
cronie Game profile


Nov 5th 2015, 16:57:57

maybe everyone can welcome him with an obligatory AB or two.

cronie Game profile


Nov 2nd 2015, 5:12:08

When does DR wear off for express? Is it 24 hours also?

Or does DR work on a half-life model? If so what is the HL of DR for express?

cronie Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 8:38:37

It does right? I've used minimum troops to do a landgrab but failed. Then I used more than minimum to win and the land yield was not as good. I think even not broken counts as DR?

cronie Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 4:19:34

Actually Free DR isn't artful enough. Technically the sweet spot is to hit someone just under the required to win so it gets successfully defended. This way you hurt the guy the least. Only reduces troops but doesn't affect their revenue.

cronie Game profile


Oct 31st 2015, 4:17:39

Isn't Free DR the same as Bureau of Land Management from a few sets ago, but doing it to human players?

cronie Game profile


Oct 28th 2015, 20:17:50

Can you use your magic to 'surprise' with higher prices instead? That takes more ninja skills.

cronie Game profile


Oct 23rd 2015, 20:52:11

This thread seems so random. And then apparently its some insider information thing. Or unless its a made up story. Kinda confused.

So why did you get sick? What disease was it?

cronie Game profile


Oct 21st 2015, 17:55:43

is express going to turn into the alliance forum?

cronie Game profile


Oct 19th 2015, 0:05:56

That's funny. I remember it was you'd destroy lots but steal none. Maybe its different for other servers or its based on cash you held.

cronie Game profile


Oct 18th 2015, 23:57:04

How come they stole all that cash but destroyed none?

Does it work like tech where he has to have lots of cash to steal any?

How does the proportion of cash he destroyed relate to your total cash holding?

Edited By: cronie on Oct 19th 2015, 0:04:02

cronie Game profile


Oct 14th 2015, 21:59:28

are you allowed to land grab people who are in clans that are 'at war'?

cronie Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 13:40:43

you know how you can't join GDI after you have made an offensive strike?

can you still join if you used the bonus points, even after you made offensive strikes? Or does free GDI play by the same rule?

cronie Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 4:51:42

#11 is a little too high without GDI. hmm...

cronie Game profile


Oct 11th 2015, 4:50:11

A few sets ago some top 10 was knocked out on the final days of the set because he didn't have GDI.

GDI is important. Like auto insurance.

cronie Game profile


Oct 8th 2015, 15:56:29

#97 and #4 you mean

I noticed too.

cronie Game profile


Oct 7th 2015, 23:54:50

Part of the game.

Its like life. Some people keep their head down and live a private life. Some people flap their wings and yell on a soap box. If you are the latter, you will get the attention you desired. So, if you land grab someone, you're getting their attention.

cronie Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 21:44:04

why ask why ask why

cronie Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 2:54:13

Yeah I thought about time for creating countries, except it seems you can be late and still get the turns up to when both turns(saved turns) become full.

I registered late for express before and still got turns so I didn't miss out.

cronie Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 2:46:06

Round ends on Sunday night and the new one commences on the following Tuesday night. Why this big gap? Why can't they go back to back and start immediately?

Same with other servers too.

cronie Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 17:16:35

Originally posted by xXxWaNgErxXx:
Im pretty sure he means who runs the tag Linux...

cronie Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 14:37:25

which linux do you use

cronie Game profile


Sep 24th 2015, 18:08:26

I guess I started purely cashing too quick. I make only 14-15M per turn. Should expand more next time.

cronie Game profile


Sep 23rd 2015, 22:29:27

For you all X cashers, how much cash are you generating per turn (and how many acres)?

cronie Game profile


Sep 23rd 2015, 0:51:07

In the billions? Man, that's a lot. Are those numbers based on financial assistance too?

Yeah, no financial aid from any other country. Purely isolated on its own.

I only have 200M food stocked right now. I have another week or so. Doubtful the numbers will increase too much by then. Maybe I will get 500M by the end of set.

Edited By: cronie on Sep 23rd 2015, 0:54:32

cronie Game profile


Sep 22nd 2015, 19:31:32

With no financial assistance, what is the most food you've stocked by the end of the set with a single country, using whatever strat you use, casher, farmer, techer?

cronie Game profile


Sep 21st 2015, 12:35:29


So in other words, to make sure you get the best bang for your buck, you should ideally send no more than 38% of your army?

cronie Game profile


Sep 20th 2015, 21:40:07

Is it based on troops lost? Networth of the enemy?

In general, the lowest I've seen a tyranny (1 turn) drop is 4% per strike.

But for all others that require 2 turn strikes, the lowest is 1% drop.

But when you are first starting out the strikes, it drops the readiness a lot. Only when you are well into strikes, or you outsize the opponent, do you only lose the minimum readiness per strike.

What is the actual formula for calculating this readiness drop per strike?

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2015, 16:13:46


cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2015, 7:22:27

When you spend turns and you run out of food, it says military is sold to makeup for the short fall. How does the process work?

Is it all private market sales? And then private market purchase of bushels? Basically ensuring the worse possible deal for you leading to large networth drop?

Which unit type do they sell automatically? Is it even across all unit types? Do they buy based on net food production short fall? Or do they buy more than you need?

This usually happens when exploring or cashing or researching something like 50 turns in one go.

cronie Game profile


Sep 18th 2015, 2:01:37

There are a few countries in top 25 who don't have GDI. These are regulars in Express too. So its not just new players who don't join GDI. So clearly you can still succeed in spite of not having GDI.

Also, the total amount of players in express have been pretty consistent for the past year. I doubt anybody is being driven out of any game. That's like saying I ragequit after someone land grabs me when I am teching.

cronie Game profile


Sep 15th 2015, 17:54:04

Originally posted by Akula:

but them Finnz iz weirder ! ;)

WTF = Welcome To Finland

cronie Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 23:12:27

I know he wasn't talking about GDI Supermarket (#101). In his OP he pointed to Katagat (#102) and GDI Salesman of the Month (#26).

I said #102 not #101.

Yet #102 never messed with him according to the news. Actually he joined in for a team tag against #102. Is that against the rules to do that?

I've always wondered too. Last set I see people join in to finish people off unrelated at the end of the set when the original guy ran out of turns. Is that considered cooperation?

cronie Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 22:17:14

I just checked the news. How was #102 messing with you? Unless they were spyops, news show only you GS him.

cronie Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 15:00:38

Thats ebert00

cronie Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 14:48:37

If you are not in GDI then there is no GDI to break.

cronie Game profile


Sep 13th 2015, 4:32:22

Its not good for keeping track of who you land grabbed unless you keep a list.

cronie Game profile


Sep 11th 2015, 14:46:54

I've land grabbed some 'bot' looking names, but sometimes they spyop me back so its clearly a fake lol.

Do any bots do the research only route? I'm looking at this one that is all research zones. No spy and almost all troops with very little turrets or tanks.

cronie Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:31:08

Also, which servers have bots and which ones do not? I know FFA has it. Alliance and Express has it too right?

But Primary, Team and Tournament doesn't?

cronie Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:22:40

What are some of the traits of a bot after you get an OP on them? For all servers in general.

Are they usually zero spy, lots of troops etc?

Are there any types of government type they use or strategy or specialization they use?

E.g. are there any farmers? Techers?

I've heard 'names' are a give away sometimes although players can copy that. Usually its a bunch of random generic terms put together.

cronie Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 6:15:51

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Originally posted by cronie:
Thats true. Or maybe you can open a small txt file on your desktop to keep a copy manually.

why would I go through all that work for something that should already been built in long before was EE
That's like saying couple hundred dollar iphones should come with a screen protector. Yet it doesn't. So you still buy a third party option.

Yeah it should be there but its not. I guess you can go without, but if you need it, you can keep track of it pretty easily.

cronie Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 13:32:54

Thats true. Or maybe you can open a small txt file on your desktop to keep a copy manually.

cronie Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 13:28:57

I'm just a student on the game and I heard this said a few times already but never quite understood how one could be tricked at all.

But sometimes it could be natural why the bid-ask spread is low. If say the private market is $125 for buying troops. Then the buyer will put S.O. of $120 or lower. The seller will realizing that sell at $120. So this leaves buyers bidding anything lower than $120 and sellers asking at $120. Over time people squeeze their S.O. just under $120 but not quite at $120, leading to the low bid-ask spread.

The scenario you describe seems to be situations where there are high demands and lots of funny money to spend when people are scrambling. So any high price will be sold. Sure, but I don't see how the 1 unit S.O.'s come into play in this high demand low supply scenario?

Basically I still don't get it.

cronie Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 12:56:47

I don't get how you can 'trick' anyone. What you're describing is just a low bid-ask spread because the seller is both the buyer and put quotes for selling slightly under their high selling price.

Buyers, either manually typed or using an S.O., don't buy at a price higher than the one they see on the screen. Sellers don't sell lower than price set.

In your example, lets say there are 10 SO to buy 1 unit oil at $208. and I am selling to you at $208 for 1000 units, then 8 units of my oil will be sold and then the other 992 will be waiting until someone buys it.

Just because the price is high and the spread is low between the bid and the ask, that doesn't "force" people to buy though. They buy when they have a demand for it and the price is right. If the price is not right, market theory will suggest they put in their own S.O. to buy much lower at a price they like.

People don't just magically buy because these two conditions are met: [i] Artificially high price and [ii] small bid-ask spread.

cronie Game profile


Sep 8th 2015, 5:49:21

is he westeros? that seems to be the most likely candidate. but the only thing not fitting is the people who GSed him, he multi tapped first.

cronie Game profile


Sep 7th 2015, 18:06:13

last round no dict got GSed.

cronie Game profile


Sep 6th 2015, 4:01:45

Free GDI is probably from government subsidy anyway. No free lunch. But the salesman probably doesn't get commission if you use free GDI instead of signing up and paying.

Then again, maybe there are strategies where you choose to pay and have those extra bonus points for bonus turns.

cronie Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 7:48:48

But buying bushells has a significant loss though from all the transaction. The higher price to buy bushells + 6% commission. And when you sell it, its couple of dollars less.

Are you sure the loss of all the transactions involved in buying then selling food is less than the loss incurred from the corruption decay of the money?

Some servers are selling food at say 38 after commission. So you buy at $38. But when you sell in private market, it might be $32. Thats $6 per bushel. That could be hundreds or billions in cash worth. Will you miss out on billions of dollars due to decay?

cronie Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 7:45:11

When you are making money, you think you're so smart. When you're losing money you think the world is crumbling on you. Euphoria and depression. Two extremes.