
g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 21:02:22

Originally posted by SuperFly:
So you are hurt and offended because I insulted you by saying buy turrets. I apologize for hurting your feelings. Have a better Sunday afternoon hey and remember that this is such a silly game ok.

Pathetic deflection. I will acknowledge the apology though, it shows you are accepting responsibility. So far Sunday is looking good. Got to listen to my neighbor have sex(she cute with big tiddys), and watched a pitbull chase some guy knocking on doors about a petition. "It's okay, she not mean jes excited!"

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 15:04:00

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Gonzo you tripping. It’s not her problem because it isn’t a problem.

I consulted with the mod’s plural. Not a mod.

Like I said just farm the piss out of me if you feel you been done wrong. I am up on 10m turrets now….

Maybe I can teach you how to buy turrets? Press market. Type in desired quantity of turrets and click purchase.

Or my personal favorite method; place 3 market orders of 4m turrets each at $120 and sit back and watch them fill. But don’t cry if I farm you before you manage to buy up your cheap turrets….

"If you cooked my dinner right I wouldn't be forced to slap you around stupid fluff. Why argue? Just cook the fluffing steak right and you keep your teeth! The fluff kind of wife complains? This is YOUR fault. You make me do this Karen...."

So far you only insult and deflect "buy turrets Derp!!" and claim mods "technically can't accuse me, because the wording". Scummy, and typical of your kind.

Edit The fact that you continue to say you "consulted" the mods is because you know it's bullfluff, but it absolves you of karmic debt. It's not player abuse, bullying and general asshole behavior. Nope, mods said so! Sure countless players have been banned for this EXACT BEHAVIOR, but this is different because my mod friends haven't gotten enough player complaints, so let it go for now.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Nov 7th 2021, 15:11:54
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 6:41:09

Issues with blood pressure and clots as side effects get mentioned a lot. I'm no opthalmologist but they are noticing a pattern, maybe they don't want to jump to conclusions, scare mom. Do some research, fill in gaps on potential causes and remedies. Mom's going to be fine. Let's steer clear of those boosters, just in case.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 6:27:34

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I just play farmer. By military tech and PM my food at $37.

Easy coasting into top 10 strat

It was easy. Then homo erotic griefers clear cutting half the server made playing 60k acre Farm strat too risky. But at least it's not boring amirite guise?

I don’t understand? You are into homo erotic material?

But yes farming bots to 60k land and farming players and grabbing 100k are both easy tasks. The so called elites of this game do it twice a week and I do the latter often.

Maybe buy turrets? It’s pretty easy to buy 6m+ $120 turrets if you making 600k bushels and PMing at $37..

So basically you're holding the Express server hostage? On the sets you want to net it's cool. When you feel like spoiling a set and ruining multiple players countries you hit 10 times cuz that teaches us a lesson? Galleri isn't fluff as a mod, which is why you get to keep this act up. Be grateful.

I ran this set with 250k turrets and farmed plenty. What happened this round? Eat my ass griefer.

Whoa now......
What in the heck even made you come up with that comment about me now?
What have done to fluff your feathers this week?
What SF is doing isn't against anything I need to handle. So your statement is pretty petty.

In my final small paragraph I would like to note that the "g" is a little "g" not a big "G".
Example: galleri
NOT: Galleri

"Not my problem y'all!"

We know galleri, we know....

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 5:59:36

Originally posted by SuperFly:
*yawn* you were all about farming low turret countries. You are just butt hurt it was done to you.

Gerdler already called you out on changing your stance…

It hasn't been done to me. I think your friend tagged me a few sets back. 3 hits approx 3k land. I wasn't heart broken. Bought some turrets and reclaimed losses with bots. I already addressed this. When you went crazy last set I was sitting on 2 mil turrets and you spied then skipped me.
The point is not about hitting low D players. Hitting players is allowed. Destroying multiple countries with 10 hits each, doing nothing with the land and just settled with sporadic grabs and taunting. You keep trying to deflect by insulting me and trying the "you did it too, so your words don't count". Do your thing. Its part and parcel of playing a war strategy game.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 5:08:50

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
Taking chances is good, but I'm not sure which one of you is taking a chance. My guess is you'll both be fine =D

My mom started getting blurry vision on one of her eyes couple weeks after the second doze, went to doctor they checked everything and they determined it was the second doze that caused it since they had other patients with same problem, I find it disturbing that the establishment only tells you you'll be fine all while there are hundreds, possibly thousands of people already having vaccine related side effects, so no, not taking that chance.

I already know the virus doesn't do anything to me.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope this is something they can correct, or perhaps it is only temporary. Do they know what it is or just that there is a pattern of patients with blurred vision post-vax?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 4:55:46

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Also for the 700th times; what I do here is not against the rules. I have checked it with the mods and it is with the game play and description on the front page.

If you can’t comprehend that either you do not belong here…

The fact that you had to work your way around the rules and ass kissing the mods doesn't make it any less corrupt and petty. It's how abusers qualify their behavior.

As far as the turret thing, I used that as an example because you claim the behavior is just farming noobs with no defense. There were plenty of fat no defense all around. But you wanted to see your name in lights, so you spared us. If it isn't just bullying, then why do you make 10 hits? Why not 2 or even 3. But cutting 10k acres, buildings and cash, you just trashed them. You can't defend that. Neither can the mods. But play on, I've seen plenty worse in this games history.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 3:20:15

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I just play farmer. By military tech and PM my food at $37.

Easy coasting into top 10 strat

It was easy. Then homo erotic griefers clear cutting half the server made playing 60k acre Farm strat too risky. But at least it's not boring amirite guise?

I don’t understand? You are into homo erotic material?

But yes farming bots to 60k land and farming players and grabbing 100k are both easy tasks. The so called elites of this game do it twice a week and I do the latter often.

Maybe buy turrets? It’s pretty easy to buy 6m+ $120 turrets if you making 600k bushels and PMing at $37..

So basically you're holding the Express server hostage? On the sets you want to net it's cool. When you feel like spoiling a set and ruining multiple players countries you hit 10 times cuz that teaches us a lesson? Galleri isn't fluff as a mod, which is why you get to keep this act up. Be grateful.

I ran this set with 250k turrets and farmed plenty. What happened this round? Eat my ass griefer.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 7th 2021, 3:11:07

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Why don't the bots retal?

Seems like it would be fairly easy to program that into the game and would maybe make it more interesting?

Probably too complicated to have bots spy, calculate hits, send hateful messages. Missile retal, but it would be sporadic and not worth the hassle. It's up to the player to go all x, hit bots, farm bots, players and bots, so forth. Good luck getting substantive updates to bots. They'll be voted out or reduced in numbers.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 6th 2021, 15:19:07

Reading through most of the replies will give you the spectrum my dude. The base level went with life/business destroying lockdowns, useless masks, fear porn on tv/radio/public figures, and medical community assertions. The useful idiots if you will. Oddly enough this group also likes to push "conspiracy" angles by well-poisoning (nano bots and 5G remote control DURRR, lol@trumpards right?).
The sjw/ don't Rock the boat types don't like it, but believe the propoganda that "normalcy will return if I do this". The "extremists" don't believe anything the establishment tells them.

The results are exactly as intended. Mass fear. Mass confusion. Communities and whole countries fracturing on ideological lines. Controlled demolition of the global economies. $$$ TRILLIONS $$$ in handouts to themselves. And a massive new surveillance apparatus (vax pass and contact tracing). It's almost like it was planned ahead of time....but that's just a conspiracy.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 6th 2021, 14:09:26

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I just play farmer. By military tech and PM my food at $37.

Easy coasting into top 10 strat

It was easy. Then homo erotic griefers clear cutting half the server made playing 60k acre Farm strat too risky. But at least it's not boring amirite guise?

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 2nd 2021, 14:23:04

Originally posted by Ratski:
I had fun abusing Hungry #60 lol Pathetic defenses, I nearly killed him twice, but my readiness dropped to 23%. I ran low on turns fixing warfare to readiness back to 100%, or close. and I rebuilt in the morning. and back to pounding I had fun Ha ha Ha.

Hungry has an odd habit of hitting 3 or 4 players randomly. Then he gets smacked around by 2 or 3 of said players and is then killed or becomes a missile dump/punching bag.

To regain readiness use Stir Rebellions. Make sure to Bio before you start the kill run.

g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 1st 2021, 20:34:21

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

I would bet the farm on the fact that he had a reverse food boom and was not necessarily in his war screen. (I'm lying of course. G0nz0 has a better memory than me. He's also stronger, more attractive and knows karate.)

I'm going to be bad at explaining this, but I will try.

Let's say I produce 12,343.4 food per turn after my tech percentage is figured in and consume 500. If I have a food based negative boom, the game will round my production down to 12,343 and then times it by .33333, round it again, and then finally it will minus consumption...also rounded already ofc. So you will end up with 3,614.33333333 food being added to your total, and then clicking anything will remove the rounding error food of .333333. So you can lose an extra food or two to rounding errors due to that bug.

Negative boom feels like:
Round(<glitch>Round(food or cash production) × 0.3) - Round(consumption)

When in reality the formula should behave like:
Round(food or cash production × 0.3 - consumption)

It's like waaaay overcomplicated for no reason.

Someone stole their classmates final project. What complications could a 'rollback' cause? There must be some consequence for this rounding issue. Anything in error logs, or etc..

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 29th 2021, 21:48:20

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Food: 141,965.33333333334

Is this an issue or just a random occurrence? Has happened before. This was in Alliance.

This was showing up on bushels available in the market or where on your screen?
(I feel like I once seen this before, but don't hold me to that)

I attacked a country, in the results window the food was displayed in decimal format. I switched to another server. When I came back the amount had rounded to a whole number again. Seen this before, but it was Express. I'm not a math nerd. I'm still sketchy calculating the .06 in my sales, like I really need this.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 29th 2021, 15:18:25

Food: 141,965.33333333334

Is this an issue or just a random occurrence? Has happened before. This was in Alliance.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 28th 2021, 0:36:21

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Only Chevs can achieve a permanent excommunication from the Earth Empires. If you wish to be free of this agent of destruction, then seek out this man and his wisdom. Dagobah is where you will find these answers. Go now! Make haste not waste!

Why do you keep speaking 3rd person???

I am no more Chevs than you are a Finnish seamstress, we have only fleeting exchange with the corporeal my dear. You seem wanting in the wisdom department. Write your feelings in a letter and read it aloud atop the highest tower. He will hear you. As he always does. Return to Earth my child. Spread His word.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 27th 2021, 16:45:54

Only Chevs can achieve a permanent excommunication from the Earth Empires. If you wish to be free of this agent of destruction, then seek out this man and his wisdom. Dagobah is where you will find these answers. Go now! Make haste not waste!

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 27th 2021, 13:33:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
So what’s the deal for this round? Wild West again where only the elite who believe in turrets prosper or boring bot farming?

What is an acceptable amount of turrets? With the mil at your disposal last set you could standard break like 5 million. More with weapons tech or PS. Put an offer on the table.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 26th 2021, 2:02:36

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Jeeze man, you guys are guilt tripping me really bad here, I was just trying to make it fun for everyone and you guys just want everything to be easy and laid back all the time.

Your heart is in the right place. One or two heavies. A couple hits, get them spooked, foreplay and all. Express has some danger now. I can go along. Just don't be an asshole about it. And yes, I am guilty of all jet bot farmer. It's a risk, so far only 1 set got farmed. So if you want to guarantee top 10, carry some defense. 2 mil turrets kept me safe during last sets' raid.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 25th 2021, 21:20:21

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
SuperFly: Ok I'll assume you're right and netters are at fault, you're still in the wrong by being a fluff in solo servers, there's zero instances of people quiting any of the solo servers due to netters pushing their policies, the people who quit solo servers are those who repeatedly get targeted by suiciders, griefers, whatever you want to be called, the point I'm making is.... you're fighting in the wrong battlefield..... All the points you made relate to clan servers, this is a solo server 🤷

None of this is about "policy". Supposedly it was a fluff You to players running no defense bot farmers. Then it was about Netters and monopolizing bots. We've moved the goal posts to a more thoughtful, bullfluff filled approach of policy framework and ethics.
Eat my ass Griefers. You FS/farm low defense fatties. Try earning a top 10 after fair grabs (1 hit against humans). Stop scaring away the customers. Play norml.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 25th 2021, 14:04:35

I rarely get hit, even when running jets. Just lucky I guess. When you've been through countless wars, and have developed pattern recognition, you sense danger. When everyone was fat, and things got quiet I bought millions of turrets @ like $90 and sat waiting, so didn't eat food/add expenses. A couple hours later the fireworks began. A few failed ops (80k spies lost), and my name is Skippy. Bonus: I sold the turrets for $160 when everybody was walling up. However, missed a market cycle, and was sitting with $1.3 billion and 20 million food covered by 1.5 million turrets when they went for another farming run. And Galleri said I was crazy for always spending bonus on Luck. Fools, all of you!

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 25th 2021, 5:32:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Netters killed the game KoH.

First they farmed the untaggeds and small tags into the ground. The countries that retaled be it by missile or spy op where than killed.

then the netters invented land:land. Except again that did not apply when an untagged made the first hit. They were farmed and killed by the netters.

Now it’s the same thing. People who LG the netters are ostracized, reported as griefers or killed.

As I have always said; Netters and their dumb policies which go against the game description on the home page of the game are the only ones to blame for the games demise…

Point that finger straight up your ass Griefer. You guys were greedy and wanted to troll (teach a lesson) the bot farmers. Everybody risks a landgrab when running low or med defense. You guys did like 8+ hits on multiple countries. You know u crippled many. Look at the finish. This wasn't schooling netters just exploiting the build phase where fatties are using cash for construction. Half were prob still rainbow.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 25th 2021, 1:30:54

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Looks like 2 lucky bots made top ten. See you can have all that land, but having to spend resources for even 1 retal is too much for most players to handle. Some of the top 5 were pure lucky not to get hit or carried great defense.

Good times. So carry 2 mil turrets and there won't be some asshole walking up and down the bot farmers? Is your job the bot defender, turret lobbyist, a land trader? I saw a player farm a bunch of fatties who were mid-build. I could do this every set, but I recognize a lot of these guys are competing for seeing their name in lights.

I think whatever point you are pretending to make still doesn't mesh with 10 hits per country. 2 I get, but you trashed those countries. Whatever retal you expected, other than a handful of missiles, I would have chosen a stronger opponent. Way to go champ. You beat up the fat kid and broke his glasses.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 24th 2021, 11:25:57

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by cordycsw:
yeah lets grab #5 since he is the fattest in the game lol

I would be down to coordinate and collude on hitting #5 but he has 16k land so far and is in a bit of DR. Maybe we wait till he LGs some low D noobs again and then we pillage!

I checked the strat forum. Says we should increase his DR and SPAL by sending nukes, hurtful in-game comments, and start a post about when and how to kill said country.

Just bought 100k turrets to ride out the storm. Suggest u do the same.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 19th 2021, 1:10:20

Do they still kneel and play the black national anthem before games? I don't really watch tv

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 18th 2021, 13:57:43

Originally posted by NitelL:
I've been suicided on 3 sets in a row now by all-jetters with 0 defense, and I actually had decent defense. This is becoming pretty silly.

One was just a land farming asshole. The other was built strictly for combat. Both suck ass which is why they couldnt break top 20 ( or were slaughtered). I mentioned this a couple months ago. Express now has 2 suicides (more to come with bored alliance restarts). It also seems we have a hungry hungry hippo who farms with 15 hits,
on multiple players, getting like 30 acres. A rainbow btw, just grabbing and getting retald or nuked.

We also have twice as many players in recent sets. We aren't seeing top 10 with avg acreage of 50-80k+. I assumed this was a good thing, as more players figure their attack calculations and learn terms like: DR, SPAL, destock, smdh, and also the value of spy ops (more for n00bs). Universal Spy DR on express bots is horsefluff btw. "Just guesstimate their defense using NW, dumby. LOL". That method works for like 5 players who eat, fluff and breath Earth 2025, EE, or Mars, and basically activate an Excel spreadsheet tailored to build and play it out. Oil is sacred on express, over sending or bouncing is hazardous to farmers and techs.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 16th 2021, 13:32:17

Originally posted by Bug:
no ratio.
Bots per server on a different amount:
Alliance: 250
FFA: 2000
Express: 60

Does the bot generator select a representative amount of government types? And an equity betwixt builds? There upon I witness that a random artificial entity shall purchase or produce a large force of jets, yet pose no more a threat than some infant suckling its mother's teat. Or another who fields massive columns of tanks who act as mere targets for aggressors. An agency of destruction they do not poses, so why the sharpened swords?
Is this chicanery or all by design?

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 15th 2021, 15:30:38

Doxxing is illegal. (Hi Mods, you guys are lazy fluffs). You go to jail and make a new bff. Is this really the road Earthers are travelling? Retal irl? Just a game Broseph.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 14th 2021, 2:06:48

Originally posted by Lefty:
Love any constructive input


But I'll answer anyway.

Strategy forums will give you all the builds and calculations. Start with a "Commie Indie" Or Communist with only CS (Construction Sites) and IC (Industrial Complex). Build and sell military on Public market. Buy food when you get low. Always check your food and cash levels before using turns. If you run out of food or money a portion of your military will abandon your country. Play Express server to practice. There are bots (npc countries) to hit and gain land. They do not attack. You can distinguish them because their name will appear yellow in the score sheet.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 13th 2021, 2:56:10

CHEVS! At it again... >:(

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 12th 2021, 14:48:26

Old people with money, some dude dying of cancer will stuff the money in a church box, or hand it to a bum in an envelope. It's an easy golden ticket to heaven, cancels out mid level sins.

As far as giving all your savings to anyone but your children (or animal shelter), I dunno man, a fool and his money, something something.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 12th 2021, 13:28:05

Originally posted by table4two:
- Congrats Tmac on the win. I had always assumed you'd already won this server with all your billion nw finishes
- That is a mighty competitive top 5
- You didn't play this set Galleri? I was looking for you in the t10!
- Congrats to the remaining top 17 :)

Galleri doesn't play anymore. She's a working girl.
Side note: Her Onlyfans is mostly feet pics. Theres some boobs but no nips. You get a couple thong peeks, but she's def holding out for premium account. I give her a solid 8 ( 9 depending on nipple configuration and bikini line).

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 6th 2021, 16:15:59

Originally posted by galleri:
There is no gallery in this game.
But in case you can't spell and this was directed for galleri.....
I am going to save you the trouble of a suicide.... I no longer play.

Thank you Chevs for the screenshot.

No problemo mi amor ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 6th 2021, 16:13:37

Originally posted by bore:
Does boxcar and ghqnet pull from all server feeds? Could be a glitch in the feeds with values that neither eestats nor earthgraphs have good enough errorhanding for. Please don't do a Bobby Tables in the feeds :P

There are times when my money is displayed with decimal format. Is this another side effect or strange happenstance?

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 6th 2021, 16:01:18

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
On the topic of bots being totally on or totally off, has there been consideration for a “mixed” implementation? If the intent is to not be able to grab bots and thus go back to grabbing only other humans, then turn off the ability for them to be grabbed. They could remain in the game to balance the market, as Tmac mentioned.

Or, to mirror what happened recently in Express, have the bots play just their first 500-1000 turns and then not do anything further. This will stabilize and jump start both the market and land grabs early but will then rely on humans to take over afterwards.

Looking for a possible compromise that meets all the needs. Thoughts?

The bots are active for first 1/3 or so. Long enough to give good acreage to farmers, while still being functional so they can operate on the market. From then on all attacks against bots are rejected by gdi or however the author likes. This permits early land grabbing, provides a timeframe for the ocd's here, and let's the bots continue activity in the markets. This would take a couple sets to adjust, but prices would eventually figure themselves. Not sure how much the bots would grow without being trimmed. Might need to adjust.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 4th 2021, 16:59:07

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Earthgraphs is down more than its up, I pay it no attention normally. But Eestats is usually only down for a few hours before bore fixes some protocols or does some other technical stuff.

Ah ok, I never use earthgraphs, as for eestats it's been down for days now, it's looking like it might not get fixed.

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Anyone know if bots crashed in other servers as well?

FFA players reported they're down there as well.

Are they still down? Express ones kick-started towards the end.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 4th 2021, 15:26:17

Originally posted by BigP:
id give it a whirl for old times sake

Express just did a set with dead bots. People started hitting each other. No rq's, no forum flames. Mods couldn't be bothered, super busy y'all, what else is new.
In the end it was very competitive and it seems everyone had fun, even n00bs got a fair share this round. I love getting 50,000-80,000 acres too, but most everyone was equal in land. Short on farmers though. Only downside I guess.

Edit: We were short on farmers when the set began. Without getting 90,000 acres they had to sell at slightly higher prices. So for the players who like 5 million acre farms, it's Jet only 4-life.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Oct 4th 2021, 15:36:01
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 4th 2021, 15:15:51

Anyone know if bots crashed in other servers as well?

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 4th 2021, 1:55:16

That was interesting. According to my last ops they stopped at ~750 turns
Any ideas?

Edit: When they went active again most had (360) reserve

Edited By: g0nz0 on Oct 4th 2021, 1:58:51
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 1st 2021, 22:45:35

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah. Rock that distrust. I think no one will actually be able to change your mind about the vaccine at this point. I'm just saying when they approve the fluff for children who are now actually getting the delta, it's very likely that schools on an individual, state or even federal level require this vaccine as part of the required immunization records to attend school. That's normal and I dont think you'll be able to stop anyone from that being so unless you also protest the other 11 shots and say immunizations records in total should not be required to attend school....which is simply a losing argument. it's going to know? Pandoras box got opened 11 shots ago.

I'm actually very excited they finally started going after the children. It was boring me to tears watching the sheeple ramble on about My Science.

Children are the line in the Sand.

Let's get this over with.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 1st 2021, 19:35:08

Is there one? Does the server create a base #? Is it the same for all server classes?
Asking for a friend

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 1st 2021, 19:13:59

Originally posted by TwoPodRay:
Was this the new method to get humans to hit each other?? /s

One of the big reasons behind the bots, at least in express, was to avoid the retals and eoss from players who were raped during the early build/ grab cycle. Everyone got hit 2-3 times by like 5 different countries. Your set never had a chance, so......

We also have 2x the human players this round. A combination of Alliance battles and bored vets checking in.

g0nz0 Game profile


Oct 1st 2021, 17:56:31

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Are bots not working this round?

Too many hits too early. Bots don't have ability to grow. Buy turrets.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 20:08:28

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
Whos there??

It's the school nurse ma'am. We gave your kid the jab...he's dead. HAHAHAHA!!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 20:08:02

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
Whos there??

It's the school nurse ma'am. We gave your kid the jab...he's dead. HAHAHAHA!!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 19:43:33

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
I was going to tell you a joke about covid 19 but 99% of you won’t get it......

Knock Knock...

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 19:04:42

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I'm 3 for 3 direct contact with COVID-19 sicklings, if I'm not immune, why didn't I get infected? Everyone else that came in contact with those people did get infected.

You brush your teeth with horse paste. Don't give these lemmings hope.