
g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:48:17

I'll give you a minute to edit that last response KoH. It's fine, everyone gets drunk at the wrong party, just depends on the company ;))

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:40:45

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Even with autocorrect off the piece of fluff phone changes words....fluff me

No worries mate. I called Big Pharma "Big Parma". Everybody thinks I'm talking about a 90's Gangster rapper in a global conspiracy. Talk about cray-cray....

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:34:52

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
PM from Galleri:
Whatever you did works fine now.

Told you. fluffing with me.

Yay you turned off the scrambler!

Now go make a country.

I'm gonna scramble your ass with my foot!!

You and your gf Chevs just cost me 2 weeks, multiple headaches, and a personal best in express.

I hope all your covid tests are anal swabs. You've earned it!

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:29:05

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Rolling back to the original topic because I'm probably only here for a day and wanna blab to my homies. I feel like I had to get a whole pile of immunizations on record before I could enroll in public school as a 3 year old right?

I think it's a total of, or rather as I understand it, 17 immunizations you need to be active duty military. I know a lady who got 8 in one day!!!!

I know this one makes you a 5G death machine microchip man, but if someone could explain the difference between an immunizations record which required me 4 shots of DTaP, 4 shots of polio and 3 shots of hepatitis B to attend school as a child, and a VaCcInE pAsSpOrT, I'm all ears. Seems like we been doing this fluff a while. Idk. Polio, for example, was eradicated by this requirement afterall. Requiring immunizations is not new to anything, really. Calling it a vaccine passport I guess is all I see as new. Otherwise I could see schools requiring it, just like they do 11 other shots.

Opinions about this vax aside, I feel like we totally already do "vaccine passports." I feel like we just have a kitschy name that makes it something different for no reason. You could live around it and get diphtheria in the household by homeschooling your kids and fluff for sure, but I think immunizations requirements is kinda normal for public schools, universities and most professional least that's my experience and I'm just a drunk who happens to be a drunk professional, you's kind of usually required...

Also, are you my body my life people down to convert to pro-choice. I defo hear you on your body being your right and whatnot. Points I just made aside, I tend to agree. Figure ladies ought to be given the same rights as men tho, right?

Apples and oranges, the immunizations you get as a child have a fluff ton of science and research behind it, the vaccine that they pushed through, again, pushed through in desperation to stop the virus hasn't even done that, it doesn't even prevent the spread as they claimed it would, people even vaccinated are contracting and spreading COVID-19, again, not everyone needs the vaccine and forcing people to get it is unconditional, period.


Agree, but not all countries have a consitution that is FOR the people. I would argue this is a crime against humanity. From Alaska to Africa and all points in-between. This is profit and power.
God bless you all. Please do MUCH research. Ignore Google,Bing, etc. Go directly to research websites, medical journals, observe chats, whistleblowers and IMPORTANTLY, remember these people (Big Parma) have paid BILLIONS in fines for bullfluff meds pushed on innocent populations. This is no different but MUCH more profit with NO LEGAL reprecussions. Golden Goose.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:16:23

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Your post: "Oooooh look what we have here...."

When KoH called me Chevs and said "welcome back"

Maybe this?

You legit signed your name on a post as "qbert". That was your own fault.


g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:13:08

Or maybe the fact that I called you guys out. Eventually you would say "looks good, whatever you did". What do you think I changed? How is today different from 12 days ago?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:10:52

Your post: "Oooooh look what we have here...."

When KoH called me Chevs and said "welcome back"

Maybe this?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:08:13

PM from Galleri:
Whatever you did works fine now.

Told you. fluffing with me.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 16:05:39

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Everything is off .. ... Except my scrambler... ..

I started scrolling through some posts and you guys are talking about Chev, zen, and whatever else messing with express, back in June was it?

This is why you're all fluffing with me. There's nothing wrong with my account, you guys just don't want to admit friendly fire. Good players still exist in this game. Banned players come back for suicides, grief and eoss. Not to net and say hi to friends in the forum. Fkn morons.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 15:46:02

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Rolling back to the original topic because I'm probably only here for a day and wanna blab to my homies. I feel like I had to get a whole pile of immunizations on record before I could enroll in public school as a 3 year old right?

I think it's a total of, or rather as I understand it, 17 immunizations you need to be active duty military. I know a lady who got 8 in one day!!!!

I know this one makes you a 5G death machine microchip man, but if someone could explain the difference between an immunizations record which required me 4 shots of DTaP, 4 shots of polio and 3 shots of hepatitis B to attend school as a child, and a VaCcInE pAsSpOrT, I'm all ears. Seems like we been doing this fluff a while. Idk. Polio, for example, was eradicated by this requirement afterall. Requiring immunizations is not new to anything, really. Calling it a vaccine passport I guess is all I see as new. Otherwise I could see schools requiring it, just like they do 11 other shots.

Opinions about this vax aside, I feel like we totally already do "vaccine passports." I feel like we just have a kitschy name that makes it something different for no reason. You could live around it and get diphtheria in the household by homeschooling your kids and fluff for sure, but I think immunizations requirements is kinda normal for public schools, universities and most professional least that's my experience and I'm just a drunk who happens to be a drunk professional, you's kind of usually required...

Also, are you my body my life people down to convert to pro-choice. I defo hear you on your body being your right and whatnot. Points I just made aside, I tend to agree. Figure ladies ought to be given the same rights as men tho, right?

Let's see...
Not a real vaccine
NOT safe OR effective
Requires 2,3, or however many boosters for life
You still get covid
You still spread covid.
Massive government overreach.
10 Trillion in handouts to mega rich corps and donors
Stolen elections in countries all over the world
Consolidation of power as small businesses collapse
Open borders (housing, covid, overloaded hospitals)
Housing crisis as countless families made homeless
100's of $$BILLIONS$$ in profit and subsidies for Big Pharma and CDC allies.
All based on purposely inflated numbers
seek n destroy campaigns against ANY resistance. (See YouTube new policy)

Just the usual subversive elements...

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 15:00:34

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by 00Rosso:
Mercs soft as the undercurl of a babys ball sack... dudes with 45,50,60+ mill networths attacking a clan that had 2 dudes over 10.. 1 over 15... soft..
On the bright side of things at least they attacked worthless countries that you probably shouldn't even care about.

I'm sad to have missed that response. +10

A larger, more active clan doing cowardly FS against unprepared, low activity clans killed off probably 60% of Earth/Mars players. It closed the shop on Mars2025.

Wars can't be declared 2/3 into a set when you are fully stocked and bored. Plan this fluff from the beginning and play fair. If other clans are not active, split your own clan into teams and fight each other. Blue vs Red

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 14:38:49

Originally posted by Requiem:
But was it off at the time? I was just letting you know why incog can be an issue for them.

Everything is off. I'm playing the game wide open. It's why this is all bullfluff. She just needs to validate her choices. It's why it takes a couple days to respond with "nope". If they back down now we admit this wasn't about my connection. Not after I switched browsers. It's still "I know it's him, just can't prove it...yet".

I've received the question "what are you using" and answered. More than once. That doesn't work anymore.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 14:24:46

Originally posted by Requiem:
They use cookies for the game, and incognito doesn't have the cookie that they check for!

First sentence. Glasses.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 14:22:48

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It's Chevs

Originally posted by cordycsw:
welcome back to the game Chevs! lol

I KNEW this was all bullfluff. You guys suffering from schizophrenia can't let go of the idea I'm not a banned player. (Qbert, I mean Chev, nah it's Mac, or probably some other name I pull out of my ass). You assholes label me a cheater after 20 years of honest play. People do leave voluntarily, just to take a break, sometimes years. I come back to a collective of paranoid man-hating, self-hating, probably kitten kicking fluff-heels.

The mods can't be bothered to actually POLICE the SERVER, but will spend 2 weeks harassing an innocent player. We're stuck now, aren't we? You can't just say "looks good now", unless I change something (which I can't). If you decide to finally let this go, I MAY ignore this whole fiasco, forgive Prime, and move forward. But Galleri can use this to maybe reflect that banning on a hunch is #1 fluff mod behavior. I get the tor thing in the beginning, but weeks later "hmmmm... not quite...chevs.. ;) )"

I don't deserve this treatment after spending so many years helping n00bs, getting hit by multis, identify actual cheats, and chill players getting too hot in the forums/chats. I could bring a dozen vets here to vouch for me, but even that would leave you stuck. "Looks okay I guess...we can work with this. Just cuz we care. Go put your Speedos on and stay out of trouble."

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 30th 2021, 13:48:57

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
There is obviously something cryptic and devious with your connection. Attempting to bend the rules will gain you no friends here, but I'm sure you already know that, mac.

Using incognito is the same as bypassing the security with a proxy and is against the rules. Benders are the same as breakers. Just play it on an open browser on your home IP and there will be no problems. Alternatively you could share your local ISP directly with the mods and white list yourself of you are having problems. This would involve divulging where you are and what service provider you have to the mods, they can investigate their end at that point. And if you're clean, you'll be fine.

But we all know that's not the case, mac. You're trying to find a way around it just like you always did. People dont have problems like this unless they intend to.

Incognito is off. I changed it even though she didn't answer me. Nothing I am using hides my identity. This isn't about that, not any more at least. And the idea of giving name, #, ISP, city, physical address, etc,etc to play a fluffing game? Seriously? No, it's something else.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 29th 2021, 22:52:59

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

Mods don't give a fluff about this server, or did you miss the several posts Galleri made where she stated it's a dying game that she checks occasionally out of pity (for losers in Speedos Y'all!!). The mod button should be in the hands of an ACTIVE MEMBER. Until then we get 2 steady suicides and defensive mods (not my problem. Always next set tmac. lol).

PS Still waiting on unlocking those accounts. Only been a week now.....

They won't get unlocked. I have tried to get an answer from you and you skirt around it.
Personally it is not my job to figure out what you are doing on your end. It is your job to figure out how to use a proper IP.

I have about 15 emails with you, and 10 or so with Prime. I've explained to both of you every detail. Somehow you think I'm cheating, you just can't figure out what it is. Scroll through your mail and try reading again. Maybe there's a reason you can't "figure it out", because I'm not doing anything wrong. Maybe ask another mod, who knows...

Whatever method you're using to access the game to protect your "privacy", I would stop doing that.

At this point I'm fairly certain you two are just fluffing with me. I'm playing this game wide open and you both keep pretending "nope...not quite. Almost". There's no settings left to change. Maybe 800 number to my ISP?

I have literally not responded like that to you and the only detail you have said is something like "Could it be the incognito feature on Chrome".
Since Prime is the head mod. Basically what he has said ... is the end all of answers.

I have a whole chain of replies where I told you details. Both of you. That reply was like #4. You guys can't even tell me the problem. Neither. The only thing you two can muster is "same issue", "no vpns", and "try using a better ip". fluffing 2-3 days for 3-4 word responses. You guys don't even know what to say, or how to fix it. What do I change that can meet rules if "dur ip not gute" is the output every time we "talk" in both email and forum?

Edit: The goal post moving needs to stop btw. Whenever we get to a point you guys shift to "not my problem. It's not up to me to figure this out." It IS actually. You are ruining my gaming experience, with no solutions as to what might be done if the player is not in control of the violation. What is a white list? There is more to modding than the ban button. A hundred mods before you have gained that insight. Unfortunately they're all gone now.

There is about 9 pm's. 0 emails. All of my responses/messages trying to help you have been met with blank responses just like this:

So you are making your interaction with me a bit more dramatic than has been. (btw I have been modding this server since there haven't been 100's of mods before me ;) )

Stop piling bullfluff on the table Galleri. Both of you have the info. The "VPN or something similar" is trash as well. "Something" is political talk for "we don't have anything real". How can you possibly not understand. I guarantee you can walk up and down the player base and find the same thing. There is nothing cryptic or devious in my connection. If you can't figure out how I am able to access your game (legally), then your tech issue shouldn't be disrupting my gaming experience.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 29th 2021, 17:28:11

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

Mods don't give a fluff about this server, or did you miss the several posts Galleri made where she stated it's a dying game that she checks occasionally out of pity (for losers in Speedos Y'all!!). The mod button should be in the hands of an ACTIVE MEMBER. Until then we get 2 steady suicides and defensive mods (not my problem. Always next set tmac. lol).

PS Still waiting on unlocking those accounts. Only been a week now.....

They won't get unlocked. I have tried to get an answer from you and you skirt around it.
Personally it is not my job to figure out what you are doing on your end. It is your job to figure out how to use a proper IP.

I have about 15 emails with you, and 10 or so with Prime. I've explained to both of you every detail. Somehow you think I'm cheating, you just can't figure out what it is. Scroll through your mail and try reading again. Maybe there's a reason you can't "figure it out", because I'm not doing anything wrong. Maybe ask another mod, who knows...

Whatever method you're using to access the game to protect your "privacy", I would stop doing that.

At this point I'm fairly certain you two are just fluffing with me. I'm playing this game wide open and you both keep pretending "nope...not quite. Almost". There's no settings left to change. Maybe 800 number to my ISP?

I have literally not responded like that to you and the only detail you have said is something like "Could it be the incognito feature on Chrome".
Since Prime is the head mod. Basically what he has said ... is the end all of answers.

I have a whole chain of replies where I told you details. Both of you. That reply was like #4. You guys can't even tell me the problem. Neither. The only thing you two can muster is "same issue", "no vpns", and "try using a better ip". fluffing 2-3 days for 3-4 word responses. You guys don't even know what to say, or how to fix it. What do I change that can meet rules if "dur ip not gute" is the output every time we "talk" in both email and forum?

Edit: The goal post moving needs to stop btw. Whenever we get to a point you guys shift to "not my problem. It's not up to me to figure this out." It IS actually. You are ruining my gaming experience, with no solutions as to what might be done if the player is not in control of the violation. What is a white list? There is more to modding than the ban button. A hundred mods before you have gained that insight. Unfortunately they're all gone now.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 29th 2021, 17:39:42
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 29th 2021, 3:33:10

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

Mods don't give a fluff about this server, or did you miss the several posts Galleri made where she stated it's a dying game that she checks occasionally out of pity (for losers in Speedos Y'all!!). The mod button should be in the hands of an ACTIVE MEMBER. Until then we get 2 steady suicides and defensive mods (not my problem. Always next set tmac. lol).

PS Still waiting on unlocking those accounts. Only been a week now.....

They won't get unlocked. I have tried to get an answer from you and you skirt around it.
Personally it is not my job to figure out what you are doing on your end. It is your job to figure out how to use a proper IP.

I have about 15 emails with you, and 10 or so with Prime. I've explained to both of you every detail. Somehow you think I'm cheating, you just can't figure out what it is. Scroll through your mail and try reading again. Maybe there's a reason you can't "figure it out", because I'm not doing anything wrong. Maybe ask another mod, who knows...

Whatever method you're using to access the game to protect your "privacy", I would stop doing that.

At this point I'm fairly certain you two are just fluffing with me. I'm playing this game wide open and you both keep pretending "nope...not quite. Almost". There's no settings left to change. Maybe 800 number to my ISP?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 28th 2021, 21:10:43

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Tmac:
You don't like netting. You have no interest in a prearranged war. You also said that me killing you twice after you farmed me didn't matter because you forced me into a war I didn't want. I guess you can play just to ruin others experience if the mods want to allow that, but I find no joy in it.

Congrats on the win cordy!

Mods don't give a fluff about this server, or did you miss the several posts Galleri made where she stated it's a dying game that she checks occasionally out of pity (for losers in Speedos Y'all!!). The mod button should be in the hands of an ACTIVE MEMBER. Until then we get 2 steady suicides and defensive mods (not my problem. Always next set tmac. lol).

PS Still waiting on unlocking those accounts. Only been a week now.....

They won't get unlocked. I have tried to get an answer from you and you skirt around it.
Personally it is not my job to figure out what you are doing on your end. It is your job to figure out how to use a proper IP.

I have about 15 emails with you, and 10 or so with Prime. I've explained to both of you every detail. Somehow you think I'm cheating, you just can't figure out what it is. Scroll through your mail and try reading again. Maybe there's a reason you can't "figure it out", because I'm not doing anything wrong. Maybe ask another mod, who knows...

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 28th 2021, 16:35:46

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by galleri:
yeah and the only thing you will see left here is a bunch of old crusty angry asses that cannot fit into their speedos anymore running around being a bunch degenerative ungrateful pruned nerds in the middle of their midlife crisis.
Anyone with common sense sees this and leaves again.

This may be true but I still fit in to my speedos.

Die CIS male scum DIIIIIE!!! Down with the Patriarchy!!!

SMDH!! Y'ALL givin me headaches!!!!

GRRRL Power!!!! It's OUR turn!!

Harris/Clinton 2024

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 27th 2021, 16:06:39

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
The Russians hacked express, and Heaven, Sc0rps, and knights merged. 40 vs 25. Not much to play honestly. Checkmate.

Was bound to happen, I mean to be fair, how often did I try to get at least some of the Russians on our side? (Also apparently not that diplomatic over here sorry guys.)

If you don't remember, LoT and CCCP allied to take on Heaven/Sc0rp/Knights. Union participated like the fat kid in gym class. God love him, at least he tried...

The express hack is what closed the show for most of us. It had a lot of potential if we had time to work out the kinks. Maybe public market, doubtful on bots. But they wanted to "Win" the game. Tournament, Primary, express. Own it so to speak. Unfortunate, but they chose the fate of Mars.

Edit: By the way, it was the last few sets when we finally agreed to work aside CCCP (commies ). You were part of those chats. So somewhere your skills paid off. Those players could get rude at times, great fighters though.

I remember CCCP, once I got them past the whole hatred thing with on of the English clans, they were good dudes. I had always wondered what had happened though, I know I cut out there at the very end because of IRL stuff, and Earth stuff. The Russian's had always said that it was their game, and they kept trying to make that painfully true. I also remember running the Mars2025 social media there for a bit, again such a weird time.

I didn't realise how seriously they took that game til CCCP players who spoke English joined chats. These people were able to meet in person, had parties, went to University or military together. They moved social media to VK (Russian Facebook). Union boss gave me a folder of everyone's profile. Holy Christ most of those girls were hotties! I didn't even know, so many missed opportunities...2 gingers, that chick dressed in costume holding a sword, Natasha and her blue bikini. anyway...

The animosity mostly came from media propoganda and our sanctions bullfluff. It was surprising to many of them that some people don't hate Russia and want to starve it's citizens. (Or poison with gmo foods...). It was a love hate relationship. I'm sure many would play here if the page were translated like Mars.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 27th 2021, 14:52:38

Originally posted by Tmac:
You don't like netting. You have no interest in a prearranged war. You also said that me killing you twice after you farmed me didn't matter because you forced me into a war I didn't want. I guess you can play just to ruin others experience if the mods want to allow that, but I find no joy in it.

Congrats on the win cordy!

Mods don't give a fluff about this server, or did you miss the several posts Galleri made where she stated it's a dying game that she checks occasionally out of pity (for losers in Speedos Y'all!!). The mod button should be in the hands of an ACTIVE MEMBER. Until then we get 2 steady suicides and defensive mods (not my problem. Always next set tmac. lol).

PS Still waiting on unlocking those accounts. Only been a week now.....

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 27th 2021, 2:30:36

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I played like a mindless noob farming a few in DR bots, did a few bomb bank ops on rich bots and sold all of my food via PM at $37 and $38 a bushels. Bought out my PM. Dumped most of my tech in the final 3 hours at $1198/ea and Finished 2nd place and had a boring ass set.

How do you “don’t touch me, I farm bots netters” do this week after week?

So much more engaging and fun to grab a few low defence players, trade chirping / fluff talking messages and then have a scrap till the end

Sounds awesome. Some players are chill. So honor the dnh. We need fatties to fuel war machines. If you find a noob, maybe dnh and move on. You know how it is.

There's tension in Alliance. Let them Duke it out in the killing fields.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 27th 2021, 1:11:06

Originally posted by BadFish:
are you a badfish too ?

Only if it's the one that requires Bitcoin and a fake po box...

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 26th 2021, 18:38:45

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
The Russians hacked express, and Heaven, Sc0rps, and knights merged. 40 vs 25. Not much to play honestly. Checkmate.

Was bound to happen, I mean to be fair, how often did I try to get at least some of the Russians on our side? (Also apparently not that diplomatic over here sorry guys.)

If you don't remember, LoT and CCCP allied to take on Heaven/Sc0rp/Knights. Union participated like the fat kid in gym class. God love him, at least he tried...

The express hack is what closed the show for most of us. It had a lot of potential if we had time to work out the kinks. Maybe public market, doubtful on bots. But they wanted to "Win" the game. Tournament, Primary, express. Own it so to speak. Unfortunate, but they chose the fate of Mars.

Edit: By the way, it was the last few sets when we finally agreed to work aside CCCP (commies ). You were part of those chats. So somewhere your skills paid off. Those players could get rude at times, great fighters though.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 26th 2021, 18:47:47
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 26th 2021, 1:50:05

The Russians hacked express, and Heaven, Sc0rps, and knights merged. 40 vs 25. Not much to play honestly. Checkmate.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 26th 2021, 1:29:58

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Just give me one good reason to get injection of something that hasn't been fully studied yet, I have all my other run of the mill vaccines that are actually proven to do what they're made for

First off, I clicked the first article Google suggested and copied it. I didn't look that deep because I have confirmation bias.

Secondly, I will realise as time goes on that this was an elaborate ruse for money and total control of humans. Wow that's fluffed up.

Sucks bro. I hope you don't suffer, but please don't convince others. Earth 2025/ Earth Empires legend. God be with you.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 26th 2021, 1:20:25

Originally posted by farmer:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by farmer:
I don't give 2 piles of excrement about women's uteruses, it is the life harbored within that i care about

I bet you are for the death penalty and pro-war— just a guess.

death penalty yes pro war no and the death penalty has nothing to do with abortion one is innocent and the other deserves to die

I like the topic of vaccines, freedom, and friends. Let's leave the topic of slaughtering the fetus (her choice) for a separate thread. However I 100% honor your right to talk about whatever the fluff you want. ;)

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 26th 2021, 1:11:47

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
I gotta love how my body my choice only works with vaccines, but no one minds that the government and church is all up in our uteruses. Stupidest damned argument I have ever seen.

Pheebs from LoT?

If we are discussing Mars LoT yes for like a set and a half, Earth LoT no.

You were with us for longer than that. I remember fondly your many words of support and chants for the blood of our enemies. Love you pheebs. Thanks for some awesome memories. Epic battles.

Its what I do, honestly don't remember a lot from LoT, more GoDs and being an adoptive Clown in CWG. Noticing a lot of peeps from LoT and Mars in general over here now.

Once Mars died I left the chats. No killruns and seemed like LoT ended the game for a few players. I know some joined stones (ninja, undertaker, pheonix, Union players too). Any commies follow us here? Mac is here, or most esteemed Field Commander. Doesn't seem as active, but nobody is.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 25th 2021, 9:16:14

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by daspheebsie:
I gotta love how my body my choice only works with vaccines, but no one minds that the government and church is all up in our uteruses. Stupidest damned argument I have ever seen.

Pheebs from LoT?

If we are discussing Mars LoT yes for like a set and a half, Earth LoT no.

You were with us for longer than that. I remember fondly your many words of support and chants for the blood of our enemies. Love you pheebs. Thanks for some awesome memories. Epic battles.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 24th 2021, 20:43:46

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
I gotta love how my body my choice only works with vaccines, but no one minds that the government and church is all up in our uteruses. Stupidest damned argument I have ever seen.

Pheebs from LoT?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 24th 2021, 11:08:46

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rob:
Originally posted by Gerdler:

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
My body, my choice.

The same people who say that about vaccines are generally of the opposite opinion about abortions lol. :)

Lol, thats very true indeed

I'm not willing to abort my life, I already know the virus doesn't hurt me, we still don't know the long term effects of a rushed through vaccine that doesn't even destroy the virus, it's an experimental booster, glorified flu shot.

This is the part everyone skips over. There is no doubt, not anymore, that there is MORE risk of death and long term health risk from this bullfluff science juice they are pumping into everyone. The last thing any of these political entities, big pharma, social activists give a fluff about is your health.
It is all profit and power. All of it.

This is not about a virus. It never has been.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2021, 1:37:14

Originally posted by Rasp:
gonzo - you playing clash royale?

or is that another gonzo in pdm?

I've always been loyal to Earth (had an affair with Mars). Diff Gonzo.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 23rd 2021, 1:34:45

Originally posted by king7012:
What's up, everyone. Been a couple of years. Was thinking about earth the other day. Actually, on how my oldest is going into Grade 9, and in few years she graduates.... in 2025 that is. Crazy how fast time goes by. Hope everyone is well, safe and healthy.

What's new?

You joined express right? If you want that boost of adrenaline and nostalgia, there you go.

PM me for Intel Ally.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 22nd 2021, 22:58:52

Originally posted by BaDonkaDonks:
Just curious on peoples thoughts and opinions here. I know I should be posting this to general, but I don't really go there and only want opinions of expressers.

Middle East. Africa. China. South America: Yes
Everywhere else: No

Edit: I think the direction you should be concerned is lockdowns, testing, tracing apps, and all that other fluff is what we should ALL be looking at. Especially people who have kids. This is terrifying and constant propoganda. The vaccine should be optional in modern countries but the destruction of privacy and freedom of movement, permanently, needs attention.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 23rd 2021, 1:24:24
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 22nd 2021, 11:45:18

Originally posted by galleri:
Just let Zack go after him. He will wish that he never mentioned anything on Zack's post.

Love you too galleri. Zack isn't doing fluff. He's venting. Players get fed up and want to burn this game to the ground. Especially solos getting dogpiled.

Join us in express Zack. Most players net and it's great for experimenting with builds. If you want to fight buy oil early.
Good luck

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 19:21:52

I know youve heard the story thousand times. But I am curious to see a replay of the 33 day Express on the Mars server. The admin "forgot" to end the normal set. We had no public market though, so it was mostly killing fields. But I would be curious what numbers our vets could pull off here with Earth rules/formulas.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 18:47:32

Originally posted by g0nz0:

So are purple countries locked or permanently destroyed? You guys have the ability to restore?

Yes, players can appeal deletions ingame and the country can be restored (new turns are still lost for the deletion period). Players that are polite... or even just halfway decent... stand a better chance of country restoration. [/quote]

We've spent 2 day's going over the fact that there was a rule violation I wasn't aware of, since I've never cheated. Been playing since swirve. I've been playing this site for 6 years using the same methods.
Obviously I'm not a cheater, youve got that by now. I didn't violate the rules intentionally and 3 words "can't use Tor" would have skipped all of this.

But all of my countries are still purpled and more or less ruined by market and turn loss. If this isn't punishment I would be unlocked. It's petty.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 18:19:40

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Just when I thought this thread couldn't get more stupid....fluff me!

KoHoles, you were the first to start accusing me. "Qbert! Qbert!! Sevz, Sevz!! You got purpled Sevz lol!! You aren't smarter than a 5th grader! Hodor!!!"

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 18:07:17

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by Requiem:
He hit me good last set with like 20m+ turrets, lol. It's not me hitting him but maybe he pissed someone off :p

He is just temperamental that he gets grabbed each set and can never retal.

He’s not doing any damage really but I’ll be getting the land and more back later.

GL everyone.

Not if he keeps taking and then do such could carry this over and over and ......

Good suicides drop land in order to maintain spal and weapons/mil strat tech. It's a dirty job. The worst case scenario is some random player doing a gs kill run, and the suicide dies with everyone's land. Bonus is , oil and jet/tank sales are like Black Friday for dealers on the market.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 17:46:57

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I've not heard of it before. What is this thing you call "War?"

3 cans of Monster, 3am IRC, saved full turns, bought oil. Pen and paper for breakers.

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 17:32:09

[quote poster=Primeval; 50397; 982774]
Originally posted by g0nz0:

Who gives a fluff if it's "ban" over "delete". I just lost weeks of work because a mod had a power Trip and ruined all my projects. There was no need for it. They know I'm not a cheater. A "You can't us TOR, it can get you banned" would have been met with "sorry about that. I like my privacy. No problemo." Instead I get post-ban updates.

Any lost gameplay is your own doing. A tap on the shoulder to remind a player not to break the rules shouldn't be necessary. The moderators are not here to ruin your gameplay, we are just here to enforce the rules that were placed with good reason. Also, moderators occasionally catch heat from players that might be negatively impacted by someone breaking the rules for not identifying those people fast enough. They could make the argument that weeks of work was ruined needlessly and it should have been identified earlier.

That's almost an admission. Why would Galleri take the time to link the rules page in some random post, but couldn't at "Can't use TOR". 3 words. She deleted me because she thought I was a previously banned player. We are moving the goal posts to "she gave you a warning". She did not. I have used this browser to play here for YEARS. 3 words could have been spared, but she's super busy and we're losers in spedos.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 21st 2021, 17:34:45
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 17:06:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
This is express though 🤷

It's a troll. A victim of player abuse ( good work mods XD ).
He's/she's just venting. Change names and probably skip team. Primary, Tournament, and Alliance with dnh if u are solo). Those servers are less vulnerable, more about netting.

Edit: Express is mostly about netting however we've gained a consistent suicide, but that only requires 1million+ turrets because oil is so expensive it limits their hits.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Sep 21st 2021, 17:09:21
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 3:31:04

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Doesnt that mean you are allowed to play again but only if you obey the rules? Your crime was not considered ban worthy but delete worthy.

The reason VPN/TOR use is against the rules is not the act itself but because it is often used to mask other types of cheating.

Who gives a fluff if it's "ban" over "delete". I just lost weeks of work because a mod had a power Trip and ruined all my projects. There was no need for it. They know I'm not a cheater. A "You can't us TOR, it can get you banned" would have been met with "sorry about that. I like my privacy. No problemo." Instead I get post-ban updates.

I don't mod the other *mods

So are purple countries locked or permanently destroyed? You guys have the ability to restore?

g0nz0 Game profile


Sep 21st 2021, 1:22:56

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Doesnt that mean you are allowed to play again but only if you obey the rules? Your crime was not considered ban worthy but delete worthy.

The reason VPN/TOR use is against the rules is not the act itself but because it is often used to mask other types of cheating.

Who gives a fluff if it's "ban" over "delete". I just lost weeks of work because a mod had a power Trip and ruined all my projects. There was no need for it. They know I'm not a cheater. A "You can't us TOR, it can get you banned" would have been met with "sorry about that. I like my privacy. No problemo." Instead I get post-ban updates.