
guochel Game profile


Jan 31st 2025, 23:43:01

great job everyone. no idea how land of little people managed to hit 31 mil with communism

guochel Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:12:09

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
There may not be a high scoring techer out there this set (maybe that's the cause of the low tech supply). Sometimes $29M will win the set.

uh, maybe i overestimated my end NW this round. now, i think i'll be happy if i hit 25 million NW

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s a good point that’s a winning score in the right sets. I had the same issues you are describing cracking 30 mil. I would try and experiment and tweak the little things. Set your standing orders for tech a few hundred cheaper. Sell your goods for a little more expensive. Try and waste less turns and save every single turn you can and play it as late as possible when tech prices drop. That one helps a lot.

Overall though, that’s part of it. I’m having the same issues now cracking 40 mil. It’s just a puzzle and like the Rubik’s cube you just have to keep trying different combos and take note when you find a good one and add it to the repertoire. Little by little you can claw your way up 100k nw at a time.

I can guide you through a few strats with more tips on how I did it, just send me a message if you wish.

sent you a pm!

guochel Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 3:31:13

Originally posted by Bablo:
To some people repeating over and over i messed up is good....

i didn't mean to sound rude. i just still don't know what you're trying to say

Originally posted by Cathankins:
In the high scores rankings I am in the top 30; 29th in primary, 21st in tourney, and 9th on express. There’s a select few players right now who can hit higher scores then me so I think I have the credentials to say that. I’ll climb more in that chart. I am sure I can hit 150 mil in primary if I get serious about my sets. Give it time, I’ll be a top 10 player. I’ve just been messing around lately but I may get serious and try and hit some high scores at some point.

great job, dude! keep improving. maybe even ask the players who do even better than you for help in order to improve?

guochel Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 13:35:57

i knew i shouldn't have drank coffee and then watched all that porno

failure failure failure... isn't so bad. i just rather be winning and succeeding

Originally posted by Bablo:
To some people repeating over and over i messed up is good....

i have no idea what you're talking about dude

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by guochel:
i think i'm going to reach around 26-28 million NW this reset for my commy, because of how bad the tech market was this reset

i have no bus/res tech because they cost too much

my industrial tech is not really maxed out, because of how high the costs were this round

the low selling price of turrets/jets/tanks/troops didn't help either

my stockpile right now is 1.7 billion, which was around the same amount as what i had last reset at this time of the round, but this time i have no bus/res tech, so the turns will be costly

That’s an awesome finish! The only guys hitting those crazy 40 mil are some of the best players to ever play the game. I would consider the 28 million a great. Especially with the tech being scarce. If you are hitting those scores you aren’t far from the top.

Thank you so very much. i needed to hear that. even if 28 million NW is very good, i will always aim for improvement! success and failure should be measured by how much you improved over your past iteration! and in the off chance that you are wrong and that 28 million is not so good, i will still aim for improvement over the past reset!
but i don't think you're wrong, tho. so i should be very happy. but i feel like i've been stuck in this 28-32 million NW spam cluster for over 3 years, now, in tournament

guochel Game profile


Jan 25th 2025, 18:13:51

to some people 26-28 million NW is very high lol
to some people 26-28 million NW is very low lol

but i don't care. all i aim for is improvement. trying to get better and better each round by trying new things and adjustments

Edited By: guochel on Jan 25th 2025, 18:26:57
See Original Post

guochel Game profile


Jan 25th 2025, 17:48:55

i think i'm going to reach around 26-28 million NW this reset for my commy, because of how bad the tech market was this reset

i have no bus/res tech because they cost too much

my industrial tech is not really maxed out, because of how high the costs were this round

the low selling price of turrets/jets/tanks/troops didn't help either

my stockpile right now is 1.7 billion, which was around the same amount as what i had last reset at this time of the round, but this time i have no bus/res tech, so the turns will be costly

guochel Game profile


Jan 23rd 2025, 2:02:31

whoever sold me that 20,000 industrial tech, nice doing business with you!

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 23:54:33

that's a great idea! i will make those orders right now.

glad we're not competing for industrial tech lol

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 21:12:57

if i set a standing order at 4000, the sellers will just sell their industrial tech at 5000 or 5500. best not to create any high standing orders or the sellers will think demand is ultra high and they'll try to get a "good" price for their tech

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 6:03:31

could someone please sell industrial tech? like we're starving here; you can make a lot of money if you just tech industrials and sell them at 4000

guochel Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 2:09:50

so what i think is happening is that somewhere in game b or c, there's two techers going to war with each other, and that's why there is no tech on the market

guochel Game profile


Jan 15th 2025, 22:28:26

yes, there's no tech on the market

guochel Game profile


Jan 15th 2025, 1:55:56

this whole reset is ruined for me. not doing anything well. stuff isn't selling well. no industrial tech on the market. i'm so poor, i haven't even started stockpiling

guochel Game profile


Jan 12th 2025, 5:16:37

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
PS Jan 10, 11:37 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 358 A
PS Jan 10, 11:39 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 267 A
PS Jan 10, 12:46 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 172 A
PS Jan 11, 13:03 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 166 A
PS Jan 11, 13:03 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 151 A

this idiot is about to get his ass wooped lol

goat only reached 10 million last reset

guochel Game profile


Jan 12th 2025, 1:00:32

how else do i sell my stuff? i have to undercut all the other commies

guochel Game profile


Jan 11th 2025, 1:19:46

i am so fluffed. all the communists are so fluffed. no one is buying turrets or jets anymore this round. it was a big mistake to go indy

guochel Game profile


Jan 6th 2025, 23:30:18

thanks a lot

guochel Game profile


Jan 6th 2025, 18:25:25

will i reach 35 million NW with my current strategy?

i tried at tech start last reset. i reached 29 million NW, whereas i reached 32 million NW the reset before that using a normal build 260 CS and then start batch exploring strategy

i am also already doing exactly the 20 turns and then sell and then 20 turns and sell, in an attempt to tech faster

guochel Game profile


Jan 4th 2025, 17:39:25

my plan this reset was to do a communist indy with all the stuff that people told me to do at the beginning of the reset, which is get a lot tech as early as possible, and use the profits to get more tech, but i used up my first 100 turns to build cs and then worse yet, i didn't have any money to build industrial complexes so i used even more turns to build CSes to get money (from my 100 farms) to build industrial complexes until i reached 20000 turrets

now, i am sitting at 140 CS and only now do i have enough money to build as many industrial complexes as i want.

well, my intention is to explore to 1900, build industrial complexes all the way, keep making money by selling my turrets on market to buy industrial tech, and make another 60 CSes (and buy more industrial tech) and then batch explore to 3800, build it up with Industrial complexes, and batch explore, and repeat, while buying industrial tech as i can

am i doing this right?

guochel Game profile


Jan 3rd 2025, 0:15:51

you always forget to destock. this is like the 8th time you've done this

guochel Game profile


Jun 2nd 2024, 5:07:25

oh, i forgot about that. thanks!

guochel Game profile


Jun 1st 2024, 7:03:14

i need tech allies for my tech start.
i will be researching bus and res for my tech start
hit me up asap!

guochel Game profile


May 27th 2024, 18:08:02

we need more people for this idea of changing governments to gain traction. but not enough people visit this area of the forums

guochel Game profile


May 25th 2024, 17:10:53

oh, i must have misread those responses

guochel Game profile


May 25th 2024, 14:56:20

guys, stop making fun of me! i'm serious about changing governments in order to introduce some more variety into this non-changing aspect of the game that has existed since the beginning of earth 2025 days

maybe my ideas for changing are too radical, then we should make some very minor changes! that would still introduce more variety and make it fun for existing players

my idea of very minor changes:
a 10% increase here or there, a 10% decrease here or there, in preexisting governments.

that would make people who are very experienced and focused on the theory behind each strategy (comy indy / rep casher / dem farmer / theo techer) feel a huge breath of newness, which would be fun!

guochel Game profile


May 16th 2024, 20:15:45

i don't really know the deep dynamics between governments in this game, but here is my attempt at new governments or additional stats to old governments

TECHNOCRACY (the research government)
+50% science maximum
+100% maximum missile science
+20% research lab effectiveness

THEOCRACY (the buyer/reseller government)
+300% private market replenishment rate

REPUBLIC/DEMOCRACY (the casher governments)
+20% res/bus science effectiveness (or maximum science)
+20% population growth

DICTATORSHIP (the thief government)
+30% spy tech effectiveness
+100% espionage gains
-50% spy maintenance cost
new op: rob banks
new op: rob food stores (even those on market)
new op: rob oil (even those on market)
new op: propaganda (a very difficult op that requires huge advantage in relative spies per acre), this allows you to have a random chance of stealing another country's troops / jets / turrets / tanks (the randomness means that you don't know which category of unit you're stealing in each successful op)

TYRANNY (the super warring government)
-50% military losses on offense and defense
no military losses in helping allies
allies don't get losses if their military helps your military
+1 defensive/offensive ally slot

i would like oil science to be implemented

these changes are just from someone who doesn’t really understand the deep dynamics of the game. feel free to suggest anything and remove or add what i listed here

guochel Game profile


May 15th 2024, 16:18:25

we've had these same 7 government types for the past 20 years. can it be like utopia where the stats of the races/governments change every reset? i think that would be fun

edit: woops, maybe this is in the wrong forum

guochel Game profile


May 1st 2024, 5:19:03

what's a coup

guochel Game profile


Apr 30th 2024, 23:19:39

effective immediately, i will be taking control of paradime and its name will be changed to paradie ....

despite the fact that i've never played in alliance before and i don't have any idea what i'm talking about or what's really going on

guochel Game profile


Apr 21st 2024, 15:35:05

does this mean it's pointless to sell turrets, troops, and tanks and buy turrets, troops, and tanks, because you'll never get attacked?

guochel Game profile


Apr 6th 2024, 22:52:58

guochel Game profile


Apr 6th 2024, 21:27:48

omg plz dont hurt me, i hope you're not in game A, superfly!

guochel Game profile


Apr 6th 2024, 21:03:29

i wasn't here 15 years ago, but i'm pretty sure it's still a "wild wild west" server, because you can do anything to anyone as long as you don't collaborate with someone else. if the mods find out that you chatted with someone and used this chat to team up on another player, you will get deleted

sometimes, two people can be at war, but if you intervene on behalf of one player (without the person you're attacking doing some type of harmful op against you), you can also get deleted

guochel Game profile


Apr 4th 2024, 16:57:27

those filthy netgainers will find the power of god's might rushing down their throat.

guochel Game profile


Mar 22nd 2024, 1:46:12

it's completely gone to fluff. none of my turrets will sell even if i put the at the lowest price
this set is ruined. i knew i should have never gone communist

guochel Game profile


Mar 20th 2024, 4:53:21

none of my turrets are selling. no one is buying turrets today, damn it
two days ago, turrets were being sold off nonstop that the market didn't have any turrets to sell. today, nobody buys turrets
at least the jets are selling off

guochel Game profile


Mar 17th 2024, 21:26:16

*watches and eats popcorn*

rocky79 would know what to do with this interaction ;)

guochel Game profile


Mar 13th 2024, 16:24:32

oh yes, absolutely!

guochel Game profile


Mar 13th 2024, 0:48:16


so basically, i am deep in my first and final teching/researching phase (i just spent 200-250 turns teching to 150k industrials, 50k business, and 50k residentials). i am about to switch to commy/indy. i have 3950 acres and i am about to raze all my labs (3694 to be exact) to industrial complexes. after that, i will batch explore to ~7500 after loading up on turns from the bonuses.

analysis of this approach to getting tech (teching instead of buying from market):
i don't think it's a bad approach. Because while i am teching at 3950 acres, i am getting about 1200 tech points per turn. assuming that i could have sold this tech on the market, each tech point is 3500$ each. this translates to roughly 1150$/acre while teching/researching. This is a whopping difference compared to say... buying tech from the market as a farmer. if i were to buy tech from the market as a farmer with say 0 agricultural tech, i would be making around 200 dollars/acre from my 3694 acres of farms. same with commy/indy, i think.

so i would be getting much less tech if i were to buy it all from the market (with each tech point around 3500$ each at this stage of the round) as a farmer or an industrialist. The only bad thing about using teching/researching phase instead of just buying it all from the market as a farmer or industrialist is that while i'm teching, i'm not exploring. i just spent 250 turns teching, which could have been used to explore myself to around 8000 acres by now. 4000-5000 additional bonus acres as a farmer means that i would be making around relatively 500-600 dollars/acre as a 3950 acre farmer with 0 agricultural tech.

Edited By: guochel on Mar 13th 2024, 0:52:48
See Original Post

guochel Game profile


Mar 5th 2024, 20:59:10

oh no, please don't hurt me, i'm a virgin ;)

guochel Game profile


Mar 5th 2024, 19:41:18

but there are no communists either in game a, b, or c => high demand for military units ;)

guochel Game profile


Mar 4th 2024, 23:41:11

i'm going commy/indy this time, since swamp guardians says he's going farmer. can't have two big farmers, that would flood the market and make it impossible to make money for either of us

guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 13:37:05

Originally posted by NitelL:
It's usually some version of storing max turns, and buying as much tech as you can as early as possible.

The general problem with tourney is the tech market is empty early on, so if you don't be patient and store turns, you'll use a lot of these early turns with no tech. These tech advantages compound throughout the set, i.e. if you have 1% more tech at turn 100, you can buy another 1% more tech at turn 101 with your additional production etc. Also means you have 1% more production over the next 1800 turns, and both of these dynamics add up.

i always buy my tech as early as possible

Originally posted by NitelL:

Tech starts are never worth it on tourney afaik - maybe possible if you do a super short one and start grabbing (the latter is also possibly a death sentence on this server haha).

damn, tech starts don't work on this server, huh? oh well, i will try it anyway this one time

guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 0:46:57

wow, swamp guardians himself! if you don't tech start, how did you get 38 million NW using commy/indy? the best i ever got with commy/indy is probably 28 million NW

guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 0:32:41

i'm not too sure if it means anything to talk about my strategy, but here goes:

usually, i am an explorer farmer. i batch explore first, then start buying tech until it no longer benefits me to buy tech (payoff does not overcome cost of tech), and then i keep exploring in increments after my 2-3rd batch explore. i don't buy spies, i don't buy tanks or troops, i don't attack, i just keep exploring and building farms and stockpiling my bushels until the end when i sell all my bushels on private market for 35/bushel. with this strategy, i am able to get around 27-28 million NW by set end.

but i noticed that some people (swamp guardians) are able to reach 38-40 million using other strategies. i've been trying to figure out how they do that, and so i think it's because they implement a research/teching phase at the very beginning which is far more cost efficient than buying tech incrementally using the market, and so that is what i will do this round

i will batch explore to 3700 acres (convert everything to research labs), then i will tech for 200 turns, hopefully reaching max agriculture tech, and then i will raze my research labs into farms and i will play like normal. hopefully, with this strategy, i will be able to reach 35 million NW by set end

wish me luck!

also, if you think there's a different way to reach 35 million NW as a farmer, or if i am wrong, then please tell me!

guochel Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 2:29:51

i've never had sex nor have i ever kissed a girl before

i keep running away (or ignore) when girls like me and chase girls who don't

guochel Game profile


Feb 13th 2024, 3:12:54

nice :)

guochel Game profile


Feb 12th 2024, 21:37:11

how did he die?

i know that guy. i had a war with him in the past. very annoying. i stopped attacking him and he kept doing ops on me