEO will be missile dump.

cronie Game profile


Apr 5th 2016, 5:21:24

Originally posted by Warster:
I'm a leader of 2 netting tags and I can tell you right now almost all of my members could give you a rough estimate of possible defense based off net worth and grabbing patterns of target


If a guy is able to do multiple PSs on big targets, then obviously they are probably jet heavy.

In Express with GDI, people buy jets or turrets. If a guy does a lot of PSs of big players, it means he probably has more jets than turrets.

cronie Game profile


Apr 4th 2016, 2:56:16

Can you imagine this guy in your company?

Backstabber and chit chatting with colleges. Whiner to HR. Smartest guy in the room during meetings. etc

cronie Game profile


Apr 4th 2016, 2:26:48


cronie Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 21:08:44

Originally posted by Fragglepossem13:
a few sets now im getting hit by GDI salesman of the month.., seriously don't know what this guys deal is.. .

So a few sets and in spite of that no GDI. I think there's your answer.

cronie Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 15:03:22

Seriously, deano (macdaddy) = clintonista?

exact same kind of whining.

cronie Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 12:59:46

Wealth redistribution

cronie Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 12:03:13

Did it happen to top 10 people with GDI? I doubt it.

I don't think its cheating.

This has been going on for a while. And its nothing personal from what I gather. If you are in a top rank and you're not in GDI, you will get a target on your back. Its usually long term players who don't have the time nor the effort to try to 'break top 10' week after week on express, so they go on a trolling spree instead, which to them is more fun.

And you are getting hit for good reason. Some people derive enjoyment from getting high networth and getting top 10, like yourself. Some derive enjoyment trolling people like you who try too hard. You've just met the latter. Except that you don't have GDI like the rest of the tryhards. So you learn the hard way that you are not protected.

As its been said many times in this forum by everyone, join GDI.

cronie Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 3:51:17

Originally posted by clintonista:
Darwin did not understand epigenetics, now that we are starting to, we can dispense with his nonsense.

People do not join GDI as some random act which happens to work, instead they join GDI because of the conduct of their progenitors.
That conduct warped the instincts and DNA of the next generation, see the Russian foxes for a more complete understanding.

That's part of natural selection. Social interaction is part of the equation because complex organisms are often social. Its not all about strength, intelligence, etc. Reason why plenty of smart nerd betas are not as successful as smooth talking alphas.

cronie Game profile


Apr 1st 2016, 20:14:09

Originally posted by urge:
i saw that in the news, but i dont understand why 79 want to kil him from the history
sorrry my english is ugly
What did Darwin say about survival of the fittest and evolution?

Organisms mutate and try different things. Eventually they come up with the right formula and survive to be able to reproduce and pass on its winning genetics.

Lets see, maybe next round if he joined GDI it wouldn't have happened. But I guess he is not yet as evolved as the rest. Might take a few more trials to move up in the evolutionary ladder. Eventually he might get there.

cronie Game profile


Apr 1st 2016, 20:09:06

Sure, its "not you" and you "don't know him". Don't worry. We believe it. Sure we do.

cronie Game profile


Mar 28th 2016, 18:58:14


cronie Game profile


Mar 27th 2016, 8:47:24

The other benefit of earthgraphs is it keeps history forever. I think eestats dont' keep hit stats after current round. With earthgraphs you can go back and look at all the hit by hit stats.

cronie Game profile


Mar 24th 2016, 11:26:55

is deano = clintonista = a bunch of other posters?

cronie Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 22:52:37

Not sure if you guys are aware, but Rob Ford passed away yesterday. So making jokes on him are probably in poor taste so soon after.

cronie Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 20:34:00

Originally posted by clintonista:
earthgraphs is a tremendous contribution to the game

complaining about volunteers who are helping the game choosing a white background is absurd

earthgraphs have provided more contribution than whiners about GDI. that much i know.

its actually a matter of biology. the fact is the primary game website itself is on a dark/black background theme. its a fact. but earthgraphs is bright white.

which means your pupils will dilate when using earthempires but forced to constrict when you switch over to earthgraphs after having glared at a black background for a long time.

which means its a matter of biology that you feel earthgraphs is bright because it is the maximum change in contrast possible.

it is the same feeling you get as your mom suddenly turning on your light in your room at night to wake you up and change your diapers.

cronie Game profile


Mar 20th 2016, 15:08:16

earthgraphs provide basically similar info, except the site design is horrid. I think its mainly the glaringly bright white screen. I think I prefer the dark background more.

cronie Game profile


Mar 12th 2016, 21:40:15

Think of it like auto insurance. Or taxes.

Its required by law. You have no choice but to pay.

cronie Game profile


Mar 10th 2016, 19:55:52


cronie Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 22:46:33

Troops still have demand. They have dual usage. Can be used to strike and defend. Its also generally cheapest per networth to buy than jets.

So there is still demand for troops.

Tanks on the other hand are inefficient. Costs too much to buy for amount of networth gained and military upkeep costs also high.

cronie Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 5:04:44


cronie Game profile


Feb 26th 2016, 18:20:48


cronie Game profile


Feb 15th 2016, 3:20:31

Wow, so many red this set.

cronie Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 7:24:46

What baffles me about GDI is how it works on servers like FFA where you can declare war and essentially render GDI pretty much worthless. GDI should always work like it works on express. Otherwise it serves no purpose.

cronie Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 7:05:38

I think clintonista is just trolling us.

Its almost OCD the way he is crusading against GDI.

cronie Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 7:59:49

The only true and tried way not to get "retalled" is not to "first strike".

cronie Game profile


Feb 3rd 2016, 17:46:19

erm... cool story bro?

tldr.............. something about gdi............... gdi bad.

cronie Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 21:56:26

Originally posted by clintonista:
46 does not count as a kill since he zeroed himself out

I mean really, how is that a kill?

a guy has no turrets, no tanks, no jets, no troops,
why waste the turns and then claim a glorious kill?

Not sure if serious, brah.

2016-01-30 02:02:13 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 14B 8 C
2016-01-30 02:02:13 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 14B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:12 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 14B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:12 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 14B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:12 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 14B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:11 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:11 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:11 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:10 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:10 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:09 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 15B 10 C
2016-01-30 02:02:09 BR landfarm (#54) ALL CAPITALS (#46) 16B 10 C

Clearly not land drop.

Or are you saying all army was sold in private market to zero? So you were #46 then to know such intimate details?

Edited By: cronie on Feb 1st 2016, 21:59:08

cronie Game profile


Feb 1st 2016, 0:16:23

So many got picked off this set. I think 2 people got double kills.

Take The Red Pill (#15)
badkittens (#112)
BiBiGoN (#51)
TBP (#8)
Samot (#9)

cronie Game profile


Jan 29th 2016, 18:11:52

Its only a week, but it is still 7 days. All that time spent is gone if someone turns you into a parking lot. So you give up the current round and have to wait to start over. And we all know nobody gets any real action until Thursday when your country grows big enough to pick up steam. That's a lot of wasted time and wait time for the next round.

cronie Game profile


Jan 29th 2016, 7:43:15

Whats with all the whining about GDI?

GDI is even free if you use bonus points. So when you get ABed into a parking lot because you didn't join GDI, you basically asked for it to happen.

cronie Game profile


Jan 28th 2016, 23:23:45

Originally posted by clintonista:
why do they intentionally hit non GDI countries?
I know they do, I just do not know why

I just think Express was a much better game before all the pro GDI rule changes several years ago.

You do not even have to join by turn 99 any more, geez.

There is no reason to it. Its personal and private.

Why do you name the country you name? What was the mindset involved in how that name came to be?

Why are some users running land farms every set?

You can keep asking why. There is no reason. Everyone is different.

Maybe some users have played hundreds of matches and it gets to be the same old same old. Non-GDI countries stick out like a sore thumb asking for it. What, top 25, 23 are GDI, and 2 are not. Those are also the only 2 who can be ABed and made a parking lot. So its kind of obvious what will go down.

So hitting non-GDI gives them a theme to play by and something to play for. Its more fun ruining sets of guys who think they can make it without GDI. So it happens. Its the nature of the game and its environment. Why do sharks go after blood in the water? Its how nature came to be. Same thing with non-GDI hitters. You walk around without GDI, and nature will take on a natural path. But there is no reason to any of this. Everybody is different.

cronie Game profile


Jan 28th 2016, 22:36:26

All this discussion about GDI?

Join if you want.

Don't join if you don't want.

You reap what you sow.

There are more than one country every set who's sole purpose is to keep the top 25 as clean as possible of non-GDI countries.

If you are playing for networth and score, and you want to run that risk without joining GDI to save a few bucks, you go right ahead. You reap what you sow.

cronie Game profile


Jan 25th 2016, 5:33:36

Originally posted by clintonista:
I would suggest that if a GDI country breaks GDI for any single opponent,
they forfeit the protection for all opponents.

This is the only part I can sorta kinda maybe, or not, agree with in some ways.

Technically, its a membership for "the good guys", so to speak. So, when a member breaks "the [unspoken] rules" by multi tapping one guy while on GDI, they should be kicked out of GDI for being a bad member.

cronie Game profile


Jan 17th 2016, 21:34:38

he's obviously trolling people on purpose.

cronie Game profile


Nov 27th 2015, 3:22:26

shouldn't this nonsense be in the AT forum? why are there at least 2 useless threads that normally goes in the AT coming to express?

cronie Game profile


Nov 10th 2015, 17:12:28

Global warming. Global cooling. You can't make this stuff up.

Instead of hugging trees and demonizing oil and fossil fuels, maybe we should focus on the science and technologies in engineering environments. If we can man-made fluff up the environment, then we can man-made fix it.

If we can 'fix' the environment, then who gives a crap how much CO2 we release? If global warming is true, then fluff that, we 'fix' the condition and return it back to normal.

Do you complain when you spill coke over your desk? No, you get a damn cloth and wipe the table and move on. You don't ban drinks on the table like a cry baby. I rather put my drinks on my table, risk spilling it, and have a cloth on stand by to wipe it clean. The tree huggers will have you stop putting drinks on any table altogether. That's tarded.

Anyway, much of the CO2 released into the air are still from natural sources like forest fires etc.

cronie Game profile


Nov 9th 2015, 19:36:26

Originally posted by archaic:
The number of people that know nothing about the oil and gas industry, the pipeline business, environmental regulations, or economics is amusing.

Oil is down under $50 a barrel, hence the value of bringing Canadian oil into the US is now next to zero. Canadian oil is much more valuable heading to Japan than the US gulf coast.

Several pipelines, many of which equal in scale to the XL pipeline have been planned, built, and put in service since the XL PL became an issue.

Trains full of oil from Canada at $45 a bbl, lol.

Even a really bad spill generally only affects a couple of acres in the right of way. The heavy high viscosity oil from Canada has very limited water solubility, and poses almost no risk to leach VOCs into groundwater. Modern pipelines almost never leak anyway.

This was nothing more than a political football carried by mindless social justice warriors and tea party loons. Good riddance.

That's incorrect because its not oilsands bitumen (the thick high viscosity stuff you talked about) that they are pumping with the keystone XL, it is synthetic crude. Synthetic crude is not so different to normal crude other than the source from which it was produced.