


Jun 28th 2015, 22:34:45

Originally posted by mrford:
I am tag dinos. You have 72 hours.

If you tell me your tag a day before you hit I will even let you hit me for 24 hours before I hit back.

Otherwise I farm you till you balls up or die.

You are the only one talking about not game related stuff. Yoh are the only one frustrated enough to talk about things you know nothing about lIke other's real lives. I am wondering if you are trying to convince me, or yourself with all that yapping you are doing.

I guess we will find out.

Wow. I can't fathom what its like being inside the head of an angry little man. I'm way too zen for that to even fathom.

Lets see. I said you're the man. You're good at this game. You're good at math. You have bigger countries than me. But its not enough.

And if I don't fight? And you find out my country numbers anyway? What are you a l33t h4x0r? In bed with the admins/mods? That would be an eye opener. I don't do well when the cards are stacked against me. So I guess I will quit the game again if that happens. If the admins leaks info to an angry knome like you who is getting his panties in a bunch because boohoo he hurt my feelings on the forum... .waeahhhhhh. Wouldn't be good for the site with less people but what the heck right.

Wait a sec, this I have to quote again:

I am wondering if you are trying to convince me, or yourself with all that yapping you are doing.

Didn't you read? I called myself and I quote "ugly loser moron with low IQ.". I'm talking about my real life here. I don't need convincing of myself. I've already done that. I say it openly. You're better than me in real life and at the game. You you still want to beat me more in the game? Man. Go see a therapist or something about that rage you have!

As for whether I need to convince myself of the fact as to whether you're an angry person? That is obvious. I am not the first to say it. Not in this forum. And I bet certainly not in your real life. But ignorance is more blissful. We could all use a little more bliss. Especially when we're so angry all the time right?

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 22:38:07



Jun 28th 2015, 21:49:44

Originally posted by Nerrus:
Originally posted by mrford:
I will moderate team.

Angry bird for Team moderator? Celphi is doomed.
Dude youre so right. ford has real life anger issues. I'd be afraid of him in real life. Seems like the kinda guy that uses violence to solve problems. Maybe done a little time in the slammer you know? Maybe takes it out on the wife from time to time? I don't know. I'm brainstorming here whats your problem? One thing is for certain though. He doesn't sound like a church going man to me. No sir.



Jun 28th 2015, 21:41:17

Originally posted by mrford:

This is the last time I offer you the FS.

You offered FS? I must have missed it. You still wouldn't say which countries you are.

But anyway. I'm a peace loving jungle man. I don't know how to war. I only know how to love.



Jun 28th 2015, 21:34:51

Originally posted by mrford:
I'm not angry lol. You are nothing more than a chiuauah that is barking loud as heck and is about to learn his place.

This is the last time I offer you the FS. If you deny it again the next time you hear from me will be when you are losing land.

Have a nice night.
Ford. You're an angry person. Foaming at the mouth angry. Go hug a tree. Be one with nature combined. Take in the serene beauty mother nature has to offer. You will come out with a better respect and appreciation for life; and hopefully a little less anger.

BTW, for real. This is a real life advice now. Don't do what you're doing here. When you get into an argument with people, keep it verbal. Don't go swinging when youre losing a debate or you're getting angry. Debates should be solved with words. Not with the fist.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 21:37:54



Jun 28th 2015, 21:29:24

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by id1028s:
Originally posted by mrford:
Your mouth got your ass in trouble. You don't have the option to fluff out anymore. I have nothing to prove, I just don't let fluff talkers walk away.

As for me being angry, lol. I have ribs in the smoker, and I'm drinking a beer on my riding lawnmower. You are the one making real life assumptions here. A sure sign of desperation.

I'm getting ready to give you another situation of desperation. I suggest you let me give you the FS.

You're an angry person ford. I can totally tell. I don't think playing competitive games like EE with the extra stress of having to deal with other online players is good for your psyche on top of whatever baggage you already carry in real life. Having to deal with trolls and all. I think you need some other less stressful activities to brighten up your life. Some people join dance class. Go bowling. Yoga is good. Or medication might help too. I'd lay off the beer though. Alcohol and anger issues is never a good mix. At least you're at home and not at a bar. Bar fights are never good to wake up to. Hang over is fluff enough.

And you wonder why I'm going to war you. Do you ever know when to shut up?
And you wonder why I said you have anger issues? By the way, do you? Why must you project dominance through physical action and violence? The world can be such a calm and peaceful place with a little less anger and a little bit more love.

It seems violence is your goto response. Here is what I know works for people. They do yoga. They meditate. Its good for the mind. It calms the nerves. It might heal some anger issues. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Go hug some trees. Be one with the environment my friend (figuratively speaking).



Jun 28th 2015, 21:20:21

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
ID for your interest: I wasnt hitting smaller countries.

Clan Start nw
NBK 66,643,460

Clan Start nw
TT 109,263,514
What was TT's original countries setup like? I'm surprised he seemingly didn't have any SDI at all.



Jun 28th 2015, 21:19:02

Originally posted by mrford:
Your mouth got your ass in trouble. You don't have the option to fluff out anymore. I have nothing to prove, I just don't let fluff talkers walk away.

As for me being angry, lol. I have ribs in the smoker, and I'm drinking a beer on my riding lawnmower. You are the one making real life assumptions here. A sure sign of desperation.

I'm getting ready to give you another situation of desperation. I suggest you let me give you the FS.

You're an angry person ford. I can totally tell. I don't think playing competitive games like EE with the extra stress of having to deal with other online players is good for your psyche on top of whatever baggage you already carry in real life. Having to deal with trolls and all. I think you need some other less stressful activities to brighten up your life. Some people join dance class. Go bowling. Yoga is good. Or medication might help too. I'd lay off the beer though. Alcohol and anger issues is never a good mix. At least you're at home and not at a bar. Bar fights are never good to wake up to. Hang over is fluff enough.



Jun 28th 2015, 21:06:28

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by id1028s:
why do you have so much to prove all the time? Whats the deal with that? I've already said you're the best player here. You're smart and all of that. rough day at work?

You said I was too stupid to math right when it was you who don't understand the game. You challenged me to prove I could kill 16 then said I didn't know what I was talking about.

You should accept this challenge or I'll start asking around and find your countries and grab you till you have no choice.

You said you wouldn't war unless dragged jn to one. Don't make me.

Seriously why do you have so much to prove here? You sound... angry. Are you an angry person ford? Do you have demons inside? Is life chewing you up and spitting you out?

From the conclusion of this discussion a few things are clear to the masses. One, you've won the argument. Two, you're good at math. Three, you are superior. Four, I'm an ugly loser moron with low IQ.

Think about it. You're still trying to prove something. I don't even care about it. Its a stupid game. You've already won. You want a hug? Oh you're gonna "pull some strings" now because you're Mr popular with a big Rolodex? You'd go that far over a thread that is discussing something else? Seriously? Because that would be pathetic. You're not a pathetic person are you? I wouldn't have thought so. You almost sound like one of those guys that go after people in real life over a game. You're not that kind of loser are you? Can't keep the fighting words on the forum with more fighting words? Must take it out on people in more ways than one? It almost seems like, if this was real life, and we had an argument, it would end in a fist fight because you can't keep the disagreement within the confines of the debate. You must take action elsewhere and take things up a few notches.

Me, I'd like to net to play strategies. I'm not the warring kind. Not like you. You can continue to war people who want to war. Oh and you're the man. There. Said it again!

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 21:11:52



Jun 28th 2015, 20:54:39

If you turn around and say what I just said is obvious, why would you make a long post arguing against what was said by saying it was wrong then? The walking contradiction contradicted himself again.



Jun 28th 2015, 20:46:35

I said not possible using GS and BR and hitting a larger country where your countries have to specialize in an army type. Its possible when you're hitting smaller countries and then using turns on ops to stir more rebellion to get readiness back up, and then going to fight again. I didn't say it was impossible to get more than 4 period. I said impossible using normal attack.

It is possible in this case, clearly as he did it, because the guy had no SDI. Likely no spies. The countries were on par or smaller than him. Then it works. If you're fighting a country bigger than you, with lots of spies, turrents and troops and strong SDI, then it wouldn't. Grasshopper.



Jun 28th 2015, 20:24:45

why do you have so much to prove all the time? Whats the deal with that? I've already said you're the best player here. You're smart and all of that. rough day at work?



Jun 28th 2015, 19:44:40

I'm not even looking to war. You're the one looking to war. You're to hypocritical one asking for people's numbers first but don't want to give it and say you're not interested in being blind sided, but is happy to do the blind siding.

I guess that means I can troll through your posts to find your numbers. But I don't care to. Your countries are likely bigger than mine. Good for you. bravo!



Jun 28th 2015, 19:23:26

Yeah Im a noob. Maybe your countries are bigger. I wouldn't have a clue as you still haven't told us yet.



Jun 28th 2015, 19:20:41

Yeah but #79 did top feed 3 countries in a row.



Jun 28th 2015, 19:05:17

lol why did you delete your 5 good countries? Isn't it worse for you now? I mean originally I thought you deleted so you can 'hide' from NBK with new countries for a while. But then you tagged up on TT again on the new countries and retalled. All with lower networth than the original (the ones you've deleted). What?



Jun 28th 2015, 18:45:45

Why don't you post your country numbers here and await a FS. You're the one challenging people left and right like a boss since you're so good at this game and so smart apparently.

I doubt it. I bet many of your countries are bigger than mine.



Jun 28th 2015, 18:22:04

Originally posted by mrford:
I have already done it. When I fought one of my 2 1v1 wars a couple sets ago.

Look, I know you are bad at this game and it seems impossible for someone to be that good, but it isnt. And if you are at war and you arnt getting your bonus turns, you are an idiot. You keep adding conditions and stipulations to the killing lol. You are suprised that people don't kill the same way as you? You think that just because I am better than you I kill weaker countries? You are trying so hard to understand.

I FS entire clans and don't give a fluff. You got me all wrong kid, I would like to show you just how wrong, but you are probably all talk.

Chems, SRs good target selection, tech, and matching NWs go a long way. I don't really care if you are too stupid to fight that way, it doesn't make it impossible. I also didn't say every time I war I can kill 16 in 30 hours, just that I have done it before against fluffty players like HT and Cerb.

You're being incredibly hypocritcal. You start by saying people are "adding conditions and stipulations" when you are the one who's doing it all along. You said 30 hours. You're now saying matching NW. Now you're turning around and back peddling by saying you can't get 16 in 30 hours.

The reality is you can't when you're hitting bigger countries. You look like the kinda guy that hides behind your clan anyway. Or if you lose a 1v1 you have dirty tricks where you get your buddies to pretend to 'land grab' your target so it weakens them somewhat and tread on the line of breaking rules in other servers. You seem like that kinda guy.



Jun 28th 2015, 17:45:15

Originally posted by mrford:
Bonus turns dumb fluff. 6-9 from just logging in, and 4 for clicking to vote.

Do some math again.
Yeah because everybody gets all the bonuses. Lets give you 1300 in 24 hours. Tell me how you can use 16 countries to take out 16 countries in 30 hours (1625 turns). You're saying you can take out one country, using just one country by using 102 turns.

Like I said, as would be expected of you, you're used to picking on smaller countries. The ONLY way you'd even be able to succeed is to combine ops with strikes. Try that on a bigger target. You simply can't do it. They either have more troops, turrets or spy count than you. You either op them or you strike them. The end. And you'd be using 40% of those turns or more getting your readiness back up. So really you probably only have 50 turns to hit if you're tyranny.

BS is BS. Why don't you demonstrate. go KR 16 in 30 hours and report back. Until then, like the other guy said, he also built a rocket using duck tape.



Jun 28th 2015, 17:06:19

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by id1028s:
Originally posted by mrford:
i have solo killed 16 in ~30 hours and i didnt have too many missiles

i have no clue who you are id1028s, but you dont know what you are taking about when it comes to killing.
I never gave a time frame.

My 4 KR per day refers to using only 120 turns for 16 countries and using BR or GS. So within 24 hours I can definitely get 8 KR if I had (120) stored turns.

You've giving yourself 30 hour time frame. You're changing the definition. If I had 120(120), I can probably get 16 also if they were solo sitting on their hands and not walling. And if I had 500 hours time frame.... you get the point.

If I use all of the turns everyday on a normal basis, I can get 2 KR per day doing BR or GS.

Then you are bad at killing, like I said. You just said in a pot that with 1300+ turns a day you can only get 2 kills. Lol.

And if you are too stupid to understand why I said 30 hours and then gave conditions, then there isn't much point in explaining.

No I didn't. You can't read. You also can't do math. TUrns every 20 min. Even if you go strictly 24 hours, you only get 72 turns per day per country. 16 countries make 1152 turns total per day in 24 hour period. Even with bonus you'd have 1216. Still shy of 1300. I don't know how you came up with "1300+" [sic] other than the inability to do math. I rather be able to calculate math than be good at EE. To each their own though.

And I normally only have around 40 turns to really do KRs with. Afterall, your readiness does drop. Now, I don't try to regain the readiness by doing ops on people at the same time. Because guess what, I tend to fight fairly big countries with more spy count and troops/turrent count than mine so it wouldn't work that way. I have my countries focused on jets or troops to make the hitting or larger targets effective. So I can't BR/GS and then op to get readiness back up and go again. You're probably used to picking on smaller countries. It works differently when you do that. WHen you do what you're used to, which is fighting weaker countries, yes you can GS/BR and then use ops to get your readiness back up and go again. This would increase your KR count per day. But I guess I"m not used to going after smaller countries.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 17:26:15



Jun 28th 2015, 17:02:21

lol TT hit you back. What the hell was his point of deleting then and getting a crappier country from the restart? Seems retarded?



Jun 28th 2015, 16:47:53

Its probably marshall's country. #79 was top feeding his last few hits. #1 #83 #17 were all higher ranked that he hit in series.



Jun 28th 2015, 16:33:20

Originally posted by mrford:
i have solo killed 16 in ~30 hours and i didnt have too many missiles

i have no clue who you are id1028s, but you dont know what you are taking about when it comes to killing.
I never gave a time frame.

My 4 KR per day refers to using only 120 turns for 16 countries and using BR or GS. So within 24 hours I can definitely get 8 KR if I had (120) stored turns.

You've giving yourself 30 hour time frame. You're changing the definition. If I had 120(120), I can probably get 16 also if they were solo sitting on their hands and not walling. And if I had 500 hours time frame.... you get the point.

If I use all of the turns everyday on a normal basis, I can get 2 KR per day doing BR or GS.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 16:40:44



Jun 28th 2015, 16:30:07

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
Originally posted by id1028s:
Originally posted by rebelnbk:
I understand your point id. Thats why I included another tag for this war. I saved my last two kills for that tag. But then i found out TT was deleting his last 5 countries, so there was no use to hit that second tag. With his originals left and most of the second tag alive I do think he (they) had a change.

But I understand, the way it turned out does make me look like a fool.
Yeah I saw the news feed and was wondering how it was possible for you to take out 16 in one day. Its not possible? You had a significant amount of missiles used so that helps and you were able to take out 11? Otherwise, if its straight up GS or BR, I'd say your max is 4 per day only. And that is if they're not online and walling. As it turned out he was self deleting.

Did they know you were warring them or not? Or was it totally random? How about the other clan?

I think its possible to kill 16 in 24 hours, but in one strike its almost impossible.
Both clans didnt know i would go after them. My post 2 days earlier to build up some defense didnt help I guess. ;)
Nobody knows who you're referring to. And should other people be worried too? I mean if you're gonna be like a madman wacking random ppl.

Really? 16 is a lot. Within a 24 hour period I think I can get 8. Never tried it. If you have missiles you could I guess. Save them to finish off the final civilians when it gets slower to attrition away per turn. The max I've ever done was 4 per day on a KR, using all the turns stored max. I guess if I had stored turns too, I'd be back in business within another 12 hours too to maybe get another 4.



Jun 28th 2015, 16:24:28

Elders is so FOS. You guys continue to war people after they make restarts too. As usual they say whatever the fak they want and think they can get away with it as if everyone is a moron, like they are those annoying compulsive liars that just lies and lies and lies with every word that spews out of their mouth.

I checked eestats again and I remember from last set too. Last set you were "warring" (and I use that in quotes because its another one of those FS wacks that gave nobody any chance) the clan "xNx". You FS hit them and killed off their biggest countries. Then you went after their smaller countries. None of the original countries fired a shot. Then, you killed off their restarts a couple of times.

So clearly you don't just 'end war' when you kill off the tag. You've never done that. BSers need to be called out.



Jun 28th 2015, 9:57:25

lol ur so full of shyt. and donny is on the forum. what a waste of space you are. and what a puzzy too naming someone else. If you're puzzy then just say it. don't make shyt up. ignored.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 10:04:58



Jun 28th 2015, 9:32:51

Originally posted by Colo:
Originally posted by id1028s:
Originally posted by Colo:
haha id1028s you are a massive twaat. Why don't you step up and fight reb?
I'm not TT. I'm just being a voice of reason here.

And Colo, I'm not a tough guy. My countries are weak as shyt. NBK easily overwhelms me. If you're such a tough guy why don't you step up?

And NBK is a warring clan as they say. And the EE wiki says they like wars. So it would be more fun and honorable if the war was reciprocated on both sides where the other side willingly fights back. Otherwise there is no point to it and it wouldn't be a war anymore but a slaughter.

Whhhattt, you aren't a tough guy?!? I honestly didn't get that from all your whining across the servers.

I'm not a tough guy because I don't go around warring. I save my warring for when players piss me off. There has to be a legit reason for me to war. Not warring for the sake of it because the set was 'boring'. I'd be netting all the way until I am pulled into one.

So tough guy is an attitude. Not the networth of your country. My networth can be really good (its not) and still not be a tough guy. You can have a crappy networth and be a tough guy. Tough guy also doesn't mean winner. A tough guy can pick on a timid guy and lose the war. Get it?

So back to you sounding like a tough guy. What are your countries then tough guy?



Jun 28th 2015, 9:00:16

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
I understand your point id. Thats why I included another tag for this war. I saved my last two kills for that tag. But then i found out TT was deleting his last 5 countries, so there was no use to hit that second tag. With his originals left and most of the second tag alive I do think he (they) had a change.

But I understand, the way it turned out does make me look like a fool.
Yeah I saw the news feed and was wondering how it was possible for you to take out 16 in one day. Its not possible? You had a significant amount of missiles used so that helps and you were able to take out 11? Otherwise, if its straight up GS or BR, I'd say your max is 4 per day only. And that is if they're not online and walling. As it turned out he was self deleting.

Did they know you were warring them or not? Or was it totally random? How about the other clan?

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 9:03:27



Jun 28th 2015, 8:58:31

Originally posted by Colo:
haha id1028s you are a massive twaat. Why don't you step up and fight reb?
I'm not TT. I'm just being a voice of reason here.

And Colo, I'm not a tough guy. My countries are weak as shyt. NBK easily overwhelms me. If you're such a tough guy why don't you step up?

And NBK is a warring clan as they say. And the EE wiki says they like wars. So it would be more fun and honorable if the war was reciprocated on both sides where the other side willingly fights back. Otherwise there is no point to it and it wouldn't be a war anymore but a slaughter.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 9:01:31



Jun 28th 2015, 6:23:47

I don't think you gave TT a chance though. How would you expect a fair fight after he has maybe 3-4 original countries left (he self deleted), and the rest are gonna be restarts and obviously weaker. Its basically a lost fight for him already. Attrition over time from back and fourth means he will eventually lose. You have the upperhand with the FS. Originally both your clans have similar sized countries.

If you want to war them or anyone else in the future you should declare ahead of time so you can fight it out. If fighting is what you're looking for. Some people don't look for fair fights though so I can understand if thats the case.

Edited By: id1028s on Jun 28th 2015, 6:31:24



Jun 28th 2015, 5:58:52

So you just randomly took out the TT tag?



Jun 28th 2015, 5:49:04

lol wtf are you guys talking about? What was outrageous about that thread? The only outrageous thing to have happened in that thread was the OP and elders warring random people for no reason. the mod should resign over what exactly?



Jun 28th 2015, 1:47:40

Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by id1028s:
so you're not against untags anymore. Thought you're out to ruin guys ruining sets. Clearly NBK is out for havoc. Tyranny and probably full of warfare tech and probably loaded on troops.

NBK is not an untagged they are a well known war clan that has bern around for years
The old NBK has more members. This one is just single person tag, most likely. 16 countries. You said you're after untags because you don't want trouble makers. What difference is there to what NBK just did?

TT was also there in previous resets. Unless it was a personal reason why NBK went after TT (doesn't look like it), then it looks like a random hit.



Jun 28th 2015, 1:30:23

Originally posted by Celphi:
It shows the amount of turns on hand from when that country signed out. So if you sign out with 0 turns remaining, that's how many it will show in spy ops.
Yeah I figured, thats what I mean from inferring from my observation. The fact I can op someone at different points in time and not show changes in turns must mean that I guess.



Jun 28th 2015, 1:20:30

You can grab more than 2x if your strategy involves using SS and being nimble.



Jun 28th 2015, 1:11:03

I dont know if its a bug or a design of the game but sometimes the ops don't show the existing turns left. I've opped people at different points in time and they show no gain in turns and no gain in used turns. Its as if its a snapshot of the last stats of the user's login or something. So you can't go by what the turns are showing. I don't think its accurate based on my experience.