
g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 24th 2022, 16:58:37

Bots now stock oil and jets. Invest only in mil strat. They also start the game by grabbing other bots. Just thought you guys should know. Be careful out there.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 24th 2022, 16:46:23

Putin knows timing. Obama and his crew were fleecing Ukraine and installing puppets. Now they need Ukraine to go away. This also provides perfect cover for the failing covid Scamdemic, and Bidens handlers seem to think his tough guy attitude towards Putin isn't sad and pathetic to watch. America has no leadership and UN security/NATO isn't fluff without United States. So now is a good time. As far as sanctions go, that's easily countered by China and their pipeline to Russia.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 24th 2022, 16:33:51

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Thought this was well put together.....


Don't give a fluff. Grateful really. Now I will see thousands of cute Ukrainian women refugees marching across Europe. They will land on beaches in mega inflatable boats. NGO ships will transport 10,000 each day from drowning in the red Sea. I will gladly pay welfare and provide free housing. And please, have as many babies as you can.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 21st 2022, 5:45:18

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
2.4 hours ago
Your military lost:
17,131 Turrets
1427 Tanks
Their military lost:
32 Troops
136,800 Jets
7408 Tanks


Originally posted by Rocky79:
Biden's death toll exceeds Trump's now, he's the new champ!

but biden had twice as many years to get a higher number. this comparison is unfair to biden!

Biden didn't do fluff, he's just a puppet, the man can't put a sentence together even with a teleprompter in front of him, we elected a fluffing zombie FFS 🙇‍♂️


The dumbass of the year that hit me did 8 GS THEN an SS.... that's why he's a tard, actually, supertard, tard of the year and this is February....

Looks like a bored mid level. Expect sporadic missile and AB attacks rest of set. Spy ops if SPAL is anything.

"We" elected Trump. "They" installed a feeble automaton to act on behalf of a massive den of incestuous snakes and rats. Unelected lifelong globalist stooges. Communist subversion, Big Pharma, Big Tech, MIC, Large University's, Blackrock, FED, "Wall Street", Chyna, "Climate Change/Green Energy" lobbyists, various secret fraternal orders, some Monarchies, your sister, and the family dog Brutus.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 19th 2022, 18:40:49

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Originally posted by Rocky79:
finale big hit? still three weeks left and as a dictator your main advantages are military and ghost acres

Lol I'm almost out of targets given my own one hit policy.. most remaining unhit are those ppl i know or just not lucrative for the hits

Ethics just aren't what they used to be man. I got 2 targets left on my list, then I stop hitting or am cursed for eternity and thrown unceremoniously into a lake of fire. Guilt is a hell of a drug.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 11th 2022, 20:17:35

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
You woke guys better get in line or be cancelled for not playing a game by netter rules.

I didn’t realise that selling jets as a commie, tech as a techer, or bushels as a farmer was ‘playing a game by netters rules’. Pray tell, is there another way to play those strats?

You are technical and measured destock to achieve maximum NW.
You walk your destock boots all over these fluffes, carve out a million acres. Tears of rage on the forum. fluff em that was awesome.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 10th 2022, 4:17:20

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Garry Owen:


Why do people constantly refer to Orwell without recognising that he was a staunch support of Democratic Socialism?

His writings were/are dismissed as fringe minority conspiracist conjecture. Laugh out loud loony tunes. You want a rubber room with no windows, quote him. Sure everything he prophesied came true but that is mere coincidence. People reference him to expose grotesque levels of hypocrisy. What's sad is neither "side" understands his writings or their pertinence. Children grasp Animal Farm better than any PhD graduate SJW. It's control over the weak and the cowardly. Exactly as it should be. I don't want a butch purple-haired Karen dictating my life tormenting/subjugate me without exception, any more than she wants me telling her to stop the hate speech against penises (real ones), act normal, and make pedophile dating sites like tiktok illegal. We all hate each other, peace was never an option. Brainwashing, brutality, subversion, division, genocide. All in the playbook. Don't you want YOUR team to win?? The ends justify the means... ;))

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 7th 2022, 20:39:37

Originally posted by Ivan:
It flew right over their heads as usual Galleri, nothing ever really changes around here :)

You go gurl!! Floor a fascist! The game is rigged for old rich white people. We can't let this go on forever!! >:(

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 7th 2022, 20:33:28

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Buch:
Originally posted by Ivan:
well said Drew :)

No comment on how your great party supported slavery?

Why are you bringing the Vikings into this?

IKR? Or the Egyptians, Persians, Jewish, Mongolian, Chinese, Africans, Mayan, Aztec, North American "indigenous" slave traders. Are all those groups "leftist" causes as well? I swear it's everyone BUT them. :/

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 5th 2022, 21:42:33

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
What's with these idiots doing big grabs? And by big I mean hitting top ranked well built countries that can and will retal, stupid.

Well I was already built for attacking and you would have to buy more defense AND lots of new offense. There go your expenses, food consumption, not to mention all the turns not spent teching... Is it worth anything other than a missile?

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 4th 2022, 0:58:54

Originally posted by porcelainedoll:
where is the option to purchase missles thks.and i see the public market but cant find this private market?

Starting a GoFundMe to pay developers to add a missile market and to program bots to retal. You got $5? It's a good cause.

g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 1st 2022, 3:57:53

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I bought them $77 bushels. At first I thought they were pricy but than i remembered I also sell turrets for $220 so I guess I can afford them.

Thanks for your purchase

PS. who pays $220 for turrets? Turrets are cheaper than that on the private market with no 6% tax

Bushels on the other hand are outrageously priced on the private market

The only people buying public market at such cost have emptied their Private market. They are scared and desperate.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 25th 2022, 7:19:03

Originally posted by Doug:
Oh snap! Be nice to him galleri, the 2 hairy dudes that brought him home from the leather bar last night has his rhoides inflamed. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

It's fun joking about an anal sex orgy. Do you think they used condoms or Raw Dogged the poor lad. Do you still bleed when a penis is inserted into your anus Buch? You probably deserved it. XD

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 24th 2022, 21:17:39

Originally posted by Rocky79:
0 CS?

I suppose you could play a democracy and try to play the markets

When you grab the # of buildings stolen is commensurate with your own % wise. If you build some labs, and farm bots who are all labs you could find yourself in a top 19 finish.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 24th 2022, 19:53:14

Originally posted by Doug:
And Buch… next time you offer to “help” … remove your teeth… the rub burns a bitxh

This whole thing has nothing to do with land grabs. Me thinks some friction betwixt star-crossed lovers is the cause of strife. Maybe a night out to rekindle the romance? Gall can watch the kids, it's her fave.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 20th 2022, 2:28:32

Originally posted by guochel:
i can't sell my fluff on the market. it's fluffing incredible. i have not sold a single bushel on teh market. there's like so much supply from all these farmers

Last Primary set had no farmers. Great profit and many suffered under Tyranny. So now we have surplus. Your PM will have to suffice until grabbing starts. Stock and wait for prices to elevate.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 17th 2022, 17:20:57

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Word on the street is that he is sanctioned in all servers except alliance and team.

Sanctions are temporary. If your leadership(s) want to handle Hungry just designate 3 countries to kill him whenever he leaves protection. Each restart will be weaker and he will only annoy low hanging fruit. Stop hot potatoing this fluffer and just grease him. All the hardcore warlords keep quoting their NW and let weaker members act like meat shields. Now youre bribing other clans? Sad.

Edit: I sacrificed a set in express to kill Hungry. Eat my ass "Whatabout yew!!?" You guys have armies, and it's still pulling teeth.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Jan 17th 2022, 17:25:22
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 11th 2022, 17:47:26

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Check 220 County Texas court house for Public Mortage Records

You're going to rot in federal prison and i hope Dougie's soft hands perform the daily cavity search

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 9th 2022, 23:58:16

Originally posted by TIP:
This doesn't help me.

Look bro, we know it's you. There is no getting around it You are banned from here to eternity. Laying this at Mehuls feet and asking for a blessing is futile. You must walk a path, but this one is blocked. Scram.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 7th 2022, 18:19:45

Originally posted by Joey0001:

These food prices are making my people angry.

It's stock or someone is fishing for last minute deals. Farmers might be finishing on private market. Or you should place a couple standing orders for $50 or less.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 5th 2022, 19:07:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by wari:
From 1860-1865, 2/3 of the soldiers in the Civil War died from disease.

Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

What is your point?

Get. The. Vacciiiiiine!!!
Until you are FULLY vaxxed you are a murderer, just wandering around Willy nilly looking for victims. Including our brave soldiers! >:(

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 21:16:42

It's not about Corona. It's not about red or blue. White or black. Not about climate change, healthcare reform or economic migrants. It's money and control.

Figuratively, not many people died from this virus. Arguably more people are injured or dying due to the treatments. It's not just the $40 billion profit Pfizer projected next quarter, or the recent bump with EUA on jabbing innocent kids. But Covid did usher in massive new control mechanisms. Shutdowns, vax pass, forced vaccinations, closing small business permanently. Your face covered in useless gestures. Many countries are now arresting and fining non- compliant slaves. Covid was used by politicians and corporations to print Trillions in free handouts to everyone but American citizens. $50 million to Harvard? The $25 million Kennedy memorial museum? Philharmonic Orchestra? $350 million for immigrant relocation programs during a pandemic? Nothing suspicious, nothing to see. Here's $1400, stfu we got rid of Trump for you. This is our reward. It wasn't about Covid, elections, Trump, impeachments OR black people's lives. But we all played our parts, and it's been, as pheebsie said, very informative about our situation and those around us. And those who control us. Turn off your tv. Earth Empires, maybe the weather app. That's it.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:34:03

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only way to fix the fluff show we have is by addressing the elephant in the room, and neither party wants to do so because they're both power hungry corrupt servants of not the people, question I have for everyone here and anyone that reads this you know what the elephant is?

You're in mixed company, so I expect mostly silence on that topic. But I'm going to take a swing and say corn syrup.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 19:25:19

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

We're a red state!!
Those looters won't come to MY city!!
I just bought some bullets!!!
Supreme Court will save our freedumbs!!!
I'm not racist!
LEGAL immigrants.
Walls are expensive, I'll take hurricane wire I guess....
Those were old statues anyway...
I didn't want to take the jab, but my work...
They better not try injecting kids with this stuff!!
I promise I'm not racist or sexist...please..sorry...
That low-income housing won't affect my property value.
Critical Race Theory (DEI) is just a fad. Like Olestra.
Want some more bumpkin?

Like I said, not a single cogent argument. Try again, slick. this time try to make whole sentences and include a point.

You asked if someone could prove that "leftists" are stupid and never learn. I gave you a list of both why leftists DID learn (how to win), and how the "right" were idiots who learned how to lose, despite near total control of government. You guys gave up on everything as the left did a smash n' grab on Americans and Nationalist countries in general. History will show some of the greatest battles were never even fought. Surrender and capitulation amid thunderous applause. You expect an honest election after witnessing the biggest most blatant steal ever recorded? The inmates are running the asylum and you guys opened all the doors because polite society bla bla. 2024 Y'all!! W00t W00t!! Trump trains a comin'!!!!

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 4th 2022, 7:28:18

Originally posted by Bug:
Um, So please explain to me why being a communist is a bad thing..

if you can come up with someone that proves why giving the people an equal chance of a decent living and why THIS is a bad thing I'll be really impressed.. If you say anything about "Free market" or Shares or Economy, you are 100% talking out of the Capitalist pig bullfluff trough and it will be ignored.

Another ignorable point is how corrupt communists are.. cause well.. I've got enough evidence to suggest both are equally corrupt.

Do not feed the Troll!!!! (_T_)

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2022, 17:43:40

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Ohhh this guy just failed 11 ops on me. I think he wants to LG a player cuz the bots are in too much DR.

32.9 mins ago
Zero Micron (#97) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 2804 enemy spies.

Remember the warning I gave about how griefing and razing countries there is a bad side effect of creating more griefers? If I couldn't finish my sets why should you get to? I don't care how my set ends, the satisfaction for me is flushing your finish down the bowl.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2022, 17:33:37

Instead of : Wordswordswords land grab to increase your capacity and production wordswordswords

Maybe try: Wordswordswords build a country to teach low D n00bs a lesson wordswordswords

Or even: Wordswordswords I'm bored, think I'll spoil some sets wordswordswords

But don't fall for: Wordswordswords I only do it when I start late and the bots have DR wordswordswords

Remember to farm responsibly and 1 retal is not a declaration of war. RoR and you're a parking lot.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2022, 16:52:26

No, they don't matter. Elections have given us a fake presidency propped up by mega corporations and bankers, who are currently running the show. Your leadership does not have the consent of the governed. Both state and federal elections we're rigged so blatantly, that the only way to avoid social "upheaval" was to shut down any court actions and tell the media to shut the fluff up. And here we are, 90% of the country admitting the Steal probably DID happen, but it's too late now....

The BBB bill was wildly unpopular spending $$$ jubilee. The greed was/is staggering. Too far, too quick. Manchin did what he did to make the Democrat (+squish and Rino's) party not appear a total pile of Communist fluff heels. Your governor knows without manipulated elections it spells the end of Democrat hold over government. Billionaires like control. If he switches to red team it will be to retain control. Just like squish republicans. They want that seat of power, and telling a few White lies doesn't matter when your doing it for the people's benefit.
If you want to know a good litmus test try to determine which politicians are worthy by how heavily invested (stocks, family are executives or doctors/scientist) in Big Pharma, and how hard they pushed the Scamdemic. Were they preaching on tv 24/7/365? "Vax or die!! You're killing Nana!! The chilren!!! 4boosters is not FULLY vaxxed!!! The vax pass is a good start, but we can always do more! ;))" Or did they "Try to be safe, vax if you want, stay home if you're sick. Customer facing businesses should be cautious. Carrying papers to avoid being arrested, or even buy food or see a doctor? Sounds like Nazi behavior, and we all know where that road led. No vaxx pass here! ."

tl;dr ->Money and power no more no less. Vote with your wallet. Buy local and turn off your TV. Ignorance is bliss.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 21:29:57

Originally posted by Gerdler:
If he farms people who can retal just to force a war he can't win, in order to ruin their round, then yes you are right that is griefing. However, if he farms someone who can't adequatly retaliate, in order to better his chances at a good NW, that is netting.

These are very simple concepts that no one is actually confused about, only a few people who decided it is fun to troll the community by acting confused about them for some reason keep beating this dead horse.

Incorrect. Creating or purchasing items to increase your NW (Net Worth) is called 'Netting'.
Attacking competition in order to decrease their production or holdings so you can get a better finish is called 'Strategy'.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 21:18:09

He chose one of his favorite.
Betty Marion White Ludden (January 17, 1922 – December 31, 2021) was an American actress and comedian. A pioneer of early television, with a career spanning nine decades, White was noted for her vast work in the entertainment industry. She was among the first women to exert control in front of and behind the camera and the first woman to produce a sitcom (Life with Elizabeth), which contributed to her being named honorary Mayor of Hollywood in 1955.White is often referred to as ‘the First Lady of Television’.

God bless you Betty White. Our golden girl. Thank you for being a friend. You will be missed.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 19:19:23

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Go ahead, I'll wait to see what you imbeciles come up with. No need even trotting out any of the multitude of fluff ups by the left either in history, or current news. Either way, you morons have ZERO chance of producing a cogent argument for your stupidity.

We're a red state!!
Those looters won't come to MY city!!
I just bought some bullets!!!
Supreme Court will save our freedumbs!!!
I'm not racist!
LEGAL immigrants.
Walls are expensive, I'll take hurricane wire I guess....
Those were old statues anyway...
I didn't want to take the jab, but my work...
They better not try injecting kids with this stuff!!
I promise I'm not racist or sexist...please..sorry...
That low-income housing won't affect my property value.
Critical Race Theory (DEI) is just a fad. Like Olestra.
Want some more bumpkin?

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 19:09:13

Originally posted by SuperFly:

.... I look forward to farming both of them next set…

We call that griefin' round these parts....
Maybe start fresh and not late. Probably have to change your name couple sets, but that is the life you chose here.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 19:03:55

He's trolling you man. At this point the "haha, you Netters are jes mad haha!! Carry D yo!! Dem bots be makin y'all lazy af!" It's either beyond their grasp or purposeful. Ignore and move on. Do not feed the animals.

g0nz0 Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 18:57:53

Elections don't matter. They haven't for awhile now. But you keep on keepin' on, maybe there will be a NEW politician who gives a fluff about you, me, or the Mossad blackmail ring that has the world leaders and heads of corporations actively destroying Western Civilization. Who was Epstein and Ghislane working for and what are the consequences?

This is not about a letting him off on what would get most any normal citizen multiple life sentences. 10 years is 4 1/2 with decent behavior. There are weed dealers in for 20. Anyway, it's about you being angry at me, and not them.

Hey remember when that black domestic terrorist BLM soldier drove over a Christmas parade and killed/maimed children and elderly? What's that? Oh look!! Nutflix!! My God you people are simple.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 22:32:47

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Why are there so many rainbows????

Land grabs that haven't been repurposed for specialty. Eyes on your own paper!

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 2:45:26

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Tmac:
I think it's the first part galleri =P

I hate this app....

It's not as bad as giving birth. More like taking a big dump. No matter how things turn out, we really appreciate all the effort you put in here Galleri, the game, and as a member of the Earth community. I hope you had a great vacation. Welcome home.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 2:34:03

Originally posted by Buch:
Why's everyone so butthurt he's what 200k nw? But 200k troops 200k turrets and 50k tanks.... problem solved

Because a war country builds missiles and throws them at all the smaller nations hanging out in the lower ranks trying to get fat. He gets multiple targets. If you buy too much defense you grow out of range and hits get exponentially more expensive to make land grabs. So less fat countries overall with a dozen or so trashed mid to low nw countries.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who want to fight instead of net. So let them deal, he only has so many turns per day.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 31st 2021, 1:45:05

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by g0nz0:

And even then it took a senior admin/developer publicly shaming the server "mods" for anything to be done. ...

I'm certain this never happened.

I imagine if one could wander through your thoughts for a day it might look something like Alice in Wonderland.

I'm certain it did happen Prime. How many of us were on the forums calling his (and Hungry) behavior out? For MONTHS? You not taking any action. Brief responses about nothing. "'s not my pr...rules say..."

When and where did the Sanctions discussion come up? Was that voices in the wall? Your fluffing elf on a shelf? Nope, but it certainly wasn't you or my Gal.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 17:31:00

Some builds require grabs if you want top score. An all-x techer could win, as we see this round, but who knows if he didn't bomb those airbases or farm early risers. He could have won if gouche and the others didn't have their revenge. This game is replete with "what if's". Next round we'll see some skirmishes. Christmas break is over.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 16:37:25

Originally posted by SuperFly:
He made 8 countries last set and hit LaF with 17 SS with two of those countries so i stand corrected.

Gerdler hurry up and pick up your admin bat phone and have him sanctioned for messing with your team!!!!!

Dude, it took almost a year of you doing your thing before mods even bothered considering punishment. And even then it took a senior admin/developer publicly shaming the server "mods" for anything to be done. And it STILL didn't amount to more than a verbal warning. "Sanctions"?! Please...

Hungry is here to stay. You players get what you deserve.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 16:23:48

Originally posted by Tmac:

Depends, but prob not worth it here unless you planned it. You would need to stock oil all set or have rigs to help because you prob would struggle to find enough oil at the right price.

Decay is only good if you plan on stocking cash

I bought 6 million barrels for $130 or less. Plenty more to be had. Should I just hold and resell later when oil goes up, keep buying while it's cheap? As to Gerald's inference this is in Alliance.

Edit: This is "stocked" oil. I usually can't make it past 10k acres without getting hit, so my oil needed for grabs isn't high.

Edited By: g0nz0 on Dec 30th 2021, 16:30:02
See Original Post

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 16:18:16

Originally posted by enshula:
i think hungry hit every tag on the server last set

Maybe he just needs a friend. Has any clan offered to adopt him?

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 18:35:55

When I use oil to refill my private market, can I exceed my Max PM capacity? Is buying oil worth it or do I focus on food and PM buyout timing?

If I am a farmer is resource decay a waste of bonus, maybe more for ca$hers?

Free candy for best answer.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 18:27:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
They are trying to help you. Go send them thank you messages

Those are the other countries he multi tapped, AB farmed, or did hate ops on. EOS well-deserved. Not a griefer just greedy and a twisted sense of humor. Mayhaps this was the plan all along...

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 18:19:20

Originally posted by Rocky79:
Originally posted by guochel:
he is a griefer

Looks to me like he's a brilliant strategist who is now in first place due to some risky moves

I dunno man. I'm not crazy about the "spend your cashing turns ABing small countries and bombing competition airbases" as the best strat. I'm still new here though. Lots to learn. Let's see how his getting stomped into the ground strat works.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 28th 2021, 18:01:51

Originally posted by blue3:
land grab getting harder

Grabbing is easy. Getting more land is difficult. You see players starting as Tyr, or buying mil strat tech. Set a land goal and start grabbing early. You don't need the fattest country, just the most efficient and well-run.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 28th 2021, 5:10:04

A good way to increase your readiness, when attacking, is to either do spy ops (stir Rebellions, bomb buildings, etc), or to launch missiles. This way you are still attacking without wasting turns. If you are a techer you should attempt to research, this gets $ for war.

g0nz0 Game profile


Dec 28th 2021, 4:24:18

Cashers gotta spend turns man. Sly just taking out the competition.