
cronie Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 4:53:34

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by cronie:
But it says you are HG not RG

quite a few people change to theo for their destock after being a demo or rep or fasc all set. the cheaper private market prices make the switch more than worth it if you have calculated it right. you wont run too many turns as a theo. if any.

to do this you run all but 8 turns. the next 8 turns will generally be your last of the set so calculate it right.
-then you put all the tech you can on the market, and all the goods you can on the market. this includes cash onhand too if bushels are the right price. you lose a percentage of everything you have onhand during the switch, so hide everything you can on the market.
-then you switch to mono.
- then you recall ALL your goods.

your tech should be that where you can sell your stocked food on your PM for $35. if it isnt, calculate what you need to spend to get it there and if it is beneficial to try. you need to remember that it will lower your PM goods price a dollar or 2 as well.

-then you sell your stock on your PM for $34 or $35
-then you switch to theo.

SELL YOUR FOOD BEFORE SWITCHING TO THEO theo PM sell proces suck. you dont want to sell your stock for $26.

now your troop price is something like $103 and your $/NW is something around $225 instead of the $255 of a max tech demo.

obviously there are many different ways to do this, as reselling is introduced, but that is the jist of how i destock.
Thats a nice strategy putting it on the market thx! That would help explain the problem with the dropping networht after switch. I guess I wouldn't want to hold cash either because cash can't be put on market, so is it better to spend all the money to buy stuff before switching? Switch, and then use food to buy cheap troops in private market.

cronie Game profile


Aug 31st 2015, 5:27:35

Don't you lose net worth when you change?

cronie Game profile


Aug 31st 2015, 1:16:52

But it says you are HG not RG

cronie Game profile


Aug 31st 2015, 0:17:59

I meant the OP.

But I guess you must be Dark holocaust? But that isn't a republican casher though.

cronie Game profile


Aug 31st 2015, 0:05:56

Which game are you talking about anyway? Most of the countries in all three servers are around $20 million net worth at the top. Not a lot of days they can do 7 million jump back to back.

cronie Game profile


Aug 28th 2015, 0:16:59

Or you can not join GDI, tear him down, and others tear you down. Because its a dog eat dog world out there.

Edited By: cronie on Aug 28th 2015, 8:30:15

cronie Game profile


Aug 27th 2015, 21:05:18

35% is the default so no need to 'set'

cronie Game profile


Aug 27th 2015, 21:04:50

Not if they join GDI.

Its also just one country. It can only mess with so many non-GDI countries per set. So it is a random draw.

People can probably still go without GDI and might escape being messed with simply based on odds. But GDI is free anyway if you use bonus points.

cronie Game profile


Aug 26th 2015, 16:41:12

really? 70% for the first turn?

he must be a true libertarian

cronie Game profile


Aug 26th 2015, 10:51:55

Do you leave it default or do you change it to something higher or lower? And for what strategy?

cronie Game profile


Aug 25th 2015, 4:09:59

A delete country button might be useful. Not the original one in the main menu from the game, but you can make one for dropping all of your land.

cronie Game profile


Aug 25th 2015, 3:33:23

Is this a front end for this site?

Why would someone want a front end UI for the web game?

If youre making a mobile UI that might be useful to some. But otherwise I don't see why anyone else would use it on their PC.

cronie Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 18:48:38

Its what mr ford said, its mostly perception over reality half the time with these things. Whether its 'recession' talk or 'oil glut'. You say it enough and it becomes self fulfilling prophecy and some people even begin to believe it.

Just people trying to stir the pot up so they create volatility to trade from.

For oil: The fact of the matter is, if price really followed a supply demand curve, then the change in price would have been gradual, not drop precipitously over a matter of months. We didn't just get a surge in supply and oil glut last year over a span of a month. What really happened was some OPEC members didn't wanna play nice. Threatened to flood the market with supply. And that jump started a trend downwards for oil that became nasty and fed on itself. All of a sudden people go from talking about peak oil to 'oil glut'. Quite literally overnight. Now "oil glut" is the new pet phrase among analysts. What a bunch of buffoons.

Edited By: cronie on Aug 24th 2015, 1:12:39

cronie Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 18:43:45

He can't AB someone that was part of GDI. So he can't screw over all GDI customers?

Hence the sales tactic?

cronie Game profile


Aug 23rd 2015, 9:12:31

There is the el nino this year that might change our expectations of weather patterns. I think they call the el nino this year Bruce Lee.

cronie Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 14:28:58

Why are farmers so popular then? Anecdotally, I think more people are farmers than cashers?

cronie Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 10:44:19

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Originally posted by cronie:
Originally posted by drkprinc:
you guys are lucky I'm in Toronto and this heat and humidity is killing me I would kill for some -20 weather year round and lots of snow :(
Just wait till the winter and you'd wish it was that warm.

Grass is always greener on the other side.

You obviously don't know true blooded canadians that well :P

I hate warm weather and I love winter I'm the guy that goes out in a blizzard in a t-shirt and shorts.

The point is, do you turn on the heater during the winter as you turn on the AC during the summer?


There is a comfort range. Each person will have a different set of temperature ranges. But deep freeze with wind chill temperatures are outside of most people's norms of acceptable temperature range, as is piss hot and humid weather.

cronie Game profile


Aug 22nd 2015, 5:02:58

The broader market only dropped a bit off all time highs.

Two sectors utterly and totally destroyed already, having their own '08 style breakdown and crisis, are Oil and Gold stocks. Some of these stocks are hitting decade lows.

People who own these gold and oil stocks must be feeling like people felt in '08, though most people now who don't own gold/oil stocks don't feel the kind of pain right now, something that they themselves felt in '08.

But everyone else wouldn't really feel any pain right now. 10-20% off the all time highs? Whatever. Some of those gold/oil stocks have fallen 80%+ and more and hitting levels not seen in the past decade through 2 stock market breakdowns.

cronie Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 1:17:19

Originally posted by DancingBear:
smallish point - the corruption doesn't kick in until you cross $2 billion (in ancient days, there was a hard $2b cash limit, corruption was added to the game to partially compensate when the hard limit was removed)

but bushel decay is always in play, that is you loose that 0.001 / turn - even if you only have 1000 bushels on hand, you still loose 1 bushel to decay, so the bonus does have a (very) small effect from the beginning, which can matter to a farmer

but no one here is arguing that the bushel decay bonus is a good choice for tourney, only that it can be used effectively on some servers by some experienced players - i don't think anyone would claim it is a viable choice for anyone but an experienced specialist with a plan

but just because it is difficult to use well doesn't imply that it needs to be changed so that it is easier to use well

If someone was Monarchy. One country focused on cashing (half enterprise half residential and buys bushel at $34). Another country only on farms. Both have the same amount of land and same amount of turns. Which country will come out on top in terms of $ (farmer cashing in bushels @$34 at the end)?

Basically does casher or farmer produce more income? Or are they balanced in terms of NW generation?

Edited By: cronie on Aug 21st 2015, 1:20:14

cronie Game profile


Aug 21st 2015, 1:15:35

Ok. Minus a couple orders of magnitude. Say $10M a turn, so tops out at $10B cash storage. $10B is easy to reach in a round for longer games.

cronie Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 9:51:40

Its just a percentage. So it compounds.

But you only need to analyze it on a per turn basis. Assuming someone has no decay bonus, the decay is 0.1% above 2G. For a big country, say specializing in cashing, you can make net $10B per turn easily.

So you need around $10 trillion dollars reserve to lose $10B per turn due to decay.

Granted, at that point with $10T, turns don't lead to any gain in stored cash. And prior to reaching $10T, you have diminishing returns due to decay. Effectively making very little $ per turn. So the analysis is a bit more involved than this because decay bonus affects accumulated cash over the long term on one hand, yet on the other someone spending bonus on turns instead get to have more turns to cash more.

The decay bonus will clearly benefit a really really long game where you can amass a huge amount of reserves. But games are not even that long, even for Primary or FFA.

It seems someone will have to run a proper simulation here to figure out which scenario is better for the server in question, either all bonus on turns or all bonus on building decay bonus. Other factors also diminish earnings over time, such as increase in military stock overtime if you have industrial complexes.

So definitely a proper simulation is in order due to multiple variables running simultaneously and the different server conditions. Ultimately there are different cost curves and at different points in time, will have different leaders for each strategy depending on the length of the game.

But anecdotally it seems decay bonus is totally not worth it as it stands. It almost seems like its better to use bonus for turns than to reduce decay as it stands. Your diminished earnings are likely insignificant and outweighed by simply having more turns to cash. Right now, it seems the decay is too ineffective and the cost to buy it is way too much. The pay off isn't there at all.

The above example is for cash. So storing food might be better because food is more condensed due to the price multiplier larger than 1 for cash, and its also still just 2G food before decay kicks in. So another thing they should change is make decay threshold for food lower and make decay threshold higher for cash.

But food loses in terms of the buy/sell spread when it comes time to spend on military at the end of the set to increase net worth. As a casher, your cash generated per turn, in food price terms, might be higher than simply being a farmer to produce the food too given the same amount of acres used. I don't know about that. So maybe that evens it out between casher vs farmer strategy. But a casher that buys food and then later sells it end of set to buy military will have the loss in the spread.

TL & DR: Someone run a simulation of a casher for different servers and compare whether spending all bonus on turns or all bonus on reducing decay is better, and then get back to us. I suspect there is a definable transition point when one strategy is better than the other, after a certain number of turns are used. What is this magic number? Are any of the servers even long enough for all bonus on reducing decay to be a leading strategy?

Edited By: cronie on Aug 20th 2015, 10:18:59

cronie Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 9:21:23

Yeah but say 1 turn. Someone could be making $10M per turn for a big country. Are you really losing $10M per turn due to decay? If you are not then its wasted efforts. I am just trying it out but I think resource decay bonus is a total ripoff. The effect is too little and it costs way too many bonus points. They should change that.

cronie Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 9:18:26

Originally posted by drkprinc:
you guys are lucky I'm in Toronto and this heat and humidity is killing me I would kill for some -20 weather year round and lots of snow :(
Just wait till the winter and you'd wish it was that warm.

Grass is always greener on the other side.

cronie Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 2:51:12

Originally posted by stanrools:
Until someone sees you with 10B on the books and runs bomb the banks on you. everything with risk.
Why would they do that? You're basically describing a troll then.

If you're arguing that, you're always at risk of someone messing with or trolling you anyway.

If you have no tanks they use AB on you randomly. Or they just do that randomly anyway to mess with you. Its basically the same thing.

cronie Game profile


Aug 20th 2015, 2:48:30

Is the payoff even there for spending on resource decay? Considering the alternative.

One alternative is to use it on extra turns. That's a lot of bonus points and a lot of bonus turns.

Is it possible for you to make more cashing those turns than you do the resource decay bonus saves on the loss? In other words, resource decay bonus doesn't pay off?

cronie Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 16:48:14

Yeah... well it clearly only kicks in if you have any resources above 2G, so unless you can obtain that in the round, this will have absolutely no benefit whatsoever.

I think its a ripoff though. They should lower the cost of the decay or improve its performance. The way it is now, it takes so many bonus points and it barely puts a dent on the decay. I think spending it on turns might be more worthwhile it seems.

cronie Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 5:44:24

Originally posted by drkprinc:
wait you been using bonus points in tournament on decay !

to each their own I guess v.v
No I did it I just happened to ask here. Its the same principle everywhere.

cronie Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 5:43:35

Originally posted by mrford:
it has a direct ratio to the standard decay rate, yes.

some formulas are on the wiki, but a lot has changed since we last had active wiki editors. really just ask questions and hope someone who knows answers. the game is a lot smaller and less active than it was.
cool tx. Looks like a rip off of points. Not worth the payoff for how much bonus points I'm spending.

cronie Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 3:07:36

I've been spending the last week's bonus points on reducing resource decay. I'm at -12.6% owned.

Is that -12.6% reduction applied to the 0.1% decay? i.e. my decay is now 0.0874% above 2G resources? I figure this is the case but just wanna hear a confirmation as there is no literature about the game.

Where do you find out how the game calculates all of the parameters? i.e. all the formulas.

cronie Game profile


Aug 18th 2015, 0:22:34

Originally posted by archaic:
I only do 48 hours and I only accept 48 hours. If you hit me after that, its time for the fish hooks and soldering iron.
Why? If someone hits you outside of your self imposed rules that only apply to you, they would look like a first grab. So you can only retal him once also.

And if you're gonna argue about having no gentleman rules then just ROR or 1:k retal policy.

cronie Game profile


Aug 17th 2015, 0:26:35

I think you're talking about tricking the tape of the market in a thin market. But there is no bug here in that you cannot sell less than the price you set for sale.

cronie Game profile


Aug 17th 2015, 0:06:39

So are you saying that there is a proven bug then? Because this sounds like a bug if it does that.

If someone has a S.O. for a lot of goods but has no money, he buys 1 troop and then he gets free 1 million troops?

This doens't happen though. I've put S.O.s so large that I don't have money to buy. It just buys when my money comes in. I never get free goods or cheap goods. The order stays there until I've got the money.

Technically the game shouldn't allow anyone put an order they can't afford to buy. You can't do that in real life.

cronie Game profile


Aug 16th 2015, 23:18:55

Originally posted by Celphi:
Actually you can.

You see the SO is 'real', but, it doesn't say how many they're buying.

So for an example, tanks might say $640, but I have a SO to buy just 1 tank at $640. And if I spend all my money-- it wont even buy that 1 tank, but the SO still stays.
Yeah but after you run out of money then that's it. My order stays. Your S.O. can stay too, but I will never sell to you at $0. You can just assume that the spread of bid/ask is virtually zero but still no transactions because you have no money. My order becomes the new asking price and either my entire order gets filled or there must be a lower bidding price in the order book.

Basically if the game was programmed properly where I am not allowed to sell items at a lower price than the price I set, there can't be any con.