
ehbobo Game profile

New Member

Apr 15th 2016, 4:13:49

Haha Vern. He WAS Canadian tonight after that homer 👍

ehbobo Game profile

New Member

Apr 14th 2016, 4:57:26

John Candy. Martin Short. Jim Carrey. Poutine. Pamela Anderson before she got wrinkles. Lorne Michaels. Your mom. Jean Chretièn. Your Sister.

That is all

ehbobo Game profile

New Member

Apr 11th 2016, 3:33:22

Hit it from the back and massage the booty hole with a thumb

ehbobo Game profile

New Member

Apr 8th 2016, 6:49:28

Congrats on the baby :)

ehbobo Game profile

New Member

Mar 25th 2016, 3:12:58

Ditto. Primary server is also showing my Rank as 0, scores section says there arnt any players in the server and also randomly im sent to a screen that says too many requests. I guess some server issues going on tonight or something ?
Was fine when I first logged in to Primary but after 15 mins, above errors started happening.